lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
YOU CHOOSE YOUR VIBRATION WISELY:- To know future sometimes it does serve you to know something that is coming, and you get a premonition, or you have a dream, or your intuition kicks in, and you are able to make a choice, a choice to experience something else, something that does serve you. Now, when you are facing the unknown, when you have absolutely no idea what is coming your way, there is a greater likelihood that you’re going to feel something. That is the purpose of experience, after…
ContinueAdded by Ms Tercy Lonan on July 31, 2019 at 10:59am — No Comments
Time to step out of our own inner box
We all are trapped within our illusions on a day to day perception of what would be appropriate.
Awakening and awareness are two companions in this process of clearing deep within the cells
Of our Beingness.
To become fully aware it is necessary to go inward to see, feel and touch what emotions are being stirred,
before you can start the process of clearing and cleansing…
Added by Rhea Dopmeijer on July 31, 2019 at 10:27am — 1 Comment
How to reap what you have sowed
My Love is carrying you through and
Will assist you in every challenge you encounter
If any is certain it is my Love for You
It is the only way your Heart will know ME,
And the only way to remember your connection
With your original state.
You are formed from the same energy
As I Am
You are essential in our experience
As a united family of souls
Your human experience…
Added by Rhea Dopmeijer on July 30, 2019 at 9:58am — No Comments
KNOWING THE FUTURE DOESN’T SERVE YOU:- You are seeking knowledge over experience, many seeking answers, seeking to know about the past and the future. And wanting to understand what star system you are from. You are here to know in experience all of it, and something that requires you to not know certain things. You to understand that there is a great deal to be gained from having an experience that you did not expect to have. There, knowing the future doesn’t actually serve you. Wish you a…
ContinueAdded by Ms Tercy Lonan on July 29, 2019 at 10:00am — No Comments
Liberate yourself and be the Master of your own Creation
If you don’t want things to escalate,
then don’t react to the energy of the moment.
Keep breathing and stay focused
on the positive outcome you visualize.
Action <-> Re-action will not heal any
troubled situation if the root of the issue
isn’t been addressed and admitted.
There is a need in any counterpart
that needs healing and balance.
In every action and reaction
core issue is…
Added by Rhea Dopmeijer on July 28, 2019 at 11:15am — No Comments
YOU MOVE FORWARD ON THIS VERY CHALLENGING ASCENSION EXPERIENCE:-The highest perspective, you are allowing yourself an opportunity to feel things that you could not otherwise feel. You could not possibly access the pit of despair from the Source Energy perspective, but you can where you are. And there is something about having that experience that is absolutely thrilling to you on the highest level of your being-ness. If you can bring some of that to the proceedings as you process through…
ContinueAdded by Ms Tercy Lonan on July 27, 2019 at 4:49pm — No Comments
YOU ARE SOURCE ENERGY BEINGS:- The ascension journey starts within each and every one of you, and you demonstrate your power to yourselves, to the collective, and to this universe by accessing it within you. What you have access to that grants you power is your ability to focus, and activate through that focus, a unique vibration. The truth of your power is that it has always existed within you and that you have always had access to it. However, you have been taught that your power comes…
ContinueAdded by Ms Tercy Lonan on July 26, 2019 at 7:57am — No Comments
Fear keeps people in line
Fear keeps people in line, this came up this morning. We all know that fear is used as a tool, to manipulate people for the preferred outcome. To maintain power and contain a great amount of people in line. It also happens in a smaller context, when we look at the way children and women are treated at times. Through history, these are the most vulnerable groups in every society. Being treated in a way to make sure the dominance will be…
Added by Rhea Dopmeijer on July 25, 2019 at 2:21pm — No Comments
COMMUNIVATE WITH YOUR ENERGY:- To know your ability is one of the initial phases of becoming telepathic. Now, in many ways, you already are telepathic, but now thinking about complete telepathy and a doing away with speech and writing emails and texts altogether because you will communicate with your energy. The first step is, of course, sensing the energy of who you are connecting to. Know each other by energy signature, also called vibrational signature. And it is an important step in…
ContinueAdded by Ms Tercy Lonan on July 25, 2019 at 11:22am — No Comments
YOU WILL KNOW THAT YOU HAVE YOUR NEW ABILITY:- You are approaching a turning point in the evolution of your consciousness as a collective. You will soon be able to distinguish your fellow humans by energy, rather than by name, face, or even voice. Now, this will be something that you develop without knowing that you are developing it, because you will still be able to see the people and hear the people and read the name that is on the screen or on the caller ID. However, you are going to…
ContinueAdded by Ms Tercy Lonan on July 24, 2019 at 12:59pm — No Comments
A COLLECTIVE ENERGIES OF THE SHIFT IN CONSCIOUSNESS:- A shift consciousness for an entire collective is a monumental task. No one said that it would be easy. And so, you are being asked to face a variey of issues, traumas, and emotions, and sometimes you feel like they are coming one right after the others. This is how you actually can tell that you are making progress. It is by measuring how much you feel that you can know that progress is occurring within you. Think about how easy it is to…
ContinueAdded by Ms Tercy Lonan on July 23, 2019 at 10:43am — No Comments
Loving Internal communication
The biggest challenge sometimes
Is the moment you are feeling hurt.
And the communication internally starts
Thoughts like clouds appear,
Emotions like rain drenching your soul
And the balance is lost at times.
Your internal communication is going
Back and forth between these two.
So how to bring in the Sunlight again
To make the clouds disappear
And the drenching rain will…
Added by Rhea Dopmeijer on July 23, 2019 at 10:13am — No Comments
As far as I know this is the first time the Arcturians mention the Anunnaki so there seems to be some truth behind that what I posted here about the Anunnaki.
The Bigger Picture of E.T. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have evaluated several of the instances there on Earth where there has been open, physical contact with extra-terrestrial beings, and…
ContinueAdded by Eckart on July 22, 2019 at 3:04pm — No Comments
The Sparkle in your eyes
The Golden Light within our soul
There is this inner golden glow
That comes to surface
When the heart is filled with
The full abundance of love
Joy and harmony come together
Bringing up the compassion as well
The patience and kindness full surfacing.
The Highest vibration of Love
Is through the Golden frequency
In our Universal law of Light.
From the highest realms…
ContinueAdded by Rhea Dopmeijer on July 22, 2019 at 12:03pm — No Comments
YOU CLOSER AND CLOSER TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION:-If you see fear as an opportunity for you to grow, to integrate, and to become more of who you are, then it is serving its purpose and it is serving you. What most people do, however, is run away. They run away from the feeling and that which causes, the feeling and you know this because you see it. You see it in front of you in the action of others, and you see it in yourselves as well. You see how a person shrinks down, literally, in the face…
ContinueAdded by Ms Tercy Lonan on July 22, 2019 at 11:04am — No Comments
SOME CHOICES WILL BE FUELED BY FEAR:- You take many steps forward in your evolutionary journey every time you face something that you fear. You are taking these steps forward in spite of the fear response. The emotion of fear is not a bad thing by your definitions of what is good and what is bad. It is, however, important to note here that what you do, and what you think, and what you say while feeling that fear, these things are important. And you certainly can make better choices. Some…
ContinueAdded by Ms Tercy Lonan on July 21, 2019 at 11:05am — No Comments
EMBRACE YOUR SENSITIVITY:- You are here not only to shift, but also to demonstrate to others how it is done. You are here to create your reality and to teach others how to create theirs. There is nothing more powerful as a tool than your ability to feel, your ability to sense, and your ability to activate a vibration. And of course, in order to do that, you must be able to recognize what vibration you are holding. Therefore, embrace your sensitivity. It is the most powerful tool that you…
ContinueAdded by Ms Tercy Lonan on July 21, 2019 at 11:00am — No Comments
Added by Rhea Dopmeijer on July 20, 2019 at 12:51pm — No Comments
THIS IS WHAT MAKES YOU THE PERFECT LEADERS:- You must be able to feel your way into your creations in order to manifest them into your reality. Being sensitive allows you to do this. It also makes you want to include others in your creations. You are not going to create a mansion and massive amounts of wealth for yourself without considering how other people are living. You are not going to ignore the circumstances of others, and this is what makes you the perfect leaders. Wish you a Joyful…
ContinueAdded by Ms Tercy Lonan on July 19, 2019 at 11:32am — No Comments
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on March 3, 2025 at 11:11am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on January 11, 2025 at 10:00pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on October 25, 2024 at 10:00am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on October 24, 2024 at 11:45am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on October 3, 2024 at 7:17pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on July 28, 2024 at 1:30pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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