The immune system serves to protect the body from germs and toxic elements.
To strengthen our diet should be composed of vegetable protein foods from LEGUMES, GRAINS, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.
To prevent infection should also minimize the consumption of flour, refined sugar, dairy and meat. Its high in saturated fat and deficiencies of omega 6 and omega 3 have a negative effect on the defenses and favor recurrent infections.
There are also natural solutions with powerful antibiotic effects activators direct or defenses that should consume on a regular basis or use specifically as an alternative to chemical antibiotics when necessary.
Meet Some recommendations:
Element Group Therapy
MACA It has proven to be a food of high nutritional and biological value, as their varied chemical composition is the presence of protein, fats, carbohydrates, calcium, cellulose, starch, phosphorus, iodine, iron, vitamin B complex and vitamin C. Although some people may not feel any change to consumers is undeniable positive effect on the body.
It's easy to find ads related to Maca as the Ying Seng Peruvian people consume it because they feel flexible and do not feel sleepy during the day, similar to the effects of Ying Seng. More properties and chemical composition of maca makes it more powerful and scholars say the tuber is much better. . Athletes and physically active people are likely to feel the positive effects and benefits of Maca faster, because it replaces the high cost of energy they have and makes them feel less tired.
Maca has the highest concentration of calcium than any other plant of its kind. So it is a powerful restorative tonic for people recovering from anemia and diseases that require the formation of red blood cells also good for menopause and menopause. Maca also contains Zinc which favors tissue oxygenation. Also contributes to the normal development of hair, so its deficiency can produce a tendency to alopecia or baldness or disorders in the appearance and vitality of the scalp
NONI JUICE (Morinda citrofolia L.): Noni juice has 53 varieties of active principles covering a wide field of medicine. Interest is its proven immunostimulant effect, antiinfecioso, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and regenerative mucosa. Noni provides proxeronine, that is. A substance. Xeronine precursor, in turn, it repairs the damaged tissue cells, controlling their growth and enhancing the immune system's ability to accelerate the formation of new leukocytes. PALO DE ARCO (Tabebuia spp. [Fabebuia avellanadae]): This plant is astringent, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, antimicrobial. antifungal, antiviral and antiparasitic. Lapachol exerts an anti-infective against Gram + bacteria and some fungi. This plant is itself a specific anti-tumor treatment, as their naphthoquinones showed significant cytotoxic activity against tumor cells. Ellapachol can reduce tumor mass and reduce pain caused by the tumor.
Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia DC): It is indicated for infectious disease recurrence due to decreased body defenses. It is inflammatory, antitoxic (stimulates liver detoxification and kidney) and anticancer. Echinacea increases defense mechanisms stimulating humoral immunity, cellular and increasing the number of leukocytes. It also contains an inhibitor of hyaluronidase, an enzyme produced by many bacteria to allow the spread of germs through the tissue. In the field of infections, this plant has a fungicidal, bactericidal and inhibition of virus growth. In the respiratory system infection subsides in processes such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, flu-like states and other respiratory illnesses. In the digestive field stimulates salivary secretion, and is used in the treatment of diarrhea, colitis and ulcerative stomatitis repetition.
CAT'S CLAW (Uncaria tomentosa Wild.) Inhibitor is anti-tumor and degenerative diseases, especially if they produce an immune system disease. Has antioxidant properties that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which provide an overall effect of such antiviral, antitumor and anti-inflammatory. It is stimulating the immune system, since the three alkaloids pteropodine and more, stimulate phagocytosis (ability to kill foreign cells by white blood cells).
SHILAJIT Powerful rejuvenating and detoxifying. Protects and restores the health of the nervous system. Counteracts Diabetes and regulates the levels of blood sugar by improving pancreatic functions, maintain healthy digestion. Helps eliminate accumulated fat, allowing the body to properly use it by transforming it into energy. Promotes the health of the entire urinary tract and reproductive organs.
ARANDANO Neutralize the action of free radicals that are harmful to the body, leading to very different physiological effects: anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It also includes a significant amount of vitamin C, which boosts the immune system or the body's defenses and helps reduce the risk of degenerative diseases and cardiovascular diseases.
CAMU CAMU The Camu-Camu fruit has one of the highest concentrations of vitamin C in the world. Oranges provide 500 to 4,000 parts per million of vitamin C or ascorbic acid, while Acerola has a range of 16,000 to 172,000 parts per million of ascorbic acid. The Camu-Camu provides 21,000 to 500,000 parts per million of ascorbic acid or 2-3 grams per kilogram. Compared to oranges, Camu-camu provides 10 times more iron, twice as much riboflavin, and fifty percent more phosphorus. As natural vitamin C favors the formation of collagen, a protein that supports many body structures and giving training to the bones, teeth, gums, blood vessels and skin. Can stimulate the body's natural defenses and is involved in the absorption of iron from foods of plant origin. Scurvy is the classic manifestation of severe impairment of ascorbic acid or vitamin C.
ROYAL JELLY It is a natural food concentrate that stimulates the body, allowing a better overall facilitating cellular activity. Is beneficial because the protein content of high biological value (12%) in the presence of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5-B6-B7-B8-B9-B12-ACDEM and the series of minerals formed by calcium, copper, sulfur, iron, phosphorus, potassium and silicon. Royal Jelly is nutritious, tonic in case of fatigue, stimulates the functioning of the endocrine glands, the immune system (indicated in lower defenses, overuse of antibiotics, chronic infectious diseases, colds and flu repeat), has antibacterial factor stimulates the production of antibodies, collagen production and repair of damaged tissues. It is also trophic (increases blood flow to the tissues).
PROPOLAID O It is a natural product that has a positive action in the body. Its therapeutic properties are: 1) Fungal (candida albicans ...), virucidal (flu, cold ...) and bacterial (staphylococcus, streptococcus, salmonella, bacillus subtilis, Proteus vulgaris-ris, Escherichia coli ...). 2) antioxidant property. 3) direct Immunostimulant (favoring phagocytosis and antibody formation) and indirect (increasing global resistance against aggression). 4) Property anesthetic. 5) Property inflammatory and antirheumatic. 6) Protector of the mucous membranes due to its healing power. 7) Balsamic and antitussive, and desinflama protects the airways.
ICELANDIC LICHEN (Cetraria islandica L.): is antibiotic due to usnic acid, has been proven effective antibiotic against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and against Gram + cocci. Is antibiotic pulmonary antianemic, used until recently as tuberculosis. It has expectorant and antitussive properties. On the other hand, stimulates production of red blood cells. It is also an appetizer and tonic by cetraro acid and an emollient to contain mucilage and is used as demulcent (mitigates the irritation I soften the swollen parts) where chronic gastritis and gastrointestinal pain.
see more about minerals
ZINC : Stimulates the production of lymphocytes. In the composition of many enzymes (almost 80), and therefore plays a major role in all metabolic processes. It is necessary for the synthesis of prostaglandin. It is necessary for the synthesis of collagen. Helps the metabolism and distribution of vitamin A. It is an antioxidant. Prevents cancer.
Magnesium: Involved in the repair and maintenance of cells. It is necessary for the processes of defense (antibodies are protein in nature). It is necessary for hormonal activity. Involved in the physiology of many systems. It is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses and balancing the nervous system. Aid for energy production. COPPER: Strengthens blood vessels and connective tissue. It is an antioxidant. It is necessary for the uptake of vitamin C. Facilitates the absorption of iron (required for immunological activity.) It is necessary for the production of adrenal hormones. Aid for energy production.
Manganese : is antioxidant, is essential for energy metabolism, contributes to the production of urea. It is necessary for fatty acid synthesis, manufacture proteins and nucleic acids. Strengthens immunity by increasing production of antitoxins. It is a powerful desensitizing anaphylactic phenomena. Helps in the setting of the minerals calcium and iron
Selenium: Acts as an antioxidant, is needed for DNA repair, is necessary for a healthy immune system, prevents many types of cancer, liver function provides, maintains healthy skin and hair, can detoxify the body of alcohol, drugs, snuff and some fats. Prevents heart disease and circulatory diseases.
see more about vitamins
A : Increases defenses, prevents cancer, and is necessary for the health of mucous membranes, protein synthesis and tissue development. It is detoxifying and participates in the development of liver enzymes.
B1: It is stimulating and antalgic. It is necessary for energy production, promote growth. Necessary to the proper functioning of the nervous system, muscles, heart and brain.
B3 : Helps in energy production and use of this, improves circulation, is involved in cell metabolism, is protective of the skin and ensures their nutrition. (Sint tirox cortisone and insults). Maintains the proper functioning of the nervous and digestive system. Converts carbohydrates into energy.
B6 : Necessary for production of antibodies and red blood cells. Without it endentecen cells and tissues degenerate. Contributes to the metabolism and transport of selenium, magnesium is needed for metabolism, and the absorption of vitamin 812. It is a natural diuretic. Contributes to the absorption of zinc. Its deficiency causes serious skin problems and nervous system, insomnia, anemia and immune system depression.
B9 : Involved in the development of most cells. It is essential for training. maturation and regeneration of red blood cells, and therefore the balance and smooth running of the blood formula. It is necessary for the absorption of sugar and amino acids. It is necessary for the absorption of nutrients such as vitamins 81 and 812.
B12 : Take part in the formation and regeneration of red blood cells. Cyanide eliminates food and smoke snuff. Encourages and facilitates the integration of the amino acids in tissue proteins. Promotes growth and tissue regeneration. It is stimulating overall body. Protects the liver and nourishes the nervous tissues. It is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, growth and development. It is necessary for the absorption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
C : It acts as a protection against attacks by free radicals, helping the defending cell rejuvenation and good health. Also it is necessary for the synthesis of structural proteins in our bodies and collagen. Acts in the detoxification of foreign substances (drugs, toxins, etc..) And mainly in defensive mechanisms against infectious agents, enhancing the system: the human body immune.
D : It is necessary for the absorption of magnesium, zinc, iron and other minerals. Helps the assimilation of vitamin A. It is essential for the functioning of the kidney.
E: is antioxidant, then prevents peroxidation of cell membranes, favoring especially the red blood cell survival by protecting the membrane and increase its resistance to agents that destroy them. Stimulates immune activity. It is a natural diuretic. Protects vitamin A. Nutrition promotes nerve and muscle cells. Regulates circulation. It is necessary for cell metabolism. Presentation: Syrup (250 ml). How to use: Take 1 scoop 10 ml every day, before breakfast.