The Messages from God
through Yael and Doug Powell
at Circle of Light
Real Gratitude
May 11, 2011
Beloved ones, it is a new time and it is a new world alive within the old one. It is
a new experience of Love. At the center of it all is a new awakening to gratitude.
You have often heard “turn within,” that the truth is within you. And this is so.
The truth of the world of Love is within the world of duality as well. The key to
the awakening of your experience of it every day is Real Gratitude. The gratitude
that is often known is the gratitude of being thankful with the mind, of noticing
the things the mind deems good and turning to Me with prayers of thanks.
I Am here today this moment with you to open your heart to Real Gratitude now. The
experience of gratitude as you live it in the Real of God is an all-consuming,
indescribably ecstatic form of worship as real to you as the cosmic breath of Love
that breathes your being into existence, as powerful as the Moment of Creation.
In aligning your heart with the truth of its energy as the conduit of this outward
flowing Love, gratitude is the song of life, and it sings your being into its
fullness continually. Just as the breath of God is ever breathing All That Is,
gratitude for the gift of life, the amazing gift of the relationship in
consciousness of all the realms of Love is such a profound part of My being, such a
stunning awareness of the full possibilities of All That I Am, that it is the basis
of this conscious creation, this hologram of Love extending.
Gratitude is the highest vibration of God in synch with Love, in perfect harmony. It
holds such a pure experience of Love that in it is the seed of our relationship that
blossoms in the Now Moment.
The resonance of gratitude is so clear and so penetrating that it moves within
Creation, expressing God outward. It is the kernel of all relationship in the
endless kaleidoscope of Love’s conversation, alive in All That Is.
To align with Real Gratitude is to be instantly in resonance with the clear and
perfect truth of who you are, beloved ones, and the overflowing joy of life.
Because gratitude in its Real form is the kernel of this explosion of God that
Creation is, in this world, in this moment, in the midst of awakening… when you
attune to Real Gratitude, it awakens from the center of your being, your life, all
things that touch you. Every bit of your field of energy rushes forth to bring into
experience the perfect relationship of all things as Love.
And so it is, beloved ones, as I align you with the truth of gratitude, as you begin
to allow this to sing itself alive in you, it shall come alive in your experience of
life, of breath in every moment. It shall crack open the shell of the mind’s
imaginings, break free of the illusion of separation, the sub-creation -- and bring
into full and glorious birth the experience of the world as pure Love.
The song of gratitude is in your heart. It is not something that you pray with your
little mind. It has nothing to do with the mind’s judgments of things, of what is
good and what is bad…what is acceptable and what is not, gold and dreams and visions
and facts. Gratitude is far grander than all of it and does not exist in this world
in its pure form. But it can align this world with the truth of God, the moment that
you allow yourself to experience it.
I have encouraged you to “pray gratitude” with your thoughts because this begins to
turn you to Me in right relationship, and helps you understand just how important
gratitude is. But you are ready now, beloved ones, to leave behind the world of
mind, to step into the glorious truth of gratitude for everything as a perfect seed
of life, holding in you My wonder at the blessing that Creation is and the splendor,
the miracle of relationship throughout the whole of God.
When you open to this experience of Real Gratitude, beloved ones, it lifts you up
and shakes you to the core of your being. It shakes you awake into the full
awareness of the miracle of life that Creation is and that I Am, fully alive in all
things and all are in relationship with Me, in the midst of the song of oneness.
It is a miracle beyond any description. The power of this miracle is in your hearts,
proclaiming itself in every moment and truly bowing in reverence to the gift of this
whole and holy life.
Because Real Gratitude is free of duality, free of the judgments of the little mind,
free of the experiences of both “bad” and “good,” Love and not-Love, Light and
darkness, then the moment that you allow it to fully live in you, you burst free
from the confines of the world of mind. From within, from the center of your being,
from the center of all life, the Light of God, the Love I Am shatters all illusion
and shines forth as the one creation that is the miracle that life is in Me.
It is time to allow gratitude to live you, to let the purity of its pure tone sing
you clear of all illusion. It is time, beloved ones, for bravery, for it takes
courage to allow gratitude to rise up and claim you and to shake you free of all
that has held you in the world of time.
When you are alive from within and the song of gratitude sings your name, then your
view of life is very different. Your resonance goes instantly into the center of all
things and ignites the fire of this glorious remembrance that life is a stunning
miracle, that relationship of Creator and Creation is the greatest blessing – that
every breath is a song of exquisite Love that rushes through the hologram and sees
itself in everything.
And so it is that you become that seed of Real awareness and life on Earth is
revealed at last to be this song of continual gratitude whose vibration shakes free
the heart of God I Am from the rigid forms of illusion, the duality that has held
you. From within, it sings its song and from the heart you shall acknowledge that
the old perceptions of life are gone and I Am expressing fully as you.
Everything that you acknowledge in any way in this Now Moment becomes a part of the
expansion of Love from the center ecstatically outward until the false identities,
until all beliefs in other than Love effortlessly disappear.
When you live, My dearest ones, in this kind of gratitude, you will discover that
all that you see and touch and experience is luminous, life-filled and moving with
grace. Those things that once seemed so ordinary, the movements of daily life that
once you called “boring,” are so rich with luminous color, so deep as the core of
Love as expressed, so magical as you feel the response of all life singing this
gratitude with you and in you. Suddenly you are part of the hologram of God, aware
that everything is alive in you and you are fully part of All.
The communion of Love is indescribably delicious, shimmering through your being and
pulsing through your heart. Everything that you see with your heart is then painted
on the canvas of the world in the colors of God. So, from within, as gratitude comes
and trumpets itself forth as the endless prayer of God, then All That I Am comes to
embrace you as it rises from within, in great waves of gratitude, and the two meet
in the moment to honor the miracle of Creation.
Beloved ones, you have yet no experience of Real Gratitude. You must be ready to let
it take you, to let it sing you forth into eternity, to let it shake you from your
roots and sing your heart into existence, as you fully accept the Now Moment’s
beauty and become the true prayer of life that beyond all possibilities of judgment,
there is only life, and it is amazing.
There is only Love and it is so powerful. It is impossible to be grateful enough for
the miraculous gift that Creation is. And yet, this gratitude lives within you and
brings to you the prayer of being, astounding in its magnitude and perfect in its
simplicity as it paves the way for Love.
It is gratitude that opens the heart. Even prayers of gratitude through the mind
will open doorways that lift you up in resonance and begin to align you with the
truth of life. Yet, even more than daily prayers is the power of gratitude, to not
only restore you but to take you to the core of your being and let you live there.
In gratitude every life is a shining gem and every breath is a gift of Love. Every
movement is a cosmic show of artistry that is so beautiful that your very breath
becomes your “I am grateful.” Every life connects to your core in this prayer, until
you feel the song of gratitude as the voice of unity, singing into existence the
pathways of Love, dissolving every barrier to the full expression of All That I Am.
It brings you into a state of reverence – reverence for life, reverence for the
miracle of the Now Moment with such power that it opens the way for others to be
restored to their gratitude as well, until the song of Real life becomes the world
and humanity is sung forth as Creation is, as part of My prayer of gratitude, of
thanks for the miracle of Love now shared and now extended.
Will you open your heart and let gratitude come to life? Will you release all of
your protectiveness? Will you let gratitude begin to sing in the depths of your
heart, and beloved ones, will you let it take you where it will? I promise you,
where gratitude leads, miracles follow – beauty, discovery and humble availability
to be the song of perfect Love.
Are you ready to truly live a grateful life? Not once in a while and not for things
that you judge as good but rather, are you willing to allow the prayer of God that
sings itself forth in Me as the song of Creation itself? Are you willing to let that
be your truth as well – the prayer of Creation bringing itself alive, here and now,
as you?
THE GIFT OF HEART ACTIVATION is still very much a continuing activity of Circle of
Light. We ask all of you to share this with others. Please refer them to the
website,, where on the home page a box leads to the
description of Heart Activation. All that is necessary is a request, a picture and
promise to continue to share this gift.