lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P O T E N T I A L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Its simple ~ All events are created as "POTENTIAL". If the collective consciousness vibrates higher, transformation is faster ~ otherwise momentum is built up for another "POTENTIAL" All predictions depends on how we respond as collective consciousness. Predictions are TRUE at the moment it is predicted, and its outcome is in our hands ~ Each one of us on Mother Earth ~ its we who make it or otherwise. All the help from cosmos is made available to us ~ we fail to honor it ~
So know that "POTENTIAL" needs more n more collective consciousness. :::::

Views: 1780

Comment by Mukesh on April 14, 2014 at 6:23pm

My Sat sang experience - April 5th
Dear Light Family,
When I started writing this sharing, I really didn’t know what I should write. It’s really tough to put divine experiences in human language. The Satsang was a great success by lord’s grace. So many new comers came for the Satsang and drank divine love directly from the lord.
We were in direct connection with the LORD throughout the day. He dissolved me completely into HIS energy. In the human level, I was not hearing anything, I was not thinking anything and I was not experiencing anything through my five senses. I was just be with HIM and melted so much with his light. I don’t consciously remember the meditations channeled during the session. For me, every meditation was THE SAME. It was all about merging and melting with the lord. He was taking me deeper and deeper into his LOVE. I was so overwhelmed with HIS love and tears just came down from my eyes and I melted still more. At some point of time I felt I just don’t exist as a being. 
Thanks to Minnie for sharing your experiences with the group. This helped me to recall some of the meditations channeled during the session. I remember master’s message to connect with the breath to connect with the Lord. Our breath is a direct gift from the source. As I focused on my breath, my mind became blank. My breath became so slow and at some point of time I guess I stopped breathing as well. I just experienced the thoughtless state for some time. 
In one of the meditation, Dr.Syed channeled ascended masters –Jesus, Mahavatar Babaji and Hazrat. Their presence was so live in the hall and THE CREATOR HIMSWELF had descended to the hall and touched everyone’s heart. The energy was so soft yet so deep. The lord was working on each one of us with so much care and love. He was working on us with the LOVE of a FATHER. I just melted into his love and tears of joy came down from my eyes.
After this particular session one of the participant told she felt as if somebody is hugging her with the love of a father. And no one was with her in the physical level. But still she felt the hug. Dr.Syed asked me to explain what it was. I could not explain it properly at that time as I was in a different sate of silence which is beyond mind and senses. I could not talk much in that state. Now, I can explain what she experienced. A real energy master works more in the astral level than in the physical level. 95 % of his work will be unconscious work. Once he gives initiation to someone, that connection will remain with the student forever. It’s a 24/7 connection. Even if the master is not physically present with the student, he still is present in the astral level to guide and protect his student.
A master remember god more than anything else. But after god, the master remembers his students all the time. But disciples may not be aware of the depth of THEIR MASTER’S LOVE and concern for them. 
A master’s LOVE for his disciple is deeper than his connection with his on biological family. I have experienced that kind of love and connection with Dr.Syed. There are moments he loved me more than his own Children. Sorry –Afzal, Neelofeur and Tapasu – Your father loves you more than anything else in this world. But, in some moments he loved me more than you guys. And that was MY SHARE OF GIFT FROM THE DIVINE FATHER. He used to hug me and say ‘LOVE YOU DEAR’ every time. Not even a single time I was able to give him back the amount of love he had given to me. Now, I just wanted to Say – I LOVE YOU SO MUCH SIR. By divine grace, I hope that I will do justice to the responsibility you have instilled on me as a spiritual channel.
On April 5th, before the session you had told me, this will be the final phase of your work. This will be a very powerful phase. It was indirect, indication that after some years he needs to shed his body and go back to THE LORD. At that moment I just remembered Swami Rama’s (Author of Living with Himalayan Masters) connection with his master. He had a special bond with his master. Out of ignorance, swami Rama committed so many mistakes in the human level. But his master was there to lovingly correct his mistakes. This continued for many years. One day his master decided to shed his body. He left his body. This was too much for Ram to bear. He started weeping loudly. His love called his master back to his body. But the master was not happy. He said to Rama- What are you crying for? I am not this body. My higher self is with you all the time. I will be working through you even after my physical death. Then why don’t you just let me to leave this body. 
During the first meditation, I was remembering this conversation between Swami Rama and his master. For a moment, I just wondered – how will I manage without Dr.Syed’s presence? And I felt tears in my eyes. The body named Dr.Syed is not his actual self. The body called Bijoy is not my true identity either. But still, in the human level it is not easy to accept, because our eyes are covered with ignorance.
Astrally Dr.Syed is with me all the time. Couple of my students asked me – Bijoy – I used to feel more intense energy in your session than in Dr.Syed’s sessions.( This was a test for my ego self.) My answer to them was Dr.Syed loves me so much and he channels more energy for my sessions than his own sessions. That was very true. Many times, he channeled very powerful meditations in my sessions for the first time and latter he channels the same meditation in his session as well. And the meditation steps, wordings all will be identical for both the sessions. When I shared this with the group, he told – That was planned by the Lord. Before coming to this earth, I promised him that I will be working with him in all levels. This was my allotted gift from THE LORD. Only by Lord’s grace a seeker will find HIS RIGHT MASTER. I found my master by FATHER’S Grace. The same way I am blessed with some pure hearted students (They are also the blessings from my lord). And, recently I told Dr.Syed that I was so happy that our students are becoming so detached with this world. I told him, I see more detachment in my students than in myself. In one level, I felt very happy and proud. In another level, I felt bad that I am still not been able to break my attachments with this Duniya.
On April 6th, Dr.Syed planned a group initiation session. That was another mind blowing experience. The lord descended in his purest form and blessed each one of us. He worked through our heart and it expanded so much so that it covered the whole universe and all his creations. In that level, we blessed all beings in this universe. Lord was directly working through us and he anchored his LOVE & LIGHT in its purest form. That energy turned into a powerful portal of divine light.
By lord’s grace, this Sat Sang was a great success. But, I missed many of the old students. Many did not make it for this event. There is one of the disturbing facts I noticed with some of the family members is – Pretention. No doubt, during the last retreat by lord’s grace, we all had experienced HIM in some level. We just got the glimpses of LORD. That’s it. Don’t think that, we all become enlightened over night. He just showed us the path towards Enlightenment. We have taken few baby steps. That’s all. 
Some of the members who experienced total bliss during the Retreat skipped this Sat Sang knowingly or unknowingly. I agree, you all got the taste of divinity and you experienced the Divine Bless. You all still need to go a long way to reach your lord. You received this divine experience through your master –Dr.Syed. It was the god who assigned Dr.Syed to give you this experience. You should be thankful to the Lord and even to the Human master for that. When you ignore the human master, you are actually ignoring the opportunity gifted by THE LORD. If one experiences divinity through a master, he should not leave that master whatever happens. If he leaves, he is leaving an opportunity to ascend. I had seen some people, after some spiritual experiences, start acting as if enlightened masters. That is the deceptive play of your ego self. Even, one of my friends recently told me – A spiritual master should not create bondage with his students. Instead, he should liberate his students. A master is like a bridge between Ignorance and enlightenment. Can be build a house on a Bridge? For me, such thoughts are not coming from a liberated soul. A liberated/enlightened student will never leave his master. Because, he knows lord is working through his master. If the person is liberated/enlightened, still he can help his master and channel lord’s energy though him. Lord will never tell any enlightened soul to discard HIS HUMAN MASTER. If you see the history of masters of highest order – They all had a human master guide allotted by the Lord. And all these masters had deeper respect and love for their human masters. And they never left their master. So, I request all family members to beware of this play of our ego self. Our ego self or mind might bombard you with thoughts full of ego and poison.
I can give you few examples. You are more powerful than your master. You are already an enlightened being and you don’t the help of a human master. These thought could come in any forms and also they could come from any source. Please be aware of these pitfalls and request THE DIVINE FATHER TO PROTECT YOU FROM YOUR EGO SELF. He will give you absolute clarity.
Once again, I request all light family members to regularly attend these monthly Satsangs and bring more people to this awareness. That way, you help your LORD TO SPREAD his Love and Light.
Note: I request more members to share your Sat sang experiences with the group. 
Your Spiritual Brother- Bijoy

Comment by Mukesh on July 2, 2014 at 5:59am



Comment by Mukesh on October 8, 2014 at 5:22am


What is eventually coming will not be limited to inventions that are given to you as devices or new technology, for it is grander than that. Indeed, coming is technology for the unlimited growth of healthy food, fresh water and power, but the "real" future will bring you understanding that allows for something that goes into your DNA and expands it, so that you will have a new awareness of Self. Humans will start thinking out of the box, solving Earth's problems one at a time, and will begin to graduate out of survival mode, out of conquering mode, and will start to see other Human Beings differently. That's the message for the night. ~ KRYON

Comment by Myriel RAouine on October 8, 2014 at 5:32pm

Comment by Mukesh on January 16, 2015 at 5:27am

Comment by Mukesh on February 4, 2015 at 7:50pm
Comment by Mukesh on March 21, 2015 at 7:32pm

Comment by Myriel RAouine on March 22, 2015 at 7:53am

Durga, Lakshmi and Sitha, right? The Divine Feminine rising :-)

Thank you, Mukesh!

Love Light Blessings,

Sonja Myriel

Comment by Mukesh on April 1, 2015 at 3:38pm

This calmness ~ This Peace ~ This Power ~ Above all The Love of Mother ~ Oneness of Mother  and Child ~ Time we have waited is arriving in silence, at a silent pace ~ Feel it and fill it and spread to All. Love. 

Comment by Myriel RAouine on April 1, 2015 at 11:34pm

I feel it ... am filled by it ... LOVE! The Love of the ONE ...

Redemption - being set free from the illusion of possible failure!

Durga, I WELCOME you, I AM your child.

Protect me, love me HERE I AM!

Blessings to greet the new day on the 4th of April, so soon!

BLESSINGS, dear Mukesh - in gratitude for your company on this journey,

Sonja Myriel


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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


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