lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

The Transition Zone: crossing over

Early last week I faintly heard these words one morning at dawn: "Hearken!  It is high time to release the wounds of the purification process".

I remember thinking to myself in that hazy pre-wake state…"wow, wouldn't that be nice."  Then I woke up.  I lazily oriented myself to my surroundings, noticed the usual heavy feelings of cellular detoxification accompanied by the same ole aches and pains, and quickly fell back to sleep thinking…"as if."

A few days later I sat down to type this message from the unseens:

"It is high time for the path-pavers of new-humanity to release the wounds of the purification process. When you permit yourself to release the remaining struggle, you create the space required for a new reality to be birthed."

They meant business.

Still More Letting Go

For those of you on the front line...the 1st infantry division... I don't have to tell you that its been nothing but a (conscious) struggle since 2001. Granted, not everyone has had the same planetary ascension J-O-B...we are scattered all over the world with different missions of service...but this particular group of spiritual soldiers has been responsible for, among other things, clearing (thru their own lives and bodies) the genetic (karmic) miasms of various familial, cultural, racial, sexual, gender, religious, spiritual & new age collectives.

This group willingly submerged themselves in the densest energies of polarity (separation) with the sole task of finding their way back to neutrality (oneness) and along the way have been purifying these lineages, in some cases, since birth.

These starseed mercenaries have been fighting, climbing and swimming upstream against a myriad of indoctrinated be-lie-f structures for so long that many have built (necessary) walls of protection and created callouses from condemnation, societal/familial backlash, harassment, and even modern-day persecution from those steeped so deeply in convention.

This group is the A-team, the next generation of leaders, and tho recognition may never come for the dedication, sacrifice and service to this planet and her people, no matter...validation is not what this soul group is after.  This tribe is wired for one thing and one thing only: FREEdom...and with that comes the understanding, based on enormous personal challenge, that the only real reward in life is deliverance from fear. 

Which brings us to the next level of letting go...

Part of the ongoing ascent in consciousness is the realization that we cannot get stuck in any phase of growth or purpose...including and especially the "spiritual phase".  We must continually move onward and upward without overly-identifying or latching onto any process, role, or be-lie-f structure.  The minute we attach to anything we lose our freedom and stifle our creative power.

The point of conscious co-creation is to live in the create our every next moment from the moment that preceded it.  The ascension "process" teaches us that we are not here to own or hold experiences, but to fluidly move thru them so as to continually embrace the next experience...and the next, and the next.  The same holds true for those front line warriors here to dismantle the old paradigm.  The fighting phase is over...time to put down the swords, remove the armor and align with the next leg of the journey.

Many of us, and this group in particular, are now in the "process" of merging our lower four-body system (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical) with our higher self, or divine blueprint ...which will, by default, magnetize a whole new perceptual and physical reality...but only when we are willing to let go of the fighting phase.

The energies of this month in particular, but especially since the 9th wave activation, have been helping us to slowly let our guards down and feel safe enuf to be true so we can boldly & confidently take our next steps into the unknown.  During the first three weeks of April we have all been tested, in one profound way or another, to see if we can be held accountable for our choice to really let go...not only of struggle, but of all past programming which will enable us to fully release our pain-body.

Releasing Resistance

April has been asking us to make the final choice to tune-out of the old frequency of pain, fear and struggle so we can fully tune-into the new frequency of grace.  It's not as if our doubt, or focus on our pain will inhibit the birth of the new, its just that we risk overlooking the subtle emergence of ease if we continue to be-lie-ve that what we truly desire cannot be true.  In other words…as we step into the second half of this year and begin to apply ourselves in more physical ways, any continual focus on struggle or resistance to what-is, will greatly hinder us and revive unnecessary suffering in the coming days, weeks & months of rapid expansion.

This isn't to say that we must ignore, avoid or repress the discomfort we feel... the discomfort is real.  The baggage we need to dump here is the resistance to the discomfort…that which creates suffering. This is just another fancy way of saying "presence" or "neutrality"…and the unseens are hammering in my brain that its time now, rather, now we have the support to step fully into ourselves and that means letting go of any remaining attachments...including the ascension horrors...I mean, process. 

NOTE: Just to be clear…especially for those who wish I would glaze over the goo… I definitely use humor & irreverence as a way to punch holes thru the veil…to remind us in our darkest moments that life is still a game, even when it sucks…but mostly, to help us continually detach from the "process", not to dwell upon it.  When we can dig up our self-created goo and laugh at the horror of it all, we are less than an inch away from moving beyond it pays to poke fun at ourselves. And the reason humor is my drug of choice is because laughing is the most powerful form of presence, of alignment, of transcendence, that I have yet to experience in this life.   As someone who has spent many, many years sitting in my own sticky goo, I assure you that a light-heart-ed approach to such a heavy journey will yield more powerful results than any reverence or prayer ever could.

Transition Zone

I mentioned in the last energy update that this month was a demarcation point…it is actually a transition zone and THE month to make our choices fully align ourselves with our new, true direction…to bring ourselves completely out of the past and immerse ourselves fully in the present, so we can co-create our future.  This period has been bizarre at best... mostly because, but not limited to the fact that we are experiencing two opposing realities at once.

Its the same old foot in both worlds scenario...where we have access to the old and the new simultaneously...but on steroids.  You know you are on the cusp of a major breakthru if you are sitting somewhere in the middle of two very conflicting you may be feeling worried, yet at peace…excited, yet calm…doubtful, yet full of hope…isolated, but connected…sick, but well…chaotic, yet balanced…bored, but inspired.

Its a total mind trip but because we're in the passage of crossing over we're actually coming full circle where the end and beginning meet each other... where death is really rebirth...and we can absolutely feel both at once.

This phase mimics physical death in so many ways and during the month of March, I had the privilege to experience this first hand while helping to care for my great Aunt during her physical transition to the "other-side".  Not only was I called to be a caretaker, but I was also asked on a higher level to serve as an ambassador of unconditional love... to stand in as an anchor and help to hold a sacred space for her complete act as a midwife to her re-birth and finally, on the last day, to act as an usher or "transition guide" to help her cross over on her graduation day.

I could go on for days about the ways in which this amazing experience changed me, but what really struck a chord with me was the clear reflection I saw of each and every one of us on this journey of rebirth...the inner-strength we all must tap into as we learn to let go of layer after layer of attachment so that our true selves can emerge and shine in the physical world.

As I watched all attachments fall from my aunt's grasp I realized that I was being gifted with the opportunity to witness this beautiful soul surrender a lifetime of idiosyncrasies...before my eyes.  All the walls of protection that we use to safeguard our hearts melted away in her frailty & fatigue...and in the end, all that was left was the pureness, the soft yet overwhelmingly powerful radiance of love within her...that same inner-beauty that fought for an entire lifetime to reveal itself fully.

More than anything, my aunt's transition represented to me the outer-manifestation of such a long inward journey.  For her, the journey was a lifetime.  For many of us, the journey was roughly 354 lifetimes condensed into 12 years minus the compression of time which equals just slightly more than 15 minutes on the new earth clock.

What Next?

April has been been no walk in the park by any standards, but if you embraced the inward process of review fully, you may suddenly be spellbound by the amount of growth, awareness, and insights that came oozing out of this Mercury retrograde period.  We still have a few days left in its wake, (and we are still in need of self-nurturing) but the great messenger offered us some huge chunks of potentially life-changing information along the way.  Those vital pieces to our cosmic puzzles that we have been waiting a very long time for may have made their way to your front door this month…those same pieces that will finally enable us to move forward and apply ourselves in a whole and complete way. 

These new pieces of information that we are now integrating will serve as the boarding passes to our new lives…those material manifestations required to blast off into our new directions with our new (higher-level) purpose.  By the time Mercury goes direct on Saturday, we will be prepared to take our next steps…those steps that are now aligned with our inner and outer selves…and forward movement will commence again, albeit at a completely new level. Collectively, we are stepping into a new level of human potential…one that is multidimensional, masculine/feminine integrated, and with new (cosmic) awareness that leads us to do new things in new ways...ways that are fully aligned with our authentic (core) selves.

"Realize that there is no more separation between who you are and who you want to be." -Pleiadians

Our willingness to just BE our true selves is all that is/was ever required to shift…and this transition into our most authentic selves is happening right now,  with or without our participation.

"What we will leave you with is this: NOW is the only time you ever need to be free... yet, and before you lash out in frustration, realize that it took each of you and the collective of humanity until NOW, to integrate this truth.  So, essentially, NOW you can freely use every NOW moment to be free!  As you accumulate these NOW moments, you live life in an effortless flow of NOW-ness". -The Seven Sisters of Pleiades

To reemergence!

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Thank you Lauren-and you were truely blessed to have been at your Great Aunt's side when she crossed over. Having been a nurse for 34 yrs. I have also been blessed to be at the bedsides of literally hundreds of people that have crossed over-not always peaceful, sometimes struggling to breathe, sometimes stubbornly resisting death for one reason or another-but I have always felt that they were giving me the greatest gift another human being can bestow on someone-a very personal, private moment that they chose to share with me. Many times this happens after exhausted family members who have kept a bedside vigil have gone home to rest or refresh themselves. Many times there are moments of clarity when the dying person shares their thoughts or a message. They may not have spoken a coherent thought for years-as is common with dementia patients, but afew moments or hours before their death they are completely coherent-that is the greatest gift of all!!

Dear Lauren

Thank you for this message, your writing speaks clearly to the heart.

Love Lynette



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


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