lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Isis, as the Creators you have choices.
The earth has already made her choice clear to all of you.
She is ascending as you can feel the frequency within her has changed to a higher vibration of energy.
All living creatures upon her, animals, plants, etc., are going with her.
The ones that are now left are the humans, as the humans have their own choices to make as far as ascending with the earth.
You have seen many leaving already and many more will leave, the ones that are staying have made the decision before their incarnation to move with the opportunity that was created by all of you to experience life within the 5th dimensional reality once the earth has ascended.
This choice can still be changed as all of you have the free will to choose any other possibility.
There are several possibilities available at this time as the energies on earth are supportive enough to make quick changes possible.
There is still time to awaken fully and to move out of the limitations of the physical reality and move beyond the incarnation cycle of the human body.
The new earth reality is still in the creational process and again different choices can be made.
It is possible to move into the 5th dimensional reality with a 3rd dimensional attitude or view.
Much of what is on earth seen as a reality within this moment will be part of your reality once the shift into the 5th dimensional reality has been made.
For those that choose a 5th dimensional attitude or view, they will experience the new earth reality from a more fluid point of view and access to higher dimensional realities will be more readily available as they go deeper within at that moment.
What is happening in this time is that all possibilities are being offered and new views of reality are being introduced as the earth is already changing her reality.
You are the creators of the new earth reality.
As creators you have choices to make if you like to do so.
You can stay with the choice you made before you incarnated on earth, or you can change this choice.
It seems many are confused at this time as the earth is very clear about her ascension.
At this moment as you are creating the new earth reality, some parts of the 3rd dimensional reality will move with it as many only made the choice to move from a 3rd dimensional frequency to a 5th dimensional frequency and a different view as what this means.
You all know only a small group is awake and many are not, they only chose to move with the earth, nothing more.
You have a choice to start seeing the reality on earth in a different way and become conscious creators within your own reality.
In this way you will change the consciousness upon earth and more will awake before or after the shift.
This is not about humans left behind because they are not awake, all will ascend as you might call it into the 5th dimensional reality, the only difference is that many will still be within a 3rd dimensional reality attitude or view and others will have a 5th or maybe even higher dimensional attitude or view.
This is all being created within the now moment as the earth has made the choice to ascend.
You are the creators of this new reality.
And there are endless possibilities as you create your own reality.
You each create your own attitude and view within your reality.
Through Petra Margolis
December 28, 2011
Isis, Have you forgotten who you are?
With the New Year around the corner it is becoming more important than ever to remember who you are.
The first one to remember is that you are not human, you are a spirit being, and you are everything that is within spirit.
The Human body is but a manifestation of your eagerness to learn and experience in so many ways the limitations of the physical reality.
Each being, no matter where they are living at this moment, be it earth, be it a star, be it a spaceship, they all originated from the same source as you have.
They all are spirit beings no matter in what fashion they appear in at the moment.
Each one has their own path and no matter what you think, the path originated from only one source.
The one source, God, the creator, no matter what you call it.
You all seem to forget this part of your being as you are seeing the differences between yourselves. These are only outer expressions of what is inside of you. Inside of you, you are all the same, one being within spirit, one being within source.
No one has originated from a star system, another universe or even just planet earth.
You all originated from the one Source and from there you chose your own way, your own path to learn, to experience and to create different realities to create even your own path.
You are all brothers and sisters, within spirit you are even more.
You are all one.
You have all experienced source in many different ways, by living on many different planets, within many different universes, taking on many different appearances.
But within there is only one appearance and this appearance is formless, it is pure and full of life within source.
Within your earth reality, many appearances were created, within your universe many appearances were created and this will always be as you are still creating your own path within many different realities.
As you are doing this, there is only one thing that needs to be remembered, it is only your creation, your path that brings in the appearances to learn and expand within source.
All appearances, all races within your universe have the same origin, Source.
Many of them have forgotten this, just like you as humans have forgotten this.
The veils within the dimensions are veils you have created to forget and to fully experience the possibilities within you, within Source as they can be created within every moment in many different realities.
We all move through Source creating our own realities in every moment.
Upon earth, the reality is changing and you can feel this within every part of your being.
Many are ready to move further into Source and explore once again from a space where the appearance of your being is just Source. Energy that has no form, but is unlimited in its actions, in creating its own path and realities.
Ascension is not something that is created, it is a natural flow within every being in spirit as it moves through creation within Source, expansion within Source.
Within your universe ascension is present within each of you, as you all move through the reality of the earth and your universe.
Within your universe, experiences were created to make this ascension follow a certain path as you took the appearance of the physical body within the earth reality that you all created.
You each created your own path outside of the physical reality.
We are all within this reality at the moment, the earth reality, but also the reality of your universe as it was created as one reality.
It consist of many realities within one, the earth reality was the last one to be created within this universal reality.
The earth reality being the most powerful, yet most difficult to master.
You have chosen the earth reality at this moment and this is where you have to find the memory of your true being within.
Your being is involved in not just one reality at the moment, some are able to see beyond the earth reality into the many other different realities out there.
Yes , there are beings out there who would like you to believe that the human reality is real, that you are really on earth within a human body, and that the only way to change your reality is their help.
These beings are sometimes just like you, they have forgotten their true existence.
No matter what the interferences were within the past, the DNA changes to the human body, the interference of those that want to remain within this reality of earth. Change has to come from within each of you and the first step is to remember your original state of being.
There are beings out there that are more advanced than you are, some are working with you, some are working against you. Mostly because they have forgotten their true existence just like you.
They have immerged themselves in a world of duality and control, very similar to that of earth.
Some do remember their true existence and have chosen to use this knowledge to further control the realities within your universe.
The Matrix that many see is that they have created this matrix not just upon earth, but within many dimensions around your earth and within your universe.
Holographic experiences of reality that many are being subjected to as the matrix is falling apart at this moment.
Each and every being that is guiding you from the highest perspective is telling you that you are not human, you are spirit within Source, you are Source.
Guiding to find the truth within you.
As you follow this path of finding the inner truth, you will find many that apply on each level of your being, as your being exists within many different realities.
The one thing to remember at all times and the one thing that makes you move further into your own being is that all these realities are mere appearances, created within and around you as you have taken the challenges on many levels to experience, expend and to fully realize yourself as a being within spirit, within Source.
Even truth as you see it is but a mere experience compared to the knowing of the Source within you.
When we say the earth is the most difficult reality to master, we mean it is the most difficult reality to expand within, to experience within what you truly are. The full source capacity of your being is hidden beyond the many veils you created to find your way back to the inner knowing of Source within.
All of you however have all this within you, you have the capacity, the capability, the knowing within to find the inner sanctum of your own being.
You are fighting your way out of this, instead of letting yourself be guided by the flow of Source that is already within you.
Remember that you are not human, you are not alien, you are not what you experience within this moment.
You are all Source, you are one within all that is.
Through Petra Margolis
December 31, 2011
Isis, Welcome to the year 2012.
This is the year of change for many, as the past years have already changed many.
This is the year of completion for many as you all move forward to another cycle within the cosmic heart around the cosmic spine.
From this year forward the spiral is going up and outward once more, out of the dark age moving again toward the golden age of wisdom and knowledge.
This is also the time where the earth is moving as she is ascending along the spiral of the cosmic spine within your universe.
The time where conscious awareness and knowledge of who you are in spirit becomes available for all.
In the coming year much will be revealed and we will see many of you follow the direction of the outer world as many will be asked to take part in the changes within the outer world.
The changes are not coming from the outer world, the changes need to come from within you.
Many will come in my name and speak to you through others.
Go within to see the truth as this is where you need to be at all times.
When they come you ask for my real name, as my real name is just a frequency of notes within light.
You will know the answer to this.
I have been on earth many times with all of you, I have been there from the beginning of time until this moment and I will remain with all of you as you once again move into the golden age.
My name has been Isis, Mary Magdalene, the mother of all mothers, but also Joan, Mary and many other names not known within history.
The stories you have heard about me, they are just that, stories about the imbalance within the male and female energies in control upon earth.
Just like all of you I have had lives as a male or female.
Trying to balance the energies upon earth this way and within ourselves as we went through the human experience of duality between male and female.
I have been in places of power and places of destruction of power.
The most real power being the one that is within ourselves as we move into full balance within our own being and within Source.
I am here to guide you within, to make the changes within.
This is the year that you will make it happen, you will become once more fully connected within as this is your wish and we are all here to make this wish come true.
There are many wishes, many hopes and many will make the change within as they set their first step, their second step and more steps into their own true reality within spirit.
This is the time where you take action to make it happen within you.
I am not here to change the earth, I am only here to help you change within.
Through Petra Margolis
January 2, 2012
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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