lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Dear lightgrid family and gridwork team,

The moon is waning and the Solar Eclipse on the Equinox is approaching quickly. I would like to share with you today a meditation technique which we will use all together for the first time on March 19th/20th, during our 10 am and pm UTC Connexion Time

Solar Eclipse Beginning: 7:41 UTC, End: 11:50 UTC, Maximum Eclipse: 9:45 UTC

22:45 UTC - the exact time of the Equinox.

I invite you all to practice it BEFORE that date whenever you feel appropriate.

It was given to me on March 9th and it is meant to become an integral part of our lightgrid connexions from this Equinox onwards.

Before I go into a detailed description, a few words concerning our connexions:

My gratitude goes out here to ALL who are participating regularly in our daily connexions. What happened since we began to anchor the Golden Light in October 2014? Well, what I feel now is a new quality of Earth Light, copper golden crystalline light, which results from our daily invocation and anchoring of the Cosmic Golden Christ Light which has activated a new frequency through the Heart of the Mother. I see this new copper golden aura reach up a few meters above the Earth's Surface already and it serves to BALANCE out all sudden impacts, be they of a cosmic / universal level - or manmade / earthbound.

This new frequency can be seen as the Integrated Christ Light which is now firmly anchored through our Beingness into Mother Earth, available for all to dive into. It helps to moderate incoming energies by en-lightening them to a manageable level in order to make the transition into the Age of Love and the necessary changes in the most peaceful, yet steady way.

The Equniox will gift us with another high voltage wave of LIGHT - and the following meditation technique will help humanity and Mother Earth to make the most of it:

When you have taken a few breaths to find your inner centre, 

when you have called in your guides and helpers and the Beings of the Violet Ray,

when you are fully grounded in the Crystalline White Light of the New Earth Light Grid,

sit with your palms turned upward to RECEIVE the Cosmic Golden Christ Light ...

When your entire Being is filled to the brim,

turn your right palm downwards to transmit the Golden Light Frquency to Mother Earth.

With the Golden Light, enter Her Secret Golden Light Heart Chamber ...

and wait for Her response ...

When you feel Mother Earth respond to the Golden Light,

place both your hands on the ground or on your knees, palms downwards.

You are now in Mother Earth's Golden Heart Chamber, surrounded by the Copper Golden Light which is the result of the mixture of the Divine Masculine Golden Light Frequency and the Divine Feminine Essence which creates Matter ...

RECEIVE NOW the Copper Golden Light, Mother Earth's Answer to the the Universal Upgrade ...

When you feel the impact of the Copper Golden Light on your body, place your right hand or both on your body. You might want to connect your heart and solar plexus, your base and crown chakra - or you may feel the need to anchor this new frequency in your heart or any other part of your body. Whatever - trust your intuitive feeling and let your body show you where to place your hands ...

When this process of integration comes to a close, pass on the Cooper Golden Light, Mother Earth's reply to the Cosmic Golden Christ Light Infusion, to the Universe ...

This part, for me, turned out to be the longest. It is NEW ... we are surpassing the receiving mode now - and begin to transmit our earthly experiences of the upgrading process to the 

Sun, Cenrtral Sun Great Central Sun, Galactic Core and beyond ... right back to SOURCE.

In this phase, bring to the light the most beautiful and heartfelt visions of a better world. 

REPEAT the above described cycle 3 times (begin again with both palms up) and conclude your meditation in the end by bringing both of your hands together in prayer position before your heart. Bow your head and leave the cirlce. If you are in a standing position, take a step out of the energy you have created to enter everyday awareness consciously.

Once you are accustomed to the several steps of this meditation, you will experience a Divine Flow of Energy.

This meditation - together with the Violet Light Invocation in the Beginning of our Connexion - will help to mitigate the immediate effects of the Solar Eclipse and Equinox and turn them to a long lasting influence which will help humanity on its way to birth New Earth in the most effective and powerful, yet peaceful way possible.

Our role: to act as transformers and transmitters.

Our task: to bring in the highest frequency possible into our everday consciousness and thus the third-dimensional world - FIRST through meditation and our lightgrid connexions - and finally through our entire Being, day in day out, as the masters which we have come to BE.

With every thought dedicated to the lightgrid, we strengthen and fortify UNITY consciousness through our awareness that WE ARE PART of the WHOLE, we are entities of LIGHT - connected to each other as ONE through the very ESSENCE of our LIGHT BEINGNESS ... part of the crystalline grid of light, part of the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS which is the new denominator of the Age of LOVE.

In the same way as the white light enfolds its entire light spectrum when FIRE and WATER, Sun and Rain, coincide, we, too, begin to enfold the entire spectrum of the light rays - one after the other in the course of time - when the Cosmic Golden Light (Sun / FIRE) meets the Crystalline White Light (Rain / WATER) of our Beingness.

The Crystalline White Ray of the Creatrix connects us to the FREEDOM of the highest possible SPIRIT ESSENCE on Earth, activating all the Rays, all colours WITHIN ... so we may finally be aglow again in the light of original creation!

What is NOW going to happen, at the time of the Equinox and Solar Eclipse, the time of BALANCE and NEW BEGINNINGS reciprocally, is the BIRTH of the Copper Golden Ray of Mother Earth's Response to the Cosmic Golden Light Frequency.

When SUN - MOON and EARTH are aligned, SPIRIT - SOUL and BODY are aligning, too.

and our entire white light potential, the POWER of CREATION is being activated!

We are the ones on the forefront of birthing the NEW EARTH. We pray her into being, we meditate with her, becoming ONE with our true and innate essence, which is PURE LOVE and LIGHT ... and out of this consciousness we begin to LIVE the truth, the LOVE, the light ... we put LOVE into action, we put LIGHT into action, we put the loving truth into action: that we are ONE!

And thus, this equinox, this solar eclipse, becomes the TURNING POINT from praying and preparing - to ACTING on our truth and LIVING the LOVE that we ARE!

The PATH originates in BEING.

End of transmission.

Now I ask you to make yourself a SACRED SPACE at home.

Remember: crystals and stones can serve as storage cells.

Find a stone or crystal which would like to serve you in this way

and ask it to help you STORE the high voltage frequency of this most special NOW.

You might want to place this crystal on a stick, thus creating a prayer stick, or your feel like placing it somewhere special. Whatever it is - follow your inner guidance and intuition.

In preparation for the Equinox, you could prepare 3 wishes:

a personal one

a wish for the world we inhabit

and a universal one

The easiest way to remember your wishes in meditation - especially in the last phase of our Copper Golden Light transmission - is to link them to SYMBOLS which you can place on your altar. These symbols become power objects - the longer you work with them, the more powerful they become.

Another possibility: make a Prayer Box. Write down your wishes and put them in a box which you can place in your lap during meditation.

'It's time to take responsibility - It's time to take the future into our own hands!

Responsibility for Mother Earth and ALL her Beings - the invisible ones as well as the visible ones ... that true communication may again be experienced consciously!

Communication with the Elements,

communication with the Beings of Nature,

communication with the Angels and all our Helpers and Guides!

This is the beginning of Humanity's Awakening!

So BE it - and so it IS!


and my Atma Namaste to ALL that IS!

Sonja Myriel MarYam RAouine

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What a powerful first connection we have had today during the Solar Eclipse!

I will upload some pictures of my altars, fire, grids and the SUN on facebook.

You can  see the Moon passing by in the lens reflection of my SUN pictures ...

Love Light Blessings

Sonja Myriel

Dearest Sonja

thanks for your explanation. :)

I did practice the meditation, in my first experience..i connected and could follow and feel all the steps you mentioned. There was a lot of energy coming thru and my palms and the soles my feet felt like they were on fire. while this was going on ..there was a chant 'Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti' constantly ringing in my mind...

the energy was strong and in a golden  spiral form

i went down to mother earth in a spiral energy..i sat inside her heart and she lovingly embraced me..we merged and became ONE  

I prayed,intended and visualized for;

Haven on earth

may the mind consciousness of all there is, be open to love n light, harmony, peace, fun and joy and forgiveness

may the slaughtering and killing of animals in the name of greed ,wealth , rituals stop

may the clearing of forests an trees stop for greed of more land and wealth   

Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti flood mother earth , all planets and all that there is 

Tathastu , SO BE IT AND SO IT IS

I continued practice till the day of the equinox ..

my head felt heavy ..i guess with all downpour of the energies 

on the day of the equinox i followed the mediation..

I connected everyone on the light grid and all my fellow light workers... 

the copper light was much more prominent 

Aum Shanti was still going on..spreading in the whole universe

i felt a lot more energy and cleansing..

i felt much more positive for my new beginnings  and lighter felt like a load has lifted

i feel peaceful within 

I still feel the energies 

much love n light 

thank you for all that you do and your sharing 

Tej xxx

Oh Tej, your comment means so much to me! So you felt the difference when we ALL (that is many of us, lol!) connected as one during the Equinox and Solstice to when each of us was practizing on their own as an increase in copper golden light, which is Mother earth's answer to the Golden Light Influx from On High ... for me the Equinox and Solstice were very, very special, too, and since then the speed of my Golden Light Meditation has increased enormoulsy! I feel that WE ARE the CONDUITS of GOLDEN Mahatma LIGHT, Mahatma meaning GREAT SOUL ... and this Light is composed of the same ray colours we are working with: golden, white and Violet!!!

There must be a deep meaning in my finding this information right AFTER the Equinox ... it has always been out there, but I never really REALIZED it, lol!

Also, when I look at the colours of the site ... Violet was the Ray we started out with - then we began to work with the White Light and the Earth Matrix which we came to call the "CREATRIX" as its energy is a powerful CREATIVE FORCE, indeed - and then came the Golden Light - but when we decided to change the colour of the print at the site here to GOLDEN we had NO IDEA as of yet that this colour would be the third Ray which we would be called to work with in such an intensity ...

So I visualize all darkness turning into its true essence again, which is LIGHT

I see the White Light EMPOWER purified humanity to Create Heaven on Earth

and I see us all become ONE POWER of LIGHT again, unified by the Golden Christ Consciousness ...

For me personally the Solar Eclipse and Equinox has brought a new start, too - a powerful one!

I know now that I am EXACTLY where I am meant to BE!

I have learnt that my emotions are not me,

just as my thoughts are not me.




I have a body.

My body FEELS and receives mental imput and is able to transmit mental images.

But neither my body, nor my thoughts, nor my emotions is I!



Namaste, in the LIGHT of the ONE we are BLESSED,

Sonja Myriel

Thank you Sonja

indeed the energy  felt magnified on Equinox   , together we are conduits of Mahatma golden light.

The colors of this site were/are  in divine coincidences :))

makes me so happy to read your post ... :)

We are ONE



My Atma Namaste to you my dear si*star*

As it make me happy to read your lines :-)

All in divine order - no coincidences!

Love Light BLessing, dear siSTAR Tej,

Sonja Myriel

I am filled with LOVE - waiting now for the next connexion in one and a half hours - and then again for the EQUINOX which occurs 45 minutes after the beginning of our next Connexion Time 

22:45 UTC - the exact time of the Equinox.

Love Light Blessings,

Sonja Myriel

Hello All. My name is Donovan, God bless everybody. I did these two meditations with the Sun and Moon in conjunction at night, and when the Sun first moved into Aries in the afternoon. I had an amazing experience both times. In the night it was exhilarating to feel the Copper Golden Light upon my body. And pulsing energy with Gaia into the Cosmos back to Source with more familiarity the next day was a beautiful thing to be a part of. This being my first experience with your community, I have already grown a lot of trust in me to all of you. I love you guys. I thought it'd be cool to share what I learned from the Spring Equinox meditation experience. I whipped these up with some oil pastels and talked about them in the photo descriptions.

This is a spectrum of light, or a rainbow.

This is different frequencies of being, as abstract forms.

Donavan, Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful experiences & artwork.....and it occurred to me that you may also wanted to post this as a blog or in a discussion group....and I'd be happy to share it with everyone in Lightgrid if you choose to do this.....and one group you are always welcome to post your spiritual experiences that help uplift us all is in my discussion group...and here's the name of it with the link: Ascension Now For You.

Here's your combined comments Donavan that I love:

Higher Frequency Spectrum

This is from the 2015 Spring Equinox. It is symbolic knowledge of our lower color spectrum transitioning into our new higher wavelengths of light. In the past I've observed my aura appear indigo, and when healing with God's white light I've seen an energy manifest as some higher violet. I believe the white to be two-fold. The first is the holy embrace of all seven colors into a brilliant fiery white. The second is when the white changes from a fiery plasma and turns into a different density, now crystalline in nature. This white in the middle of the rainbow separates two worlds. The golden white is the Cosmic Golden Light that God grants us. And the fiery solar surface above represents the Copper Golden Light that is emanated from Gaia when we unite the Cosmic Golden Light from our hearts to hers.

Higher Frequency Forms

This is from the 2015 Spring Equinox. It is an artistic reflection of the knowledge I received from my first synchronizing with others to the Light Grid. From right to left, the indigo violet white form is a reflection myself at rest or caught casually. When I call to God for His Cosmic Golden White Light, my form is partially violet, but mostly white, surrounded by His glorious golden-white Spirit. When I entered into Gaia's Golden Light Heart Chamber I was intensified even further until my form was golden white surrounded by a fiery copper-golden light. Looking at the end result I saw it as a candle light that was being set to different frequencies by turn-dial. Inside the Copper Golden is Golden White, inside that is Pure White, inside that is Violet which transitions to Indigo. You only perceive the adjacent colors from form to form. In the likeness of a color tunnel that continues to create as you traverse it.

Blessings of Love & Light,


Thank you Steve. It is very humbling and pleasing to see another enjoy my input. Everyone that is part of the Light Grid may use those pictures in any discussion, project or blog. Anyone who has any questions about them may be referred to me. Interestingly enough, tonight while I was visiting a friend, I was doing energy work upon an item. I was going beyond a white light and was using the Cosmic Golden White Light. Every time I have the intent to use that energy it brings focus to the Light Grid. This planetary grounding reminds me to connect hearts with Gaia and be 'solar bodied' in my doings. The Copper Golden Light intensifies the already present energy and is very stimulating. In the moment where I was sitting down observing the item, I was watching the aura around the end of an arm holding food. The aura was golden-yellow around the hand & food, and it was copper-orange around outside of that.  I was not expecting to see this phenomena outside of a Light Grid connection meditations. Connecting with this energy has altered my personal practice. I feel liberated and willing to shed my old ways and follow God into a bigger and better tomorrow.

To address the Ascension Now For You group: I like it, and I shall revisit it. I have already been lead to so much to check out. Once I have acquainted myself more fundamental content that is present in the Light Grid community, I will check out your group meditations. I looked at it, and it seemed like a lot to take in. This whole website is such a truth blast its amazing. Point being, I am integrating well. I appreciate the warm welcome and carry with me such high hopes for our planet. There is so much good in the world, and places like this are so great for staying connected and becoming stronger as a whole. God bless us All. Amen, amen and amen.

Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and your artwork, Donovan! It is this kind of feedback which gives me the strength and power to continue. I would also like to share another group link here with all, to a group which is specifically for sharing our experiences with the lightgrid:

For me yesterday's Equinox and Solar Eclipse held some powerful experiences, too. Some inner bonds and blockages were finally lifted and I feel NEW ... so today is the first day of my new life, lol!

Much FEAR was released from Earth's surface - and instead the GOLDEN COPPER LIGHT, perfect equilibrium of heavenly and earthern energies, YIN and YANG, could stream in ... the way is open now for a new kind of frequency - new children will be able to come in now, highly evolved beings ... and some will re-MEMBER who they truly are - from the very beginning ...

Can you see the new Copper Golden Earth Aura? It is the light which we anchored for the last few months, coupled with Mother Earth's Golden Love Light. It provides a pool, a reservoir of LIGHT which helps to balance out extremes in these times of CHANGE ... 


We are the ones we have benn waiting for - so the waiting has finally stopped :-)

SHINE your LIGHT into the world, your everyday life, through every word you speak and everything you do, raising awareness - more and more ... and everyone's consciousness connected to you ... 





Sonja Myriel

Daily Message from the Goddess for Monday, March 23, 2015

The feminine energy is becoming much more balanced upon the earth. There are more and more aspects of the divine feminine, such as myself, who are able to integrate into the collective consciousness which in turn filters through society.

I know that many of you may say that it doesn’t seem that way when you look at the news or when you look at the things throughout the internet that show oppression and that people’s rights are being denied to them. But indeed, when one looks at it from the perspective of the whole, the balance is shifting. It’s coming out of that masculine balance and into an equal balance between male and female.

--- The Goddess of Creation

Excerpt from: A Template of Balanced Energy on Sunday March 15, 2015

I agree that consciousness is shifting to a more heart centered awareness. The Light is revealing the many things that we do not want and a critical mass of us are attempting to change them. Because we see so much more it looks worse, but we are making progress toward tipping the balance in the other direction.

Groups such as ours are shining an evermore Bright, Heart Centered Light which intensifies the process!

Love, Light and Balance!




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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