lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 18th May 2017 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Angelic blessings greet you, embracing you deeply in pure love. I, the overseer of the Angelic Kingdom, Archangel Metatron, wish to share insights and guidance as to releasing and transforming negative energy active within your being. At this time of ascension, great volumes of light are penetrating the Earth and your being. You are absorbing more light into your entire being than even a few months ago, and many of you are acting as an anchor transmitting the light as a service for humanity.
With powerful volumes of light flowing through your being, numerous deep purifications are taking place, which is life changing. Many of the energies being released are so familiar to you, they may even feel like issues you have wished to heal for years, or they may feel so much a part of your being that a release may feel as if you are losing a part of yourself.
At this time, your soul is bringing forth to you some of your deepest and most fearful inner energies. Your soul realises that you are now in a space where you are completely and absolutely supported, you have the necessary understanding to make transitions, and it is safe for you to instigate healing.
Often souls upon the Earth can be blind to the inner energies that limit their existence; they may search for answers, freedom and support with little result. They can become confused as to the behaviours they are holding onto that limit their fulfilment. It is often that those around them, sometimes without even realising can see with clarity their destructive habits. If you are willing to observe yourself as well as observing your reality as a mirror of your inner energies, then you will allow yourself to glimpse the energies within you which cause the most pain and suffering.
Negative or Fear Based Energies Defined
Negativity is simply an energy which has become separate and disconnected from the Creator and love. It is an energy which is held within a cage unable to escape. Negative energy often repeats the same energy, focus and pattern in a cycle, each cycle magnifies and empowers its presence.
Negative energy you experience swelling from within you is your energy manifesting in a certain way because of a thought, emotion or experience. The energy becomes separated from your pure energy although it remains within you because it was energised by your focus into its creation.
It is as if it takes on a new identity that is different to the pure light identity of your being. This signifies that unresolved or unaddressed energies within you can become energised until it is as if they have a power of their own.
When a negative or fearful energy exists, the energy is active, then a part of your being is restricted, suppressed and disempowered. Your actions, thoughts, emotions, perspectives and the way in which you communicate and express yourself are tainted by the negative energy, even if you are not aware of the negative energy you are holding onto within your everyday life.
Limiting energies within you become fragmented aspects of your own energy that are very powerful because of their repetitive cycles which constantly build their power within you. When healing is received by you, it often appears that these fragmented energies are released.
The truth is that the fragmented energies are reconnected to your own energy system. This simple reconnection instigates a healing because as you connect with the fragmented aspect, you are accepting it and the energy it holds or represents. Acceptance allows the energy to transform and align to the pure and high vibrations of your energy. The fragmented aspect becomes united and energises the wholeness and completeness of your being, thus raisings your energy vibration and light quotient.
It is important to realise that all fearful, negative thoughts and emotions are a part of your energy that has taken on a new identity which is separate and the complete opposite of your truth. This identity is living within you and often causing chaos until it us recognised, listened to, noticed and returned to its original source, your essence and truth.
With this understanding the negative or fearful energy has no hold on you, you are able to remain in your power with greater ease.
Often the negative or fearful energy is directing you to acknowledge your inner strength and empower yourself. For example, if you are fearful of meeting people, the truth is that you have a natural ability and talent of communicating with people. If you experience pain and suffering in your body, you have a natural ability as a healer. If you experience disempowerment of any form, you have a natural ability to empower yourself and others.
Often the fear or negative energy you experience is guiding you to your ultimate talent, sacred inner qualities and gifts, which is always the opposite of the fear or negative energy.
Exploring and Understanding Fragmented Negative and Fear-Based Energies
Take time to contemplate:
What fears or negative energies are impacting your being and reality now?
What positive quality or energy are your fears or negative energy trying to make you aware of in your life now? (the opposite energy, quality or experience of your fears and negative energy.)
Are you ready to embody the positive qualities which your fears are indicating are within your being and simply require acknowledgement or activation?
Create positive statements that state you are already embodying and expressing the positive qualities you have discovered as your inner most truth and abilities, which require to be active in your daily life.
Reconnecting Fragmented Negative and Fear-Based Energies
When you feel ready, allow yourself to enter into a state of meditation, where you feel completely relaxed, safe and supported. You may wish to call upon my energies, Archangel Metatron, or your guides to lend their energy and love to you.
Create an intention, stating it out loud, describing the negative or fear based energy, emotions, thoughts or experiences you wish to heal. State that instead you wish to embody the positive opposite energy, which you can describe.
Focus within your being and connect with the fear based or negative energy, allow yourself to feel its presence, the impact it has upon you and its limiting nature. Imagine the negative or fear based energy as a person, character, image or symbol. Observe anything the energy may wish to say to you or remind you of.
Now you have an image of the energy it is easier for you to connect with it and accept it.
Again, focus within your being and ask or focus upon connecting with the positive qualities you have discovered. Focus upon the qualities until they blossom and swell from within your being.
Embodying the positive qualities which are the opposite of the fear based or negative energies, fully accept and welcome the energy and image of your fear. Allow the fear or negative energy to reconnect with your energy. As it reconnects, it will be transformed by the natural purity of your being.
Feel, sense and acknowledge the energy dissolving, creating wholeness and peace within your being while also empowering the positive qualities you have brought into empowerment and embodiment within your being.
This exercise may need to be practised once or numerous times until the energy no longer manifests in your everyday reality. In truth, you are liberating your being, raising your vibration and ensuring that your inner and outer reality reflect your desires and dreams of fulfilment in your current lifetime.
Please know, I, Archangel Metatron, am present to guide and set you free from your fears,
Eternally loving,
Read More from Archangel Metatron
Free Mp3 audio download of Natalie's message -
Video: "Emmanuel Dagher: You Are ! ... And I Am ! ... The Divine Architect Of Your Life"
Life is GOOD! There is only Life/Love/Source/God. Pain and suffering, while feeling intensely real, are of the illusion, and will pass. You can ease your pain and suffering enormously by accepting whatever arises and dealing with it in the now moment! That may well sound insane to those of you who are suffering and in pain, but if you truly open your hearts to Love, releasing your attachment to any of your attitudes that cause you pain – judgment, blame, resentment, bitterness, hatred – you will find joy, peace of mind, and contentment. And I can assure you that those attitudes are the cause of your suffering and pain. When your mind ceases to dwell on hurts you have experienced that were inflicted by others, or by yourselves, your pain and suffering will and does ease.
You hold onto pain and suffering by frequently or constantly dwelling on the wrongs others have done you, or on the sins that you yourselves believe you have committed. You know this, because when you are in that mode you feel BAD! Then, when you are distracted from those thoughts by something pleasurable, your pain and suffering are gone, even if only momentarily, before you quickly return to that egoic indwelling state (me, me, me,) of being abused or mistreated.
You established the human condition to experience separation because you thought that to be independent of God would be freeing. But what actually happened was that you discovered that being alone, isolated, and without support was terrifying. However, you had forgotten that your natural state, which is Love, envelops and embraces you in every moment, and so you then started to seek Love quite desperately from others.
You are Love. You cannot therefore find it elsewhere! You may look and look and look, but you will never find outside yourselves what resides eternally within you. You have all experienced losing or mislaying something, have gone hunting for it to no effect, and have become increasingly incensed or anxious only to discover, eventually, that it is in your pocket or your purse. Well, Love is always that close to you! And you can never “lose” It!
You are never alone! Why? Because separation from Source is impossible. However, you can pretend that you are separate, alone, unsupported, lost, and even abandoned. Then, when the pain and suffering becomes too intense, you go within to complain bitterly and vociferously: “If there is a loving God, how could He allow me to be suffering so horribly and for so long?” But with all the noise you are making you drown out the gentle and soothing voice of Love which is forever responding to you when you feel alone and lost.
Once you open yourselves to listen and to hear you do experience a sense of the Love that envelops you constantly, and the more space you make in your human lives to hear the Voice of Love the more effectively and frequently will you become aware of Love’s Presence in your lives.
However busy your lives are with work, family, bill paying etc., it is essential that you take time every day, even if only for a few minutes, to go within to your holy inner sanctuary or altar, and sit quietly with Yourself, the flame of Love that resides there and burns constantly with endless Love for you. You are One with the little you that you experience in daily life as a human, so allow Yourselves to meet each other daily in that holy inner space where the infinite power of Love is always present and ready to empower you. That is the most effective, in fact the only way to find peace and contentment, along with the ability to deal competently will all the issues that arise in your daily human lives.
Truly, you’ve got what it takes to live successfully as a human because you are a divine being, even though you are presently choosing to be unaware of your immense power and divine status. It is not the “me, me, me, me first” power of the ego, it is the calm, vast, and spacious power of the divine being that you are. That power arises within you as you hold the intent to be only loving, regardless of what is arising in your life in any now moment. You are powerful because you are one with Source. Frequently, however, far too frequently, you give your power away to others by seeking to align yourselves with their beliefs and opinions in order to receive their acceptance and approval.
But, as you are very well aware, it does not work. You can never receive complete acceptance or approval from others because they will always judge you and find something, or many things, amiss, wrong, or objectionable about you. It’s a “Catch 22” situation, and you are wasting your time and your energy. Yes, you will get occasional approving smiles of acceptance, but they will always be temporary, even just fleeting.
Your path to sanity, to happiness, to contentment and peace lies within. It always has and it always will. Why? Because you are a child of God created in His likeness and to whom He has given everything of Himself because you are like unto Himself being One with Him, eternally.
The human phase of existence is a minor and very short term excursion from Reality into an unreal world of dreams and nightmares that cannot and will not last. So, go within daily and find the peace and the Love that you so desperately desire, It awaits you there constantly to soothe and comfort you by melting away the pain and suffering of the unreal dreams and nightmares that seem to assail you from all sides.
Within is peace, without there is frequent chaos and confusion, suffering and pain, an insane environment in which conflict rules and no one wins. What appear to be “wins” do not last because there is always another who will steal the winner’s crown. Cease chasing fantasies and settle into the Peace of God that lies within you awaiting your acceptance of It. The “Thrill of the Chase” is a false concept that leads you away from Reality and into the miasma that is the illusion.
You can awaken from the illusion, you will awaken from the illusion, in fact you are awakening from the illusion because more and more of you are choosing Love instead of fear, and finding how over-rated fear is and has always been. Go within and accept with joy the Love that calls to you there in every moment. That is Reality!
With so very much love, Saul.
Video: "Heeding The Call Of The Spirits" By Steve Nobel
Can you Imagine When? By Carol Suchecki
Every day
On Planet Earth
We are at play
The collective creative child
That is our True Self
Has found its many parts
Holy relationship is the norm
Love is the way we meet
Love is the way we greet
We are at peace
Because we trust
And so we must
Live for each other
For in deed
They are our Self
Money, power and ego
Are no longer coin to trade
For sacred relationship
Is our wealth
May 2017
Video: "Shanta Gabriel Angel Meditation 2-
Thank you Steve for sharing my poem here in this composite of inspiring posts.
Facebook just brought back a video about blessing which is another powerful way of shifting energy.
Blessing All, with Love, Light, Abundance and Good Health!
And thank you for sharing the video Ishema.
Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light,
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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