lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Beloved Goddess of Purity
Beloved 'I Am' of the Great Central Sun's Starseed to the Earth, Beloved Human Beings of Earth, I
greet you with Love in My Heart, and hope to offer you this evening the Great Central Sun's
Immortal Flame and Memory of Purity and Love, that if that can come forth into your life can open
so many doors for you. I bring you greetings this evening, and I bring you greetings from many of the
Ascended Masters and Great Cosmic Messengers that humankind have long forgotten.
My first message for you tonight is to ask you to increase your awareness of how important you are
to the Light, those of you who accept your Divinity and know that God is within you and above you,
and who know that there are many Dimensions to the Earth, and all of the Dimensions except the
Third Dimension are dimensions of great Perfection. Master Jesus would be a very lonely Ascended
Master if He was the only one. But Master Jesus, I assure you, is one of more than ten thousand
Ascended human beings who live in the Great Octave of Life. And now, my Dear Hearts, your Earth
must have help. Sleeping humanity must have help if they are to be raised from the impurities, the
discord and the hate that they have generated on the Earth. Each of you are so important; not only
in the fulfillment of the life that you are living in this lifetime, but the fulfillment of all humanity.
We sometimes have discussed that if the entire human race could see the discord and destruction
that is flowing -- streams flowing out of human forms -- so that human beings could see the cloud of
destruction over every city in this world, that maybe human beings would realize that every single
moment, everything that is going on in inside you is radiating out from you, not only creating your
world of experience and all conditions; not only placing you in the wrong place at the wrong time
with the wrong people -- or the right place at the right time with the right people! -- but also that
which becomes an accumulative destructive force that permeates the lower atmosphere of Earth.
So this, my Dear Heart, is what I refer to when I say 'sinister force' -- the accumulation of
humankind's discord.
If you have found your Presence, if you have found the Angels and the Great Masters of Light, and in
the knowledge that Akasha and Asun is giving you, the great instruction that is coming forth from
the Ascended Masters; and you are learning to sit quietly for twenty minutes every day and turn
your love and attention to your Presence and any of us -- the Master Jesus, the Blessed Mary -- and
call upon Us to fill you with Our Cosmic Christ Purity, call upon Us to enfold you in walls of Violet
Flame protection, call upon Us to make you such a blazing Presence of Light that discord just
cannot see you, call upon us to expand your Light and to command your Light to go forth from you
each and every day and open doors of opportunity, call upon Us to help you to fulfill your Higher
Purpose, call upon Us to give you the illumination and comprehension of the Divine Plan for your life
on Earth -- you have opened the door to Us, and we will do those things.
And you can be in this world, raised and no longer of it. And if you are in this world fulfilling the
prophecy of Jesus the Christ, and you are no longer of this world, what is there to fear? Nothing, my
Dear Hearts. Surely Akasha has shared with you so many times that is very important to watch your
attention, for your attention placed upon an adversity, your attention placed upon the destruction
and the evil in this world, will allow the quality that is in those things to come into you if your
attention is held there long enough.
We love you, and every one of you through your prayers and your attention turned to any of Us --
We do not care who you turn to, whether it is the Blessed Mary, any of My Sisters, the Great
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Goddesses -- Beloved Justice, Beloved Harmony -- any of the Great Archangels, the Mighty Elohim,
the Great Ascended Masters -- turn to Us and say to Us, “I Am an open door for Your Great Cosmic
Qualities, Your Great Cosmic Light and Love to come into me and be Life's Great Correcting
Presence. I Am an open door to your Ascended Master Immortal Cosmic Christ Love of Eternal Purity
coming forth into my being and world, restoring everything to Divine Purity and Balance, opening
the way that I may go forth, the fulfillment of the Divine Plan of my life on Earth.”
The Mighty Saint Germain is the Chela or Lord or Cosmic Angel of the Violet Ray. It was He, and
under His authority, who opened the Seventh Seal as prophesized in the Book of Revelations. That
Seventh Seal is the beautiful Violet Ray of God's Redeeming Heart, the Violet Flame. That Seal
opened very very slowly, and now today that Violet Ray is the authority of the Earth. It is
compelling a cleansing. The Great Saint Germain has taken on an enormous task, and although He is
a Cosmic Being and an Ascended Master who can accomplish all that He desires to do with absolute
perfection, I assure you that due to a portion of mankind's determination yet to perpetuate
destruction, it is no small task cleansing the Earth. But the Earth must be cleansed and I ask, as
Purity, that each of you would hold within the Flame of your heart that desire for more Peace, more
Purity and more Perfection. I ask that you would turn to the God of your Knowing, and to any of Us,
and My Own Beloved Angels, and call upon Us to fill you with the Eternal Flame of Peace, of Purity
and Perfection.
If you will reach up:
“Beloved Mighty 'I Am' of my Being, I reach up and I reach up to you and I reach up to the Goddess
of Purity. O Beloved Goddess of Purity, through my own Beloved Presence, I call upon you to assist
me to feel, to experience, the Great Central Sun's Feeling of Eternal Purity. I call that forth into my
mind, into my body, into my feeling side of life. And I ask that the Great Central Sun's Feeling of
Immortal Purity become a sustained and expanded and Immortal action with me throughout my life
on Earth.
Beloved Goddess of Purity I call upon You and ask You to fill me with your Cosmic Christ Flame of
Eternal Purity. Goddess of Purity, I call upon Your Angels, I call upon Those Angels of Cosmic Christ
Blue Lightning of Indestructible Purity and Power to descend into my life and release their Cosmic
Powers in, through and around me that just love to silence all discord, density; all appearances and
all qualities that try to act up in me that are not Love.
Goddess of Purity, I desire to return to a Being of Love at all times. All my thoughts, all my feelings,
all my words, all the images that I hold inside me, all my reactions, my responses, all my
approaches, my interactions -- it is my desire that everything within me and how I interface with
the world around me, my loved ones and others, that all be a state of Love. And that I might do
this, Goddess of Purity, anchor within me Your Luminous Pearl of Eternal Love within my mind, and
Your blazing Luminous White Fire of Indestructible Purity and Power, and hold it within me and
around me, and pour it forth out into my world as a blessing to all life on Earth.”
This is why the last request I make of you this evening is that I ask that you ask My Flame of Eternal
Purity to take out of your feeling side of life all disbelief. I can do this, but I must have permission.
Disbelief and all belief that things must be difficult and hard. If you will ask Me to take those beliefs
out of you I will do so.
I enfold each of you in My Eternal Jewel of Life. All of Us in the Ascended Masters' Realm are given a
great condensation of Light to be Our special gift to Life. What you understand as jewels --
Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires -- when you understand these precious gifts your Earth offers you are
condensations of Light, the marriage of your physical Sun with your Beloved Earth and Her Kingdoms
that produces those wonderful little jewels of Light called Rubies or whatever. Mine is the Pearl.
And if you will call upon My Luminous Pearl to be placed within your mind and heart, then I can
allow that gift and Its great Luminous Purifying Presence, to keep you pure of mind and heart. And
that, too, my Dear Hearts, will allow your own Inner Light to grow most beautifully and perfectly.
It's not that We want you to want Us in your life, We just want you to give Us the permission to give
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you what We know you require to be Light, to be Pure, so that your own Inner Light, so that your
own Great God Presence that is your true spiritual identity, may express through you and fulfill
itself in this world. May the Light of God and the Eternal Honour Flame of Purity be a gift that I
offer you that you remember to ask for each day, to remain with you, as Immortal as you are. God
bless you and the Light of Days.

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Replies to This Discussion

Dear AyAnna,
Thanks for this message.......

You are most welcome. I am listening to/watching the "New Heart Consciousness" video now. Thank you for this, most timely and needed, video.


Thank you. I sit here with my new shelter dog, skinny and mistreated, and always wanting to be held. What a gift for the first day of this special time.
Thank you Ana for the love you are, as you give; helping Gaia evolution, by anchoring love for/with our world.

Namaste Ana
Dear AyAnna,
I love this video from one of the twelve Wisdom keepers.
I love "Little Grand Mother"
Thanks for watching the video.
Here I will have to see daily for other masters......regularly if you are posting.....
God Bless you !

Dear AyAnna,
I have ead the Article and I think that this message is for all days to be continued with different Masters !
Yes, I think that's right :-). I'll repost this message in our White Ray group and share this message with everyone now :-)

Thank you fro the bottom of my heart for this wonderful message, dear AyAnna! I'll do as suggested by our Beloved Goddess of Purity, Elohim Clair :-)


Sonja Myriel
Yes, it seems so. I believe, day 1, was for the Goddess of Purity. Today (Sacred Day 2), I believe, is honoring and celebrating the Beloved Goddess of Justice.

I will place a discussion on each one, energy and time willing.

Thank you Dear SohiniBen.

I light incense daily and pray for the planet to be cleansed with my I am presence of the violet flame and the help of the angels and ascending masters. I made this prayer up one night.

I think this prayer covers it all, but if there is something I could add to it to make it more effective please tell me. Compassion is something I have but I know that being down dose not help our world. Being happy, dose help, and loving dose. Pray for those that need help, help as many as you can without destroying your own self, and above all simply love and gratitude will purify everything. Be good to your body, the holly temple.

My Prayer to the stars

In the name of I am that I am
May the angels of light meet their destination tonight
may the prayers of the suffering make their flight
I wish I may I wish I might have this wish I wish tonight.

I imagine a violet light swirling around the planet I ask the universe to use my body as a vessel to deliver cleansing energy, then I thank the sentient beings that are already doing this and I send out my love.

Ayanna bless you beloved earth angel, you made my heart happy to read all that you shared. My higher self has told me this truth and to read it emulating from another makes it real and takes flight from my soul. You are reaching us one at a time, in turn we will spread your love and dedication for us.
Love always and forever Patrice

Blessed all of you, and your beloved souls be happy and spread hope, and love the only truth is love

Dear Patrice, thank you for your beautifully shared words and heart-felt prayer. I extend heart energy to you and am ever grateful for all you are honor the divine, in you, wonderfully.

Thank you that Your prayer is from your own heart. Self expression in prayer is a most sacred and unique experience that, best, comes from inner guidance. You have done, and are doing great; continue to follow your inner pathway. Add something as it comes to you or if you find yourself reciting a prayer without emotion and/or gratitude.

Patrice, I am humbled by your words and grateful for your being and inspiring actions.

Thank you. Many blessings and continued growth as you traverse your spectacular journey of light.

Namaste Patrice



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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