lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Dear family in the Light of the Violet Ray,
Please feel free to discuss your experiences here, ask whatever question you may have and answer questions you know the answer to. Let us enrich each other by sharing our experiences, doubts, wonders we witnessed, and so on.

In the love and light of the Violet Ray,

Sonja Myriel

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hello dear ones, the light of st germain is present and flows as we ask, i have been tuned to st germain this past week like never before. whenever my thoughts drift away from the flame, to mundane thoughts, the flame carries me back and reminds me that we are one and that all is in divine order. i do ask for guidance and relief of old thinking that is limited and out of focus as st germain responds. this presence is actively allowing my heart to remain open and receptive. dear sonja, you asked if anyone was feeling Guatemala. I have been feeling that area of the world strongly. it 'jumps' forward as if asking for something? i set that area in the hands of the flame's presence. some days, i feel total peace, other days i am agitated and edgy in my body. i surrender to the beautiful presence of the flame and understand that i am all changing and this is exactly what i have asked to experience from within my heart. this is a true blessing and i am grateful to each one of you. blessings.
Blessings to you, my dear Judy, blessings to you! When I read what you wrote I can feel our connection through time and space over ages and ages. Yes, I think that there are several beings in Guatemala who simply FEEL what we are doing, joining us. Isn't that geat?!? Your words also remind me to let go and trust in the beauty and meaning of life. I'm organizing a seminar at the moment an we have troubles finding the right place - but I know I have to do what I can and then let go. Though that's not always easy for me ;-).
I'm daily asking the Beings of the Violet Ray to help me transmute everything which is still holding me back from ascension and full knowledge of who I am. I feel that a lot of old energy is being released and I'm very grateful for this!

May God's Love always shine upon us,

Sonja Myriel
Dear Lightgrid Family,

Since Daylight Saving Time started here in Europe I have ahd some difficulty in observing the time and connect at the right hour ... I apologize and will do my best to re-attune!

Has anyone else had troubles as well?

During the last two weeks I sensed something like a fissure which runs from Chile (Santiago) to Japan / China (Shanghai), crossing so to say the Pacific Ocean ... This fissure feels like an opening passageway to the Inner World, to Lemuria to be exact. Does anyone share this perseption with me? It carries the potential of devastating catastrophes on the one hand but on the other it seems to be a promise of re-UNION ... After I read what Cindy wrote on the electromagnetic grid*, I suppose that it is of immense importance to dedicate special light work to this area. Anyone interested in joining in, please let me know. I will meditate upon this topic some more and keep you informed if you are interested ;-)

Sending you LOVE and LIGHT and the VIOLET FLAME,

Sonja Myriel

For several years, we have talked of this increase in electromagnetic energy. Its purpose: to augment imagination, creativity, intuition, and wisdom. Each of these components is an essential building block of the positive future of dreams. The electromagnetic energy stimulates the temporal lobes and triggers electrical and chemical reactions within the cerebrum and within the limbic brain. Such stimulation also triggers new frequencies of vibration around the hypothalamus gland and within the intense concentration of neurotransmitters and neuroreceptors within the midbrain.

However, such energy needs to be utilized - consciously utilized. Unattended, this same electromagnetic energy can trigger tectonic activity - earthquakes and volcanoes. It can trigger seemingly attacking and unrelenting weather conditions - massive and excessive storms and bizarre weather conditions - as you have been experiencing over the last several years. Unattended, this electromagnetic activity can trigger emotional outbursts and violence. This, too, has been too evident and tragically painful in your current world.

This same electromagnetic energy that can be so helpful in your growing, changing, and evolving can also precipitate so much tragedy, sadness, and sorrow. And this energy is increasing as the years of this decade unfold. The influx increases and accelerates."
When I was researching where the above excerpt was taken from, I came across the following passage concerning Lemuria: and it was like a Big Bang to me because I didn't know that Lemuria REALLY was located where now there is the Pacific Ocean: (near Bottom of the Page)

Lemuria is re-emerging. We said long ago that Lemuria would once again emerge, but we also said don't get your boats and go out and look for it, because it's not going to show up that way. Lemuria was a most marvelous and wonderful continent in the Pacific Ocean. It was a simple place, a beautiful place where the emphasis was on spirituality. It was not destroyed like Atlantis. It was certainly not destroyed by Atlantis, as some would want to say. It's so arrogant to assume that the only way that something could come to an end is through destruction. Lemuria was not destroyed. Lemuria was done. And that's a major difference that's important to understand.

The continent was a mystical place covered in wonderful clouds. But underneath those clouds was a radiant light that came not only from the sun, though the sun was there, but from the land itself. There was a luminescence that made everything brighter and more vivid. People lived in lovely little villages, and they lived very peacefully. There was no warring, no destructiveness in that way. They were powerful, they were spiritual, they focused their power and their spirituality.

There were Crystal Cities high upon mountains that were accessible only by teleportation. So therefore, there were no gates to guard, because if you could get in, it meant that you teleported yourself. You belonged there. If you couldn't teleport yourself there, you wouldn't get in. Therefore, there was no judgment, no rules, no regulation. It took care of itself.

And the people there grew, and the people there learned. And when Lemuria was done, some realized, "We're done," and moved to higher levels. Others realized, "We're done, but we're going to plant crystals out into the world so as to pass on these knowledges when people are ready to understand so that they, too, might become spiritual and preserve their Earth and their reality until they, too, are done, and then graciously and elegantly leave it."

And as well as putting crystals out there, certain consciousnesses agreed to stay and to plant themselves out into humanity -- to forget what they knew. They went into the Atlantis that was yet to come, for Atlantis as a continent did exist. And they would grow in their forgetfulness and learn, and learn all over again, and eventually come back to what they always knew. They would reawaken the true essence of their spirituality -- the true essence of their relationship with God/Goddess/All That Is.

The Doomsayers even now have not counted on Lemuria. The power of the Goddess energy is re-emerging. The Goddess, though she never left, is returning. There is a future that does not call for destruction, but rather calls for the opening to a new world of love, a world of joy, a world that approaches that of Lemuria - - a world that doesn't have judgment because there's nothing to judge, a world that doesn't have anger because there's nothing to be angry about, a world that doesn't have fighting because there's nothing to fight about. To open to that, to move toward that -- that was not counted on.

And that's why we say that a future was determined. You, coming back from Atlantis, said, "No, we're not going to let it be destroyed this time. Despite what the detractors say, despite what those who want us to be Warriors say, we're going to be Adventurers. We're going to be Adventurers and enjoy this reality, and create it, not run from it, not hide from it, not fear it and try to destroy it. We're going to create it." And in that sense, come alive with that Light as the energy from the Pacific -- the feminine energy, the energy of the Goddess, the energy of the Light -- re-emerges.

And that's what it's about. And that's why it's important that there are power spots, that you can tap into that power, and that you allow yourself to do so. Because as you do so, you can then tap into your own power and the energy that is part of what you are.

Many cannot see it. But then the natives in South America couldn't see Magellan's ships, either. And someone had to say, "Look here. Look like this. Look like that." In many ways what we are doing is offering that alternative, trying to tell you:

"Look, there's love, love that can grow. Love can change reality. Love is all there is. You don't have to suffer. You don't have to be in pain. You don't have to deny yourself."

And you say, "Lazaris, I just can't see it."

But eventually you, too, can stretch your mind to conceptualize it, and once you can conceptualize it, you can create it. And once you can create it, then you can live it. So we are stretching and trying to help you stretch to see what right now lies just beyond your vision, beyond your capacity. Some of you are beginning to glimpse it. We want more of you to glimpse it.

And a way to do that is by establishing intimacy in your life, personally with others, with your world, with your reality, and with the Earth. Call upon the Earth to work with her (or him or it) to love and to receive love and to be loved. And allow the possibility that the Earth can work with you and be loved by you and be changed by your presence, by your thought, by your energy. ...

With love and peace ... LAZARIS
Sonja Myriel said:
Dear Lightgrid Family,

Since Daylight Saving Time started here in Europe I have ahd some difficulty in observing the time and connect at the right hour ... I apologize and will do my best to re-attune!

Has anyone else had troubles as well?

During the last two weeks I sensed something like a fissure which runs from Chile (Santiago) to Japan / China (Shanghai), crossing so to say the Pacific Ocean ... This fissure feels like an opening passageway to the Inner World, to Lemuria to be exact. Does anyone share this perseption with me? It carries the potential of devastating catastrophes on the one hand but on the other it seems to be a promise of re-UNION ... After I read what Cindy wrote on the electromagnetic grid*, I suppose that it is of immense importance to dedicate special light work to this area. Anyone interested in joining in, please let me know. I will meditate upon this topic some more and keep you informed if you are interested ;-)

Sending you LOVE and LIGHT and the VIOLET FLAME,

Sonja Myriel

For several years, we have talked of this increase in electromagnetic energy. Its purpose: to augment imagination, creativity, intuition, and wisdom. Each of these components is an essential building block of the positive future of dreams. The electromagnetic energy stimulates the temporal lobes and triggers electrical and chemical reactions within the cerebrum and within the limbic brain. Such stimulation also triggers new frequencies of vibration around the hypothalamus gland and within the intense concentration of neurotransmitters and neuroreceptors within the midbrain.

However, such energy needs to be utilized - consciously utilized. Unattended, this same electromagnetic energy can trigger tectonic activity - earthquakes and volcanoes. It can trigger seemingly attacking and unrelenting weather conditions - massive and excessive storms and bizarre weather conditions - as you have been experiencing over the last several years. Unattended, this electromagnetic activity can trigger emotional outbursts and violence. This, too, has been too evident and tragically painful in your current world.

This same electromagnetic energy that can be so helpful in your growing, changing, and evolving can also precipitate so much tragedy, sadness, and sorrow. And this energy is increasing as the years of this decade unfold. The influx increases and accelerates."

Daylight savings goes back to normal on April 4th ~ Easter Sunday for those that live in New South Wales in Australia. I feel like I have my energy in two worlds... yes I also am feeling the confusion Sonja, as there is NO TIME in the Spirit world. Let's have a dance up in the stars, shall we??
Dear Sonja,

I greatly appreciate all that you are sharing! I keep what is for me, 3:00 PM meditation and the 2:00 AM meditation is while my body is asleep. Although I have no memory when awakening, I set my attention before falling asleep and trust that I will be there. I feel a heightened concentration as I tune into the energy at 3:00. I have worked with energy for years so I feel the presence of increased energy. I do not have the same phsycic awareness of what the energy is doing for the planet, so your feedback is very helpful! I use it to add to my meditation.

I have used this mantra for years and have found it very helpful:

I am a flame of silver, violet fire,
I am the purity God desires.

Namaste! Carol
It's good to know this .. I will more often share my experiences if it helps :-) And I invite everyone to do the same ;-) Ou experiences need not be the same or similar of course because ech and everyone perceives the whole from his her point of view ;-) but maybe we can find out certain patterns or similarities :-)

I know that the Spirit World has different time patterns and concepts, but for lightgrid work tuning in at the very same time is essential! Time is like a fourth dimension and for what we do we have to SYNCHRONIZE. Maybe this will change once we have reached a certain level of ascension, but up to this point it still matters ;-)


Sonja Myriel
I send my Higher sel to use all my energies to meditate when I cannot join-I put full intention behind it and feel as if this connects me. If I am wrong please let me know!

Sonja Myriel said:
It's good to know this .. I will more often share my experiences if it helps :-) And I invite everyone to do the same ;-) Ou experiences need not be the same or similar of course because ech and everyone perceives the whole from his her point of view ;-) but maybe we can find out certain patterns or similarities :-)

I know that the Spirit World has different time patterns and concepts, but for lightgrid work tuning in at the very same time is essential! Time is like a fourth dimension and for what we do we have to SYNCHRONIZE. Maybe this will change once we have reached a certain level of ascension, but up to this point it still matters ;-)


Sonja Myriel
You are, right, Angela, this works ;-). It is absolutely ok to do this when you cannot join and it is also great to go to bed with the intention to join in sleep, for example. But what is very much needed at this time is the conscious effort of a human being on the Earth Plane to establish worldwide contact through the Grid of Light. That's why I continually promote to consciously connect at the given times :-) I suppose that all the other methods also work and it's absolutely ok to use them once in a while when we simply cannot connect due to one or the other reason ... but as human beings we often tend to take the easiest way and once we have established routine in delegating connection time to our Higher Self, it's really hard to get back to really connecting on a conscious level again, daily, at the same time ;-). But that's what we are asked to do: MAKE THE EFFORT - lol.

I'm sending you Love, Light and Blessings, dear Angela,

Sonja Myriel
No problem-It's just been hectic around here this week!I will connect as much as possible!
Love and Light,

Sonja Myriel said:
You are, right, Angela, this works ;-). It is absolutely ok to do this when you cannot join and it is also great to go to bed with the intention to join in sleep, for example. But what is very much needed at this time is the conscious effort of a human being on the Earth Plane to establish worldwide contact through the Grid of Light. That's why I continually promote to consciously connect at the given times :-) I suppose that all the other methods also work and it's absolutely ok to use them once in a while when we simply cannot connect due to one or the other reason ... but as human beings we often tend to take the easiest way and once we have established routine in delegating connection time to our Higher Self, it's really hard to get back to really connecting on a conscious level again, daily, at the same time ;-). But that's what we are asked to do: MAKE THE EFFORT - lol.

I'm sending you Love, Light and Blessings, dear Angela,

Sonja Myriel
I have often stressed the importance of connecting synchronically, not just delegating connection time to our Higher Selves. Today I found this inspiring message on meditation and wanted to add a few words to this topic.

Do the small things of life with a relaxed awareness. When you are eating, eat totally ~ chew totally, taste totally, smell totally. Touch your bread, feel the texture. Smell the bread, smell the flavor. Chew it, let it dissolve into your being, and remain conscious ~ and you are meditating. And then meditation is not separate from life.

Whenever meditation is separate from life, something is wrong. It becomes life-negative. Then one starts thinking of going to a monastery or to a Himalayan cave. Then one wants to escape from life, because life seems to be a distraction from meditation.

Life is not a distraction, life is an occasion for meditation.

When people asked me for my mediation habits I always used to say "I meditate my life" ... now I regularly connect with you and my meditation practice has improved a lot. But sometimes it's absolutely impossible to sit down and relax, to create a peaceful environment without anything to do but to CONNECT. So what I do is connect in the middle of it all :-)

I continue with what has to be done (cooking, looking after the children, playing with them, ...) but at the same time I call on Saint Geramin and the Beings of the Violet Ray and go through one step after the other of connecting. This has helped me a lot: First, doing this offers the possibility to connect whatever the circumstances may be. And second I am beginning to realize my multidimensionality more and more intensely! Sometimes pictures, visions or simply a knowing of something important will come to me in the middle of everyday life and I attribute this growing awareness of the multidimensional nature of my BEing to a large proportion to this practice of connecting within every day life whenever I do not have the possibility to take the time to withdraw.

Maybe you are doing the very same thing already? Maybe you feel inspired to try it out yourself ...

Sonja Myriel

Hello All & Sonja.

Just seeing this wonderful space for our experiences.

Thank you Sonja.

Be back soon...

Namaste All




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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