lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Greetings everyone, I hope this finds you all well. Today I have received further information from Merlin and friends ! As always, for your discernment, share as you wish. Many thanks.
With love and Blessings
Merlin with Mother Mary & Mary Magdalena
Channelled through Whitefeather 11.2.11
(italics are my own words)
I come on this auspicious day with the Blessed Mother Mary and the Lady Mary Magdalena. It is their wish to talk about the Return of the Divine Feminine on this Day of the Blessed Mary’s first visitation at Lourdes in the year of 1858.
(Mother Mary)
We see that many of you are suffering greatly as you try to hold on to the past and the energies that have worked for you there. But we come to remind you that the energy of the Divine Feminine is fluid and ever flowing.
During times of birthing, there is always fears, pain, discomfort and trepidation, but always this gives way to love , beauty and joy as the birthing process comes to fruition.
Divine Feminine energy is like the waves of your oceans on the beautiful Earth Mother, Goddess Gaia. Waves are rhythmical, cyclical, always there yet impermanent in themselves, they come in and they flow out, sometimes they rush in, sometimes the come in slowly, sometimes they are close to shore, sometimes they are far away, but always they are in perpetual motion, in and out, coming and going, wave after wave, the oceans never fail. The oceans are exquisite birthing spaces, full of creativity, full of life, like your own bodies and emotions. You have cluttered your oceans with debris, and you have cluttered your minds and bodies with debris.
The waves of energy flowing to your Earth at this time, flowing over, through and into the Earth, yourselves, and every creature and object upon the Goddess Gaia, each one of those waves is a vibration of higher energy working to align and realign all life to the higher universal consciousness that will lead ultimately to the ascension process - a return to your own divinity.
This may seem to you to have been a long birthing process, but in terms of the sacred evolution of the Earth Goddess Gaia, of humanity, it is but a small point in time. The birthing process and labour pains you are all experiencing can be tiring, exhausting and overwhelming for many of you, and especially the heightened individuals who are working so hard and so diligently to assist others in this process, for you are exhausted from being available to others whilst trying to integrate your own changes, both physically and spiritually deep within yourselves.
For those feeling the inner chaos and turmoil, feeling lost or lacking in drive, purpose and focus, bombarded by feelings of anger, frustration or depression, we would urge you to willingly let go of the past, of the very things that are causing you these debilitating symptoms within you. For change they will, whether you fight or flow with the tidal direction, for it will always come again into the shore, and you will be cleansed and renewed by the experience. Relax and accept the changes, enjoy the change in view, in perspective, in the scenery of life, and let yourselves be carried to your true destination and new lives without stress and worry.
As the power of the Feminine rises with the Spring of Gaia’s body, then the tidal waves of energy will increase proportionately also. Remember, the Divine Feminine Energy is receptive, so it will gather into its own energy flow, all that is being perpetuated within mind and body at this time.
The Master Merlin has spoken often of like attracting like, that what you focus on will grow and manifest. With the increasing waves of feminine energy, receptive energy, pouring in at this time, the wave will carry and manifest that focus, whether negative or positive. For you must be understanding that these waves of energy cannot distinguish between negative and positive, energy is energy and it will simply be added to the wave power.
If the energy is negative, the wave power, the vibrational incoming energy, will manifest negatively. If the incoming vibrational energy meets positive energy, then that too will be added to the wave power.
And so, Sisters and Brothers of the Goddess Gaia, we urge you all to be mindful of your thoughts, your focus, your actions, with whom you interact and associate, for it is almost pointless in being positive if you allow yourselves to be surrounded by negative energies that deplete your own energies, whether from people, places or situations. You must begin to think in a wider, broader and more global perspective.
If you remain in the negative states of being, they will continue to magnify. As the Master Merlin likes to remind you often, you have choices.
As you move forward from this auspicious day, towards the time of balance upon the Goddess Gaia, (spring/autumn equinox) then you must focus on what it is you wish to see happening in your future visions, not just for yourselves personally, but on a collective consciousness level, for the greater good of the Goddess Gaia and all Her children.
See yourselves as loving, compassionate beings, whose lives are filled with prosperity and abundance, see your dreams and desires in your minds eye exactly as if they are already happening, for this is the feminine art of creation.
When a woman carried a sacred life inside her body, she instinctively knows that child will be loved, will be beautiful, will have ….will have….will have….. A woman visualises a perfect life for her unborn child, for the sacredness, beauty and treasure that she is gifted and honoured to carry and birth. A women will rarely focus on the pain of labour until it happens, then her focus becomes onto the birthing and holding of such sacredness as the child she will birth. Always the vision is forward focusing. This is the Divine Feminine Art of Creation, and you must all now be aware of this, for brothers, know this, whilst you cannot physically share in the birthing of a life, your co-creation is essential, and so as you ride these waves of vibrational energy, your focus on creating a beautiful future for yourself and for others, especially those around, is as important and as sacred as a woman‘s, for you both carry within you the ability to balance the sacred feminine and sacred masculine energies. Both female and male must now align themselves with the Divine Feminine aspect of themselves, for as many women as men, have lost their own feminine energies as you struggle to manifest in your physical lives.
(Mary Magdalena)
The feminine principal also teaches gratitude, being truly thankful and appreciative of what you experience at any given moment, in this way, even the negative becomes a gift, a lesson, and help you to grow. I suffered much malignment, derision and punishments because people at that time did not understand the Divine Feminine principal, although much has changed since that time, there is still much work needed restore the Divine Feminine principal back into the hearts of all humanity. This will come when you begin to accept that you are creators of your realities and so can create that which you desire whilst still being receptive, giving, loving and compassionate towards others. Balance is the essential word here, the key word, a balance of female and male energies, within yourselves, a balance of spiritual and physical activities, a balance of giving and receiving.
To find that balance of female and male energies within the self can be difficult after many years of living and growing in one physical form with the doctrines of your modern societies. But the imbalances that need redressing are often mirrored in your relationships with others. Seek to understand these imbalances and they will bring the balance that you seek and that is so needed at this time.
The incoming waves of Feminine energy are bring unprecedented opportunities for the creation of all that is beautiful. As the waves infuse you with Love and Light of the highest vibration, we urge you all not to use these energies on activities of personal gain, suffering and negativity, but to actively pursue bringing balance back into your life and your world for the greater good of all.
Whilst it is true that women are the guardians of the Sacred Life Force, birthing new life physically from their own bodies, men too are capable of spiritually birthing the feminine principals within themselves and for the greater good of all humanity. This must come from a deep inner healing, for there has been a rift in the balance of the female and male energies within your physical form for too long, and this must now be repaired within each and every individual.
With today’s special energies, we urge you all to make a choice that will end the cycle of destruction, chaos and unnecessary suffering. Make a choice that will put back the balance of receptive feminine energy and giving masculine energy, which will ultimately balance the spiritual and the physical and allow you to become into full alignment with your true soul self.
This day, and the time leading up to the time of balance on Goddess Gaia (spring/autumn equinox) is a sacred time and a gateway of incoming energies which when used positively, can be the shift you are all waiting to see.
My gratitude to the Blessed mother Mary and the Lady Mary Magdalena for their messages here today. Children, do not waste this sacred day. Act now to bring balance to yourselves and to return the balance to your world, to return the energies of the Sacred Feminine. But be mindful also that there are those seeking to abuse this incoming energies, hiding their personal agenda’s behind false smiles and offers of assistance for your growth.. You are all capable of using this energy for yourselves, you do not need guru’s and masters of this or that, be still and listen t o the voice within, for you are all equal within the realms of the spiritual paths, remember this. Remember also, you have Choices. How will YOU use these energies ?
My blessings on this auspicious day. Merlin.
this dear children, is pure alchemy within the body, bringing together two substance, energies, the feminine and the masculine, to create alchemical perfection, complete balance and harmony. Join them together now on the waves of energy coming in to you. The feminine within you all is a great spiritual potential of creative energy that you re either misusing for material and egotistical reasons, or have forgotten that you possess. The time is now for you to regain this potential for creation, to refocus on creating a loving, compassionate future for all. To be a positive energy of love and healing for yourselves, for others and for the Goddess Gaia. To integrate the Divine Feminine is to balance the spiritual path with your connection to the physical Earth, to balance your connection to the physical Earth path whilst creating your connection to the spiritual path. The integration of the Divine Feminine, whether your body is female or male, is something you must now all strive to balance within you. The feminine role is integration, receptivity and allowing all to flow as it should. Suffering, chaos and ill health only result from separation. Understand what your current relationships, situations and experiences are showing you, then release the pain and suffering you have attached to them.Dear Sisters and Brothers pf the Divine Violet Flame. The Lady Mary Magdalena and myself greet you all on this sacred day.Tags:
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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