lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Trance group 12th July 2017

The Portal of your Heart

There is always lots of laughter at the beginning of our group session, which lifts the energies considerably and one friend very expertly drummed us through the four directions. We also sang a lovely drum chant that she had been inspired to write, adapting it when inspired to do so, calling out different names for healing.

Taking the group through a grounding and opening up process, my guides started to come through and help.

Tap into that essence of who you truly are, wonderful, beautiful golden creatures of Light. Survey the wonders of the cosmos, the colours of the constellations, the myriad stars that shine so brightly. Call upon your guides to join you and bring that beautiful cosmic energy around you as you come back into your heart centre. We are connected to the cosmos and rooted to Mother Earth and we abide in the heart centre. This is where we Love, this is where all knowledge is stored and this is the portal that we may go through on our journeys and travels and there is so much for you to explore. We will send that loving, healing, heart energy around the room from left to right, so send that energy and get it moving, expanding and growing, heart to heart, sending that Divine Love to one another and building up the energies. It’s almost as if there is a giant spinning top in the centre of the room and our Love and energy has it spinning at a fast rate of knots.

This is powered by your Love and when it stops spinning it rests upon the journey that you wish to take this afternoon. And you can go anywhere, anywhere that is your heart’s desire and that your imagination will allow you to go. Expand your senses and decide where you would like to travel to, where you would like to explore and who, from the ancient world you would like to glean knowledge from. This is all within your capabilities, you have only to ask to receive and you have our blessings to take with you on this journey of high intent.

Allow yourselves to go with the flow, be mesmerised by the gentle flow of energy around you, relax and go within, travel through the portal of your heart for there is so much there for you to explore. Those inner worlds open up to you and you are quite safe and loved and watched over. Ask your guides to join you and take your hand, leading you perhaps to other lands. We’ll leave you now for a short while to enjoy this interlude.

I started to sing - The Earth is our Mother she will take care of you!

Shelter in the bliss of your Mother’s arms.

(We all went into the quietness within for around 20 minutes).

We are drawn to your side and wish to speak with you. The times they are a changing, they are changing for all of you, for all your compatriots and for all those who seek and search for truth and justice for all. We come armed with a Love so powerfully strong that it envelops you at this time in a loving embrace from all of us here in the realms of Light. We are beholden to you for taking the time and trouble to spend these afternoons linking into those energies that shall help you on your journeys. Be not put out that it seems to take such time to achieve those goals you have set yourself, all things align in perfection when the timing is right. And we adjust those frequencies around you to allow us in, to allow us to whisper in your ear and beckon you forwards when the timing is right for you. We allow each one of you to sample this Love that we bring and we integrate ourselves with you.

Thank you for joining us today, we can feel your Love and your message is much appreciated.

You are most welcome. The timing has to be perfect for you to take that first step into the unknown. And we do not wish to frighten you or make you feel at a disadvantage in any way, shape or form. W come armed with Love, purely and simply and to usher you forward into that Light of understanding that is there for you all. We graciously accept this invitation to join you and we amalgamate our energies to encompass your bodily forms. Feel the energies as they come around you, feel the impression of Love, Love Divine and know that you are ‘truly’ loved.

Q. Could you give us any advice as to how we could spread this Love to others and the planet whose hearts are not so open and maybe need more Love in their life?

We are doing all we can to bring those to fruition who themselves may not be as knowledgeable as you are at this time, but as you expand and grow your services we hope you will encompass those who are less likely to receive this knowledge of their own accord. We see the energies of those like you, seeping around the globe into each nook and cranny, into towns and villages across the world, each doing their own job of spreading the news, the news of Love Supreme and life everlasting!

We go out into the countryside and speak to the masses, to the people of Earth, and through us you will be able to do this. Each little word is like a seed of thought that can flourish and grow if planted wisely. There are many who have no knowledge of other worlds beyond their own, but gradually this will come into their awareness with the energies that are developing and growing among you all.

Q. You have been sending Eileen an Egyptian lady to communicate with her, is there any reason for this?

Our Star families communicate with one another and we bring this into the arena to open your vision and to express ourselves in a format that you can both understand and acknowledge as being the truth. We are from many noble families originated on Earth.

Q. May I ask your name and ask from where you come?

Eileen sensed the name Mwlla given the previous week as the life path 7. Also, the name Judith came into her mind, which she later found out is a Hebrew name. Eileen went deeper into trance, feeling someone drawing very close into her energy field and when they spoke, it was in a different, slower voice.

My name is COMPASSION, my name is JOY! I AM all-knowing and all-seeing!

We send out our Love to you, Compassion and Joy!

Dear daughters of Earth, we welcome you into the fold. Hold that Love within your hearts, shine little ones, shine on! Magical, mystical, momentous, mirage, magnificent, you are all this and so much more!  (There was a crack in room).

We conclude our discussion for this afternoon and thank you once more for your outstanding performance of late, and for giving your energies to this sitter to help her go forward, and into the Light of that greater Love that awaits you all.

Thank you for joining us, it is a great pleasure.

This has been a memorable time for us and we open up the archives for you to delve into for yourselves, to search and explore. There are many answers yet to be given but all will unfold before you. We cannot rush ahead of ourselves and so we give time for absorption to digest that which is given, so that more will be available to you. Drink from the cup of human kindness and share this with others, so that eventually all may be brought into the fold and given that Love and support. We thank you!

There is one to come among us who shall express herself with some uncertainty, we give no cause for alarm but we ask that you give this soul the greatest Love. For it is not our want to push aside those who wish to come into the Light and you will know of who we speak. Please cherish her and Love her and help her to go forward, as we help you!

Au revoir my friends, until we meet again, may God’s blessings go with you and keep you safe!

The girls then described their journeys.

One member couldn't remember going on a specific journey but she remembered her roots going deep, deep, deep from her feet and then energy coming back up to her base chakra, working up to the top and then back down her spine, down to the earth. There was a strong White, Light connection with the ‘ONE’! At one point when Eileen spoke,  member saw the strange nosed one with dark eyes again who has come through in previous weeks. Although he looks strange, he is very loving.

Cathy - was with her wolf guide and got the name ‘Shadow’ because he literally is her shadow following her around. She was sitting on a snowy mountain top with him and felt a strong urge to howl, which made us all laugh. Then she had the feeling of being on a ship and was told it was a journey of knowledge. When Glynis asked Eileen’s guide a question there was a buildup of pressure in her head, it didn’t hurt but it felt really uncomfortable. When Spirit were answering the question of who they were, emotion bubbled up within her and she cried silent tears.

Later Cathy remembered sitting in a golden carriage the type that was carried by people called a litter. See link below.

Belinda - as soon as Belinda came into the room she was conscious of the energies and went very deep this week. When she asked who was there she saw a North American Indian with black hair and darkish skin with very pointed features, He was dressed in black and said his name was Eagle Hawk. He told her ‘illuminate your path with knowledge’. She felt her body being lifted and her legs kicked out, her throat felt strange too. Glynis felt there were electrons pulsing and going faster and faster around the room and being directed at Belinda to give her healing.

Looking up later Judith appears to be a Hebrew name, which is plausible. Judith is a feminine given name derived from the Hebrew name יְהוּדִית or Yehudit, meaning "She will be praised" or "woman of Judea".

Views: 123

Comment by Ishema, Carol Suchecki on July 16, 2017 at 5:37am

Thank you Eileen for these inspiring messages.

With gratitude and love,



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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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