Beloved ones we greet you,
The shifts that are occurring on your planet at this time are monumental. There are many continual transformations taking place on multi-dimensional levels. Carried within this energetic shift is a force of light consciousness that is compelling those of you on your path, propelling you forward into your destiny placement within what we call a ‘divine Framework’.
Through this birthing process this energetic Framework contains a frequency change that strongly impacts you and your life now. This frequency holds a pure containment of Truth that will enable you to access a Grace that is part of your natural heritage of fulfillment on many levels. This is an aspect of your enlightenment process being activated now for you to utilize, enabling you to realign to a higher consciousness within yourself.
Today, right now you are being asked to simply stop struggling and to open up in a state of acceptance of where you find yourself. Allowing everything to fall away in this moment and to witness all that you have created for yourself at this time in your life, a grand creation!
Through you accepting where you are in this moment in your life, your struggle ends. An aspect of the illusion here on your planet is ‘the need to struggle’. This time for struggle to end is made possible through this energetic dimensional birthing of the ‘Framework on your planet.
This ‘Grace’ energy held within the ‘Framework’ is designed to support you to be able to move beyond the illusion of your 3rd dimensional life and to move and align yourself into that state of self-acceptance much more easily than before.
You open into a state of self-acceptance. Acceptance involves you being willing to let go and to open up to all of your imperfections of who you are in this moment within your humanness. Your struggle ends through your self-acceptance. Through this acceptance, you will be able to open into an expanded dimensional unlimited moment. Within this space you will align more completely within the Framework, within the ‘Grace’ and experience peace. Here you will find rest and liberation.
This whole energetic transfer is designed for your individual homecoming process. This transfer energy is enabling you to create tremendous shifts within your world. You have been waiting to align to this destiny moment of dimensional change. There will be necessary requirements for you to align into this changing profile by allowing this sacred energy to move you naturally through your moment-by-moment experiences in your daily life.
Know that by letting go, and simply meeting this energetic setting, you will find a deep fulfillment within, as you move yourself consciously to each expanded experience of the moment. Through these powerful energetic changes that are taking place on your planet the misinterpretations of your story will begin to break down on many levels.
Your life is no longer working in the way it has in the past. There are subtle shifts in many small insignificant ways and there have been some dramatic changes in very major aspects of your life. This breaking down process is an indication of the transformational cycle that your planet is going through. Through this monumental dimensional transition of change taking place, nothing can be the same, as it has previously been known.
Within this prevailing phase, the 3rd dimensional illusion can no longer be held in place. There are cracks appearing through the veils that have been holding this illusion in place.
Now is the time for you to move forward to receive your own personal expression of this change. As you choose to reach forward aligning through your heart space you can receive a new experience of being.
We wish to remind you of the powerful tool of the sun’s rays at this time. The frequency of the reflected light of the sun will enhance your ability to fully align within the energy of the ‘Framework’, supporting you in your transition through these multi dimensional settings.
We witness you as you take these powerful steps forward within yourself.
The Pleiadians