lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
“The Spring Equinox of 2017 was a Spiritual Marker in the history of humanity, regarding many things related to human consciousness and its constructive use to Precipitate (manifest) Heaven on Earth. The consciousness of mankind has now truly entered, and been grounded into the 7th Golden Age of Transmutation, Transfiguration and Transformation. This is the Golden Age of Ceremony and the Transcendence into Ascension through the Activation of the God I Am Presence within All those whom are ready to live the New Life upon Earth.
“This is a time, so new and so long awaited, whereby Higher Dimensional Vibrational Truths shall move humanity toward many New Realms of Belief and Understanding through Higher Awareness and Knowledge. It is a time that each human being, has a new opportunity to extend and expand themselves, of their own accord and Self Realization, beyond the physical realms of third dimensional living. Your human realities Dear Souls are not what they appear to be, and it is time you opened your Hearts and Minds to this Divine Truth.
“What I wish to speak of here today is the healing of all physical related beliefs, experiences and imbalances. Whether they are physically related, emotionally or mentally based. It matters not the extent or magnification of such imbalances, in body, relationships, in home, work, community or country. It is not limited to time or space, and it is related to permanent Causal Healings and making Whole again, rather than temporal relief of pain and dis-easement, unsettlement and chaos.
“Today I speak to you about the capacity and the will to govern your own destiny as a New Conscious Human Being, experiencing your Own Individualized Expression of God, through Your I Am Presence into this world of Human Evolution.
“It is about, not just the desire or the belief that it is possible, but the Knowing that you can, without doubt or question that you can. Through Divine Intent, Invocation and Decree, you can now consciously dissolve any cause within yourself that has been behind all of the unpleasant experiences in which you have found yourself, up until now!
“When the New Dynamics of Self Realized Power of the Divine Presence has risen within you, and your heart responds in Joy and an Inner stirring towards this God Reality, you will find, that through your Innate Intelligence (Your I Am Presence Within), you can indeed create new centres of thought and feelings which will manifest in, through and all around your body as immortal youth, inexhaustible strength and vigour, and a mind at peace, through understanding, enlightenment and Compassion; Love In Action; through self first, and then all else will follow.
“The old human thought forms around healing sickness and the imbalances of life, and all those facets of human beliefs related to healing, are both fading away and no longer recognized as a power to heal within a third dimensional reality. Humanity has arrived, or at least those within the awareness of the Christ Consciousness, is standing in front of a New Divine Ring of Consciousness Passeth Not! This ‘Ring’ cannot be entered into without full commitment and dedication, not just to self, but to the whole of humanity as one Divine Being! All negativity, whether illness, dis-ease, control, manipulation, greed and all the other myriad negativities, wherein man or woman has relied upon a consciousness outside of themselves, to alleviate such things, is very rapidly becoming a thing of the past. These New ‘Rings of Awareness’ will soon once begun to pass through, will approach in an unbelievable, unprecedented way, never before experienced here on Earth. The question arises; do you wish to remain the human being that you thought you were, or to become the Divine Human Angel that You Are?
“The discovery of the Powers that are within each Life Stream, form a Forcefield of Spiritual Exploration open to the pioneer thinkers and leaders of this Human Experience. Mankind, grasping their own destiny, must acknowledge, the cause of their own present distress, and then, no longer placing the responsibility of such things causing their unhappiness outside of themselves.
You are, in the Light of this potentiality being Divinely Invited, in this now moment, to enter this New Era of Self Conscious Mastery of your own Life Energy. To remember and learn beyond your present states of awareness, how to set your own House and Body Temples in Order, through the Divine Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Faculties and Powers that are quiescent within your own Life, here and now upon this Earth. As a New Disciple of The Christ Consciousness, whether you are just opening to this potential or have been travelling this Path for a while, there are the practices to experience now, that will bring Higher States of Love and Light in your Lives. This can only be achieved through Divine Love, Compassion, Joy, Love in Action, Benevolent Acts of Kindness, Generosity, Gratitude, Gentleness, Harmlessness and many more Divine Qualities and Virtues.
“Christ Jesus is the Greatest Exemplar of the Power of Instantaneous Healing that the Western world has known. He has said, “the things that I have done, ye shall do also, and even greater things shall ye do.” This was His Promise to all your challenges.
“I tell you Dear Souls, it is not enough to have a few Elect, Endowed and Bestowed with the capacities of mitigating the evils in the lives of the masses. Each man, woman and indeed child, in this world of today and tomorrow, must become the Healing Presence within themselves first! This Healing within the New 7th Golden Age has arrived, and through the up and out reaching people of this Divine Time here upon Earth shall Live toward firstly an explanation as to the causes for all distress., and secondly to Heal them all at the Causal Levels within all 4 of the lower vibrational bodies of mankind.
“Music, colour, vibrations of light, are all mediums of Healing, natural conductors of vitalizing and energizing Life Force. The Elementals, Devas and Angelic Host Kingdoms, the Seraphic Hosts, millions of the Masters of Light and Their Legions of Disciples and Angels, will join with mankind in helping to free the whole of the Human Race from all the distressing conditions under which it functions today. But it must begin with You Dear Soul! You must be the conscious initiator and activator of your own needs, requirements, wishes and desires.
“I say to you now, In Love and Joy, that this Elemental Grace Alliance is indeed a Divine Foundational Platform with the Host of Heaven fully Backing, Supporting and Guiding now, through all 7 Spheres of God Realms here in this System of Worlds.
“I Kuan Shi Yin, Goddess of Compassion, with All My Love for Humanity, offer My Services to you the reader, to you the one who listens with your Heart wide Open to Receive Me. Love, Compassion and Joy will Pave your Way with Rose Pink Petals. Soft enough to walk upon in bare feet, deep enough to lay and sleep upon in Divine Comfort when needed.
“Call upon Me, My Dear Heart, and you shall be awarded all you need to become fully conscious of your Role and Purpose, here on Earth in this New Era of Love and Light!
“Are you ready to take a leap of faith, to jump beyond the old chasms of consciousness?
Dear Soul,
If you can accept the truth of what Beloved Kuan Yin shares above, then you are now being offered an opportunity to begin the very healing that will being your transmutation, transformation, and transfiguration into a new Divine Being.
Should you wish to take this leap of faith & place your present life into the hands of your 'I Am Presence' & God within you - then follow the guidance presented in the following message....
Peter Melchizedek
Video: "Align Your Core Light" By Melanie Beckler -
Excerpt From A Course In Miracles
“The acceptance of sickness as a decision of the mind, for a purpose for which it would use the body, is the basis of healing. And this is so for healing in all forms. A patient decides that this is so, and he recovers. If he decides against recovery, he will not be healed. Who is the physician? Only the mind of the patient himself. The outcome is what he decides that it is. Special agents seem to be ministering to him, yet they but give form to his own choice. He chooses them in order to bring tangible form to his desires. And it is this they do, and nothing else. They are not actually needed at all.
“The patient could merely rise up without their aid and say, “I HAVE NO USE FOR THIS.”
There is no form of sickness that would not be cured at once. What is the single requisite for this shift in perception? It is simply this; the recognition that sickness is of the mind, and has nothing to do with the body.
What does this recognition “cost”? It costs the whole world you see, for the world will never again appear to rule the mind. For with this recognition is responsibility placed where it belongs; not with the world, but on him who looks on the world and sees it as it is not.
He looks on what he chooses to see. No more and no less. The world does nothing to him. He only thought it did. Nor does he do anything to the world, because he was mistaken about what it is. Herein is the release from guilt and sickness both, for they are one. Yet to accept this release, the insignificance of the body must be an acceptable idea.
“With this idea is pain forever gone. But with this idea goes also all confusion about creation. Does not this follow of necessity?
Place cause and effect in their true sequence in one respect, and the learning will generalize and transform the world. The transfer value of one true idea has no end or limit.
The final outcome of this lesson is the remembrance of God. What do guilt and sickness, pain, disaster and all suffering mean now? Having no purpose, they are gone. And with them also go all the effects they seemed to cause. Cause and effect but replicate creation. Seen in their proper perspective, without distortion and without fear, they re-establish Heaven”.
This is an Extremely Powerful Self Realization indeed! Say this when you realize you have something that is not true in your life:-
I HAVE NO USE FOR THIS, and therefore I hand it back to God for My Divine HEALING!
This was a mistake I made, because my perception of who I am was shrouded in my own mis-creations.
I WILL, only to Create through the Will of My Divine Father and Beloved Mother”,
For I Am One With Them. My Life, is Their Life!
I Am One In Divine Consciousness With My Brothers and Sisters, for I see Father/Mother God in Them also, and THEY have no use for mis-creations! In Oneness as I HEAL, so do They!
And So It Is, It Is Done”.
Video: "Judy Satori's Complete Merging Activations With The Multi-galactic Diamond" -
I have prepared a simple but Powerful Prayer based on this Truth for your use if you feel drawn to it! You will find a downloadable link of this Prayer on the website under the form on the ‘Leap of Faith’ Page.
My Healing Prayer To My I Am Presence & God
Beloved Mother/Father God
Beloved Jesus The Christ In Me
Open My Heart To Feel Your Love
Open My Mind To Hear Your Truth
Take My Hand
Lead Me To Thy Temple In Me
Where I May Find Peace
For In Thy House
There Is No Pain Nor Suffering
Let Your Healing Light Shine In
Where Darkness Dwells
Release All Bonds Of Fear & Separation
Imbue Me With Your Flow Of Grace
I Am Grateful
I Am Grateful
I Am Grateful
And So It Is And It is Done
Beloved Mother/Father God, My I Am Presence Within Me, In the Name Of Jesus The Christ within Divine Consciousness and Universal Equilibrium, Come Forth Now and Hear My Prayer.
(State what it is that you wish to heal within, through and all around you now, past, present and future. It can be an ailment, sickness, disease, life situation or circumstance, anything at all!) For example
Dear God, I have created within my life, a belief system that “I am not loved, or I have no Life Purpose or I have this disease, sickness, condition or, I am in lack of ???. There is no limitations here!
Dear God, I have created within my life, a belief system that ……………………..
Therefore, I hand it back to You, Holy Mother and Father, with my Forgiveness and My Compassion,
For My Divine HEALING!
This was a mistake I made, because my perception of who I am was shrouded in my own mis-beliefs and mis-creations.
I WILL, only to Create through the Your Will from now on,
For I Am One With You.
My Life, IS Your Life!
My Love and Light, Is Your Love and Light,
My Freedom IS Your Freedom.
My Eternal Peace and Joy IS Your Eternal Peace and Joy!
I Am One In Divine Consciousness With My Brothers and Sisters, for I See YOU in Them also,
and THEY have no use for mis-beliefs or mis-creations either!
In Oneness I AM HEALED, and so are They!
I Bless Myself, I Bless My Brothers and Sisters, I Bless You!
I Am Grateful, I Am Grateful, I Am Grateful.
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh
For The Greater Glory Of God I Go!
And So It Is, It Is Done”.
Peter Melchizedek
Video: "Emmanuel Dagher Gift To Us - Release Self-Sabotage & Be All You Can Be!"
Dear Steve, is Melanie Beckler's message part of The original message?
And Emanuel Dagher's?
Sonja, both videos have the same general theme of healing - which is what this post is all about. Thanks so much for your replies.
Infinite Blessings of Love & Light,
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
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