lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Attention: The SHIFT has begun - Our TRAINING in MASTERY is finally FULL ON!


Dearly beloved Lightgrid Family and Gridwork Team, masters, chelas, adepts,

We have come a long way to exactly THIS point in time when everything is beginning to SHIFT and MASTERY is required to not only regain the balance, but to consciously begin to CREATE in the FLOW of DIVINE JOY, LOVE and COMPASSION!


What we need is a clear INTENTION to be able to move forward in a coherent way.

Without FOCUS on what we intend to MANIFEST, manifestation is slowed down, distorted or simply impossible. With our hearts and minds in SYNC, however, the path before us opens and all we need to do is FOLLOW the experience of the FLOW to keep the balls in the air, as jugglers might express it, lol! You are getting the picture, right. Stay in the FLOW, keep doing what’s popping up right before you, take time out to observe, to feel, to EXPERIENCE … and, whenever required, adjust your direction when necessary so you stay in the CREATIVE FLOW of HEARTFELT INTENTION to manifest your long desired for project, to create this most personal sacred object, work of art you have been carrying in your heart, desiring to bring it into tangible form for so long. ACT NOW! Your project might begin with baby steps, like starting to think and write down what it really is that brings you joy. And then enter the field of possiblities - and start out with a phone call ... – NOW is the time to get started and to TRAIN STAYING IN THE FLOW. 


It’s time, my dear friends, to leave behind all doubt about your mission and place in God's Divine Plan. YOU KNOW what brings you JOY and what you are good at! Build on it and TRUST in that you are guided and helped all along the way. Trust your inspiration. Trust in SPIRIT's guidance and ready yurself to BE OF SERVICE. The call is sounding.

Your HEART shows you the way from here on – and all you need to do is follow the JOY in your life and know that you are WORTHY of God’s attention, that you are CARED FOR, protected and always LOVED, no matter what you do. But if you do the BEST and are ready to adjust your aims and means to your highest insights any time necessary, you can absolutely not go wrong from here on! And remember: Better accept a mistake and learn from it than to ignore it, trying to put the blame on others! Your wisdom will grow with every experience you make and as soon as you realize what this truly means, you will be hooked to the experience of CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION playing out through YOU as the main performer, YOU as the main audience, YOU as the main director, YOU as the main script wirter ...

Don’t look too far from where you are when you try to find out about your purpose in life – YOU ARE HERE TO STRENGTHEN and EMBODY the LIGHT and to contribute to the well being of ALL LIFE on this planet (and beyond).The way in which you are doing this is UNIQUE – to you and to me and to eaeveryone. And thus, the WAY in front of each of us opens up individually through the JOY that we feel when we DO what we really WANT to do with the LOVE that we ARE.

So stop comparing yourself to others!

Others enjoy different things than you do.


Open your HEART and

allow yourSELF to enter the FLOW!

Start to CREATE with LOVE in your HEART a VISION which furthers

your well-being


the well-being of ALL that surround you.

And then FOLLOW through and STAY in the FLOW,

learning to become the MASTER of your LIFE, LOVE and LIGHT.

CREATE from the infinite SOURCE of CREATION,

CONNECTED through the LIGHT abd the LOVE that you ARE and that ALL IS!


Where there is clarity, the path unfolds without delay.

Without clarity, there are chaos and decay.

But chaos and decay, too, serve a higher purpose, for sure.


Find your JOY – and you will find your path towards fulfillment.


And now MEET the FULFILLMENT of your dreams, of your joy, of your vision of a better world  –  go MEET it in the knowing that it’s already HERE! ACT out of JOY with LOVE and COMPASSION in your heart, a smile on your face and the readiness to do what is needed, to do what you can and WANT to do from deep within yourself. This is your path. These are the steps towards MASTERY and FULFILLMENT to be taken NOW – NOW that you are reading these lines – NOW that we are celebrating the Full Moon in Aries in the sign of LIBRA, Sunday 13 Oct. 2019.

CONNECTED and in GRATITUDE to all who are praying with me to Mother Mary

(and the Angels and the 7 Ray's Chohans)

for the families in Syria,

in deep resect to all who are following their heart’s desire and LOVE,

to all who are strengthening the bonds of light between

the continents and races,

religions and genders:

THANK YOU for following your path,

THANK YOU for connecting to LIGHTGRID,

THANK YOU for invoking the 7 RAYS on behalf of yourself and ALL of HUMANITY,

THANK YOU for contributing your part to the pattern of perfection

which has begun its process of UNFOLDMENT - NOW!


We are BELOVED SONS and DAUGHTERS of Mother Earth and the LIGHT that we ARE.

May we COCREATE HEAVEN on EARTH as we follow our

JOY, our FLOW of GRACE, our GUIDANCE from within!


grow it’s roots and seeds through us simultaneously and synchronistically.


Blessed BE, my dear friends. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE.


Sonja Myriel RAouine

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Thank you Sonja for this most inspiring message!
Blessed Be!

This is the message I have just opened after writing mine here - synchonicities Show us the way :-)

In loving connectedness, dearest Ishema,

Sonja Myriel 

We are BELOVED SONS and DAUGHTERS of Mother Earth and the LIGHT that we ARE.

May we COCREATE HEAVEN on EARTH as we follow our

JOY, our FLOW of GRACE, our GUIDANCE from within!


grow it’s roots and seeds through us simultaneously and synchronistically.


in loving connection <3 sharing this Heartfelt dear sister


I have found the perfect description of Sun in Libra/Moon in Aries - for you:

Falling Upwards – Full Moon in Aries – 14 October 2019

For our October Full Moon, the MOON in ARIES (a fire sign) is reflecting the light of the SUN in LIBRA (an air sign).

I feel there is a very important message in this weeks Full Moon.  We are being called to ‘fall upwards‘.  To give ourselves permission to fall into the darkest nights of our Souls (Soul of Humanity) and really own the depth of our personal sorrow, shame, fears, doubts & debilitating anxieties.   From this place of surrender, firey Aries will gift us the courage & dertermination to envision a greater potential for ourselves and forge ahead with a new story more beautiful.

Full Moon

Moon in Aries (20.140) & Sun In Libra (20.140)
Monday, 14 October 2019
7:07 am AEST (Australia)
View times in your city

Moon – Past, Unconscious, Intuition, Feeling
Sun – Now, Conscious, Identity, Expression
Aries (Fire) – Leader, Risk-Taker, Action-Oriented
Libra (Air) – Romantic, Indecisive, Harmonius

Full Moon in Aries – Falling Upwards

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and exudes a wilful independence, a pioneering spirit that presents to us as the feeling of anything is possible.  Aries is ruled by Mars the GOD of war, bloodshed & fighting.   Aries is all about ‘Me’ and what do ‘I’ want.

Opposing the fierce energy of Aries is our Libra Sun,  encouraging us to walk our paths in harmony, co-operation & blessed community. Libra is ruled by Venus the GODDESS of Love, beauty & harmony.  Libra is all about ‘Us’ and what do ‘We’ want, how can we fall in right relationship with ourselves & life.

As our Aries Moon opposes our Libra Sun, we are super-charged to really own the depth of our personal sorrow, shame, fears, doubts & debilitating anxieties.   When we give ourselves permission to fall into the darkest nights of our Souls (Soul of Humanity), something miraculous happens.  We end the war inside ourselves, our constant battle of hiding our ugly secrets from the world.  The veils fall, the weight lifts of our shoulders and we see the light of hope, possibility, healing & resurrection.

Aries will charge ahead and show you the way forward.  Aries will give you the courage to see the LIGHT that exist underneath all those layers, and then be VERY direct in how she pushes you into action… steps that flourish you light, not dim it.

There are two very interesting aspects to this weeks Full Moon.  Firstly, our Aries Moon is in a strong Square (900) with Pluto.  Pluto emanates transformation. such that this aspect with the Moon will make for some very uncomfortable insights indeed.  Whatever you have been hiding, secretly struggling with, trying to contain will most likely flair to the surface big-time.   My advice, JUST LET GO… the story is wanting to be shed, let it go.

On a positive note, Aries Moon is in a strong Trine (900) with Jupiter.  Luck, expansive vision, compassionate insight will flavour this Full Moon, not only softening the cutting edge of the Moon/Pluto square, but helping you be more compassionate with yourself and truly allowing the transformation to expand to its greatest potential for YOU.

So, let yourself ‘fall upwards‘ this Full Moon.   As the layers shatter and fall away, this doesn’t mean you are broken or less-of in any way.  In fact, your ‘falling’ is the exact opposite, it is your awakening to an upward expansion that knows no limits.  A heartened experience of ‘rising downwards‘, experiencing the Light of the Soul from within.

Full Moon Blessings
xx Simone


Posted by Ms Tercy Lonan on October 14, 2019 at 10:30am

Haleluja! Amen - And so it IS!

Shifting is JOY when we learn to give up control and GO with the FLOW!


Sonja Myriel



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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