lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

A Gift From Gaia

Channelling – “That which you condemn will always return to the temple for forgiveness”.
This morning I took myself off for a walk, the past few days here in Surrey UK we have had a period of replenishment in which the rains have been falling and so as my world outside my window became greener, I chose to perfect my alignments to the Heart Chakra.
Green is the colour of the heart chakra, the Universal Law that governs this chakra is the Law of Rhythm, and so staying in on the inside felt like the perfect alignment whilst nature took itself through a process of rehydration for me to become witness and to choose to play on the pendulum swing with almighty Earth. Whilst our planetary ship readjusted, I simply sat, watched, opened myself to the teachings and chose to create a meditation that I could walk to once there was a space for me to reconnect back outside again.
And what a powerful walking meditation it was as I opened and received the words “That which you condemn will always return to the temple for forgiveness”. These words then opened a powerful remembrance, a Saturnian teaching on this Saturn’s Day of the dissolution of Karma and Time, as well as a heart chakra opening that dissolved any old threads of resistance to a past of chaos and the perfect partners who played their Divine parts within it all.
I will keep this brief beloved, but I will unfold the codes for you to play and explore too in these freedom codes I found.
It all begins with understanding the entirety of what Divine Unconditional Love is, and this is an area which many have yet to explore because there is a part of love that most do not want to accept, and that part is chaos itself.
Have you realised chaos as part of the Heart Law yet? Have you realised that the destruction of the old, and the creation of the new is always chaotic and have you noticed your judgement to creation itself? How you hold your breath and close your eyes in the crescendo and beg for the moment to pass? How you use a narrative that supports the restriction and escapism to a fundamental part of the Divine Plan? To Love itself?
Here lies separation…
Here is where the lesson that love is the acceptance of all things begins to open, and once you see it, is the moment in which you get to collapse the spectrum and work with the magic that it is, at light speed, which is the collapse of time, and what follows is the realisation of how that old karmic law then dissolves into nothingness and you truly get to activate the freedom and liberation codes within your DNA.
Chaos is like the string to the theory, it is what joins it all together, chaos is the waters of the great flood that created the space for your arrival. Chaos are the fires that scorch the lands but herald and call forth the new beginning. Chaos is the great war that changes the shape of humanity just as chaos is a pandemic which changes the global family unto a new way to behave.
Chaos is you in transformation…
Chaos is not meant to be judged, it is to be wholly and completely received as the Divine Experience that it is.
Chaos is unconditional love.
Video - "Total Integration - Experience The Oneness Of All That You Are !
Breathe with me, there is ultimately a lot to take in here…
The Law of rhythm teaches us that there is both a forward motion and the backward, but it is the backward motion that many resist and call chaos through the limited understanding, which then creates a painful experience in life to learn exactly the importance of the backward swing.
The backward swing is the destruction, it is the clearing, the purification, it is the space, it is the remembrance and it is ultimately the power that propels us forward, it is crucial and it is love itself.
It is the pattern of your life, it is you learning to ride the pendulum and to love the entire journey, and I repeat, love is the acceptance of all things, and all things got you to this space, here and now, in which you are reading this light that I am sharing with you after I chose to receive yet another teaching from our Source.
Magical sharing’s of light, in which some of what I say may well have you recoil and the chaos of the current programming that is stuck in the separation begins to react, but beloved it does so FOR you to realise and release, it makes itself known in the shutdown and the retreat to reflect where there are limitations and where we turn from the light, from love.
So, let us now jump, to the relationships, the acquaintances, the connections that you have made over your lifetime so far that you have deemed as bad or chaotic, the ones that you are practicing to love unconditionally through the pain and separation that was experienced.
Some of you will be in the experience of embracing and some still learning how it is possible to love such chaos, and all is perfect, all is a part of this awesome journey, and I would like to share with you the visions I received today whilst walking in meditation of how there is literally no separation and that to try to block and barricade them out is only ever going to cause a split on the inside of you.
Each of these beautifully chaotic beings exist within your cells, and your cells are memory. Every word and every deed that was done was an encoding to steer your ship towards the light, every experience was part of your Divine navigation and their voices, the images, the words, all of it is fully programmed into your being to support and anchor you into the new.
Once the expeience has actualised it can never be erased and neither would you want it to my love’s, there are no cords to be cut, there are no boundaries that can hold this out and to try is to play the rat run of karma in which all that we resist continues to persist and you know this, but is this being applied to everything and one?
Beloved, these people that you think hurt you exist within you, they are you, they are the Divine reflection of you, waking you, as we would expect a God to awaken a God.
He who raped me, raped me for lifetimes again and again, he exists within me, to awaken me.
He who beat me, beat me for lifetimes again and again, he exists within me, to awaken me.
He who stole from me, stole from me for lifetimes again and again, he exists within me, to awaken me.
He is me, as I raped, I raged, I beat, I stole in a bazillion different manifestations over thousands of years that gifted me different forms, shapes, and sizes.
I love him, because I love me, as I love me…
This is the gift of collapsing time; this is the gift of collapsing karma because when we realise the truth we can see that the very reason it has arrived in the reality is FOR us to awaken to the truth of how this has all been operating, and this brings me to the keycode of “that which you condemn will always return to the temple for forgiveness”, whether it is this lifetime or another the purpose is to understand that to condemn is to condemn oneself and the continuation of this teaching will repeat. Time is cyclic, everything returns back to you, for you, to awaken you to the remembrance of who you truly are.
The same his-tory repeats until the realisation and acceptance of her-story is realised within each of you and at that point the entire story can be de-storied or destroyed, and chaos collapses, the light moves too fast for chaos to even be seen.
All is coming back around for forgiveness; all returns back to the temple (you) for you to realise the pattern of this consciousness being shared here.
The moment this is received, the moment you receive all as you is the moment that time and karma collapse and you get to truly open the chakra of the heart and begin to reprogram your being with Source Codes.
The recycling reincarnation process then becomes null and void and you come to know yourself as God in which everything is built in the time it takes for a thought to appear in which chaos happens to fast to even be noticed.
So my loves, know this, hold the words, of that which you condemn will always return to the temple, you, for forgiveness, for your full acceptance and embrace, and its so Divinely loving that it matters not how many lifetimes you take to learn what I am offering to you now in these words.
I love you xxx
Infinite Blessing of Christ Love, Enlightenment, Abundance, and 'All That You Are'.
Steven Hutchinson
Video - "Tree Of Life & Light Meditation By Melanie Beckler" -

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Replies to This Discussion

This is so beautiful and so appropriate for the current situation on Gaia. I have been using the art of forgiveness Ho'oponopono from my Hawaiian brothers and sisters to work on forgiveness and 'collapsing karma', as you so elegantly stated. Thank you for the confirmation. 

Thanks so much for sharing your uplifting comment about your experience with forgiveness & lightworki Eva. Infinite Blessings of Christ Love, Ever-unfolding Enlightenment, & Abundance, Steve



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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