lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
(Today a family member took his leave from the Earth plane and during our group session I sent out a prayer to him and all souls departing)!
Great Spirit we ask for Love, Light and healing for those souls who are departing from the Earth plane this day, we ask that they will be led to the Light and will be taken home with all Love and reverence. We ask also for Love and healing for all those family members left behind that they too, may feel your Love and know that their loved ones are safe and in good hands. We ask for Love and healing for the new souls coming into the world at this time as that cycle of Love and Light continues on and on!
Visualise now that beautiful golden sphere of light, coming down into your crown chakra and brain, flooding you with that healing energy. See it flushing down your spine into every cell, every fibre of your being, igniting that Love within your hearts for the fellowship of mankind. See that energy cascading down your entire being, into your blood and bones, your muscles, especially those parts in your body where you have had trauma, disease or discomfort. Let the golden healing energies lift it all from you.
See the roots from your feet going deep into Mother Earth, down, down into those caverns of Love and Light where our friends wait for us to join them. See the healing pool before you and sink into those waters, submerge yourself. The dolphins come to greet you and swim with you, feel them rubbing against you, silky and soft to the touch. They are your brothers and sisters of the oceans of the world, they stand with you in your fight to save mankind.
We share with one another our tales of woe but let it be known that all is well in the realms of Light. Your loved ones are taken home to rest, to be renewed and given strength and sustenance in the Love of God Almighty. This shall be so and again and again we take you home with us to be reborn into that everlasting Light of Love.
It has come to us that there are many questions to be asked on this very subject and the deliverance has been great, we have marched alongside you on this journey of the greatest intent beloved Children of Earth. It has become second nature for us to join you on these occasions and we slip into that mode of self-respect and greatest esteem. We register your intent to ride with us on the crest of a wave and we bear you aloft, bringing glad tidings of great joy for all of you!
We superimpose our thoughts on yours to bring this across, loud and clear and we make way for a greater Light coming into our midst, this day! We shall become as one, go within and feel and share. This Love is boundless, synonymous with the regret and remorse you feel in your hearts for loved ones taken from your grasp, from your embrace. There shall be no regrets for Love is Love, is Love, surround yourself with the energy of Love and no harm shall befall you. Be at Peace with yourselves, be at peace with those you Love even if it is not reciprocated, all will be drawn back into the Light of Love eventually.
A shining one approaches! Feel him come into your midst, feel the softness, the stillness. He is your beloved Master. Taken from you at a time of disruption, now reborn in the truest sense. Feel your hearts expanding and glowing with Love Divine. Go to the heart of the matter, dissolve the pain.
(I was being shown Jesus in this session with his arms outstretched).
The bells are ringing to welcome home those lost and loved ones, precious Children of Earth. We shine a light on each situation that needs looking at with greater clarity, we bear witness to what has gone before and what shall come again into your hearts and minds. Prepare yourselves to remember, remember who you are! Across the centuries we search and seek for that which has been foretold. Expand your knowledge, look into the crevices of your mind and bear witness as you did long ago on the Earth plane.
We have always been with you on your journeys, travelling the highways and byways of Earth, we have seen your struggles, your joys and your woes. We have seen that which has brought you the greatest happiness and we kneel down before you and bless you for all you have done to come so far. The esteemed ones watch over you and gather you in their embrace, most cherished, most loved. Long pause
We rise up and come among you to be blessed and purified and given sustenance for this journey of greatest intent. We summarise events to come and ask that you tread most carefully in the days and weeks ahead, ready for greater service to God Almighty. Prepare yourselves to be blessed and sanctified in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ. We come together as we did long ago to break bread and to share with one another, this has been a very important mission that is coming to a head very soon. You will become examples to others, you are blessed advocates! We are prepared to summon an army of Light that we may walk together and branch out in different directions, helping those that are lost and in great despair.
There is great gusto and excitement in the heavens for what you have achieved so far, and we shelter you and uplift you to come among us, to be reunited and to bear witness to God’s greatest Love. This has been your greatest achievement and we are very proud of you! There are some concerns as to who will go first and this has been ordained and shall be so! Each one of you tread this pathway of Light in your quest for Love and Peace for mankind and you shall deliver this, sharing your gifts. Your hearts grow in truthfulness and in great Love and we shepherd you along to do your duty.
Sweet dreams little ones! Look to your dreams and visions, here you will be shown and guided in the ways of the Lord. A supreme effort has catapulted us thus far and we look to the horizon where all is glowing in greatest efficacy, shining a light so that you may follow. And we awaken in you that need, that impetus to forge ahead on to those pastures waiting for you, and we see you gather with great joy in your hearts for yourselves and your fellow man. Look to the heavens!
Long pause with probable face changes here. I remember holding up my right hand.
Peace be with you! And with you! Welcome!
There have been many toing’s and froing within this room and we are delighted to see you, to make your acquaintance. Your back bones are strong and have carried many burdens. We see you step out of your physical frame and become the shining lights that you are. (One of the girls literally found themselves doing this).
Rest assured we are doing all we can to help you adjust to these energies infiltrating Earth at this time. Please excuse us!
(I coughed here and jerked up my hand to cover my mouth, but it didn’t feel co-ordinated, it was like someone else’s hand).
Q. Are these energies beginning to settle now?
We have found the accomplishments of the group are growing in strength and adjustments are being made that will simplify this process for you.
Q. Is that as a collective then?
This is transpiring all around the globe and far beyond this room.
Q. Is there a change in dimensions occurring?
There is a manifestation of higher energies being brought in even as we speak, and we are assisted by those from higher dimensions in this process of understanding and amalgamating the energies being brought in. It can be hard going at times but we aim to lift this from you to make it a little easier for your physical beings and in your brains. We advise rest on the days that this manifestation causes you some discomfort. Do not try to go about normal business as usual, take more care of yourselves, you will know when you need to do this. There will be an unbalanced feeling, there is a need then to sit quietly and rest.
Do not go charging off here, there and everywhere, let others wait, do not become a puppet to others desires. Think of yourselves at this time, for all is happening in your world, so much is changing and these manifestations of energy are for your greater good, you will settle down and assimilate these energies quite nicely as you are doing already!
Q. Thank you for that information, can I ask you another question please?
Q. Did you ever walk the Earth plane in human form?
That is a very interesting question my dear! We see the comparison! We have indeed walked upon the Earth and let it be known we came in Love and greatest Light as do you! We have incarnated many times, we have brought messages to the people of Earth. Some have fallen on deaf ears and other seeds have been planted that lasted lifetimes as on and on you travel through time and space!
Q. And what is the power and energy that allows you to communicate with us today?
The power from the Source of all that is, of all there has been, and so we grow and grow in greatest Love from one lifetime to another, putting our feet upon the highway of Earth. We are drawn to those avenues where we are needed the most, when we hear that call for help, assistance is given. We never interfere, we are always invited!
Q. We thank you for your love and assistance and wonder, do you have a name for yourselves?
We come for the duration and allow you to call us ‘Father’ for we are Father over all!
Q. We thank you and is there ‘Mother’ too?
There is always the counterpart energy and the Mother and the Father become as one! We are all knowing and all seeing and we have been brought here today to gather you to us and to ignite that flame of love within your breast that grows ever stronger. We are born to Love and Love is the overriding factor that will bring together the peoples of Earth, and to allow them to communicate with their higher selves and to make a pact or bargain that will allow an undoing of the sadness that prevails in your world and weighs you down.
Q. And will we join you on our passing when we leave this world?
All may come to the Father, all may come to the Light, there is no differential. We are surpassed by human kindness. There is a prerogative that allows you to step forward and be counted, and we ask you look to your own hearts and to know your own minds for this challenge that lays ahead of you.
Q. May I ask a question please? Is Eileen ready to demonstrate her channelling in a public arena?
She has come a long way in this process and the most challenging aspects of this are that she doubts herself and her ability to bring through the Truth, the Light and the Love! We unanimously accept her involvement in this and she will be used as a channel for the greater good of mankind. We lift her up to come among us and to be counted as most beloved. We ask her to remember and to know with utmost clarity, it is then she will be ready when she truly believes in herself.
Q. Is there anything we can do to help her with this?
You are already doing very well with your Love and your encouragement and the healing processes that you share, as we experienced yesterday, there was a lifting of the energies that were most beneficial in this instance. We thank you for your services, each and every one of you have displayed great courage and great Love. There is much to be done still, much to convey, but we are getting there. And we advise a conciliatory approach, there is no need to rush for all will become apparent in due course. There has been a mammoth uptake of services right around the globe and these shall be brought into alignment, giving mankind the impetus to lift . . .
Q. Can we ask, are we speaking with one representative of the Father that can be named or are you representing the Father as a whole entity?
Joseph. This is the name that has come to the surface. Joseph!
Q. Was your name Joseph when you walked on Earth?
Joseph the Father of our beloved!
(There was more emphasis on the last three syllables which is interesting. i.e.
Jos eph).
Q. And does that beloved reside with you in the higher entities?
Our beloved nestles in the hearts of you all and in those higher realms of Love where you too reside in greatest Love. There is a message for you all and you must look to your own hearts for this.
We are transparent in adversity and yet we shine like the brightest star. There are aspects of your persona we have been brought forward to examine, to poke and to pry into those aspects of your lives, those lived long ago, brought here now to register your just intent to follow this pathway of Light. It is a complex journey and one you have agreed upon. We visualise the opening of the veil and allowing you to see and to develop your prowess to enable a further functioning of your soul that yearns to be expressed. There is a governing of forces at hand that will allow this and will precipitate renewal. And we bear this with greater resolve and an understanding of all that has gone before, leading us to this very point on Earth. Look deep within your psyche, all shall be achieved, look at the map of your heart and know it shall be so. We glide through your heavens . . .
Q. Is it only Eileen chosen, who has the power to channel you, or would any of us here in the room be able to channel you too?
We know you are capable of this and you too shall be given the experience, if this is what you desire! All will be invited into the arena and given the choice of stepping forward into that limelight of Love. It takes a very brave soul to do this! We are here to strengthen you to allow this to happen and the oversoul shall draw close to give greater energy for this. There is nothing that cannot be achieved with Love and faith and a heart that is strong. We have achieved much of late within this little group and we think you deserve a pat on the back! Do no doubt yourself my friends!
(It sounds like White Cloud here, I’m sure he has a greater role than we are aware of).
Q. Do you have a message that we can bring to mankind that may be beneficial for them?
The message rings loud and clear that we are here among you, ready to take our place in assisting mankind to that level that will raise them out of the mire. There are so many souls discontent with their lot, they bicker and squabble and sneer and frown when there is another way!
Q. How can these lost souls connect with you?
Through the power of Love is the only solution!
Q. So, if we continue to send Love and healing out to those we meet in our day to day life, things can improve for mankind?
We empower you to do this and we are most honoured that you listen and take stock.
We are grateful for your teachings!
You all have the power within you to express that Love and to reach others, we strive ever onwards to bring those lost ones back into the fold and we shall not leave one stone unturned in our search. The Light shall shine about you, from within you and out to those in need. There are many souls answering the call and we are most grateful for the assistance.
(I then felt the soft, gentle presence of Mary the Mother figure, followed by a loud click in the room. We sat in this peaceful energy for some time).
May the Love of the Father and the Mother go with you. Never let it be said that we left you alone for we are always with you.
Thank you we are very grateful for the knowledge you have shared with us today!
(The energy with me made the sign of the cross).
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, may God’s Love go with you now and for evermore. And with you!
We talked about the biblical content of our sessions of late. Today, two members of our group had been given the 23rd psalm. At the beginning one of them had seen a meadow full of red poppies and asked to pray for the lost souls.
At the beginning a group member had seen steps leading to an opening, a round rustic opening into a cave or something like that. The group wondered whether it had been Joseph of Arimathea, who gave his tomb to Jesus. She had felt a lot of healing towards the end and the energy rising above her crown.
Eileen had seen Jesus during the session and towards the end was given the song, ‘Mother Mary comfort me, let it be’!
One of the members had stepped out of her body and looked at herself during the session.
Thanks so much for posting this uplifting message Eileen, and thank you for sharing it with everyone Ishema.
Infinite Blessings ot The Creator's Love, Light, & Abundance to all,
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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