lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

My beautiful family of the living light,

Heads up, my friends, although you are few, a handful, maybe. Our inner soul connexion is more alive than ever! The most urgent needs of the time: Let the VIOLET LIGHT SHINE BRIGHT in the NEAR EAST where the war is being brought to the surface now!

I would like to thank each and every one who participated in sending HEALING to Austria, Germany and the countries east of us. I have been sending the VIOLET LIGHT back to all regions hit by Helene and hope that HELP has reached and is reaching you! Please feel free to ask for help whenever help is needed rigt where you live! Our GRATITUDE connects us to the heavenly powers more and more each day and our co-creative work with the elementals surfaces as MIRACLES beyond belief!

Therefore, let us NOW unite again in the upcoming lightgrid connexions and please know, that we are guided to connect now 8 times per day and thus INCREASE the pulse of Violet Light by adding the inbetween hours of 7 and 1 am/pm Universal Time to our daily meditation windows of opportunity to work MIRACLES for the world!

Where 2 or more are united in Spirit, there I AM.

The following video was recorded in the early morning hours today in prepararion for the coming solar eclipse. We are the stronghold of LIGHT in the darkest hour before sunrise and WE ARE ONE!

Beside our doubling of connexion times, a new dispensation from on hig awaits our active participation. It is the offer from Prince Oromasis and Diana, keepers of the FIRE element and SALAMANDERS, to help ALL LIFE on Earth and especially the NATURE SPIRITS to FREE themselves from the artificial bonds burdened on them by humanity.

The following ecerpt may help you get the FEEL of the task at hand:

Lightgrid - Inspirational sharings, [28.09.2024 16:32]
Oromasis and Diana, Hierarchs of the Fire Element

Oromasis and Diana are the directors of the fire element and are in charge of the salamanders, the elemental beings of fire. Fire is a symbol of the Holy Ghost and the Spirit of God. It is also a symbol of regeneration because fire consumes that which is old and outworn. Yet spiritual fire can burn without consuming. For instance, the biblical book of Daniel tells how three Hebrew children were thrown into a fiery furnace but were not destroyed. And Moses, a past embodiment of the Ascended Master Lord Ling, spoke to an angel in a bush that burned with fire but was not consumed.

Prince Oromasis and Princess Diana, as they are addressed by their retinue, work closely with the etheric, or fire, body of man, assisting to open and regulate the flow of light through the seven chakras. Together with the legions of blue-lightning and white-fire angels in their command, they intensify and quicken the action of spiritual fire in answer to our calls. Using their momentum of the sacred fire, they help purify our four lower bodies and free our physical form from the densities of impure foods, drugs and other harmful substances.

Mark Prophet once saw Oromasis and described him as having a wonderful beauty. He said that Oromasis didn’t look a day over twenty-two and that his gorgeous face shone like the sun. He was surrounded by expansive concentric rings of light that gave him a magnificent appearance. Mark said that if Oromasis walked through a room he would consume on the instant any negative quality. Stale odors and energies would be vaporized immediately.

Source: Working with the Masters, from the Sacred Adventure Series

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Lightgrid - Inspirational sharings, [28.09.2024 16:32]

Oromasis and Diana have asked us to invoke the violet flame to bring forth the “rainbow fire”—the fire of the salamanders—to transmute and erase the burdens upon elemental life. The rainbow fire is a spiritual fire that ascends in rainbow colors, passing through the elementals and through our bodies as well as the bodies of those in our care. To take advantage of this dispensation simply give violet-flame decrees and make the following call after the preamble or as a fiat by itself:

In the name of my mighty I AM Presence,

I call for the rainbow fire from the heart of beloved Prince Oromasis and Diana to burn out of my four lower bodies and the planet

all that is not of the light!

Source: Working with the Masters, from the Sacred Adventure Series

Lightgrid - Inspirational sharings, [30.09.2024 11:56]

The Fiery Salamanders

The salamanders in the command of Oromasis and Diana are fiery beings whose auras ripple with the rainbow rays of the causal body. Composed of liquid fire that reflects the consciousness of those they serve, their appearance is constantly changing as their chameleon-like nature instantly reflects the prism of the Christ consciousness playing upon their form. Their job is crucial because in addition to sustaining physical fire, they serve at the atomic level of all organic and inorganic life to infuse the molecules of matter with the spiritual fires of creation.

The salamanders imbue the entire world with the energies of Spirit necessary to sustain life on earth. Capable of wielding both the most intense fires of the physical atom and the purifying flame of Spirit, they control the spiritual-material interchange of light within the nucleus of every atom. Whether in electricity, firelight or the flame of a candle, the salamanders are agents for the transfer of the fires of the subtle world for mankind’s daily use. Without the spark of life sustained by the salamanders, life and matter begin to decay, corrode and disintegrate.

These dazzling beings are actually mirrors of the Great Central Sun Magnet, the blazing sun-fire that is the spiritual center of cosmos. They are mighty instruments at the disposal of every ascended and cosmic being. Powerful in their outreach and service to life, the salamanders carry rods of white lightning as scepters of authority to hold the balance of the fire element in the world of form. They also work with the seraphim of God who are angels of fire.

Oromasis and Diana have suggested the burning of a candle when giving decrees in order to take advantage of the presence of physical fire. Even a single votive is a magnet of the fiery salamanders, who can use the action of the sacred fire to purify personal and world conditions.

Salamanders are not confined to any dimension since they are of the realm of Spirit. Magnificent fiery salamanders can be fifteen, twenty, thirty and fifty feet high with some one hundred feet tall, focusing the rainbow rays of God in solemn reverence for the flame of life. With the flicker of a flame, they may reduce their size to an inch in height. Beings of tremendous power in the service of those who love the Christ—where they love to be—there is nothing they cannot do to uplift the standards of the race.

Source: Working with the Masters, from the Sacred Adventure Series

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Lightgrid - Inspirational sharings, [30.09.2024 13:21]

See the rainbow fire of Prince Oromasis and his consort Diana, Keepers of the FIRE ELEMENTALS!

This short video is a gift of the elementals and especially the Salamanders. It holds the potential to raise your energy through the activity of the RAINBOW FIRE set free by the following invocation:

In the name of my mighty I AM Presence, I call for the rainbow fire from the heart of beloved Prince Oromasis and Diana to burn out of my four lower bodies and the planet all that is not of the light!

Oromasis and Diana have asked us to invoke the violet flame to bring forth the “rainbow fire”—the fire of the salamanders—to transmute and erase the burdens upon elemental life. The rainbow fire is a spiritual fire that ascends in rainbow colors, passing through the elementals and through our bodies as well as the bodies of those in our care. To take advantage of this dispensation simply give violet-flame decrees and make the call 💜🙏💜

Source ( Working with the Masters
Video (Ajpu 1 - 29.9.) & message Sonja Myriel ( -

The rainbow fire has shown itself in many, many potos to me, recently:


If you feel the authenticity of this post, the messages from Prince Oromasis and Diana and the urgenc of the hour to PRAY for the LIBERATION OF ALL LIFE ON EARTH, please leave a like or comment below this post so I know that WE ARE CONNECTED!

Be it one or two - as the forerunners of the GOLDEN AGE we are Divinely Guided and Empowered and our pleas and meditation practice will unfold DIVINE POWERS. We are the CHANNELS of LIGHT building the BRIDGE between HEAVEN and EARTH, connected on the inner planes, always in service to the unfolding of God's Divine Plan on Earth. This is what we have come here for. 

If you would like to receive lightgrid messages without delay in time, please subscribe to our youtube channel and consider to join or Telegram groups:

May GOD guide us all, CREATOR of all that exists, and may the GODDDES embrace us with her nourishing LOVE, so we can bring forth her miraculous wisdom, incarnate!

So BE it - and so it IS!

Connected NOW and every 3 hours for the coming 24 hours and beyond, beginning in a bit less than ONE hour from NOW (9:05 UT),

Sonja Myriel RAouine

Views: 51

Replies to This Discussion

Beautiful images for us to hold in our hearts!  Thank you!  

In the name of my mighty I AM Presence,

I call for the rainbow fire from the heart of beloved Prince Oromasis and Diana

to burn out of my four lower bodies and the planet all that is not of the light!

Right before the Solar Eclipse, which was not visible here in Europe as it took place around 10pm, the SUN Herself gave us the required sign to go for a FIRE CEREMONY with the invocation from above.

Many pictures that I took have been reflecting this RAINBOW FIRE - Now I see what it is telling me ... so many possibilities of what this fire can do for all life on earth are popping up for my inner sight ... May all of October UNITE us in the calls for LIEBERATION!

Thank you, dear Lora, for your loving comment,

Sonja Myriel



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!

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