lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Perceiving Your Energy by Archangel Michael and Archangel Faith

Channelled through Natalie Glasson 13/06/11

             Energies on the Earth are changing and developing all the time whether it is the energy around you or within you. As lightworkers on the Earth you may be sending healing energies from your being to individuals or to humanity as a whole. Your good work of expressing and anchoring light through your being and body into the physical dimensions is extremely important but you must also think of your safety at this time. Many people hold the devotion to be of service to humanity and will willingly help others to raise their energy vibration, discover new abilities or to aid their journey along their spiritual path. I wish to make you aware that the expression of your light is a beautiful process but there is a need for you to be aware when this is appropriate or not in an individual's reality, as each person has life lessons to overcome and sometimes your assistance can cause greater harm than good. It is always important to be guided by your intuition in everything that you do as well as asking for the will of the Creator to guide you accordingly.

Did you know that you can call upon the will of the Creator as an energy source to envelop you, accepting the consciousness but also beginning a conversation with the will of the Creator? When you speak to the will of the Creator you are speaking directly to the Creator, you are receiving guidance that is appropriate for the present moment and guided by the mind, heart and soul of the Creator. As you have conversations in your mind or during meditation with your guides so you can converse with the will of the Creator, this will ensure that you are always following the correct path for you. With practice and by building a connection with the will consciousness of the Creator you may begin to feel the will of the Creator like a magnetic pull in your life guiding you with each step that you take. It is essential that as individuals begin to clear their karmic energies that they work intensely with the will consciousness of the Creator. If ever you are unsure of what to do or which decision to make for the best call upon the will consciousness of the Creator to surround you and seep into your being, energy and consciousness. Then begin to converse with the will consciousness of the Creator to receive the guidance that is needed at the present time in your reality. It is also essential to remember that as energy is vibrating at a quicker speed the possibilities in your reality and for your future are increasing and developing.  Guidance that you gain may be different to guidance that you gain a little later or a few days later, because your energy has changed circumstances in your reality during this short period of time and energy exchange.

                With the will consciousness of the Creator present in your reality you will always understand when it is appropriate for you to be of service as a beacon of light, wisdom or love for others. It is important to then realise that sometimes when we have assisted another person that we can become unbalanced or drained of energy. As energies new and old are entering into the Earth and are being removed it can be confusing as to where energies are coming from and what energies are most needed to aid an individual's personal growth. When you give healing, love or light to another person this builds a connection between you it is as if links or bonds are being made to allow for the transference or activation of energy. This is natural and normal. Maybe you guide the person in words that must be said or energies that must be called uponto aid their spiritual growth. The connection of energy is very interesting here because the person will naturally attach the energy given, the growth made or wisdom expressed with you. Each time they think about your exchange of energy it will activate the exchange once more and allow energies to flow between you. This is fine if you are strong in your own energies and able to maintain a high balanced vibration of light at all times but it can lead to the person expressing their light or wisdom feeling drained of energy or unbalanced. This can be a difficult subject to explain because the desire of our soul and the Creator is that we all become one in energy working together in unity and love. This you would believe would signify the need to share and exchange energies or constantly be connected to the light of the Creator as well as each other, but when spiritual growth is taking place this is not always appropriate.

 It is essential at this time for individuals to understand their own energy, to relate with the energies of others but to focus upon maintaining a balanced energy field for themselves holding their own power and love, recognising this energy as their own. It is only when you truly understand how your own energy works and how it feels, being aware of it daily that you can then begin to unite your energies with others.

                It is essential that as a light worker upon the energy that you always focus upon maintaining your own energy, balance, power and love, understanding your energy thoroughly so that you can comprehend when changes are occurring. Sometimes there is a need to cut cords or links that have been made during a healing process or an expression of love, if you are guided by the will of the Creator to do so, as this will allow the other person to understand their own energy and fully benefit from the healing or love expression that has been given. If you imagine that you have given healing to a person which makes them feel better, your energy has willingly blended with another person. Now this person at a later date may think of the healing session and without realising draws on your energies once more and so they feel better again. This may continue to occur even for many years, both of you are unaware but you as the healer as loosing energy and may not be replacing it while the other person is taking energy without it being willingly given and therefore may be creating karma for themselves. It could also be that you are going through a period of experiencing negativity and the person may be drawing this negativity into their life also.  If you were to cut energetic cords after your healing session then the healing energy would remain with the person and they would actually feel more secure and whole in their energies. If they thought of the healing they wouldn't be able to draw energy from you but would activate it from within them, therefore strengthening their own energy and aiding in the healing process, allowing for a complete and strong energy field. 

You can call upon our energy, Archangel Michael and Archangel Faith, to assist with this process, Archangel Michael will cut the cords between you created by your expression while Archangel Faith will heal the cords and dissolve them completely. It only needs to be a thought in order for it to take place and then you can call upon the angels of healing to surround you and allow for any further healing to take place. You may also ask for the angels of healing to surround the other person and for us, Archangel Faith and Archangel Michael, to work appropriately with the other person involved.

                Energy exchange and expression is always essential, allowing for a flow of energy from your soul to others and vice a versa but only when it is willingly given. This means that it is given with your consent or more importantly it is given guided by the will of the Creator. We do not wish for you to become cold hearted keeping your energies to yourself but to simply be aware that sometimes cords between you and another need to be broken in order for further growth and energetic development. Sometimes when we are drawing energy from another person we are creating a reality that signifies that we are deprived of energy, do not have enough of our own energy or power and need the support or even validation of others. It is important that as we enter into the energy of 2012 that we are able to recognise and understand our own energy, realising when new energies manifest and when certain energies need to be cleared. This creates a strong energy field and inner strength that allows us to become more aware of the Creator's light within and around us. For too long humanity hasn't held their own energy but has been guided by others without consulting the truth within or the will of the Creator. Now is the time for personal strength to grow developing through the essence of love as everything needs to be born from love at this time because love is the truth that is anchoring into the Earth as the presence of the Creator. You can express true and deeply compassionate love from your being to all times when you are strong and secure in your own energy, acting as a greater beacon of love on the Earth. It is important to realise that you can love a being with your whole heart and body without energetic cords connecting you together, this means that you hold your own energy but are able to express your energy without losing it as such. In some ways it could be seen as not being so energetically involved with other people. Sometimes we need to take a step back in our experiences and situation to ask what is appropriate for me to do at this time. We often want to help as much as we can but sometimes just a thought or expressing our love without expectations or attachments is needed. It is the same for guides upon the inner planes, we would wish to assist you as humans on the Earth as much as we can but we cannot allow you to become reliant on us as you are a powerful soul and must discover your own energy. Sometimes we have to step back and simply hold you in light and love.

                It is important to take a look at your reality and relationships with others, asking to discover how you energetically interact with people. You can ask for your guides to make you aware of this throughout your day or simply allow your attention to be on your energy flow and expression during your day, especially as you are connecting with someone, expressing energy or thinking of someone. Allow yourself to discover what is occurring to your energy in these occasions and whether it is appropriate at this time. The will of the Creator will guide you in this matter.

                Often we feel as if cutting cords to people we care about is a harsh and unloving thing to do, but it doesn't mean that you dismiss them from your life or that you love them any less but it simply means that there is less of an attachment between you which means that your love expression can flow more fully and you can experience love more fully. In some way it is like setting people free, the relationships you create actually strengthen.  Often people become so entangled in the energies of others that they forget to look after their own energy or are unable to recognise their own energy because of the presence of other people's anxieties, lessons and fears. It is a very powerful process that can alter your reality dramatically so please follow the will of the Creator at all times but there may be some areas in your life that you have been trying to move on from but keep being drawn back because of attachments and bonds, you may find that in these circumstances that calling upon our assistance may be of benefit. The cutting of cords is a very healing process and allows for deep cleansing as well as loving self empowerment. We feel that this may be something that is needed now at the time of humanity's growth but we ask that you are always guided by the will of the Creator.

With love as always,

Archangel Michael and Archangel Faith


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Thank you AA Mikael~Loving Light to you Angel Brother~Thank you AA Faith~Thank you SOnja~

Loving you ALL, each and every, increasingly every day, with deep heart-filled Gratitude and Joy~





Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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