Welcome to the Expect Wonderful Weekly Digest.
Yesterday I intedend to email you this, but was feeling such incredible energy flowing through me and calling for release, that I could not focus. I thought I was receiving a "multidimensional ring-tone" letting me know a transmission was coming forth. I did channel, but there was not a message as I had intended instead there was information about the importance of BEING love and peace. And the pressure-feeling remained.
This morning I learned about the earthquake in New Zealand and my experience yesterday made more sense. I felt the pressure in the Earth building up and was guided to cultivate peace and calm in my own energy which I did, and this morning and now I encourage you to do the same.
We can make such a huge difference in the world by "Holding the Earth in the palms of our hands and visualizing peaceful transformation." (I quote Kris Raimen, who shared this with us this morning on www.facebook.com/Expect Wonderful.FB )
This is different than SENDING energy. It is creating a new paradigm and energizing new pathways for others; making it easy for them to fish for themselves, rather then giving them a fish, so to speak. I invite you to participate in the Earth's smooth transition as you feel guided.
Here are some resources from Expect Wonderful, most from this past week, which may serve you in cultivating your vibration, expanding your heart, feeling a sense of community and connection and just having fun. Love to YOU!
February 2011
by meredith murphy
In this whole enormous shift in consciousness we're experiencing, we are transforming not just our experience but our understanding of who we are and what that means. As we learn to vibrate aligned with a 4th dimensional spectrum we shift from duality to a sense of unity, oneness, aware of our interconnectedness. As we tap into the New Earth timeline--a now more expanded available pathway of 5th dimensional energy--we realize our own innate divinity and that this same source individuates and flows within every other point of focus here.
The wholeness of creation is now an available energy paradigm and it is changing everything.
The other day I was meditating and experimenting. I wanted to explore time-travel and play with the new wholeness available, to transform the past and thereby remake the present. I began and created an intention to descend into my past, perfectly guided to a situation that would bring me more freedom and joy by revisiting this situation and bringing it into wholeness. I wasn't sure where I'd end up, but the scenario I revisited was one that went on for a short period of time in my childhood, a never understood blip in my growing up--and definitely an experience I've always known had a big effect on me. I had mined this experience before in many ways--emotionally and psychologically--I understood the dynamics of it, and it no longer bothered me, nor held any energy charge when I thought of it...so I was interested to see what would take place in revisiting this experience.
What was so amazing in visiting this by time travel, rather then memory, is that my experience reflected the New Earth understandings of wholeness, as well as the innate freedom and divinity in each of us. Let me explain...
Once back in this time/space location I noticed again, how I had tried to protect others and what the cost had been for me in that--I was 8 and protecting others from an angry adult when you're 8 is a bit much. I also noticed as I had so many times before that I had not put myself first (self-love). I came into this life, with an unusual amount of self-love, self-confidence and presence, so interestingly--despite not taking too great of care of myself in this situation, that pattern didn't take root. I continued to feel amazingly connected to me, adoring and excited about who I am, and with a strong sense of self and confidence.
But what did get altered by this experience, was now obvious to me: how I would from there forward, relate to anger in others and how I used would feel impulsed to use my sturdiness and self-confidence to "deal with this." Through time travel with a 5th dimensional perspective--not memory--I saw that I had not allowed or trusted everyone else to sort out their own experience. I saw how I took my amazing strength, and openness and instead of using it with wisdom to see what I needed and then once I was okay--then BEING that vibration of well-being, making it more available to anyone else to choose and vibrate with, I tried to stop what was happening to others. In effect, to rescue my brothers--to "protect" them.
I understand this may seem natural and the desire to protect those who are seemingly being hurt has been an innate aspect of the human experience. But isn't this feeling based on fear?
I also see though how limiting this perspective is from the 5th dimensional viewpoint. And I felt the invitation to re-experience this situation trusting I and everyone involved was tapped into our own inner source.
In feeling any need to "rescue" another, we in effect assume they can't take care of themselves. We "buy into" their limitations and deny the wisdom of the soul in navigating and choosing experiences. By feeling the urge and then acting on it, we also get disconnected from my our own self and thus to source energy--and once we're there our influence on anything is not one of well-being and love, it's a much lower frequency.
In the situation I was revisiting--I had been unsuccessful in stopping anything from happening when I chose in the original moment, to intervene. And in addition, I created and amplified, through the intensity of focus in this situation--a new approach to life. When anger surfaces--step in! Make yourself the target of it and try to stop it. What an incredibly crazy idea! What in the world would be fun or joyous in choosing this as a life pattern?
But of course this wasn't an consciously chosen idea; it was a non-verbal transformation which took place energetically as a result of my focus and attention. I created it. And I now had the chance to unravel this and create something new.
As my soul, with encouragement and a nonchalant attitude, led me back to this situation once more, I experienced the whole things lightly and with a sense of openness. I did not "come" here through memory which has patterned ways of responding to initial thoughts--it plays us a loop of memory. I didn't want to amplify the initial event--which is what I do when I replay it in my mind, right? But instead, through selecting this moment in time during a shift in awareness, I revisited the same time/space location in a way in which I had a different perspective, was entirely free and thus could unfold, revisit, revise and reconfigure the past. I could thereby liberate a new future for myself; one aligned with the New Earth timeline of freedom, love, peace and individuated divinity within each of us.
So, that's exactly what happened!
When I noticed the anger arising in the situation I did something different, I stepped aside. Ironically, the anger I was so worried about, diffused itself.
Just the simple act of not turning my own strength into force--thereby adding to the potential aggressive nature of the situation--seems to have altered the situation and different outcomes emerged! It is a subtle thing to realize that any act of defense is, in and of itself--innately aggressive. To try to protect or defend, we shift out of peace and into a much lower vibrational frequency.
In my new experience, I did not confront this angry adult, I instead took care of me and allowed the situation to evolve differently. I saw how my dad (the angry adult) and my brothers (the place he was projecting his anger) were one and the same. I saw how this was their story--how each brother represented a different version of my father: one was beefy and muscular, as my dad had been when he was young, one was sickly and skinny the way my dad was now.
In this amazing newly reconfigured and experienced version of the situation, I watched my father sit down with both my brothers and instead of spanking them or yelling at them for fighting so loud, he told them a story. I don't know what the story was, but the very action of this different outcome was already a narrative that would liberate newness in profound ways.
By participating in a different way, new outcomes emerged. I believe because I participated from a higher perspective--higher frequency possibilities were available and thus emerged. So interestingly, what works for us, works for everything and everyone! Ah the joy of oneness!
I am astonished to see that the more I live open to the possibility that everyone has their own perfect guidance, that not only does my load lighten up, but also lifts things for everyone else. In the past, as a result of patterns formed during this event, I had been complicating not only my life, but everyone else I encountered by thinking I needed to intervene when I saw "problems." How often we have felt like doing this? This is an old energy and an old approach--this feeling that we need to change things or rescue others and doing so. I have channeled about this specifically around the 10-10-10 Stargate, in a message titled, Lightworker to the New Human, but now I was seeing the effect first hand of this energy of wholeness transforming not only me, but my present life through healing my past.
How freeing this is! Moving into divinity while in human focus is going to transform all of our ideas about compassion and freedom. About responsibility and what it really means to be helping or supportive. For starters--we will "put our own masks on first," (stay within our own experience and be led from within) and let others live out their experience unless they come to us and ask us for assistance. We'll not be fooled by the illusion or the camouflage of the third dimension while we're still in this experience, or when reflecting on it; we'll see the soul version of the path unfolding or at the very least, trust in it's presence.
We'll also receive all the gifts of being oriented to life in alignment with the fundamental nature of things. One of these is that we do, indeed, affect and influence everything. So by staying in our own energy and BEING love, peace, joy--for example--we DO influence all kinds of things, including maybe the people we love and would love to see feeling that way themselves. We cannot help them, nor ourselves by jumping into their experience, but by being in the spectrum of well being, and believing in their inner connection to source, and allowing them to find it, we create and amplify more easy and available pathways to joy for everything which is.
That old version of my experience, years ago, involved my brothers fighting, my dad telling them if they continued he would come upstairs, apparently to "handle" this--and my brothers going right ahead with their loud wrestling, and my dad coming upstairs angry and spanking them and lots of other drama unfolding. But no where in this was anyone asking me to get involved. How had I never seen that?
In re-visiting my past, I see from an energy standpoint, that my original action may have added fuel to my dad's anger. By assuming I knew the outcome of that evening and trying to change the course of his life--I acted with force--which even if done by an 8 year old, this energy is not positive for others, right? Despite what had happened before and how much this may have looked the same--I see that I can choose to let go, and allow the situation evolve in freedom.
As this time-travel experience has permeated my awareness, I've needed to sleep a great deal and I felt a bit fuzzy for the first couple of days. Then I began to notice an amazing lightness! A sense of feeling young and vital within me expanded; some of the energy of my 8 year old self was now released by what had been reconfigured, and is flowing through me. Meredith in even MORE wholeness! Right on!
I saw first hand that I can just trust in wholeness and our own divinity and let that unfold in divine and perfect timing. I may let life unfold experience which may or may not be transformative--it's not up to me. My father who was perfectly capable and loving to me in so many ways--what if I just let him and all of us live our lives and allow everyone to be free and find our own way? Yes. All of me says, YES, but now it's a yes informed by direct and powerful experience. It's a way of being.
From this expansive, eternal knowing of our identity we have new choices available to us. Consciousness, like frequency has a spectrum, and with different vibrational levels, come new options in our perspective.
I have been altered energetically by my visit to this moment in time/space and now am liberated to experience my own life built on a different foundation, a new timeline! Life--in all points of focus--is an ongoing experience of revision, experimentation and the ultimate movement to wholeness, oneness and alignment with all we are.
Welcome to the implications of living on the New Earth Timeline. Quite breathtaking, isn't it? I suspect there will be many more moments of realizing, "Oh, wow. That's the way things USED to be."
As the old earth energies dissolve, we will let go of these old patterns, be empowered to revise and revisit the pivot points in our own lives--and even our civilization--which shaped our present, and through reconfiguring the energies, transform our experience by building the present on a new past. Wow, the capabilities of the New Human in the New Earth. How cool is that?
15 February 2011
by meredith murphy
This morning I ended up in a spontaneous rampage of appreciation. It started with my socks. I have these awesome new socks which I ordered online from the Gap. I ordered them to increase the price of my order so I would be eligible for free shipping--they were an add on, not my intended purchase, but why pay for shipping when I could pay for socks and get free shipping? So I added them.
Amazingly, these socks were the best part of the order. Isn't that just like life? They're thick cotton and feel like they were hand-knit--the loops of cotton are larger and looser the most of my other socks. And this morning I was curling my toes in them while writing on the couch and drinking my coffee and suddenly I realized how amazing my life is! My socks woke me up! See how easy it is to wake up? Amazing.
I was loving my socks, the view from my couch, the way I woke up this morning totally excited about trying the new raspberries I got yesterday in my oatmeal. This led to celebrating how much I've grown in learning to take care of myself in life. How much wiser I've become about sensing what will be too loud, out of alignment with me and in general avoiding negativity and energy drains.
This glorious spaciousness now had momentum. I started thinking about all the great things that had happened in my life during February--from meeting my first boyfriend to my first syndicated article being published.
Suddenly in the middle of all this a huge insight came forth: I saw that the relationship I had mysteriously vibrated right out of lately was with a person I'd not noticed had fallen deeply into the pattern of cynicism--the ultimate disease of negativity.
Wow. This certainly explained why I felt finished with this particular friendship. Negativity is not a party I choose to attend.
But HOW had I missed this before? This friend of mine, is not someone you would perhaps recognize as cynical--or I didn't. This realization just popped up spontaneously--the way all insight does--as a gift while I was feeling good and awake; this time in an extended pleasure fest led by my socks.
My eyes opened wise as I saw the subtlety of this insight and realized the energy pattens that my friend had been over time creating, amplifying and at this point flowing in abundance.
I saw how the choice to just persevere, and stick with incredibly difficult times because one will ultimately be rewarded abundantly is a misguided. In effect, really a misconception, or mis-interpretation of life. The belief that things manifest as a REWARD for persevering through difficulty, is an enormously incorrect understanding of the fundamental nature of energy and reality and is, in effect, cynical. And I saw that my friend was radiating this energy in a big way.
Creation we keep hearing, flows from love. We are Love. We are inherently deserving. We only need to line up our energy and expect and enjoy our creations coming forth. There is no need for suffering or hard work--these are misunderstandings which linger from a world view that's framed by limitation and duality.
I realized from the ledge of magnificence, that unworthiness, or believing we have to DO things and that we'll be rewarded for that--is a form of negativity. It's cynical. It says, "I don't believe I can get what I want without giving first."
It permeates our perspective and flows into more limiting ideas and behavior like, "I can't possible be happy with any other form of the essence of my desire coming to me--it has to come in THIS way."
As a result of this misunderstanding, when the Universe delivers disappointment upon disappointment in our experience, and we OUGHT to wake up--we don't. We miss the new perspective being offered.
Abraham tell us, "Failure is meant to feel bad--because we're meant to succeed." Failure is to get our attention and attune us to what we're creating--it's not to be continually ignored and endured, saying, "No matter how much it's not working, I will stay the course because that makes me deserving and I know then life will give me what I want."
There's something very cynical about believing our good only comes through us giving and giving and giving and suffering and suffering and suffering...and this energy feels, well, so ick!
And it has momentum, this point of view--like all things we pay attention to over and over. It vibrates us lower and lower and then how when this is happening can we be a vibrational match to abundance?
Do we really believe we are SO unworthy that we have to pay our dues in some way before we can just enjoy something?
Or like getting socks + free shipping, is it possible to make choices that entirely open us up to receiving? Free and clear?
Living this way--believing suffering brings rewards, entirely convinced that the reward IS COMING--creates a vibration of entitlement which is not the same as the healthy energy of self-confidence and innate abundance. It is about believing that you'll be rescued from outside of you or made secure or whole by things outside of you. It is a concept that only works in duality where we believe that we're separate and fundamentally unworthy. With this belief in place, perfectly capable people continue to struggle instead of making different choices. The cynicism naturally fuels other deep nagging fears, like..."if others are perfectly capable and don't need me to struggle or suffer or do this for them, then where do I fit in? WHERE is my value?"
This is the clue to the root of cynicism. It denies our inherent already wonderfulness.
How many of us at times in life have done the same? Tried to prove our value through being needed. Tried to ease our deepest fears by establishing profoundly co-dependent relationships, thereby ensuring we keep fears of abandonment, our feelings of inadequacy and the faith required to trust others at a distance? Creating a false sense of security. For as soon as those we are in relationships with claim their own power, what do we have if this is what we think makes us useful? Lovable? Connected?
This is fundamentally at odds with the nature of the Universe and as a result of maintaining this posture, stubbornly, for several years, and increasingly choosing to only share with those who will buy into this perspective--even paying a psychic to continually tell them--YES! You'll get it all!--I watched this powerful friend of mine, move increasingly into a vibration of underlying fear and further and further from manifesting their dreams and visions.
This was reflected in the outer world, by endless disappointments as this huge financial deal fell through time after time after time.
I watched someone for whom integrity is a fundamental ideal, overlook being lied to and deceived, by a business partner. Having this same business partner break their word over and over and over again and never realizing the information in this. The clue that something was fundamentally out of sync, the wake-up call to an easier route--all of these repeated reflections of frequency and underlying beliefs, doorways to ease and joy NOW, have been ignored. Somehow in all this, the knowledge that suffering was optional got lost and the underlying cynicism took the reins.
My gratitude for my socks grew. How lucky am I that such simple things open the door to happiness? That I've become so easy to please. That I've allowed myself to have joy and happiness right now. Without doing a thing.
I realized that we all sit on this beautiful ledge of magnificence in life.
From there we can see expansively and merge with spaciousness. We can experience the deepest joy possible and realize the glory of everything! Just by feeling our socks!
Or, we can limit ourselves and continue to energize the experience of unworthiness. Instead choosing to occupy our life from a distracted perspective; a belief that we need to be doing something to earn or deserve things. And while we're distracting ourselves trying to prove to the world our worthiness, we miss it! And it's right there--the love, the view, the aliveness and the amazing JOY that is flowing to us right now. The easiness of letting all of life and all we desire come to us, free and clear. Without doing a thing.
13 February 2011
by meredith murphy
Isn't it amazing that the things we love in life eventually are revealed as deeply intertwined and related?
I love how as life unfolds the constellations which are actually structural arrangements of our very interests, ideals and domains, and all this becomes visible.
The other day I was giving a reading to a client who was telling me that she had changed her major in college "too many times." I shared how I had 13 majors while in undergraduate school. Eventually all that led me perfectly to where I needed to arrive. I shared with her that early in life many of us are in an intensive gathering phase; that we cast a broad net and sample many things--all of which create a broad foundation for our later work. In my own life I have typically avoided fields and jumped fences--a mode of being I adore! As a result I have seen this truth about the underlying integrity of inner urges emerge countless times. Over and over things I pursued that which seemingly had no purpose, which I felt passionate about, and it actually led me right to something amazing and new, although the path at times meandered a bit, or so it seemed.
Today I was reading some Joseph Campbell. I am one of many who love his work--and there are countless reasons to do so--not the least of which is the reminder that we're the main character in our own life. His work about "A Hero's Journey," is such a fundamental mirror of my feeling that we are one with the landscape of our own life, that it set me boldly afire upon encountering it. His work resonated with me when I was young and helped me feel connected to others who saw the world the way I did--resplendent with patterns, meaning and clues that I could learn to recognize, create, follow and be uplifted by. To have my impressions of the fundamental nature of things so articulated by another, and in such a way that harmonized so perfectly with my own understanding, was one of those great gifts in life. The kind too that all of us leave and yet have no idea we've given. (Remember this when you're feeling like you don't have as much influence in life as you might wish for...you're probably missing a great deal of the view.)
His presence is a continual call to creating our experience with a sense of grandeur and beauty. This writing of his in particular spoke to me today:
For nature, as we know, is at once within and without us. Art is the mirror at the interface. So too is ritual, so also myth. These, too, bring out 'the grand lines of nature,' and in doing so, re-establish us in our own deep truth, which is one with that of all being." - Joseph Campbell
Just another way to tap into our fundamental oneness.
Joseph Campbell called us to oneness and to our heart as a compass, long before ascension and the great shift we're now experiencing. He was a visionary voice of clarity and inspiration who if you haven't had a visit with him through his work ever or lately, consider this a nudge.
And if you have too many books on your nightstand and just want a little Joseph Campbell to infuse your day with the beautiful and link you to yourself, just take this famous three word instruction of his to heart "follow your bliss."
11 February 2011
by meredith murphy
I'm longing to be painting again. And until I find the right studio space, I'm just feeding my artist's heart with images that inspire me and art I love. Here's a piece by Phillip Taaffe, an artist whose work resonates with mine.
Like Taaffe, I love using decorative and organic forms to create structure and to use pattern in ways that, scale-wise, make you part of the larger field of the painting. When I paint on a canvas that's in the 5-6' range width-length wise, then I am painting in a scale that relates to my body size and there's an amazing energetic feeling of mirroring that takes place while the painting is made.
Today is 11022011. Another perfect mirror. What mirrors in the world do you most resonate with? What objects, or experiences get your energy humming and make you soar? What can you discover about the nature of who you are through this resonance?
by meredith murphy
Living with golden retrievers is one of the doorways to bliss on my path to elevated consciousness...I kid you not. I've turned over myself entirely to what I can learn from Jackson.
David Hawkins, who wrote "Power vs. Force" (highly recommended reading) tells us that the entrainment or influence of higher energy fields has an anabolic effect on us. In our bodies, anabolic processes tend toward "building up" organs and tissues. These processes produce growth and differentiation of cells and increase in body size, a process that involves synthesis of complex molecules. So being around high-vibe energy fields or systems actually is growth-enhancing (metaphorically and literally).
Likewise, entrainment by lower fields of energy have a catabolic, or destructive effect. (ouch!)
So if you seek bliss, joy, happiness and enlightenment, you in essence, are seeking entrainment of the most powerful, high-vibe attractor patterns; the highest vibrations of coherence and frequency.
To really get this going, we need to do this consistently, which takes a conscious choice--an act of focus and will.
This is where amazing dogs come in. I'm into ease, not work. And daily contact with Jackson, who is just a glorious peaceful being of joy and delight--well he has all kinds of ways to get my attention. He's very quick to come bug me by putting his nose under my elbow, when I've been sitting at my desk all day, or to scratch at the door, go outside seemingly to pee, but instead sneaks around to the front yard by pushing opening the door I've blocked with plants and then rolls in the grass and when he's done sits next to the roses in the sun and enjoys the breeze if there's one. He's knows how to tell me it's WAY-time to take a break, go outside for a bit.
So living with him is a consistent invitation to play, to ease, to receive and gift affection, to joy...you get the picture.
I've found that even holding the image of him in my mind when I'm not home immediately influences my in a very positive way-- thinking about him brings me, my body and my energy field strength and energy.
In many spiritual traditions and in sports, aspirants seek out great gurus and coaches in part because of the simple energy of their influence; which inspires greatness (through entrainment).
So you've seen the movies or read the books where having a wonderful dog changes someone's life. It's true. It does. But here's the rub: the dog is just a consistent willing channel for the expansive energy of all that is.
Are you?
None of us escape the influence of the fields of energy we come into contact with. The choices we make with our attention determine what influences and eventually shapes our behavior our thoughts our feelings and the foundation of perspective--our frequency.
So who knew when I brought him home, that the connection with my dog would become the doorway to such amazing things? Through entrainment with his glorious energies I tap into my own resonant connection with the expansive energy of all-that-is.
Jackson, teaches me what many spiritual teachers have taught devoted human beings over and over again; that I only have to discover that which I already am and let it flow.
09 February 2011
by meredith murphy
I wonder as I wander...(yes that out of season song popped into my head), what goings on are taking place behind the scenes of all that we experience here on Earth? Amidst the worry, the frazzled energy, the huge weather disruptions, the heart and pineal gland upgrades, the crown chakra openings, the lost jobs, the no-longer-relevant relationships...what are the undercurrents of these transformations? What reconfigurations are taking place that reflect the wholeness of this new awakening underway?
Orienting to the winds of change is a challenging call to clarity. What remains to be seen, though is how you do NOT allow yourself to move forward. And to get about the business of removing that obstacle, or obstacles one by one. Anything we can do to get out of the way of the tide that is rising up within us and threatening to swamp our banks, is wise and allows us to become instead aware of the speed and flow of that which moves through us, is transformed by the energetic system/vessel we are and appears then in the Universe in a uniqueness reflecting our harmonics and tones.
Coming forth into newness is configured the way it always has been: with love. This energy we consider as love is far different than what has been called love-- different than that which is longing, controlling, needing, desiring.
Love is an energy of recognition. A familial energy which experiences the bloodlines of star families and origins beyond dimensions and residing in the soul of creation; where the initial impulses for expression arise and began to be.
Living still within this ordered knowing is allowing the transmission of vast energies to arrive in your focus and realizing that the holographic reality in which you participate may transform these energetic impulses into coherent messages and direction: a perspective emerges which is compatible with the camouflaged energy of the Earth plane and yet which is governed and aligned with far more expanded and inclusive domains.
Newness always comes forth into being as love. This is and always will be, which means that newness does not come from desire nor from longing, it is not created from wanting or controlling, it emerges when the implicit wholeness, the clarity and devotion to oneness is experienced.
In becoming the unified field and choosing to "see" an expression, energy shifts from pure potential into the flow of becoming (wave to particle). Manifestation arises from delight and recognition of the possibilities of form and experience stimulated by the intersection of contrast and your unique, multidimensional dynamic, and the unconflicted permission to create which allows energy to flow.
Heat, light, the pull of a vacuum and joy all contribute to acceleration of newness.
Go quiet. Spread out. Be everything. Watch what emerges from through you. This is creation.
07 February 2011
by meredith murphy
One of the more outrageous gifts of life is letting things go and realizing the perfection of completion.
Connections, it seem, have a life cycle. And like all energy--evolve.
What suits us and makes sense at one time, is irritating, meaningless, boring or even shockingly irrelevant at another. This is natural.
As we evolve we take in what nourishes us and helps us expand and grow. Others do the same. The value of our relationships is not how in how long it lasts, but what we are able to exchange and reveal to one another.
We all hear about this, but what is our true belief about relationships? Are we holding on to outdated ideas which say if someone doesn't remain endlessly interesting, vital and involved in a way that speaks to us and our life that something has gone wrong?
Are we blaming anyone else around us for not keeping up with us? Not being who we want them to be? Or ourselves? Are we feeling guilty for wanting to cut loose a relationship or two from our lives? Or even acknowledge, bless and release one that may already be gone?
Freedom comes from movement being natural and without restrictions. Consider what you might need to let go of to be more free, and toss it back into the unified field of life. Create some space. Experience who you are now that you've allowed wholeness to complete the circle in your experience and see what newness wishes to come forth as a result of the vacuum of space pulling more relevant energy systems into your experience.
Allow yourself to evolve.
01 February 2011
by meredith murphy
We live in a completely connected Universe. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. There is no way to fail or screw up life--we're here to have fun, create and express our unique perspective. As such, there is no such thing as duality--good vs. bad--it's simply an aspect of experience in the three dimensional world. Camouflage, so to speak! Hiding the unified nature of our actual existence from us so that we might have a chance to experiment with experiences of contrast and deepen our appreciation for life in all its diverse beauty!
Approaching life and all things from a perspective of expect wonderful...is simply about aligning with your own deepest knowledge about the awesome-ness of everything and tuning into that perspective to liberate more fun in life!
And may I just say, living life from the point of view of expecting wonderful things...stupendous! Claiming my own role and power within the Universe is a great way to live and be! For me, I think of it as the only modern way to live--expecting your life to be a modern version of paradise.
I think of this viewpoint as an actual space; an oasis of sanity from which to make clear, wise and tuned-in decisions and to create a wonderful experience for yourself. I guess you'd say I call it home. Welcome.