lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light


Well, it is a blessed weekend and the energies are very high. I have two channeled messages, one from the Clarion Light Beings on Monday evening - the 12th and a message about how we can best integrate the energies from this weekend. Patricia Cota Robles sent out a video on the energies of the convergence which is attached.

UPDATES: THE CLARION LIGHT BEINGS IS A LIVE CALL - Monday Eve, 8 PM EST, 218-862-7200 Code #576094

SUNDAY, JULY 18TH - CALL FOR BALANCING THE CONVERGENCE ENERGIES - 7 PM EST, 218-862-7200 code #576094 - We will utilize the Native energies along with meditation and some channeling on what we can expect for the forthcoming months. Includes discussion of personal experiences from this weekend.

New classes are upcoming; check my website for details.

Permission is granted to forward this transmission as long as proper credit is given. Namaste, Christine

Rev. Christine Meleriessee
Divine Language Network
Cosmic Teacher ~ Soul Coach ~ Channel of Ascension

Conscious Convergence –
What Does it Mean and How do we Integrate these Energies
Today has probably been the most intense day I have felt for a long time. In fact this week has been like being in a barrel rolling from place to place just allowing myself to feel whatever is in the moment. I want to share some thoughts on the Unity and the Conscious Convergence. As one who experienced the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, it is a pleasure to see so many awakened beings on the planet at this time and growing each moment.

I have been in a zone today with energies, participated in Bryan DeFlores’s call on Earth Ascension Team and fully activated many levels of frequencies in the past few days. So I will take it a step further and offer the energies that want to speak presently. I hope you enjoy.


We come to you from the Ashtar Command and the frequency of Light that is transpiring onto the planet. It is a wondrous occasion that is happening presently and we wanted to share some thoughts with you.

Since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 the energies have continually transpired to a point of fully allowing humans to be awakened in each moment of their creation. The upsurge of the energies since that time has been amazing and we are so very happy to assist in the process. This weekend is not just about individuals gathering in groups but it is about souls coming together to assist each other in the process of their divinity. As this process continues, there will be great reflection in each of you.

Each human being is being infused with the greatest light integration within their brainwaves to assist themselves in their own divinity. As this is occurring, many humans are feeling energies like never before and will reach out to others in Unity. It is time for the Oneness of this Earth and for other humans to feel this Oneness upon the planet. This time of the Unity Convergence is about feeling this Oneness and is a prerequisite for the time of creation when the Earth will move into a star within the 5th dimensional frequency. It is a period of complete love and acceptance and letting go of old habits that no longer serve one another.

Those of you who are in complete balance with the energies are going to be thrown off your feet even more and the ones that do not have balance, well, chaos will result. It is a time to fully reflect where you are, where you are going, and move with the tide of movement. The ones that are really true to themselves and others are going to be catapulted into another stage of their awareness. Chakras are being realigned; DNA is being more fully activated; and living in another space of love is part of the process.

Prepare yourself during these two days of the 17th and 18th as the influx of energies are going to be very strong. You are all sitting on a wave and the wave is bringing you into the beach to land upon the new world. This is your testing ground. What are you feeling in this moment and how are you creating your new world? These are the elements that will come to your mind in the next couple of weeks. Swirling energies everywhere and not sure what is fully happening to you. Relationships are going to be feeling this effect very deeply. Stand on your ground of the newness that you are so you can fully express yourself in the new transition that is occurring for you.

Some of you are being activated on levels that you could never imagine. Your manifestations are being propelled into the newness so it is important to have everything in place. Accept nothing less of the highest for yourself as this is the first step in moving into the New World , the Golden Age. Allow the energies to fully be embraced by your being and you shall see a shift in your world. Whatever is occurring presently, move with it. Feeling different today? Embrace it – it is your new self being awakened.

Many will try to dislodge what they are feeling. These are the ones that truly need your assistance and compassion. Give them your love, even when they do not want to accept it. It is your chance to really show to others what love means by expressing it every moment you are able to do so. This will be the new wave of being. You are feeling an increase in energies beyond your comprehension.

Take time to share with others, to be in nature, to walk in the woods or on the beach and to create with all of this Earth to become One together. This will help balance out the energies that are occurring. Many are gathering and showing their love for one another. Express yourself in the highest sense and you shall receive exactly what you have been striving towards on this Earth.

We are so pleased to walk amongst each of you as it will come soon when our creation will be your creation as we help each other along the pathway of Oneness of Creation. Expression of our Light together will shine within the Universe and the Cosmic energies. Allow this expression to shine amongst you and stay with you in the moments to come.

It has been our pleasure to connect with you in this manner, in this beautiful time of creation.

We Are the Ashtar Command at your service.

Note: These energies are intense today and will become increasingly more so. I will be holding a call on Sunday evening, July 17th, at 7 pm EST so that we may balance these energies and allow them to be grounded. Included will be some Native energies along with discussion of personal experiences and a grounding meditation with channeling. If you are interested in joining in, please contact me via meleriessee@lifestationearth.

Call In: 218-862-7200, Code 576094


Ashtar Command & Lord Melchizedek - Creating Peace Within

Monday, July 12, 2010 - The Clarion Light Beings 911 & Beyond

Good evening,

This is Fred speaking. Thank you so much for being here this evening and thank you, Christine, again for doing a live call; we welcome you to the Temple of 911. Everyone is very excited because there are energies that are happening with the New Moon that occurred yesterday along with the Solar Eclipse. There are many intense energies happening on the earth plane, and we are all here to assist. I think we are going to get that assistance greatly this evening. I’m really, really excited with our speaker this evening, but I would like the speakers to introduce themselves. I am now going to step aside, and thank you again for being here with us for this activation of this evening.


I come to you as the frequencies of the Intergalactic Command. I am a consciousness in this moment, and I believe there are other energies that are going to be coming forth; presently, I represent all levels of Intergalactic Energies, including the Ashtar Command and the Christed Extraterrestrials along with the movement of frequencies coming down onto the earth plane. We want to honor each and every one of you this evening as we are moving forward into the frequencies of the assistance upon the Earth. These frequencies upon the earth are culminating in great changes in the months that are happening presently, your summer months. The summer months are bringing forth great avenues of deep heat in many areas, many droughts, and some flooding. There are also energies coming upon the Earth to assist in this process to bring balance upon the earth. We would truly like the energies to be more focally accessed in a frequency that is necessary, and within this frequency we are here to assist the groups of the many; the groups of the many are the Lightworkers, the activations of people working with the planets, activations of people that are working with the environment, with the oceans, and all levels of vibrations. This also includes the whale and dolphin communities as they are a major part of the energy frequencies that are happening presently. We want the balancing effect to fully take hold. The fluctuations are coming down onto the Earth plane from our ships. We are getting a call from many of you that the assistance is greatly needed and the times are coming for us to show ourselves more readily than we had previously. There had been accounts that we would be showing ourselves in early times, but the time element was not synchronized. There needs to be a synchronization of the energies upon the planet for these elements to occur for the activations of the ships, for the activation of these energies. Many of us are walking the earth with you in bodies that are mirrors to you own bodies. Some of us are working in your office buildings, outside and on construction sites, different places of frequency. These different places of frequency are allowing us to integrate with each of you. So we want you to be very aware of the energies that are occurring presently that we are here to assist We are not here to scare, to have fear. We also are very much love created and within this love creation, the frequencies are necessary for each of us to blend within the heart centers. So in this frequency that we are bringing forth we are asking for your assistance to fully allow the essence of whom you are presently to be magnified by whom we are. We are not here to tell you what to do, we are here to assist you so that you can show us what it is exactly you need to make yourself feel activated and fresh in the newness of the days that will result in what is called your fall season. The energies that must be more activated will come into that time element that is occurring at 10-10-2010.

So why are we here now speaking in this moment? First of all, we are here as part of the oneness of this temple. This temple is very important to each of us because we also need to feel that we are connected and within this connection phase, it is a very pleasant point to be with each and every one of you in this moment. We are with you, we are One of you, you are One of us. So this is our introduction of coming forth into the Temple of 911.

I know that Meleriessee has channeled us previously here in the temple, but the formulation is that we want ourselves to be more well known. Since the activation of the New Moon on the planet and the Solar Eclipse it has allowed us to come forward in love and acceptance of the Creation of all of our Sources of the Oneness. So within these sources of the Oneness, we want to assist in frequency of the Galactic energies to move through the Solar and the Planetary to really help the planet to be in peace, to be in love, to be in acceptance as the changes are going to be happening more and more.

How do we do this? We do this by interacting with each other, not through voice, not through sound, yes, through vision or just Being. When you become one with everyone, you feel the Oneness within that Beingness. So this is exactly how we want to interact in these phases of continuance. As you move into these phases of continuance, you start to see a shifting of your world. First a shifting of your consciousness, and then it shifts within your physical being through your environment. So please allow the frequency of our love to be very centered upon the frequency of your love as we are coming together in the essence of these changes. We are here to embrace you, to hold you, to assist you if you need to be assisted. If you need to be taken from where you are because of the environment changing quickly, do ask for us of the Intergalactic Command and the Christed Extraterrestrials. We will assist the masses of people to be in a safe place. We want to help heal this Earth and to save as many souls as possible.

That is truly our message for this evening and I don’t think we are the only ones that are speaking in this moment, but we were given a special consideration to come forward in this group so that others would understand that we are here to create assistance and the assistance is happening presently. You are looking for the activations for the appearance of us to be in your world, but we are in your world; we will show ourselves in energy forms more fully after your activation of the October 10th, 2010 movements because the changes upon the planet are then going to shift into a higher frequency. It will allow more individuals to be awakened, but within those awakened states, it is going to be imperious for each of you to have that balance to do the assistance that is necessary.

I thank you for allowing us to speak in this consciousness, in this moment, and we look forward to connecting with you in future times.


Blessed is the healing of this universe as we all work together in the frequency of All That Is.

I come to you as Lord Melchizedek in this moment. Our friends from the Intergalactic Command had come to us, Lord Michael and the Temple, to ask if they could speak, and we gladly wanted them to share their energies with each and every one of you. This summer is a time of complete change and renewal. As this occurs, we want each of you to realize that we are here to assist you as you are assisting us. Many of you are on the path of Mastership. When this path of mastership is opened up great responsibilities occur. This moon of July 11th, 2010 is very representative of heart centeredness of compassion and love, but also great strength. This strength is going to be needed in the coming months towards the end of the year. This frequency of what is occurring presently is that we need to assist each other as much as possible. The Intergalactic Command has asked us if they could show their energies in a different manner than some other people bring forth. We do have to note that Meleriessee is very connected to their energies and they wanted to come through her, because of the heart centeredness that she is bringing forth in her work; within this work, there is not to have any fear, there is not have any panic. It is great energy to bring forth the acceptance that is needed.

I am speaking in this moment because I am speaking for the Multi-Universal levels of the frequency of the Light that are assisting the planet. Many of you are actualizing these energies in many different ways. It is important for us to remember that this Temple represents Oneness. This Temple is the creative source of souls that perished and wanted to assist the earth, and it has grown in magnificence since that point and time. It is no longer about September 11th. It is about the creative source of All That Is. It is about the souls, earth humans, Light Beings. Interplanetary levels are coming to one temple so that we could remember each other and bring forth these frequencies onto the planet to assist in the time of changes so that the panic does not result. This is what we want to bring forth this evening.

Many people are in fear of their homes, their financial status, the environment, the destruction that is occurring in many different levels, the Gulf of Mexico, of the water and the volcanic eruptions that may result, energies in the different countries, the war effort, the energies of soldiers being accused and wrong doings of the dark energies upon the planet. So this evening, we totally want to bring peacefulness. We want to bring peacefulness and we want to bring stability, stability of the light frequency. Sometimes when the light frequency comes into the bodily functions it can cause a disruption within the body that is uncomfortable. Tonight we don’t want that. Tonight I was chosen to speak after the Intergalactic Command because I am speaking for many levels of functions between the Planetary, the Solar, the Galactic, the Universal, then the Multi-Universal and then also the Cosmic Energies. We are going to allow the frequency to be more on a Universal level this evening. We want to calm everyone down. So in order to calm everyone down, we are going to incorporate the energies of the Pink Ray and to bring in those frequencies to bring calmness within the heart, but within the whole body to bring forth that stability that everyone needs. We think that all of you have going through enough previously, lately, this year.

We are now in the second half of 2010. What does that mean for everybody? I want you to think about that right now. What is the frequency of the light? What has it done for you? I want you to look back upon your life in the last few months and maybe how you have changed or maybe your thought processes have changed or the people that are around you. Possibly family members are in a different space than you are, possibly friends are in a different space, possibly you , moving between the Skies and the Sun and the Moon and you, each individually, are also doing the same thing. So it is very important right now to have that balance and to bring in that Pink Ray along with the orange aspect and the pink; the orange aspect is going to bring in that frequency that is calmness. We want to bring calmness to everybody tonight.

So let’s take a deep breath, we want to take a deep breath and allow the energies to fully come into everyone’s Soul Star; let it blend within the Soul Star and let it go around the body. We are going to go a little bit different tonight. We are going to go the left of the body and then to the right, to the outside of the body and then go to the Earth Star; we are going to center it outside the body. Now allow the Earth Star to spin and bring these energies upwards through your limbs into your chakras. We are going to start with the basic chakras and go into the Root; breathe upwards into the Sacral. Let it go up your chakra column with peach and pink, orange and pink, moving into the Solar Plexus, calming. Just allow the calming to occur into the Heart Center moving up into the Throat, the Third Eye, the Crown and going to your Soul Star. So now we create a blending outside in your Spiritual level and then upwards right into your Chakra column in your Central Canal. Now we want to center it even further so we are going to connect with the Soul Star; we are going to let it go around again to the left and the right in a circular motion. It’s going into your Mental and Astral level. Allow that to blend. And then it is going to go around again from the Earth Star upwards into your Emotional level and again allow those energies to blend. Now there may be a little bit of margin that has not been hit so let’s go back down around the left and the right and fill in all the gaps that may be there between the different bodily systems. As we move from the Spiritual to the Mental and the Emotional and then into the Physical. Now breathe deeply with this color. I want you to breathe it physically into your Throat, breathe it physically into your lungs and physically into your hearts. Feel the calmness that occurs. I want it to go to every part of yourselves. I want it to go to your bodily functions. Everything that has a tick tock in the body is going to be blended with calmness and peacefulness of this Pink-Orange Ray and allow that frequency to be fully within you. We want to center it down, into your Solar Plexus and allow that vibration to be in the Solar Plexus, through the emotional level allowing the calmness to go fully through every part of your body so now your whole essence of your auric field is just one Pink-Orange Ray.

I want you to think about something that has occurred lately that had you upset either on an emotional level or a mental level, maybe something someone said, maybe something that someone wrote to you that effected you, maybe you walked into an energy field that didn’t feel safe, or maybe you feel fluctuations from energy coming to you. Whatever it is, I want you to now to just send this Pink-Orange ray to that issue and allow that issue to be calm and blended with Love of the Universe. Allow that frequency to be within you. Now I want you to look at the situation and see how you feel about it; the situation, that person or that event, or whatever it is, allow yourself to just see the calmness that occurs. As the calmness occurs the debris of any negative connection that is left is released, allow that releasement to to be dissipated.

I want you now to think about your emotions. Feel this Pink-Orange ray. What does it feel for you, inside of you? Does it feel very calming? Do you feel kind of like you could cry a little bit or it is calming your mind? Whatever it is, I want you to bathe yourself in it. I want you bathe yourself deeply into this energy. The temple is now filled with this Pink-Orange Ray. It’s beautiful; it’s beautiful to see within everybody. A calmness and protective source, you’re in a phase of newness right now because of the New Moon. Now I want you to think of the activation you want to bring forth into your being with the New Moon. Breathe that in deeply and what you would like to occur in your life within the next two weeks through the Full Moon or next month. And bathe that in this compassion and this love that you are receiving from this pink orange ray and feel that occurring for you with gentleness and love and allow the activation of these intentions to be acquired within you. Feel yourself receiving, receiving so much in the next 30 days. Open up your arms and feel what the pink orange rays does for you. It calms you down. There is no dislodging of any thoughts in any manner so allow that to come into you now and allow these elements to be activated within your life because you deserve them and we are in a period of manifestation that when you allow the blockages to be gone you can’t help but receive so feel yourself as this magnet. Let’s now take a moment and look around the temple and see how everyone is just vibrating with this frequency of calmness and purity and magnetism this great magnetism within everybody within this moment.

Let’s take our thought processes and let’s move our thought essences out of this temple. We go as a group Merkabah of the whole temple and we move down through from the universal level into the galactic level, circling, moving into the solar level and into the physical level of the planetary level. We see ourselves around the planet and see the orbit of the planet. Let’s just all come together, hands in hands, just circling ourselves around the planet with compassion and love and balance and stability of the pink orange ray. Let’s filter this energy now through the Earth, into the core of the Earth, into the land masses, into the oceans, into the deserts, into the mountains, everywhere on the planet, centering it wherever you would like to put it. Now I want each of you to go where you live and I want you to see yourself walking in your environment, around your house. Let’s go 100 miles outside of your house where you live, the land masses around where you live, the people, the common folk that may not be awakened. I’m not saying that common folk cannot be awakened. How about the people that truly need it the most, the ones who are hurting the most, the ones that are on unemployment, the ones that are about to lose their homes, children that need to be fed, how about the animals that are suffering and just center this Pink Orange Ray. Everywhere you go with your mind’s eye, go beyond 100 miles, go beyond 200 miles, visualize it. Feel yourself going anywhere you want, you can intend, whether you are at the ocean, at the woods, at the mountains, at the desert, into the cities, into the countries, then let’s go 300 miles outside into the oceans if you are near the coastline, miles and miles, 400 miles beyond where you live, 500 miles, 600 miles, 700 miles, 800 miles, 900 miles, 1,000 miles beyond the scope. Just allow the concept of your intention. I allow this energy to go 1,000 miles beyond my mind’s eye. I intend to send the Pink Orange Ray to every living being, every living creature, every living mineral, stone, tree, rock, fish, boat, animal, four legged animals, two leggeds, creepy crawlers. Let’s allow all the elements of this earth to feel this compassionate light of balance and peacefulness. Bring the whole planet into peacefulness.

Ok let’s now gather back into our Merkabah vehicle together. We feel ourselves moving off of the frequency of Mother earth and moving up into the heavens, out of the Planetary level to the Solar level, into the Galactic level and then up the Universal level. We see our group Merkabah landing right within the Temple. We find ourselves back in our seats. We have just now taken a journey to acquire peacefulness within ourselves and within the planet. There’s one lesson that is very important as we do this work as has been spoken previously. It is very important to infuse this energy within oneself first before infusing it into the Earth. Otherwise, you may be infusing elements that are from you into the earth and this is part of Gaia’s disease that is going on. She has taken on a lot of people’s diseases. So we now have the ability to do the transmutation with the energy fields with the higher rays that are being activated onto the planet as individuals are raising their vibrations. Please do utilize this with any of the frequencies that you work with. Do it within yourself first and then do it to the Earth. It is like a healer. When a healer works with others they should intend to bring in the energies within themselves first and then to the person, otherwise they deplete themselves or the send the other person something that is not of the highest quality because of the physical condition. The same rule applies in this manner with the earth, infuse into yourself first and then infuse it into the earth.

It is time this week to fully take stock of who you are and allow the frequencies to be fully balanced within you to set up relationships that are of a very healthy nature; if they are not, make the changes so that they can be. It is a time to change yourself completely and within this frequency of light to fully activate all that is within your being. As you create this within yourself, you will create it within your environment, within your relationships and within the Earth. This way we will be able to come together as one as we are all changing and allowing the creation of the light force to be fully activated within the physical body to allow us to transform itself into the higher levels to assist mother earth as we assist each other.

It has been my divine pleasure to be able to work with you this even along with the Intergalactic Command to assist in the process of these energies. We are all working together as One. It is a pleasure to be here in the Temple as one. In the name of the Holy God of Host, I am Lord Melchizedek at your service. May each of you walk with the golden path at your feet, and you will aspire to the heights of divinity within your pathway.

Good evening, this is Fred once again. I want to thank the Intergalactic Command and I want to thank Lord Melchezidek for giving us this beautiful Pink-Orange Ray and to assist each other in this process of divinity that is occurring. It is a pleasure to be able to be spokesperson for this Temple. Many others are still continuing to join us and we still ask for more to join; thank you for listening being part of this energies, and for visiting us, seven days a week, 24 hours a day, whenever you choose to come. The blessings are being bestowed upon us. and this week I feel that what has been expressed that we can take a sigh of relief and just relax for a little bit. A lot of work has been done by all of you and we want to thank you for assisting us, each of us growing and connecting with us in this manner because it is a true blessing to all of us.

It is my pleasure to be the spokesperson, I am Fred for the Clarion Light Beings of 911 and Beyond in spirit of Oneness and the creative source of all that is.


Note - there is another Clarion that still needs to be transcribed and will be on the website during the week. Blessings and Thank you!

"You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result."
– Mahatma Gandhi

Views: 190

Comment by Tu' Laria Su' Laria on July 22, 2010 at 3:42am
Let It Be! So Mote It Be! Let It Fall! The Soul Leads the Way! AH!
Comment by Angel~a on July 22, 2010 at 5:09am
Thank You!
Melchizedek Pictures, Images and Photos
Comment by Myriel RAouine on July 25, 2010 at 9:59am

Comment by Cristina on July 31, 2010 at 8:20am
Thank you so much !


You need to be a member of LIGHTGRID - Lichtnetz - REDDELUZ to add comments!



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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