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Don't miss the Virtual Light Broadcast Saturday December 22, 2018 beginning at 11:00am Pacific Time on ESPAVOtv

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December 2018


Beacons of Light





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NOTICE: The following channels were given live on the VirtualLight Broadcast and can be heard as they were originally recorded. Below is an edited version of the same channel designed for print. These were edited with the group’s oversight and approval. I hope you enjoy them. Steve Rother



A Time of Mastery


Greetings dear ones,

I am the Keeper of Time. I join you this day to share with you from our perspective what it will be like for you on the path ahead. Oh, you have so many changes happening. Yes, planet Earth is all about change. That’s very challenging for humans who don’t do well with change. Typically,you have all sorts of challenges with it, especially when you become hung up with your belief systems and believing that you cannot change in some way. Well, I will tell you a little bit of what’s coming and you can choose if you wish to change.

A Time of Mastery

The focus of the game here on Earth can be summed up in a single word called “mastery.” In reality you are pretending to be separate from Home, and from all of the connections that you have with all of us. You’re pretending to be a human inside that physical bubble of biology. As you pretend to be human, you are learning how to master everything one piece at a time. That’s typically why you take life lessons as you come into the game. Not only do you take on life lessons, but you work with them over and over and over, lifetime after lifetime, to make sure that you have a level of mastery. As you are well aware, everything is changing very rapidly now. The biggest challenge that we see on planet Earth right now is that all of you can be a part of the very simple separation.

With so much separation occurring people go into fear, that’s what they do. They step back in their belief systems, start separating, and begin focusing on taking care of themselves rather than connecting with the whole. That causes its own set of challenges down the road, with everyone acting separate. Let us give you a different view of what’s going on. You’re seeing a lot of confusion and frustration. People are using the energy in different ways, and you’re experiencing manipulation on so many different levels right now. It’s incredible and most of it is actually happening right out in the open, because that’s the only way it can.

Even though you truly have no more secrets, you can always choose to believe what you wish to. Your beliefs are at the base of much frustration and that is in turn causing separation. We find it fascinating that humans have these systems set up to share their wealth, and to work toward common goals. Consider the very simple illustration of insurance in any type of situation, whether life insurance, health or any type of insurance. The basic idea is to spread out the risk so that no one has to pay an absorbent amount. As you move into this type of separation that you’re in right now, people start seeing the smaller picture instead of the larger one and start re-examining. Some rightfully ask, “Why am I paying for that person over there? Why should I pay for them to have a benefit out of my own pocket?” And so these systems begin to fail.

2019 A Year of Change

The year will be filled with a lot of shifting and change. We tell you that is happening and you will not have to deal with those same initial issues. However, the planet is changing. As you witness that change, you will see people go into fear. As they go into fear, they will step back into their own belief systems and isolate themselves. They will disconnect themselves intentionally from others for fear that they’re going to give too much away. Unfortunately, that is a norm with humanity. When you go into fear you separate, but that is what we’re asking all of you to start working with.

Small Empowerment Groups

Find ways that you can unify even in small groups, because they can make more of a difference now for humanity to step to this next level. When spirits gather the energy is amplified exponentially. But when that energy is harmonized in small groups it becomes like a focused laser. This is a time when that can make a huge difference, especially with the Earth changes ahead. Have a small group of spirits come together on a regular basis. You will start to ground light in a profound way and those will actually be the markers for others to follow.

In other words, you have the opportunity to step out of the difficulties and challenges. It doesn’t need to affect you in that way. So, do you have a part to play there? Yes, some do. Some of you have come in with very specific jobs. Your contracts are that if this happened in a certain way, then you would awaken from the dream showing up at the perfect time with your part of the puzzle. Others may stay in the confusion, but when that happens please do not think that you are doing something wrong or that somehow you are not good enough.  Generally, it simply means that you have a contract.

Follow your heart and that will shift the outcome of your world. Re-member, in some cases your contracts are completed with just a sentence, smile, or pat on the back. Sometimes it is just to be there to remind the person that they are not going through something alone. Yes, you can all connect and walk through this together. How does one move through the quicksand, which will quickly sink everything if forward motion is stopped? The only way to do it is to hold hands, for that is unity.

2019 Positioning for Higher Ground

As you move into 2019 several things are going to happen. First, you’ll have a lot of opportunities for things happen in ways that you never dreamt possible before. You’re at a stage now where things are not working very simply; people are clearly manipulating things behind the scene. Most of the time people can even see them, they’re right out in the open. What is happening here is you’re working with planting the seeds for the collective vibration of humanity, which is carrying a new dimensional reality. It is absolutely astounding. You see, dear ones, the progression of things seems to be falling apart. Why? Because what happens if and when you fall completely apart is that you begin anew. Why would one want to begin again? Ah, now you get back to this word mastery and that’s a key element. From your very first lifetime on this planet, you were pretending to be separate and your intent was to master the art of mastery. Yes, this is how to master everything as it comes up. It has taken you lifetime after lifetime. Some of you are perfectionists and even though you’ve reached very high levels of mastery in certain areas, you’ve decided to take that life lesson again so that you could really perfect it. When you are complete with it, then you simply move onto another life lesson that you’ve signed up for. You have opportunities this next year to start mastering things very quickly, much faster than humans ever thought possible before.

Usually, to master even one of the 12 primary life lessons could take up to 40 or 60 lifetimes before you would actually move on to the next. What if you were able to speed things up and suddenly were able to master several at once. Can you imagine how life on planet Earth would change if that were the case? We tell you that is the case and it begins in 2019 and the opening will peak in 2022. But how can you move into this unity consciousness in the fifth dimension from where you currently are? We have already mentioned spiral time and soon you’ll start thinking in those terms as well.

Spiral Thought

As humans begin thinking in spiral thought and focusing in a different way, things will be faster for you. You will have a way of being able to communicate very similarly to the days of Lemuria, with open hearts. They had always connected to each other and felt every emotion and thought from everyone. Teachers will have opportunities to work with their students who will be forsaking questions and seeking answers. Although you may not always have their answers, you can help them to perfect their questions. Dear ones, that is what mastery is all about. Master healers are awakening from the dream at an incredible pace right now, and you can do several things to work with this. First, you can be there to offer assistance in any way that you can. Your teachings, your truth, and all those things that you have learned over all of your lifetimes as a spirit can be of service.  You are starting to come back together and access all those multidimensionality pieces as one. If you start using that gift, you can heal one-on-one in so many ways.

Many of you will leave imprints, even different types of energetic imprints. Some will leave these imprints in things that you touch and leave for others to find and pick up. For example, some will have a magical ability to touch a door knob and leave a beautiful energy so that everyone who follows you, touching that door knob in some way, will light up.

Gardeners of the Heart

Another way that many of you will be working with others is through the planting of seeds. Dear ones, some of you are marvelous gardeners of the heart. You have this ability to help people awaken from the dream, to heal themselves and clarify their own energies. Many of you are quite good at it, actually. Much of this is happening not only because you wish to master, but so do your students. You can teach them how to master one thing after the next, which is what you are doing during this remaining time on your planet. You are mastering everything that you can, so that as you step up into this next level you don’t have to carry those lessons with you. You don’t have to try to go through all those difficulties to recreate those situations again. A New Harmony with Earth.

There’s one key element that we’d like all of you to focus on, especially during 2019, and that’s your connection with the Earth. All humans are experiencing a massive change, but so is the Earth and you’re a part of her as well. You are carrying a dense physical body which is actually made up of the Earth, for the physical body is not yours. When you look in the mirror, you see that body reflected back to you. But you are not that body. In the future humanity will step up into a higher form with much less density. In the meantime what is happening now is that humans have an opportunity to master things, one right after the other to step up to this next level.

This mastery of a connection with the Earth will be an incredible focus for 2019. We told you some time ago that by the time 2022 arrives, you will be in the midst of another solar cycle. Those cycles can start sending solar flares or “CME” as you call them, coronal mass ejections. Basically, these are particles of the sun which are coming to you. Some of them you already know quite well, x rays, gamma rays, etc., and light rays in all forms of visible light. There are also new particles arriving now, but you have a weakened defense shield. The magnetic field around planet Earth has been decreasing drastically and is now down by some 26 percent of what it used to be only a century ago. So, that is drastically reducing the amount of filter that provides protection. As the sun spews out these particles, normally your magnetic fields diffuse and neutralize them. However, this time it could be different. If the Earth becomes too charged up from the solar flares coming in during through 2022, that could trigger some significant challenges.

What can you do about that? Well, you don’t have an influence over the Earth or her magnetosphere in a physical form. But you do with her heart, because you love the Earth and that can heal the planet if only enough energy is spent to do so. Many of you are still going through the grieving process of learning that the next steps are coming from all of you.  Just like moving into a perfect and brand new home, there will be space for you to grow with your family and it is everything that you need. But then one day you’re packing everything up out of your old house, as you prepare to move once again. You walk around from room to room, remembering all those beautiful memories that were made in this house. You remember all the events, everything that happened, and all the smiles that took place there, but in doing so you also grieve for it.

Well, dear ones, planet Earth and her people are not very well versed at grieving. People simply have no idea what to do with these emotions. In your next game we hope you teach this in your schools, because that grief process can either elevate things very quickly or slow down the progression of everyone. There are different phases of it, such as times when you become fed up. You get sick and tired of being sick and tired, and then you go through the anger phase. But don’t try to cut it short or think that you must resolve the entire grieving process so you can move to the next level.

Star Gazing

Right now many of your scientists are focusing their research on Mars, but how can a human build an entire life on Mars? How can we expand our consciousness? You will find out much more about the systems around you, particularly about what used to be on Mars. Dear ones, it was you that used to be there a long time ago before your memories and certainly before any recorded history of those times. What we tell you dear ones, is that you do not need to go there again. You can step up right where you are and create a new game. What will that look like? Does it mean you’ll have to release the body? Will you have to go through a death process? No, you won’t. You can literally step up in vibrational increments to achieve what is needed.

So, will it be confusing? Yes, we can pretty much guarantee you it’s going to be confusing. Gradually what will happen is that you no longer have physical difficulties. It doesn’t happen instantly, but over time it’s happening more quickly. However, if your vibrational frequencies do not match this, at certain times you’ll become somewhat invisible. Now, this may be difficult for many of you that came in with an incredible sensitivity and empathic ability. That actually gave you the gift of learning how to become invisible, but this will happen quite by accident now.

There’s no more waiting. It is possible to start stepping up into these higher vibrational bodies and into the new game. Most importantly, use the time you have remaining in your dense physical body to master everything that you can. Look for every opportunity to learn something new to grasp something new, to play and even dare to fail at something. Oh, we love that there are so many possibilities. These next few months can be quite exciting for all of you. So, don’t be afraid. Step up,try to come back together in any way possible, even if you are all separate. Or even if you are invisible in that group, send love, because you will never be disconnected. That is the one piece that we wish you always to know, dear ones.

That is why you have always been attracted to hearing messages from the other side of the veil, because you re-member them in your heart. It doesn’t have to ring true in your head or even your ears or eyes, but in your heart it always will. We remind you of who you really are and that’s our job. It’s our only job, for we’re not here to change your world or show you the open door. However, you will be experiencing a lot of that soon, especially from other beings that have been working with you for quite some time. Know that you’re never alone and you will have help. When you feel that separation, step up because there is something that you can master in that instant. Step up to the next level and watch what happens, then teach your students to do the same.

It’s a changing world, dear ones. You came here specifically with this to give, so the greatest of honor is that we help you re-member who you truly are. Hold this mirror in front of you, until you can carry it yourself. Then help all of your students to take that step and to treat each other with respect, as you walk through this new game. Nurture one another and play well together. Hold that door open as you create a whole new set of rules. It is a magical time to be a human on planet Earth. We are watching every step that you take with love, honor and gratitude.

Espavo, dear ones, I am the Keeper of Time.


The group





By Barbara Rother

Holiday Greetings

Steve and I send you and all your loved ones the warmest holiday greetings. No matter how you celebrate, we hope that you take this time to connect your hearts. Remember that you are never alone, we are all spiritual family. Let’s hold hands and create magic in the year 2019. We appreciate each one of you. From our hearts to yours.

With all of our love and light,

Barbara and Steve




Holiday Sale Over 60% off Select Titles





In case you missed them

The Visionary Series 2019




Welcome to the VirtualLight Broadcast presented by Steve & Barbara Rother. This is a monthly broadcast that includes the latest channel and guided meditation from the group. Click Here to view the VirtualLight Broadcast.

Next Broadcast: December 22, 2018 at 11:00am Pacific Time





Steve & Barbara Rother

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Views: 148

Replies to This Discussion

Sonja, thank you so much for posting this. I never miss these important channellings, but this time It is not even read. I am looking forward to reading after Christmas activities.

With Love and gratitude,


This part of the message fascinates me. This is a completely different way of thinking than what I have known.

Spiral Thought

As humans begin thinking in spiral thought and focusing in a different way, things will be faster for you. You will have a way of being able to communicate very similarly to the days of Lemuria, with open hearts. They had always connected to each other and felt every emotion and thought from everyone. Teachers will have opportunities to work with their students who will be forsaking questions and seeking answers. Although you may not always have their answers, you can help them to perfect their questions. Dear ones, that is what mastery is all about. Master healers are awakening from the dream at an incredible pace right now, and you can do several things to work with this. First, you can be there to offer assistance in any way that you can. Your teachings, your truth, and all those things that you have learned over all of your lifetimes as a spirit can be of service.  You are starting to come back together and access all those multidimensionality pieces as one. If you start using that gift, you can heal one-on-one in so many ways.

Many of you will leave imprints, even different types of energetic imprints. Some will leave these imprints in things that you touch and leave for others to find and pick up. For example, some will have a magical ability to touch a door knob and leave a beautiful energy so that everyone who follows you, touching that door knob in some way, will light up.

Dear Sonja,

Very important Message for all of us...

In Gratitude, Love, Light, Pace and Happiness with Abundance and prosperity.

Changes are definite to come ahead and that is for the good...

As Our Planet is Ascending with some shift in Christ Consciousness...Changes bound to feel and fear complex will be there for our general population who are not Light workers may not feel good with certain upliftments...

But Those who are Pure and receive the all positive energies will get easy Ascension also...

Sending All our Friends Love, Light, Peace, Harmony, Balance and Joy with Justice...



Yes, spiral time is the topic of my Master Paper. I featured this message because it is one that will be of interest again ... am working on the door knob Magic:-)

Dear Sonja,

I could not understand Master Paper !!




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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