lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

The Violet Flame Speaks by the Violet Flame Consciousness

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 7th November 2014-

I am the consciousness, light and vibration of the Violet Flame, anchored from the higher realms of the Creator’s universe into all dimensions as a representative of the purification energy of the Creator. I am a source of light, an aspect of the Creator focused upon transmuting and transforming energies into a truthful alignment and acceptance of the Creator. Let me be as one with you, as we work together to dissolve illusion. In order for transmutation and transformation to take place one is required to be willing to let go of illusion especially within the mind and personal creation manifestation. While the energy, sensations, feelings, vibrations and consciousness transforms within your being it is the mind and mental body working with the spiritual body and soul which brings forth manifestation and experience of transformation. My purpose as the Violet Flame is to work with your thought forms, your patterns and habits of creation, projections and manifestations as well as erasing all mental stress caused by confusion and illusion. I work closely with the physical body dissolving the presence of disharmony which is a co-creation of the mental, emotional and even spiritual bodies, thus I work with your manifestation and projection ability, aligning your manifestations to the Creator and the truth of your soul.

It is time to take responsibility for your physical reality; you are the key and core creator of your physical body and physical reality. Everything you are experiencing now is your choosing or more truthfully is evidence of your choosing in the past as closely as yesterday, last week and last month. With acceptance of the responsibility of your own ability to create and the evidence of your creation even down to the clothes resting upon your body you allow yourself to move into a deeper recognition of co-creation with the Creator. With acceptance you can allow my energies to more deeply permeate your entire being as you allow my energies to co-create purification with your being. You are always co-creating every aspect of your reality with the Creator eternally. The key is to co-create consciously and aligned to the purpose of your soul and the Creator. In order for aligned and meani ngful or fulfilling co-creation with the Creator there is a need to purify your being and erase the illusions you hold onto in order to make space within your being and reality, for the divine flow of the Creator which is rightfully yours. My consciousness as the Violet Flame is seen as the beginning of the divine flow of the Creator, you could say I pave the way for conscious experience of the divine flow of the Creator. When Saint Germain gifted my consciousness, energy and presence to all, Saint Germain did gift healing and purification, although these are the results my presence, the main gift was to allow the acceptance of the divine flow of the Creator.

When you recognise the divine flow of the Creator you are realising your connectivity to all aspects of the Creator, your equality with all aspects of the Creator as well as your divine right and ability to receive and express the Creator. Welcoming and accepting the divine flow of the Creator is to acknowledge a reality living your truth as you permit yourself to eternally consciously with understanding and knowingness recognise the Creator eternally, within you, around you and working through you.

I, the Violet Flame, act as the tool for awakening and permitting this awareness which is your natural awareness to be restored. Healing and purification are the results of my presence and co-creation with you and yet my true purpose is to open your energy thus dissolving all that stands in your way of recognising the Creator within you.

Your greatest limitation is your perceptive especially if you are unwilling to honour the natural need for your perceptive to alter and expand. Your greatest freedom is your ability to access and process consciousness, the consciousness of the Creator to be exact, thus opening yourself to limitless possibilities, opportunities, understanding and creations. I am present with you and available to you to erase and purify all aspects of your perspective which limits your ability to connect into and express the consciousness, wisdom and intuition of the Creator. Let me be of service to you, enhancing your strength of your spiritual being by connecting you on a deeper level with your intuition. When all illusions within your perspective are erased and their impact or patterning upon your physical body and reality then you will give space for your intuition, the divine flow of the Creator an d the truth of your being, which equal the same.

‘I now co-creating healing and purification for my entire being with the Violet Flame of transmutation and transformation. I recognise my request as a symbol of my intention to dissolve all forms of illusion, limiting perspectives, unhelpful attachments to unneeded energies and all resistance to recognition of the divine flow of the Creator. I recognise myself as being available to co-create beauty, love and abundance with the Creator. I recognise myself as being available to connect with and express eternally the sacred consciousness of the Creator in my every present moment. Violet Flame I work as one with you now, recognising you as an aspect of the Creator, I also call to work with me the love of the Angelic Kingdom to bring love, peace, ease and comfort to the transmutation and transformation occurring within my being, perceptive and reality now. Always in gratitude .’

Imagine your soul as a flame igniting from within your heart space, covering and embracing your entire being. Then imagine yourself surrounded by my energies, the Violet Flame. Let your soul energy and the source of all that I am simultaneously exist. Imagine two flames surrounding you and moving through your entire being co-creating as one. I am working with you on all levels of your being. Know the Angelic Beings of Love surround you sending their loving vibrations into your entire being creating a trinity. We all represent to same, the truth, love and expression of the Creator in manifestation. In this space illusion is dissolved and new expansive consciousness is accessed thus healing and purification is noticed.

You can also call upon my energies, the Violet Flame accompanied by the Angelic vibration of love to dissolve all unneeded and unaligned projections within your current manifestation patterns.

‘Violet Flame I allow my thoughts, perspective, patterns and projections of manifestation and creation within my reality to be available to you for transformation, manifesting my natural ability of creation, projection and experience in complete alignment with the Creator. Always in gratitude.’

You may also wish to use this invocation:

‘Violet Flame, please come to me when I am confused or distracted by illusion, make me aware of your presence and let us together co-create my realised alignment with and as the Creator, thus bringing clarity and knowingness to my being and perspective. Always in gratitude.’

I encourage you to call upon my energies, the Violet Flame and allow my vibration to fill and surround you accompanied by Angelic love which supports smooth and easy shifts of transformation within your being. While I surround you and move through you, say the affirmation:

‘I am available to accept and express the sacred consciousness of the Creator.’

This will alter and shift you on so many levels of your being as I dissolve all that is a resistance to the affirmation and your intention, this will be a process of co- creation.

Similar to your own energy and truth I also have more expansive aspects of my being, there are so many expressions and variations of my consciousness such as the White Violet Flame, the Pink Violet Flame, the Golden Violet Flame and the Pearlescent Violet Flame. As you exist in numerous dimensions in diverse and evolving forms so do I, you may recognise my more expansive aspects come to you to co-create with you for your personal enhancement the more you work with my energies.

I, the Violet Flame, am present with you and all of humanity to bring forth a shift of new consciousness by inviting all forms of restriction created within your being to be dispersed and dissolved, thus influencing the ascension of all and the manifestation of the Era of Love. Call upon me, speak with me, share with me what you wish to heal, let go of, release and that which you wish to manifest, express and experience. I will begin my work of co-creation with you.

Know when you feel your boundaries, foundation and all you recognise fall away or old energies restore their presence within you, you can be sure transmutation and transformation is occurring on a major scale within your being which will impact your physical reality upon the Earth.

I Am That I Am,

Always in gratitude,

Violet Flame Consciousness

Download the New Free Audio and Invocation of the Violet Flame. Just click on this link: Free_Meditation_Downloads, then scroll down to the bottom  of the page (last meditation on the right)

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The Good Force be with you!

Thanks for sharing, Natalie & Admin Steve! Keep it up!

Live forever & prosper! Alleluia! Amen! <3 O:) * (Y)

Violet Flame Invocation OmNa School Natalie Glasson Channeling
Teachings from the Sacred School of Om Na
Invocation- Violet Flame Invocation
Channelled Through
Natalie Glasson
These are the words of invocation in Natalie's video below"
"I am the Violet Flame; I Am That I Am,
I am a being of purification and healing,
The dissolver of illusion and separation,
Energies awaiting transformation, I see, sense and acknowledge,
I am the source of loving divinely guided transformation,
I am the truth; I recognise and create the truth of the Creator,
It is with angelic love I am always accompanied,
Love steers, soothes and comforts manifesting joy and bliss,
I am a being of transformation through loving transmutation,
I am beauty in manifestation,
I am the beautiful vibrations of the Creator,
Beautiful is my name and the recognition of the beauty of the Creator my nature,
I am Beautiful."




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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