lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

BRING BACK THE LIGHT - Eileen Zizecli Coleman

Trance group 27th March 2018 – BRING BACK THE LIGHT

Our group is made up primarily of healers and two of our members have come up with the idea of taking Reiki/Healing around the countryside at various events in local communities. We have called it ‘The Reiki Roadshow’. There is a small charge of £5.00 to everyone for use of the amenities and the Reiki is given freely. Our friends in the Spirit realms seem very happy with this endeavour and have been helping us. We meet each week in my sanctuary and share in the beautiful energies that come through to talk to us, including those of Sitting Bull who has come forward more strongly in recent months to work alongside me in healing and channelling. It seems Spirit want us to share these meetings with those who are interested in what they have to say. I hope you enjoy what they bring and can feel the energies as you read their words.

As quite a few of us have been poorly lately, we spent quite some time sending the golden healing energy from the cosmos to every part of our bodies, giving ourselves a spring clean. We envisaged ourselves at the healing pool in a cavern we visit, deep in the heart of Mother Earth.

Let yourselves slip into this healing pool of water that is filled with bright healing energy, let us feel the bliss and the love that is here for us today. Soak away your troubles and think only of that wonderful energy that is there to help us, think of it as a Spiritual Spa and relax and enjoy the healing this brings.

There are many filing into this cavern and surrounding us, they are wearing pale blue hooded robes. They come to watch over us and to help with the healings that are needed here today.

Stay strong little sisters of Light, for you have done so well and come so far and we are chaperoned, each and every one of us. We belong to a mighty band of brothers and sisters, all who come to harness the energy brought here today, and we are governed by a mightier life source, radiating across the globe. And we use this energy wisely and lovingly, we help you to bring out the best in yourselves and in others.

Group Member. We thank you for your loving support!

Like a mirror image we radiate that love back and forth amongst us. We see you growing accustomed to this and there is great knowledge pouring in from all the directions, helping you to harness the energy and to use it wisely. There is no time frame to this, we come in all gentility and rescue you from the doldrums. Become the bright sparks that you are, do not let others hold you back but go forward in unison!

There is much to do and you have been preparing for this for some while now, the dye has been cast and the hour set when all shall come to fruition, all that you have worked for shall be achieved in glowing colours of great magnificence. And this has been achievable on many levels in many dimensions, all is registered and brought to bear witness of a greater life force. We open the doors and pull down the barricades, we allow you to explore and you are most welcome in our domain.
We bring a certain subtly in our words for you to question and seek and learn so much more. We enjoy these sessions very much and we know there is great excitement ahead for the challenges you face! We are there with you arm in arm and we bring you aboard with us to face a certain future that will enable a flowering of expression and a deliverance bar none!

Look after yourselves for you are very important to us. Do not work too hard with your deliveries, it is O.K to take a back seat now and then to bolster your own energy field! There has been much toing and froing of late and we intersect at times to slow you down and to bring about a renewal. There has been much broadcast about these events that you have chosen and we are well prepared to march with you and help you to harness the energy needed for these excursions.

Group member. We are grateful for your guidance and support!

Be aware of a malleable energy in the background that shall assist you in this process.

Q. Can you explain that a little more perhaps?

There are different intervals where we feel there should be greater respect for your services. We feel there is an exchange of energies needed that will better help you with this process. There is an understatement of energies being brought to bear that at times may hinder and we ask you to be aware of those around you, and to state the obvious regarding your requirements and what is needed for these sessions. There is a great weight being brought to bear on that which is unnecessary and we would not want you to wear yourselves out unnecessarily. Focus your intent on that which is of paramount importance! Click in room.

Sitting Bull came in after a short pause.

Well my dears, there are a few creases to be ironed out but at the end of the day all is well, all is as it should be. And we are most proud of your achievements and how far you have come. And this goes without saying but we have said this, many times before to help you, to gather momentum along this pathway you have chosen. You are held in the highest regard and have the highest respect from those here in these realms of Light. We see you go forward together as a band of warriors of the highest regard, championing the cause of mankind, flowering in all different directions. Well done indeed, well done!

We have great admiration for you all but we ask you to go easy on yourselves. This is a challenging time for all, take intervals to rest and all will be well. Don’t despair, all will come to completion, all will be aired and viewed and scrutinised, this is a great learning curve for us all! We shatter no illusions when we say we are heaven bound, for this is the greatest journey you shall ever make in this lifetime. We complete our survey and round up the horses, ready to make the final assault! And we charge ahead of you, preparing the way, holding back those who would stand in your way. There are a few annoyances on the side-lines but we are sure you will be able to deal with these in your own indomitable way! Praise be to God!

There was a long pause before a gentle, feminine energy drew close.

Solitude . . . it is very necessary to spend some time in solitude each day, to hearken to the Great Divine and to come into his jurisdiction so that you may be honoured and to recharge your batteries, become one with the Great Divine and amalgamate, this is most important for you all. Playmates come and go but we are ever with you! We assess your condition and make some changes where necessary, blending in all compatibility, fine tuning and developing your prowess.

There is a deepening connection between us and heartfelt services that shall be monitored and honed, bringing in greater productivity and a lightness to your step.
There is a joyous reunion of souls on the horizon and we come to join you, to harvest the energy and to welcome you aboard. This effervescent, glowing chamber of Light is brought into your existence. We are most humble to share this with you. We express great delight in meeting up again with you, rising to the occasion and bearing witness to a greater ‘Light’ mankind has not seen the likes of since the heavens were resurrected. We are most jubilant in our praises for you and we come bearing gifts given to those special few who have made this breakthrough, (click in room) through the dense patterns of Earth into the Light.

Welcome home little ones, welcome home! We are blessed to receive you and enchantment is nearer than you think. There are momentous discoveries to be made and we share in your joy and prospect of this. There are openings all around the globe for those such as you and tumultuous love shall be yours, and yours, and yours, and yours! We open up the gates of Heaven and let you through to sample those delights that you have missed and yearned for!

Love is in the air, feel it, breathe it, know it for it shall circumference your earth once more, it shall bring in unbridled passion and the joy of new beginnings, new dawns and brighter sunsets than ever before. It is a valuable experience coming into the foreground. We believe the bliss you feel will ignite a new stairway to the stars and we feel you drawing closer and closer into our embrace. It is so simple and yet a matter of fact that the love harnessed within your breast has drawn us to you. These are the rewards for your service to others and they have been well earned!

We do not leave you empty handed but pass on this knowledge so that you may share with others of your standing. Little by little, step by step, we have circumferenced your world and now we come bearing the most bountiful gift of all, a greater Love than man has ever known before, brought into vision. There shall be no doubting as there will be validation of all we have said and you will know in your heart space that this has indeed occurred! Oh, happy day when Jesus walked upon this earth and he shall do so again.

Longer pause and a masculine energy spoke.

We transcend all cares and worries and come before you to pick up the gauntlet, the time has come to march forward and to deliver to the people of Earth. Rejoice for it shall be so!

I could feel a great heaviness descend upon me.

We see this pattern spreading far and wide. The death knell rings loud and clear here! Death of the old, all things shall pass out of existence, the old ways shall be no more! We wipe the slate clean, all shall be forgiven, there shall not be one heavy heart left to count. We let bygones be bygones and a reformation of sorts shall rise up out of the dismal darkness. There are many who struggle to rise above the discord and the strife upon Earth, they shall be looked after, they shall be recompensed.

I asked for help in dispelling the darkness. The heaviness shall be lifted!

I still felt the heaviness around me and asked for more help!

We ask for help from the heavenly realms to disperse this darkness and to bring about a healing.

I spoke to the group! Can we all send Love and Light into the centre of this room?

We ask that the power that is invested in us by God and his Army of Angels that Light may be shine into those dark crevices all around Mother Earth.

Group member. We flood Mother Earth with Light and Love!
Group member. May Love and Peace go to where it is needed most!

There are many souls who cry out in deep distress!

Group member. We hear them and send love to them!

Envisage the golden energy falling through the heavens onto Mother Earth, wrapping her in the finest, golden Light. See the grey sludge falling away, the darkness, the despair to be drenched in that golden light to bring hope joy and upliftment, banish the darkness and bring back the light. See Earth lifting up into the higher vibrations.

I held my hands up, which were burning, holding balls of energy. For those souls in turmoil, in anger, in mistrust, hatred, fear and hunger, we send them these balls of energy of love and light. May they be drawn into God’s great Love to be reborn into the Light and casting the shadows away.

I’m getting the words to the song ‘We shall overcome’!

Group member. I place my heart upon Gods highest altar and promise, I will help those in need to do his work wherever I can!

I can hear the song ‘Your Love is lifting me higher’!

Great Spirit we ask that a healing may occur in this room for whoever is in need and for the wider world. We thank you and offer our thanks for all those who have drawn here today to help us with this session. We thank you for the love and the wisdom, the guidance and all that we have learnt. We know that if we stand together in Gods Great, Love then we are strong!

We then sent healing to one of our members who couldn’t be here today and for her aunt who is ill. We also placed friends and family in the healing flame of Light in the centre of the room who needed healing. We also asked for all the names in healing books throughout the world receive the Love and Light they need. We send love to those that may wish to harm us and hurt us in some way, we send them the most beautiful flame of Love and ask that they may be healed. We ask for healing for ourselves so that we may become ever stronger and keep that banner of golden love and light around us at all times to be shining examples to others. We thank the Great Spirit for his love and protection!

Peace be with you now and forever more. Amen

Views: 124

Comment by Ishema, Carol Suchecki on March 29, 2018 at 11:53pm

Thank you Eileen and All who bring us these encouraging messages,

With love,


Comment by Eileen Coleman on April 4, 2018 at 1:35pm

Sharing the Love and Light is so important in these times. Thank you Carol! xxx

Comment by Sasha louise Wolsey on April 12, 2018 at 10:56pm

Thankyou so much for this,  the messages presented goes to show that besides Living in love and peace  , it personaly confirmed for me just how having HOPE, can help in all situations .

Love and light to every body x


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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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