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Beacons of Light

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NOTICE: The following channels were given live on the VirtualLight Broadcastand can be heard as they were originally recorded. Below is an edited version of the same channel designed for print. These were edited with the group’s oversight and approval. I hope you enjoy them. Steve Rother

NEW Audible Light in Steve’s voice.
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~ The Balancing Point ~

Greetings, dear ones.

I am the Keeper of Time. I join you this day because your time frames are starting to move incredibly fast. It's a very interesting process for us to watch, because now things are rapidly bubbling to the surface. It's a wonderful time because you are in the era of mastery. These are the times where you can take anything and master it very quickly. It might help to define what mastery truly is from our perspective. Quite simply, it means what you have mastered no longer causes a problem for you because your flow through life is not restricted. During these times it is actually the flow you can master, rather than every aspect of things that enter your life. And that will also lead to the mastery of life, dear ones, which is why you came to Earth.

The mastery is starting to take place on different levels and many amazing things are starting to move simultaneously. Although it is still quite separated on planet Earth, that is starting to change ever so slightly. How can you help? Probably the most important part is to realize that there were no sides to begin with. Yes, people are looking at this over here and others are looking from a different perspective. However, if you pull back far enough, you can see that everyone has the same base motivation. Perhaps everyone wants to accomplish it in different ways, in reality you all have the same needs and desires. And it’s worth recognizing, because that alone will resolve a lot of the differences and challenges that are now bubbling up to the surface. Yes, much is changing very rapidly and you'll see more of it soon. Take it for what it is... an opportunity for mastery.

With recent changes and the introduction of the virus, many have been thrown into survival mode. Re-member, sometimes it is necessary to walk through the mud puddle to get to the other side. Do not fear that or concern yourself with where you are in any given moment. Instead look at the larger picture of the direction in which you are traveling. All humans are now living in a very thin and continually narrowing sheet of reality, which is changing every moment. It’s almost as if you are looking at the world through a picture window, which has started to frost over or become distorted. And you're also starting to see that it's all simply a game. And that can be very scary for many, because you take life so seriously. Both physical and emotional pain can be especially challenging.

Grandmasters of Adaptation

We also tell you that humans are grandmasters of adaptation. And if you don't think so, all you need to do is go back six years. Look back at what you were doing in your life then, what you believed, and the thought process you were working with at that time. See how much you've changed in just that short period of time. Then if you go back six years prior to that, you'll also see change but not nearly the same kind of upside-down change you've experienced recently.

From a larger perspective, this energy is opening opportunities for mastery. These may be opportunities to master a relationship, or master a problem that you continually bring into your life again and again.

The thin sheet of reality on which you play this game is narrowing and changing. Soon you will start to see more of the other side of the veil. Although it can be confusing, it is a clear step forward. Spirits are stepping into a higher vibrational status, but this doesn’t happen in a moment and it isn’t yet visible to most. Rather it is a slow gradual movement in motion. And yes, sometimes you take steps back. You're human, after all. But you're also making rapid advancements that are much larger than you may see. In reality, each and every one of you are leaving a trail of light behind you, that others can follow to find their way in the darkness of the game.

Balancing Extruded Consciousness

Even if you make mistakes on your path and fall out of balance, it can still be mastered. All things can be mastered. Every imbalance creates opportunities to achieve a deeper balance. From a larger perspective, societal imbalances precede massive change and ultimately achieve a new, deeper balance. The larger intent of the game is to bring back together that which has been separated, in order to play this game. All have started from this one source, and consciousness has extruded in many different directions. It could even be said that you are the extruded consciousness of source. Although you think you're the opposite of this one over here, in fact you all came from the same source that we call Home. As you encounter people who see things from a different side of the fence, know that they're also serving a purpose. The collective of humanity has an opportunity to re-look at everything during these times mastery, then choose carefully what you will bring into the next level. That's why there are so many things taking place right now. Dear ones, you're approaching a balancing point. This has been happened over and over throughout history.

Societal Balancing Point

There are times when all games reach incredible balancing points. Earth is no exception and is reaching that balancing point now. It is at this stage where things start to teeter, going this way or that way. Most of the time it leads to evolution and a better balance. As societies change or fall apart, sometimes it goes in different directions entirely. Right now the balancing point on Earth is related to your separation. As well as to your ability to be separated, which is largely the effect of living in a house of mirrors.

The pendulum that has been in motion is now at a balancing point. Will it swing back the other way, still being out of balance? Will it continue its divisive swing in the direction it is aimed, or will it find a new balance point? Those are the questions that humanity is deciding right now, and it’s going to be about the connection. If the collective is unable to connect or if you're unable to see each other without demonizing one another, it will determine the next movements of the pendulum. The interesting part is you'll be able to step forward into this higher vibration together. There's no penalty for people who don't think the same way you do. Humans are wired for empathy and now is a time to build on that. The truth is that you can still express love, for that is the light in the darkness.

What Happens When We Die?

The virus, still active on Earth, feeds on division. You can find ways of creating a Home connection, or what many know of as the concept of Heaven on Earth. This is a simple place where you're all connected. You may have images of Heaven and what happens to a spirit when it leaves a physical body. We tell you, dear ones, it's very difficult for us to try and describe Home. You're all part of each other. When you leave this physical body, you become part of everything again. That’s what happens to you and it is more amazing than you can possibly understand. You have no idea how narrow your gameboard of reality is. The players on the gameboard are all strands of extruded consciousness, evolving out in so many different ways. When that energy returns Home, it integrates and evolves everything that it integrates with. It even integrates into people they had relationships with on Earth. Even though they were left behind when a loved one dies, those left behind actually have the chance to integrate a part of the living energy of the departed into their physical body and walk with it henceforth. This is not just a memory or an intent, it is a partial integration of a living spirit. It is always a choice that is made during the process humans call grieving. We see grieving as an integration process, when the human learns to walk with a new balance created by the integration of the departed. There is a wave of grief on Earth at this time. Anger is a natural stage of grief, so be on guard and understand where some of it is coming from.

You all started at the same place and you all have a Home to return to, as you step out of those bodies. In the meantime, we ask you with all intent to treat each other with respect, no matter who you are, no matter what side you think you're on. Nurture one another and open those doors whenever possible, in such a way that you make it easy for people to step in. Know that you're playing a new game.

I am the Keeper of Time



Greetings, dear ones. I am Merlia.

I join you this day with great joy from our side of the veil. You see, things are shifting very quietly. Even though many changes are in your headlines and getting all of your attention, there is an incredible movement taking place very quietly, as the feminine energy starts to ground in very deep ways. In the times of distraction the feminine found ways to integrate with the masculine, to create a level playing field never before seen. Now it does take some effort and there is much more to come, but there is a lot being decided about equality on Earth right now. The feminine energy is a stabilizing energy of the future. It is quietly rising now.

And, of course, as things come in with a new wave, there's always the recessional wave. There's always a little bit of the push back, but that's how things move forward. Then they go forward a little further and a little further, until change is achieved. The magic that you hold in this process is beyond your understanding. You see dear ones, you are creator beings, each and every one of you. What you hold in your mind and match with your heart is manifest in front of you.

Repeating Light

Most of the time you don't realize it because you're creating all sorts of things that you're not consciously aware of, but repetition is one of the keys to communication. You know, if you listen to a song for the first time and it can sound nice, but it doesn't really stir your life. No, it doesn't really connect with you until you're playing at three or even four times. The repetition of it is what actually creates that energy, or that feeling of familiarity. What you are doing is recreating emotional memories, and that is also true with your creations. You see, humans become accustomed to creating the same thing over and over and over. It becomes part of a belief system, which we call “BS”; those belief systems are connected in the collective, and that can be controlled with repetition. You simply say, "if I believe this, then it must be true." Well, not always, dear ones. That will become very clear to all of humanity, as everyone steps into a collective life lesson of truth and it’s fascinating to see. The life lesson of integrity right behind truth, but now things are sort of mixing many of those things up in different ways.

The idea is not to find something that you can call right or wrong, but to find out where you can give love unconditionally. That is the beautiful part about all of this, the connection that you all have, for you all come from the same essence. When we talk about you coming Home and leaving the physical body, you are all part of everything. If you can stretch out even a little bit into that energy while you are incarnate, you can prepare a nice place for you to live and experience the remainder of your time on planet Earth. You also begin the multidimensional unification of mankind. There is a re-connection to your own multidimensional selves, which begins a process of moving into a higher vibrational space with less density. Physical pain and the general resistance of life become much less. You will find your natural magnetism pulls in creations from the universe more easily. In essence, you become more magical and perfect, which gives a spirit a new gameboard on which to play.


Imagine a state of life where things start moving aside very gracefully and easily, almost as if you were magic. Well, dear ones, the magic has always been there. You had to hide it from yourselves in order to play the game at this level of density. You are multidimensional in nature, so you hid a little bit of your magic over here and a little bit over there. There are different places throughout your multi-dimensional experience of the same soul, and you are thinking that reality is what you are experiencing right now. What are you good at? What can you claim as mastery? What can you share with other people to teach them? Those questions are becoming very important during these times, because you're all evolving together as one. And that's the part that you can't see, especially when you experience separations like you have, but that is starting to change. A new grip on reality is possible for every single human, if only you hold hands.

Dear ones, you have all these waves of crazy coming in, doing things that you've never done before. The word unprecedented is now your norm and you're moving at an incredible pace. The idea is to breathe, and when you get scared and things start moving a little too fast, all you need to do is reach out energetically. Take each other's hands and energetically connect, or connect over the internet if that's the only way. The most important part is that connection of the heart is what you have brought to this beautiful planet, it’s your part that you carry in this game. It is sorely needed now more than ever before. You will have your opportunities. Many of you have traveled backwards in time to be here, and now you’ve made it. Welcome Home. It's with the greatest of honor, we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another and play well together. As you create this brand new game in a harmony.

I am, Merlia. Come up and see me sometime.


The group


By Barbara Rother

Give Love to Yourself

I have said before that February is the month of love. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Valentine's day. Steve and I did. He surprised me with a delicious lobster dinner that he had delivered. We enjoyed the evening in front of a warm fire in the fireplace. I miss connecting with friends and family in person because of the virus but that night was perfect with just the two of us.It is nice to feel after being with him since we were sixteen years old that I still feel crazy in love with him! He is a keeper and I will continue to be the keepers keeper..

My message to all of you is short this month. I am in the mood to give myself some self love. I am taking a little time to myself to pamper and take care of what I want to do. Bubble bath sounds good! I will read my favorite book and eat chocolate. I encourage all of you to take some self care days. When we do this it gives us a fresh new outlook on life. These are trying times. Putting yourself first can revitalize your spirit and make you ready for whatever comes your way.

From my heart to yours,


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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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