lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

  • Female
  • Monroe C.
  • United States
  • Spain
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Maac's Friends

  • Venus E. Rose
  • Violeta R Alba
  • natasha Richards
  • Peter Melchizedek
  • Ms Tercy Lonan
  • Jose Nobrega
  • Faunaserene
  • chevez madrid moore
  • Horus
  • Abdul Muhaimin Shamsuddin
  • Mukesh
  • Will
  • Galina
  • geetha
  • CrystalStar Rita

~I AM a Being of Violet Fire, I AM The Purity God Desires - I AM THAT I AM~

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I was invited in an e-mail
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Do you wish to synchronize with two other members in extending the Violet Ray?
Please tell us about yourself - ENJOY!
I have been using the violet ray for myself and to help Mother Gaia in my meditations. There is still a lot for me to learn and do..I am of the Emerald Green Ray amongst others...
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PENSAMIENTO: (THOUGHT): the time to act is now


I Am the Violet Flame blazing, blazing through me now.
I Am the Violet Flame infusing each one of my chakras.
I Am the Violet Flame activating each strand of my DNA.
I Am the Violet Flame erasing all human imperfection.
I Am the Violet Flame enfolding me with the Love of Mother/Father God.
I Am the Violet Flame tracing the way for my glorious Ascension in the Light!
Violet Flame, O Violet Flame , may you flood this entire planet and all of humanity in an auric field of your Light, freeing and transforming all that is less than God's perfection! and so be it, beloved I AM.

♥♥ Saint Germain and The Angels of the Violet Flame♥♥

I call upon the violet flame (3x)
I call upon the Angels of the Violet Flame (3x)
I call upon Saint Germain of the Violet Flame (3x)
I ask for assistance in transforming ...... (state the situation you are
I thank you for your assistance, my loving gratitude.
(Say a few times a day)



Yo Soy la victoriosa presencia de Dios
Todopoderoso que ahora me reviste
de mi Manto, de mi Luz brillantísima,
la cual me hace y me conserva
a toda creación humana
para siempre....

Archangel Michael: Angel Warrior Group

Again, we of the Light are asking you to focus your divine powers upon the fifth dimensional Light grid. This grid needs to be strengthened now, and many other groups are simultaneously helping in this regard.

Once in a point in time, the call went out to you and you answered as only you can.

There are many things that are asked of you now, and we understand that you are doing the work that you do fairly blindly, with trust and faith in our messages to you. We understand that you have your own feelings to deal with, that of boredom for some, frustration for others, and there is a good smattering of curiosity and perplexity mixed in as well.

You wonder, “What is going on?” You ask, “Why is this happening?” And we must again say to you that if you have these questions about things, it is because you have a pre-conceived idea of what you feel must happen and how these things must go, in what order they must follow, and you are seeing that they are not following your preconceived plan. When you find yourself in this state, you must let go and allow, let go and allow the Light to work its way through the minds of all upon earth, including those who are evil, and have faith and trust that the right thing is always happening, no matter which timeline you are on.

This plan has been worked on for eons, my children. Eons, we of the Light knew this would happen and we could not prevent it because it was the will of the people upon earth to succumb their state of mind to materialism. They turned away from God, in favour of acquisition, so then they were primed to be further exploited by races that were already causing war in the galaxy. They fell victim to these races through their own greed and attracted to them that which they emitted – they attracted these greedy, exploitative, domineering races to the earth.

We are now in a time of Enlightenment. A new age is upon you all, and with it, the introduction of new energies that will revive what was a dying planet and a dying race of people. I need not repeat to you these details – you all realize this, but understand that God’s energy is final. God’s energy is powerful, and God has decreed that these people must again rise to the divine mastery they once enjoyed. Let them again learn to be the beautiful gods they once were before this darkness fell upon them.

They will finish learning their lessons of greed. When this is done, your world will change and evolve past the need for money and material possessions.

You have come here to help them to learn anew. Many of you are the role models for so many in even so few small ways, they are learning from your Light.

We ask, then, that you continue to work with us, although you do not know all, although you are not privy to the information that you would like to have, although you at times are confused and perhaps become annoyed, although you do not have the whole plan to follow or do not even know the next step. Rely not upon your intellect. Use your senses. What do you sense about what is happening? Do you sense victory or do you sense defeat? Follow your senses, not your intellectual mind. It does not know the entirety of what is currently occurring.

We give you information and more Light only as the collective can hold it, can embody it, and can embrace it within their minds. Much appears confusing to your intellectual minds but we ask you to step out of your intellect and into the quiet part of your mind: How does it feel? Could it be so peaceful if in fact a terrible end were to come to this story of good versus evil? How could your higher mind betray your feelings of angst, your feelings of distrust, your feelings of confusion… in fact it does not. Your higher mind has the whole story, it understands the outcome of this story of dark versus the Light and it is not wrong. It knows there will be a peaceful resolution and that all will benefit from this time on earth right now.

So, again, my dear ones, I ask you to put aside your confusion and place your lower mind in the loving care of your higher mind, which does know the answers.

This week, again, I ask you to work with me to strengthen the Light grid and to help all of those upon earth to continue to awaken to their own truth.

I bid you adieu,

I am Michael. I am here for you. You do not walk alone. We are Legion.

**Channel: Sharon Stewart


Maac's Blog


Posted on October 10, 2019 at 4:57am 0 Comments

The Mother’s Clarion Call – Please Pray for Syria

The Mother’s Clarion Call – Please Pray for Syria

Universal Mother Mary came to me in the wee small hours this morning asking me/us to pray for Syria. I feel and sense the urgency of Her request as I have been on post-op recovery, and the Council of Love’s focus and guidance has been strictly on healing Linda right…



Posted on June 29, 2015 at 11:33pm 6 Comments

High my beautiful brothers and sisters in the light...This is my first message since I just came back from Spain...I might say I had a nice welcomed by what I believe to be a galactic brother or sister who flies over my house all the time, he gave me an obvious welcome by flying several times over my head and I also told him that I know a human being would not be able to be aware of my presence...He was making very sharp turns in the air...I told him that he is a very good…


Comment Wall (36 comments)

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At 12:59am on February 5, 2019, Myriel RAouine said…

Wow, it seems to be quite a while since our last communication on this thread, lol!

Yes, I know that there are friends out there who I do seem to reach with my messages, and yet - how NICE to be COMMUNICATING :-)

9 years past ... what a difference!

NAMASTE, derarest Amparo, NAMASTE :-)

Sonja Myriel

At 6:24pm on March 24, 2018, Violeta R Alba gave maac a gift
At 11:39pm on April 4, 2016, natasha Richards said…
Thank you so.much <3 I have just figured out how to comment back after messaging you lol XD
At 5:29pm on March 24, 2016, Faunaserene said…

WHen I wrote that I was distracted... I was called by my mama...I feel that ALL IS ONE.....I have alot of compassion for the whole now it didnt used to be that way....BUt I have forgiven not because I have to but because it is my bodys eyes that mis interpret what is REALLY at hand... I forgive my  sights of what I see in this world.. a great dream theatre that I merely observe.....and I observe that all is sacred to the matter what it is...THE soul is such a love.......The energy I feel is so beautiful...I feel AT ONE MENT......YOu are so beautiful....BLessings to you... Faunaserene

At 9:00pm on March 20, 2016, Steve Hutchinson said…


Amparo, I am delighted to welcome you to 'Ascension Now For You'. Drop by there any time to find new & uplifting posts to help with our spiritual growth with this link: Ascension Now For You

And please feel free Amparo to add your Love & Wisdom to our group through posting discussions, comments, videos, etc. that help uplift us all.

Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light,


At 5:55pm on August 23, 2014, Ms Tercy Lonan said…

Hi My dear Amparo thank you for accepting me as your friend.  Love you with love & light.

At 9:17am on March 10, 2014, Horus said…

At 9:15am on March 10, 2014, Horus said…

At 7:49pm on November 23, 2013, Abdul Muhaimin Shamsuddin gave maac a gift
At 6:24am on May 14, 2012, Mukesh said…

Dear  Amparo ~ Yes we are ONE n ABSOLUTE. Lets walk without the shadow. 

Love ^ Light. 



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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