lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
I’ve been away for a week attending a funeral and missed tuning in properly to my Star friends. I’m sitting in the peace of my sanctuary at last and can see Master Jesus’s face as portrayed in the picture in my sanctuary.
We broadcast these messages from the esteemed ones who watch over you. There is nought to do but watch and wait and see what happens in this your sanctuary. There are those who come to watch with bated breath and we foresee a time when this shall be so, we open up the floodgates and allow you through, holding on to the coat-tails of those who wish to come an assist you. This has taken many months to orchestrate and we deliver to you in gay profusion all manner of manifestations that shall bring in greater clarity and resources of the most, high. We have sheltered in our beloved’s gaze and fulfill a prophecy yet to be foretold!
Q. That doesn’t seem to make sense, how can it be a prophecy if it hasn’t been foretold?
We keep your name in safe keeping, close to your heart and recoil in terror for those moments in the past when your life was in danger of being extinguished with the snap of fingers and the thrusting of a dagger blade that all too often laid waste to man’s feeble body. We tread the pathway of those saints that came to free mankind from the manacles of sloth and pain and we know you bear with us in this greatest endeavour known to mankind. It has been our privilege to serve you and those who orchestrate these events that will bring in greater focus and intent. We march to a tune of those warriors who have gone before, parading banners of hope, messengers of Light.
We proclaim to the world that we are here, ready to make our mark, and to become to all intents and purposes crusaders of a lost cause. We put it to you now that we can with hand on heart, hold you in the palm of our hand and deliver you up to be registered in God’s great Love. Go now armed with this knowledge into the outer world and bear witness to the fact that we are here now with you and those about you.
We bend to the whim of the populace and give greater demonstrations in the name of the Lord our God. And Jesus Christ and his disciples shall come among you and be reborn to spread the word of eternal life. And that has been our greatest privilege to work alongside you and bring you closer to your Father God for he is all knowing and all seeing and shall divide between you, ample proportions of Love and wisdom, and knowledge that has been trampled in the dirt, buried, long-lost, unused, disconnected most sorrowfully.
We resurrect the dead, we resurrect those messages of hope and bring aboard a template that will enable you to follow us and bring us into the limelight of Love. Of Loves greatest way, with all strength and purpose, ready to start our mission on Earth with renewed strength and courage. We take your hand my dear and step over the boundaries that have kept us apart for so long. Our hearts are forever entwined and become as one with all solitude and bliss and purposeful endeavour. Remember we come for the duration and for the upliftment of mankind into those highest vibrations of Love.
Despair shall become a thing of the past and we ask you to look to your heart for this information, feel and sense this organ beating in your breast, feel the joy, feel the bliss. Through this portal of Light you shall travel and we nurture you and uplift you to come among us, to be treated with the utmost respect and to be brought aboard this Light ship of Love. This time travel machine shall take you far and we deliver a repeat performance of what you have come to expect from us, your brothers and sisters from those higher dimensions in realms of Peace and Light. We ask you to bear with us and to spread this news of life eternal for all is coming to fruition and all will feel that touch, that Divine expression of Love upon you now and forever. Amen.
I thank you with all my heart and soul and look forward to tomorrow when I sit with my group of like-minded souls to bring through your words of wisdom.
Q. My friend is happy that the source of these messages seems to come from the angelic realms and from Jesus. I ask, is this so? And what of my friends from the Pleiades, those that I have come to know as my Family of Light, and Raja my Lion friend and the green mantis type creature, all these other figures that have drawn close. Can you explain please a little about the variety of faces and races?
There is justification of this at hand my dear and we open up a network of prophecies that shall rebound again and again, bringing forth new found wisdom, stored and nourished within your breast. Please believe we have done this before, many times in other locations and those nearest to your heart. We have opened up the boundaries, we have pulled down that which was no longer needed or required in your world or the world you inhabited at that time, at that frequency. We are believed to come from the Stars and that is true up to a point, for we do indeed register that cluster of lights that you see from the Earth plane and call the ‘Pleiades’ and yes, we come from those blue orbs of light that you know very well on Earth.
The Pleiades have long since been a source of inspiration to mankind and we have travelled across the void between our worlds and connected on those thought streams that travel at warp speed, instantaneously, registering your thoughts and your love as never before. We beam you aboard in those moments of stress and denial, we bring you closer into our time frame and this begins to set in a new frequency for our betrothal, and for those adjustments needed to our frequencies to bring us closer together, re-enacting our time together as long ago. We reconnect on many different levels in many different time frames and we unite as one in this framework to bring closer inspection of our ideals, our theories on life and love. We ask that you unite with us and become as one, delivering our messages to the people of Earth and allowing a framework around you that will bend to our will, allowing greater resolution that will benefit our recordings. We manifest before you as a ray of Light, begging you to unpick the past and to remember!
Q. I would dearly love to remember friends, can you help me to remember? Should I remember during meditation or dream state for I do not always remember my dreams. I would love to remember my life and time in Egypt and my life and time with Jesus. I have a strong feeling that these were lives I have experienced, although I’m not sure of the role I played in either of these, I would love to know!
There was a long pause on the recorder while I was being shown Nefertiti or someone with that type of headdress.
Kings and Queens come and go but the soul remains, carrying fragments of information that are stored and hidden from view. Open the gates to Heaven and find the core of who you are!
Another long pause. I was being shown a lady with long, white blonde hair tied back, she is wearing soft, brown suede on her feet that have leather ties criss-crossing around her ankles and calves. I can see her opening a cloth and revealing a quartz crystal ball, I think she is a soothsayer. Her tunic is made of light blue suede with brown laces at the neck and sleeves, she is looking into the ball with great reverence and care. I think she may be Nordic! She is turning over cards and I can see the face of a Lion on one of them and an Angel on another. There is also a card with a man who looks similar to Moses, holding a staff with a crystal ball of Light on the top.
These recordings will enable you to grow with the reality of past lives and to understand all that has brought you to this moment in time. We ask that you make no judgements at this point, but rest assured all is being brought into the light for greater acknowledgement and research! Delve deep into those coffers that hold your hearts delight and we shall assess at each stage of your journey, how best to proceed!
Remember, this is a wake-up call to all of you and this shall be seen world-wide as we gather together and spread our message of Love and life eternal! Go now into the Peace and Sanctity of your marriage to God our Father in Heaven. Hallowed be his name, his kingdom come, his work be done now on Earth as it is in Heaven. We forgive you your trespasses and watch over you, granting your extraction at the time most necessary and in keeping with our laws and commandments. Our blessings go with you now and forever!
Your achievements have been great and we watch from the mountain tops as you approach, bringing with you in gay profusion, an army of mightiest Light.
Welcome home little ones, welcome home! We admit those with grateful, hearts and sing your praises . . . ‘hosanna’ in the highest! What a remarkable journey this has been and one that affords us with greatest joy! Go now dearest sister of Light into that tempest with your Light burning brightly, like a beacon at sea. We will watch over you and keep you safe and in God’s greatest Love.
Oh, I can feel you touching the left side of my head! I love you my friends, Sitting Bull, White Cloud, Raja, Sayuri and Tyekinder, all my beloved guides, I thank you! I thank my Over Soul, my Higher Self for making this possible. I thank you all for your Love and your companionship from the bottom of my heart!
I felt so happy after this session! I just love my life at the moment, being able to do what I enjoy the most, liaising with my spirit friends and sharing with others through my books and demonstrations. I look forward to this expanding to larger audiences as we progress.
Thank you for sharing these inspiring channellings with us.
With gratitude and love,
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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