lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy. Here in this group we can post and discuss those of hís theories which arouse our interest!
Members: 46
Latest Activity: Mar 1, 2023
Edgar Cayce Reincarnated?
Edgar Cayce - David Wilcock
Edgar Cayce was the foremost accurate psychic of the early 20th century and gave over 14,000 readings and had a 99% accuracy rate. He gave readings to people all over the world from within his home while in a trance state, not being aware of anything that had occurred. He was popularly referred to as ''The Sleeping Prophet''. With only a name, an address (location on the physical plane), and a promise they would be there at the designated time of the reading, Cayce would give these readings and most were health related in which he prescribed natural remedies and holistic cures. Edgar Cayce is the father of the holistic movement. His future doom and disaster readings should not be taken as truth as they were channeled through by a negative entity which even stated itself to be a different entity (Helil, Helial?) who was not his usual channeled source. These negative readings rarely occurred. All of his readings except for these Helial readings were positive in nature and had extremely valuable content.
''In this comparison it is quite easy to see the facial similarities between Cayce and Wilcock.
They also have remarkable astrological similarites, with the inner planets on both charts appearing in almost exactly the same positions - at billions-to-one odds against chance. David’s birth planets are the closest match to Cayce's in a 157-year period after Cayce's death - which helps him continue to work out the same karma.
Of course, they both also have a very well-documented record of accurate, insightful psychic readings.
Edgar's alleged past-life identity as Egyptian priest Ra-Ta was said to have co-designed the Great Pyramid and Hall of Records with Thoth.
The Cayce Readings said ''[Ra-Ta] the priest would return in 1998'' and be in Virginia Beach, ''surrounded by many of those'' he knew before.
David's readings began in November 1996, and they asked him to move to Virginia Beach in October 1997. Many key people began noticing his shocking resemblance to Cayce, since the A.R.E. is still headquartered there. David's readings confirmed that there was a past-life connection in November 1997 - and he visited the A.R.E., the Cayce organization, in 1998 to announce the connection. He was met with extreme interest at all other levels, but harsh criticism from the very top.''
- The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce and His Soul Group?
Gertrude Cayce, Cayces wife - Davids best female college friend Angelica.
Morton Blumenthal who was heavily involved in Cayces work -
Chris R. who was Davids longest lasting friend in college.
Edwin Blumenthal also had many Cayce readings and was a close friend of Cayces -
Jude Goldman was Davids longest-standing friend in high school, and the only friend from that time who David is still in contact with.
Dr. Wesley Harrington Ketchum, Cayces personal financeer - David Wilcocks brother.
''The charts shown above, for Edgar Cayce and David Wilcock, born 96 years apart, show an amazing similarity in soul and personality. In studying and practicing the Divine science of Astrology for over twenty years, I have never seen such a remarkable re-convergence of the 'personal' planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars). The charts show a remarkable sameness between these two men beyond all chance or 'coincidence'.'' - Brian McNaughton, Professional Astrologist
''Skeptical reactions of disbelief are understandable. 'Oh, they all look a LITTLE alike, but come on!' Reincarnation can be a difficult concept to grasp, particularly when it occurs in ''soul groups'' like this. The fact of the matter is that some of David's core family members, (not pictured at this time) and some of David's closest and longest friends are very similar to equally central figures in Cayce's lifetime. Cayce's own readings also predicted that this would happen, as we indicated in ''The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?''. The faces are not 100-percent identical, but these discrepancies are apparently caused by the combination of the true face of the Higher Self, and its energetic organizing effect upon the DNA molecule, with the hereditary facial characteristics inherited from either of the parents. Jude has a narrower mouth than Edwin. David's nose and earlobes are differently shaped than Edgar's.
David's latest scientific research on the energetic effects with the DNA molecule, as he describes in his co-authored book The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, gives a scientific basis for the idea of a ''soul'' that is apart from the physical body, continues to reincarnate and progressively learn lessons, and has a direct energetic effect upon the structure of the DNA molecule. Russian scientist Dr. Peter Gariaev discovered that DNA absorbs light photons in its surrounding area, and causes the photons to spiral through the molecule itself. This spiraling effect will continue in the same spot for up to 30 days after the DNA is physically removed from that spot — and this effect is called the ''DNA Phantom.'' Gariaev also shined a gentle laser beam through a developing salamander embryo and redirected it into a developing frog embryo. This caused the frog embryo's DNA to completely re-code itself with the instructions to build a healthy adult salamander ( ! ), even though the two embryos were in hermetically sealed containers and only the light was allowed to pass through.
In the same way, it appears that your ''True'' form begins affecting how your physical body will look from the moment of conception, as your soul energies begin weaving their way in to the DNA, just like how the salamander's ''energy'' codes could be transmitted, via laser light, to a frog embryo and cause mutation. As you get older, more and more of this energetic DNA-blending takes place, and your face more closely resembles that of your Higher Self. In the case of Garaiev's research, the salamanders were able to breed with other salamanders, live healthy lives and show no signs of ever having originated from frogs. This also seems to be the primary mechanism responsible for why evolution occurs in sudden, evenly-spaced spurts in our fossil record — neat cycles of 65 million years and 26 million years have both been discovered and proven to exist.
David's research suggests that these cycles are the result of our Solar System passing through evenly-spaced energetic zones in the Galaxy, which at times will spontaneously induce evolution on any planet supporting life, within only one or two generations. It appears that we are again experiencing such an effect now, having remarkable effects upon the Earth's climate as well as that of the Sun and all other planets, and causing many social changes to occur on Earth — the creation of a ''Dark Night of the Soul'' for humanity where our group negativity is being mirrored back to us on a global, governmental level so that it can be identified, cleansed and healed — both collectively and individually as well.''
Note: David Wilcock has known since 1998 that he is Cayce's reincarnation, but refused to allow publication of a book about it until recently. He feels that the science and the message is more important than the Cayce connection. He is in no way profiting from the Cayce connection other than a book in which most of the profits go to maintaining his website and his research. Otherwise, David gives 99% of his work away for free! It is my choice to promote the Cayce connection purely out of fascination and as a way to help promote curiosity and interest for others to learn more.
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Hi! Its been a while since David Wilcock posted a video on his website I hope he is alright!
Thank you, very very much.
Thanks for your comment, Keshmira - which reminded me to post the video here in his group as well :-)
Love and Joy and Blessings,
Sonja Myriel
Since many years I have been fascinated by these topics and have read and distributed many of Edgar Cayce's books. Today I felt I was meeting up with an old friend when I saw David Wilcock's amazing video.
Thanks Sonja to you and David W.
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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