lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Dearly beloved lightgrid family and gridwork team, dragon riders and rainbow tribe,
We have successfully been anchoring the platinum silver Flame of FREEDOM with the help of the Divine Mother and her many representatives in divine form and avatar presence, now JUNE's rising moon is calling our attention to the golden platinum FLAME of PEACE, Freedom's Flame counterpart which shall guarantee a quick and safe transition from slavery to liberty and empowerment!
The Golden Platinum Flame of PEACE is nourished by each individual's sense of WISDOM. Wisdom lives from the readiness to apply new, liberating schemes of thought and perception to our human world of EXPERIENCE. Wisdom comes from the willingness to permanently CHANGE old habits in the face of new insights and flashes of illumination in order to verify how this change in PERCEPTION and re-ACTION enfolds its potential to CHANGE the world around us. Once we are on this path of illumination which corresponds to the 2nd and the 12th Ray, we have begun a process of what I would like to call "mute double DIALOGUE". No longer do we strive, then, to change others - instead, we have become apprentices of the art of CHANGING ourSELF - our RE-action towards unwanted situations, breaking free from conditioned behavioristic patterns and learning to ACT on our better knowing. Isntead of RE-acting in predictable ways which make us an easy prey for manipulation, we TRANSMUTE these patterns which are designed to provoke our fear, pitty, hate or self-rightousness - and free from emotional bondage, we ACT out of LOVE and COMPASSION, severing bonds which no longer seve our highest good, letting go of people whose lessons we no longer need, of drugs, objects, situations which we ENTRUST to GOD's WILL AND PLAN for DIVINE resolution, instead of staying glued to them, allowing them to drag us down along their path.
PEACE is not the absence of war - PEACE is a state of mind, a human and universal condition, which allows maximum growth and learning through the contemplative force of BEINGNESS. If we enter the sphere of ETERNAL PEACE, schemes of black and white no longer apply. Instead, a world wich in colour, sound and scent begins to unfold not only right in front of us - but ALL AROUND US, without us having to cognize everything we truly affect in the world.
This PRESENCE of PEACE is what our focus in JUNE is on.
JOURNEY to the Golden Platinum Palace of PEACE:
The Golden Platinum Palace of PEACE is where the Golden Platinum FLAME of PEACE resides. It is nowhere and everywhere. It is within and out there, too. In order to reach this space of Divine Tranquility and COMMUNICATION with SOURCE, surround yourSELF with your guides, angels and helping hands and become STILL ... listen to your heart beat, which is but an echo of Mother Earth's Heart Beat, ... feel your body become heavy and RELAX ... your body can melt with the environ now. It's SAFE and well-protected. ... and you are FREE now to take on any form you wish, any form that comes naturally to you and TRAVEL to the PALACE of PEACE at the Centre of the Galaxy. The Palace of PEACE can be encountered in every SUN, ... HELIOS, SIRIUS, ALCYONE, the Central Sun and Great Central Sun ... our universe is FRACTAL in its nature, and WE ARE HOLDING ALL that IS INSIDE - as well as it is ALL reflected like in a mirror cabinett around us ... Whatever you focus on .... it makes up the patterns of your lived, everyday REALITY ....
Now find that STILL POINT WITHIN whence all reflections vanish and make way for a clean sheet to be impressed by your visions. But instead of indulging in your phantasy now, drawing pictures of a better future, STAY CALM AND STILL your mind even further, until the urge to CREATE subsides and all that remains is the sensation of PEACE, TRANQUILITY and BEINGNESS.
REST in this state of equilibrium and allow your four lower bodies to recalibrate.
You might begin to discern and environment now of beings gathered around a golden flame of fire ... you might hear voices, get insights, feel elevated and empowered by the knowing that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Never ever ... you are cared for, comforted, LOVED beyond measure and all that it takes is your readiness to LET GO some more of any preconceived ideas in order to penetrate DEEPER into the golden void of PEACE, STILLNESS, CALM and TRANQUILITY.
BREATHE in the GOLDEN Flame of PEACE now with every fiber of your beingness .... and breathe out PEACE as a gift to the world and yourSELF.
Stay with this breathing until you have found your personal rhythm of PEACE - your personal sound, tone, colour, developped from the GOLDEN PLATINUM VIBRATION OF the FLAME of PEACE ...
Pictures and images are no longer needed in order to know that you are part of the WHOLE and that all that you are experiencing is reverberating forEVER in the CREATIVE FIELD of GOD- Consciousness .... All that is no longer needed is SET FREE NOW ... and GOLDEN LIGHT streams in where these former ideas of right and wrong resided ... Experience the TOTAL CLEANSING of old thought forms and behavioristic patterns NOW ... entrust yourSELF into the Hands of God. God's eternal PRESENCE envelops your individual perspective and the more you allow it to penetrate your field of consciousness, the clearer new visions of possiblities and hope begin to enter your field of perception. Do not cling to any of them, however, instead, CONTINUE to BREATHE until your energy field is entirely SATURATED with the GOLDEN LIGHT ESSENCE of PEACE and TRANQUILITY.
YOU are not only ONE with the WOLRD and ALL that IS now -
And in this state of full RESONANCE, you are imparting this quietness, this stillness of mind, this fullness of JOY as an essence of YOURSELF to ALL that you come into contact with.
When we are ready, we will experience our very personal initiation to the GOLDEN PLATINUM FLAME OF PEACE.
I will set up intuitive crystal grids at the Full Moon which shall accompany us throughout the JUNE SOLSTICE and aid each individual's connection to the Golden Flame of PEACE and the Silver Flame of FREEDOM. TOGETHER they bear a potential we still have to fully encounter in order to measure their possible IMPACT on the revolution we are living. The Golden Age of PEACE, LOVE, WISDOM, POWER and PRESPERITY is awaiting us - let us CLAIM our Golden Future NOW!
May FREEDOM and PEACE go hand in hand, changing the paradigms which humanity is following once and for all!
FREEDOM and PEACE, embedded in LOVE, WISDOM, Divine WILL and POWER, the transmutative Force of Fortgiveness, a field of Divine SERVICE and HEALING and the Pearlescent White ASCENSION FLAME ... we are headed towards HOME!
Sonja Myriel RAouine
Dear Sonja,
Yes, Golden Flame for Peace and Platinum Silver flame for freedom ....we have already anchor and we should try that it should remain continuous with out any break and That will in return will give ability to love unconditionally , Wisdom for Better Living, Divine Will with Divine Power of Mother Durga ,naturally Faith and forgiveness with ability to forget the past which is not helpful...Will Give Healing Energies to Heal the World when ever it requires....
Our Soul is Eternal and Our Life energy is entangled with Love , Power and Inner Wisdom....
Our Masters are ready to guide us towards our Home but we are not ready yet, Purity and Freedom will help us...
We will have to remain in Silence, that will give lot of Energy and Power and required frequencies to get ready to Ascend....
We are the beings of Higher Dimension and we should remember our original Nature of Peace...
Thanks Sonja for this message of Peace....
Wow, dear SohiniBen, what a magical picture you have encountered! To me this picture makes VISIBLE the PENTECOST ENERGIES today which have inspired me to lay down the outline of a Full Year GRID Cycle of FLAMES which we shall anchor and which will serve as the Divine Matrix for Human Consciousness Evolution to Divine CHRIST Consciousness!
This Divine Design was given to me today - and it shows the Anchoring of the Flame of FREEDOM and the Flame of PEACE as the beginning of this net of LIGHT which we shall weave into the tapestry of TIME. Each moon shall be overlighted by another FLAME of CONSCIOUSNESS. This Solstice, June 21, we shall celebrate the coming together of FREEDOM and PEACE like Yin and Yang, Platinum Silver and Platinum Gold. But before this can occur, let us fully ANCHOR the Platinum Golden FLAME of PEACE in HUMAN and GAIActic consciousness! Gaia and the Galaxy ... simply GAIActic :-)
The 12 ends of the Star in your picture equal the 12 moons - plus sometimes a 13th moon which always serves as the NEXT STEP to take in consiousness eovlution! I shall create and post a picture on facebook and repost it here as soon as it is finished to illustrate the outline of this Divine New Grid Outline which will allow humanity to take this next step in evolution at EASTER 2018!
LOVE eternal,
Sonja MYriel
Power nodes:
7.8. 2017: Partial Lunar Eclipse
21.8. 2017: Total Solar Eclipse
31. 1. 2018 - Total Lunar Eclipse
15. 2. 2018 - Partial Solar Eclipse
30. 4. 2018 - Easter Full Moon: Finish of the groundwork for the New Human Consciousness Grid
13.7. 2018 - Partial Solar Eclipse
27.7 2018 - Total Lunar Eclipse
11. 8. 2018 - Partial Solar Eclipse
25. 9. 2018 - Full Moon of Divine Balance - right after the September Equinox
22.12. 2018 - SOLSTICE Full Moon: Rebirth of the CHRIST LIGHT on Earth
5/6. 1. 2019 - Partial Solar Eclipse
20/21. 1. 2019 - Total Lunar Eclipse
21.3. 2019 - EQUINOX Full Moon of Divine Intervention
2.7. 2019 - Total Solar Eclipse
17/17. 7. 2019 - Partial Lunar Eclipse
12.12. 2019 - Full Moon of the CREATIVE VOID - CHRISTMAS 2019
26.12 2019 - Annular Solar Eclipse
Solar and Lunar Eclipses not considered for 2020 and 2021
24.3. 2020 - New Moon of Divine Intervention
21.6. 2020 - New Moon of Divine JUSTICE - Annular Siolar Eclipse
24.6. 2021 - Full Moon Solar Fire Ignation of PEACE, Saint John's Day, Solar Fire Celebration
21.9. 2021 - Equinox Full Moon of INNOVATION to reach BALANCE
Thank you so much, Steve! If you use it as an excerpt, please say so and provide the link to the original discussion thread here, so anyone interested in this information can readily access lightgrid and join us here, receiving updated information on the topic every moon.
Inspiration is urging me to MOVE ON - so move on is what I do.
A New Human Consciousness Grid is going to evolve - and we are invited to actively and passively participate in the CREATION PROCESS!
May our earthly existence be overshadowed by the knowledge and wisdom of the Divine Master Plan which we prenatally asked to be allowed to support the best we can!
Sonja Myriel RAouine
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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