lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

May 25th, 2011 ~ A Special Journey to Meet King Ra and Queen Rama Mu in the Telosian Temple


For Listen & Download


Your Merkabah is now a crystalline structure and it is now being activated.  We’ll now move out of the space that you are located presently.  Feel yourself moving across the Heavens.  Let us all meet at the Summit of  Mt. Shasta.  Several Merkabah vehicles together and then we all blend into Oneness as we create one Group Merkabah.  Feel the frequency of the Light.  Feel the pleasure of incorporating these frequencies.  BREATHE

We’re now going to enter Telos through the top of Mt. Shasta~ we’re going to go in a different way this evening. We just feel ourselves spinning, this is just like how the Galactic ships come into Telos.  We feel ourselves moving downwards, floating down and down, and we’re going to go through all the levels.  There’s five levels of Telos, but we’re going to go all the way down to the base, to where Nature is.  It’s the lowest level that is available.  Five, we go down. Four.  The fifth level is Commerce.  The fourth level is Gardens, the third level is Gardens, the second level is Manufacturing and then the first level, now let’s feel the Nature.  We have traveled to the gardens before, but now let us travel to the Nature.  BREATHE.

As we land, in a beautiful field of flowers.  The majestic view is unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable.  We separate from our Merkabah, there are many of us together.  Just walk through the field of flowers. See animals grazing – many different types of animals that come here to heal.   There’s no aggression, there’s only beauty.

Then we see Adama walking towards us.  Let us just find a clearing.  We see the waterfall, we see the ocean in the distance,  we see the beauty and feel the air.  It’s clear, it’s pristine.  We walk to a clearing, where the grass is green.  There are seats available for us there. Find our place as Adama comes forward towards us.  Sit back and enjoy the view, the essence of everything that is occurring.

Greetings!  Welcome, once again to Telos.  This is a beautiful night, there’s going to be some information, as Christine has shared, much of it – she doesn’t even have it in her consciousness.  There are  a lot of things happening in Telos, we are in a phase of preparation and we wanted to share this preparation with each of you.  It is now our time to work together, more fully, in detail ~ allowing those remembrances that are yours to come fully into the surface of your Being and for you to understand what each of you are going through.

Yes, we are making some special arrangements.  We are opening up an area, as Christine has explained, for individuals to come to Telos, if they so choose, in their physical bodies, even though they may not be ready to be in the full activity within Telos.

What’s going to happen?  What’s going to happen in that frequency?  Well, basically, we’re going to work with any of you that would like to come.  You’re all invited to come, without your bodies, of course.  And each of you are coming to many classes, interacting with many of us.  We’re all going to be coming together.  What is this about? Why are we opening up the doorways?

Well, we’re opening up the doorways because it’s time, we’re in preparation for Terra Christa.  We’re in preparation for the New Earth.  We’ve all been preparing for this for eons of time, for each of us to come back together.  For each of us to really embrace the energies and the frequencies that are happening for us.  It’s very, very important that each of you understand that you are here, listening, reading or being active in this, I wouldn’t even call it a meditation.  This is our Circle of Light together, this is our Consciousness together.  We are here to work with one another, more fully then we ever have been before, and it is an honor to be able to bring forth this energy through Meleriessee and to each of you.  Because each of you is going to be having your own remembrances, each of you is going to be activating more.

I have to say that it is a blessing that Dearest Meleriessee is doing this work, because I know each of you are feeling the changes within you.  Each of you is accelerating yourself.  We have to thank her once again, because she worked for many years to get to this position.  She would not have been able to do this if she had not stepped into the unknown and fully activated this frequency.  So, she is here to assist you. And I’m going to offer her services once again.

Many of you may be feeling that you’ve been hit with some dark energies or things are happening for you. I’m really glad that she’s done this meditation this evening because it’s really going to assist the processes.  Each of you must understand that you came into this life to do this work and you may have been hit with some frequencies.  So, if you would like her to do a scanning of you to make sure that you have nothing that needs to be physically taken out through her Shamanic work, intuitiveness, if you do not have anybody to do that for you ~ it would just be a short little scan.  If you can give a donation, we would love it but if you cannot, we understand,  She is here to assist those that really need this.  If you cannot do it through Skype or the phone line, she could do it absentee.  We want to offer this because we want each of you to be fully clear, completely, in your full body system.  You may have acquired implants or elementals, as was written in the meditation, through this lifetime or other lifetimes because everything is being activated.  Your bodies are being activated on all levels, you are becoming the Multi-dimensional frequency, within that multi-dimensional frequency, whatever you acquired in other lifetimes, it’s still in your Auric field.  It’s going to show up in this physical body.  So, don’t feel bad if things are happening for you, if there’s issues especially neck issues – the back of your neck, between your neck and your back. That’s an entry point.  Any stomach areas, any areas like that – that feel uncomfortable or if you feel anything moving.  A pain moving?  That is a tell-tale sign that something needs to be removed and once it is removed, you will be fine.  We just want to bring that forth – we can do that here also but we prefer that it’s done before you physically come into the energy of Telos.  Some of you have been doing this work with Doctor Lorphan  As this work is being done, you are going to clear immensely.  So allow yourself to know that the frequency that is occurring is because you are moving into those multi-dimensional phases. Within those multi-dimensional phases everything is going to be, just beautiful.

So that’s the first element I wanted to bring forth this evening. The second element is that, you may say “I don’t have the time to come physically”, “I have a family”, “I have obligations”. We totally understand. This offer is being put forth to people that are ready to step into their power.  You may only be here for a week, you may only be here for a few days.  If you’re planning tovisitMt.Shasta, please know that we will be working with you completely, so allow that to happen because, just put your intention out.  If you can’t get here physically, that’s fine also. We’re going to be working with you more intensely so the  remembrances are going to be appearing. We’re going to bring forth some meditations to help you if you can’t get here physically. Christine and I are going to be working together to bring forth some meditations to physically be here in Telos, to work on specific issues. Something she was not aware of either!

So there’s a lot of elements occurring.  We are opening up pathways for her to be with us for a  three-month period.  So we totally want her to be an opening energy for you and others that truly want to be in this space because we’re getting further into what exactly is happening here.  What are we fully actualizing to assist you with?  We are activating the ability for us to be cohabitants.  Telos is the frequency of allowing us to work together.  We want each of you to see what it’s like in Telos.  To understand what it’s like in Telos, how we interact with each other.  It’s a different way of living than you’re used to and it’s a way of living that you totally want to commit to. And we know that, we totally know that.  But it’s going to take some getting used to, so, in that process of transition, we want to help you with this.  This does not mean that a physical visit has to be done immediately.  We are talking about within the next year.  Because in the process of what’s going to happen, we will be cohabitating and we are opening up the energies for many of you to be with us at the crucial time, when all this is going to be occurring. We’re not talking about tomorrow, we’re talking 2 or 3 years down the line.  But it is coming, we are preparing for this.  We’re preparing for the movement into Terra Christa and to allow those frequencies to fully come into that activation.  As you allow those frequencies to come into that activation, you will totally understand the processes that are occurring.  So, the doorways are being opened for select individuals.  It doesn’t mean that we are having an opening ceremony or we’re going to be opening all the doorways and then all of sudden, everyone is together.  It can’t be like that because there are some that will not be available to be in this energy because they won’t be ready.  So it’s very, very important for everyone to understand what is required within the foundation and we are laying the ground rules here.

Right now, let’s all just take a deep breath and move into the frequency of the connection of what is happening.  So, as you bring in that energy, you can start to move into the essence and the communication that is part  of what you need to be doing. So, let’s just take a deep breath and breathe.  We want you to get up from your seats and we want you to walk through the grass and the flowers.  Completely move into the frequency to allow yourself the continuation of your Light.  We’re just going to take a few moments and explore what’s around the area right now. I’m going to ask Christine to use the Crystal Bowl and open up the energies.

Just breathe deeply and just explore the Nature around here. Allow yourself to feel what is occurring in the environment, go into the waterfall, walk towards the ocean.


Interact with some of the Telosians ~ see the fairies, ~ the Elementals. [CRYSTAL BOWL CONTINUES TO BE PLAYED] Breathing deeply.

Okay.  Let’s all gather together now, I’m going to take you to the Temple where Ra and Rama Mu are awaiting our arrival, who are the King and Queen of Telos.  As we walk towards the structure of the middle part of the city, we have a  beautiful elevator that we’re going to go up, to the top floor.  And as we get off the elevator, we see the Temple in front of us. I t’s a beautiful crystalline building, adorned with what you would consider  Egyptian type structures.  We walk up the steps and you feel the Essence and the Frequency of the Beauty that is occurring.  As you walk towards the temple  – wide, beautiful doorways with golden lights and silver lights and all frequencies as the crystal windows vibrate back towards you. We go into the Temple into a beautiful sacred room, where we meet privately with Ra and  Rama Mu. We find our place around them. There’s a beautiful altar, they are sitting in beautiful king and queen thrones. We curtsy and bow to them, in honor.

I, as Adama, will step aside, as they bring forth their Light unto you.


Greetings, Greetings, Greetings, Greetings! I am Ra, King of Telos. It is a pleasure to fully communicate with you in this moment.  It is our Divine honor to have you with us.  You are the first that we are able to express our Divinity unto you.  Thank you for coming to ourTemple.  Thank you for making the journey onto this world that we are all actualizing.  It is an amazing moment in time that we’re all accepting this Light, and in this Frequency.  Yes, we are opening up our energies unto others that are likened with our way of life, that are connected  to the Lemurian heritage, as each of you are aspiring to these frequencies within you.  As these remembrances occur, you will start to feel an acceptance within your Being.  We are honored to have you home with us.

I stand before you as the King of Telos in this moment in time.  You may have known me as someone else.  You may have aspired to connect with me in your dream state, in your Inner Plane activity, as many of you – all of you, have traveled here.  And more so now, as you have created this Circle of Light.

I give to you in this moment my assistants here have – these are our Ladies in training, four Goddesses, they bring to each of you a goblet filled with the crystalline water ofMt.Shasta.  This  is a special crystalline water, because it comes from the core of the Earth of Telos, of remembrance of Lemuria and we have cultivated this water into  a crystalline energy, to assist in the frequency of remembrance.  So, we hold out our glasses to each of you this evening,  for you to receive your own goblet of water, and let us toast, let us toast, let us stand up and toast to  our remembrance together.  And our future of Terra Christa, as our societies come together, of the Upper Earth and the Lower Earth and the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Interalactic Hierarchy.  That all of us are going to prosper and Be with one another, within the frequency of All That Is.  Feel that now occurring within you, as we sip out of the goblet.  Take it very slowly.  Allow it to filter within you.  Allow that essence to go into your bloodstream, allow it to go into your cellular structure, as now you are opening up your energies unto your Divinity.  And to what you are accepting into your life.  Allow yourself to experience the memories of your life.

I now give you my Queen.

I am Rama Mu.Hello! Hello!

It is a wonderful experience to see the  Goddesses. It is a wonderful experience to see the Gods as each of us come together in the beauty and the expression of Lemuria once again.  We welcome you, we welcome you with our open arms and I say to each of you ~ the conditions that you are working under, is absolutely amazing and what you are experiencing in your life circumstances.  The faith and the courage of your will to fully complete and believe that there is more, to so much more.  There is so much more acceptance, there is so much more love, there is so much more to your hearts, then you have been seeing upon the Earth in this great time of awakening.  You are the pioneers.  You are the pioneers of Terra Christa ~ Embracing Divine Creativity.  I love those words.  Love those words to bring that essence within each of us.

You come to us this evening as a welcoming energy. We welcome you into our space, we welcome you to join us etherically, astrally, to work through your ability to transform your energies into the higher levels, so that your initiation process can be activated on the physical body. You’ve already done it. You’ve done it in other lifetimes, you’ve done it as walking as a Master – this is just a remembrance, we’re bringing forth the remembrance within you.  As I represent the Goddesses, and Ra represents the Gods, we have the ability to bring forth these levels of Essence within you to complete the capability of your circumstances in a different manner then you ever thought possible.  It’s very easy to create this, but your minds of the third dimension stop you from fully actualizing it. You’ve been feeling it but now we need to create it for you, to allow the creative processes to move through your Being so that you can fully activate what it is you desire while allowing the Mental processes to slow down, so that you can fully accept your Divinity within your life circumstance.  Yes.  We are here for you, we are here for you and many of our Telosians that are on the Upper Earth in different areas, but hey  will not look like what they would look like if you were in Telos’ but you will notice them by their demeanor, you will notice them by their energy of their love, as they look into your eyes. There will be many more that will come to you, many more that will be with you because it is our time to assist each other. So, now that the work that you’re doing within Telos on an Inner Plane level is assisting you to prepare yourself to be here with us, so that we  can all travel together in the ships, in the  frequencies, to move out of the 3-D Earth when it is all changing. It is going to be happening in increments, not everyone is going at the same time – that is why Telos will be a safe place.

There are other cities that Christine mentioned around the world – the four other cities that are also part of the Lemurian culture.  The communication of these cities will be coming through.  This evening is preparing you for that, to give you a remembrance of what exactly that is occurring and to know that the space that we’re creating for those fourth initiation individuals will include study groups and interaction with Telosians.  You’ll be segregated from the rest of the area until you fully acquire the elements to move through.  Now we also want to help you to understand  that we’re making special dispensation for you to be  here physically, if it is fully possible for you to do so, even if it is for a day or two or three days – more is better. But we have the technology to assist you more fully to get through this debris that you’ve been holding onto.  Remember what has been said, that what you’re clearing is not just this lifetime, it’s your entire souls existence, on all the other planets, continually, that you’ve carried in your Auric field as you’ve become a multi-dimensional Being of Light.  It’s all coming to the forefront and sometimes it can be very challenging. They will be in those lower Chakras, so it’s important for us to clear that energy.

We have laser technology, we have Elements assisting with these frequencies, we have Light Tables, we have structures that you can change yourself.  We would like you to sit down after you incorporate the energies of this call – it doesn’t have to be immediately but within the next couple of days, sit down and write exactly where the problems are for you.  Is it  a physical problem? Are you having emotional problems?  Are you having mental issues?  Are you having trouble with your lower mind or your lower ego, that you want to transform?  Do you need healing assistance?  Make a list, and command it to send it to us.  We will receive it.  You do not have to have an intermediary, each of you are the power of yourselves.  As we create this energy within ourselves, you are the creative force, allow your feminine aspect within you to be that creative force.  Allow the male aspect within you to think of the ideas as it comes forward.  This is all coming to the fore-front and I am excited, as the Queen of Telos, to be here with you.

I thank you, Ra, for allowing me to speak.

Blessings on your journey, my Dearest Ones. I so look forward to meeting you in person.

We, of Ra and Rama Mu, in a Consciousness together, of the Male and the Female, of the King and the Queen of Telos, bring forth to you a special gift.  This gift is for you to fully remember the Essence of your Beingness, the activation that has been occurring within you – to accelerate your life circumstance, what you are going through right now.  We hand to you a laser beam of Light, it is a wand.  We want you to take this wand and put it through all of your Chakra systems.  Allow yourself to get a sense, as you touch this wand to each of the Chakras, it will bring forth a color within the wand.  When the color of that wand changes, it will tell you of what level that chakra is living on, because we want you to be attuned with those higher colors.  Say that you put it to your Solar Plexus; you look at the Solar Plexus and you see a vibration of a color that is the Yellow of the Solar Plexus, which is the basic color.  So then what we do – the wand is really great!  Then you command that you want the wand to turn into the right color – and the right colour for the Solar Plexus on a Cosmic Level would be that Cherry Red (6th Ray of Spiritual Idealism).  Then it will shift for you and create a Cosmic Color  because in order for you to receive the Higher Chakras of the Fourth Dimension and the Fifth Dimension, you need to attune the Seven basic Chakras to the Cosmic Ray Colors and not the Planetary. The Planetary ray colors have been very important but now they’re going out of existence as  you move into Terra Christa.  So we give you this wand to work with and we ask for the Dearest One here, to put some information out there of what the colors are.  She also has her responsibilities to assist each of you.  This is going to help you to bring forth these energies within you, to heal yourself.

Help us understand what you need by making your list.  It’s not just about yourself – about your pathway, your Inner Workings with others, do you have relationships that you would like to work on?  Do you have relationships that are not working?  Would you like to come together with your Beloved?  But, in order to do that, you must have a full capacity within yourself to attract that energy that you are emanating out of you, so it comes back to you.  So this is what all the elements that you have been working on in your metaphysical studies, in your teachings, in what you were learning are about  ~ we will fine tune it with the vibration that we bring forth.  We are already in the Fifth dimensional frequency so we’re opening up the avenues for you to be with us.  Then that’s going to assist us in exactly what we need to help you with, when you come here – whether you come here astrally or whether you come here physically – each of you are fully in that frequency.  If you’re unsure if you have reached that fourth initiation – if you’re working with your Lower Mind, you’re still working through that initiation.  It’s a process of allowing your higher self to fully be within your physical body.

The other element that we want to bring forth is to assist you to communicate with your Higher Self.  Just as some of you are communicating with other realms – communicating with that Higher Self in your meditative state, again we bring forth some of Christine’s techniques and tools.  We’re going to ask her to bring some of that energy outwards – traveling to the Soul Temple.  Some of you already have done this, communicating with your higher essences and your guides to assist you in this process.  None of you are alone – we’re here to take your hands and allow you  to join us because we need you.  We need you as the Pioneers of Terra Christa, to Ebrace the Divine Creativity – what a magnificence!

Now, let’s take our goblets. We have now received multi-colours in our goblets as we have been talking. Take your goblet and let’s cheer onto each other.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah~  We are One, We are One, We are One.

Take your sips of your liquid into your body. And this is going to vibrate your energies to a higher frequencies. It is our pleasure to be with you this evening.  Thank you for coming to our Temple.


This is Lord Adama once again.  Let’s all stand up, let’s embrace each other.  We love to hug in Telos! We love to express our love for each other.  I express to each of you the beauty that you are, in what you are going through and the fact that you’re on this journey together. We know that this group is going to expand unbelievably – whether it expands in person it’ll expand etherically, astrally, onto others as they listen to the recordings and read the material.  We’re so happy that each of us have come together as it is time and it’s not just each of you coming together but its each of us and all of us, bringing forth those energies.

I will guide you out of the Temple and we’re going to walk down the steps of the Temple.  You should be feeling differently then you did before.  It is my honor and my pleasure to give you this small little tour.  There’s so much more that we could be showing you but time does not allow us to do so.  We will be having other moments to do so.  We are going  to be continuing with the Golden Cities because they are being erected.  Of course, we’ll be in Terra Christa – those Golden Cities will be in the etheric level of the Earth.  We’re all traveling there.  You may have had remembrances and we will be continuing with the information in the coming weeks.

As we go into the elevator, we’re going to move the elevator upwards, we’re not going to go back down to the Nature area.  We’re all the way up at the top, at the Halodeck and there’s an entryway from the Halodeck to move out of the top ofMt.Shasta.  Each of you gather together in your group Merkabah and I wish you blessings.

I look forward to the communications. I look forward to the actual visitations and looking at you from my eyes to your eyes, from my Heart to your Heart.  It is my pleasure to express to you my love.  We are finally, finally, after all these eons and years, coming together as we always should have been.  We look forward to the teachings, to the lessons, to the playfulness, to the joy and working with one another.

I am Lord Adama at your service.

Now our Merkabah vehicle moves out of the summit ofMt.Shasta, and now we’re going to separate into our personal Merkabah’s to come back to our present location. Feel that occurring for you now. Take a  deep breath, feel yourself back into your original space.  Ground yourself.  Allow your feet to be grounded. Your Earth Star to go deep down into the ground.  There have been quite a few activations that  have occurred this evening some that we’re not aware of, that they worked with us that I’m feeling some elements have shifted for each of us.

Take your time in the next few days to fully incorporate this journey.  It’s been a magnificent journey, it’s been an opening of a doorway.  It’s new information – but each of us have known about it and now it’s just being brought out into the consciousness of our lives.

Its been my pleasure, Reverend Christine Melereissee Heliohah ~ to be here in the New Earth Consciousness Circle of Light – yes, we are pioneers of Terra Christa Embracing Divine Creativity.



New Earth Circle Of Light

Views: 115

Replies to This Discussion

Thank you, ever much, for this "gift, in words" posting from:

When my functioning apps return to working order, it will definitely be shared~

Please , do so  . Thank you .
It is just wonderful.  God Bless you all.
Thank you for such a wonderful experience. Breathtaking journey indeed.
Kia Ora Asen ... Blessings to You for bringing Our Lemurian and the rest of Our Core Center of The Earth Family more strongly into this Earth Plane! Thank You for opening the Portal more for Us All! Aroha Kirar!

What a fiest of information. Thank you for this connection!!!





Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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