Winter has arrived here in Grand Marais. There is a blanket of snow covering the ground and the trees are beautiful, with each individual branch defined/outlined by the falling snow. You can easily track the movements of animals in the snow on the ground, the deer tracks and the tracks of smaller animals making their own pathways as they go about their own personal cycles.
There is such a silence after the snow has fallen, a peace and quietness, such stillness. The pure flowing lines of the snow on the ground mirrors back to me the simplicity, beauty and Truth of life. How important it is to be still in the beauty that is within me and to simply witness the beauty that surrounds me in nature.
I am witnessing this moment of life through my own heart space. As I take a conscious breath and move more deeply into the moment, I become one with the energy of the space of nature, the beauty and stillness around me magnifies.
The constant message is to slow down and be still. To breathe into the moment, allowing the moment of my experience to expand, and let go.
Everything we need to do really comes down to the simplicity of being. Not trying to work things out with the ego mind, not to try and understand the process of life. To simply let go, and Trust the moment.
There is so much taking place on an energetic level on the planet at this time. I have been spending a lot of time channeling with the Pleiadians. The Pleiadians have been giving me a lot of information on how the energetic changes are to take place the rest of this month of December. There is to be a powerful unveiling, creating a huge potential of monumental change at the moment of New Year. This unveiling will strongly impact all of us who are seekers at this time. This process activated through the unveiling will continue to unfold and stabilize throughout January. Those of us who are consciously awake will be strongly impacted by a powerful metamorphosis.
When I look into the energies that are coming at the time of the New Year I see and feel monumental change. I know we have all been waiting for this shift, and I also know those of us on the path are ready for this change in a multi-dimensional reality. This change will bring many opportunities for a reconnection from the higher realms of Self.
I do wish each one of you a wonderful holiday time leading into the New Year. Make sure you watch the latest Pleiadian Broadcast as these initiations are designed to support you in adjusting to the upcoming energetic changes at the time of New Year.
Love and blessings,