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Activating the Christed Heart Petal of Integrity, Freedom and Truth and the Antarian Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration ... And ... Ascension 2017 - Love In Action By Natalie Glasson

The Elders Equinox transmission ~ Activating the Christed Heart Petal of Integrity, Freedom and Truth and the Antarian Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration  
Welcome precious hearts, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this magical month of September as you entered into the third wave of photonic light frequencies through the New Moon Solar Eclipse on September 1st, and the next Christ Consciousness level of the I Am Avatar Race.
Sweet ones, this is a time of accelerated change for all Life on this sacred earth. The first wave in December/January, followed by the second wave in April/May, brought about an increased level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness and interconnectivity, while clearing the remnants of misaligned energies. And now sweet ones, through this third wave, you deepen into the quantum starlight streaming of your multidimensional selves and the New Earth geometries as well as deeper into alignment with Source, with a renewed sense of freedom and truth and expression of your Soul's note and authentic selves.
In this month of September sweet ones, you experience the activation of the Christed Heart Petal of Integrity, Freedom and Truth.  With this activation sweet ones, comes the knowing that universal truth can only be experienced through your Master Eyes, for it holds the balance of neutrality, the balance of opposing forces, without judgment, without the need to defend or justify or compromise on any level.  Additionally, a deeper rebalancing and recalibration of your multidimensional Light Bodies in now being experienced through the New Earth templates, in particular the Fruit of Life and Metatron's cube.
 As many of you are aware sweet ones, in the system of energy we present to you, your multidimensional Light Bodies activate through nine dimensions of Light, with the ninth dimensional diamond sphere of Light activating 54 feet in diameter around you. This dimensional field of Light taking you into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God is represented through a diamond sphere, the connection to the diamond ray of Melchizedek Consciousness, and within this, the Flower of Life. And now sweet ones, the multidimensional Light Bodies are now being upgraded and imprinted with new geometric codes of Light, and the increased Light frequencies are assisting you to ground and anchor the next level of your service work in integrity and truth as One Unified Cosmic Heart. These changes are now being experienced through the Fruit of Life as it embraces and expands the Flower of Life into 13 whole spheres, or rather 12 plus 1, with the middle sphere representing All That Is. And within the Fruit of Life, Metatron's Cube activates, as do the platonic solids.
This geometric matrix activating now sweet ones, amplifies the energy of the 12 Petals of the Christed Heart, the 12 stages of the Light Body activation, the 12 Strand DNA, the 12 ascension chakras, the 12 Golden Solar Sun discs and so much more for all of you sweet ones as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, as all merge into One.  
It is the Antarian Luminary Emissaries of the Light that come forward at this time, and joined by the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians - all of the Light - invite you into the Antarian Portal of Light that amplifies through the 09/09 gateway, the Full Moon Lunar eclipse on September the 16th and the Equinox on September the 22nd.
Antares sweet ones, is the 15th brightest star in the sky within the Milky Way. It gets its name from the ancient Greeks and means Ant-Ares, "like Mars". Antares and Mars are also about the same color and the same brightness. Antares is a red binary star, fiery red and emerald green, near the center of the constellation Scorpius and is sometimes called "the Heart of the Scorpion". Antares is 87,200 times larger than earth and closer to the Great Grand Central Sun. Many Souls leaving and making their journey to earth, come through the gateway and mid-way station in Antares, which further serves as one of the meeting places for the Star Councils. Furthermore sweet ones, it is an interdimensional bridge to Andromeda through the Milky Way galaxy.  As we have mentioned previously, since the 08-08 gateway of 2015, the Andromedan and Milky Way Galaxies have been merging in golden Fibonacci ratios and with this, the re-emergence of your Galaxy as the Golden Rose Galaxy, the creational energy of Divine Love experienced in many Golden Ages of Light, is now occurring upon this sacred earth. 
Bathing in a magnificent pink and emerald green flame of Light and oscillating cosmic ray frequencies of the Antarian Gateway, you experience a recalibration of the Divine Masculine and Feminine frequencies, and a deeper sense of the Soul memory through merging into the Christed Timelines and energetic imprintings of your multidimensional selves. In essence, sweet ones, the Antarian portal activation brings the Knowing of your Soul purpose through a deeper alignment to Source, and the ability to ground and root your service work through the quantum starlight streaming of your multidimensional selves, whether this be timelines of your highest potential on this sacred earth or whether this be from other planets, stars, dimensions or alternate realities. 
The Antarian humanoids sweet ones, are of mixed descent; primarily from the Pleiades, Sirius and Lyra, with fair to olive-skins, and are between 8-9 feet tall. There are also White Lion Tiger Antarian Beings. They have been working with many of the Star Councils and now come forward at this time in humanity's ascension process to take you into the next level of your Soul's magnificence and blossoming, whilst also working on a planetary level with those Souls able to affect and create change within political, social and economic arenas. 
They are inviting you, sweet ones, into a deeper expression of your Christed hearts as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light as you experience the Christed Heart Petal of Integrity, Freedom and Truth and the New Earth Templates of Light through the Unity Grid of Divine Love, and they assist in this Now sweet ones, through the Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration. What the Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration (QSSR) does, is re-calibrate the star fields within your body, energy field and hologram to the memory and experience of Oneness, back to Zero point and to the moment of Divine reconnection to Mother/Father God. This triggers through the Fruit of Life, Metatron's Cube, the DNA, the Light Bodies, the chakras and so on, the experience of Divine unconditional Love and the memory of your Soul purpose and heart's dreaming, as you further merge with your Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan, Arcturian, Antarian, Lyran, Venusian and other Christed ET multidimensional Selves or Master Guides, and ground and root more of your Soul essence through your Beloved I Am Presence and into the group I Am Avatar Consciousness in this eternal Now moment.  Additionally this brings a greater level of transparency, truth and unification to this sacred earth as all Life moves into the next level of their Soul's Forward Evolution, within the Cosmic Law of Free Will.
So let's just start by setting the sacred space as you come together as one Unified Cosmic Heart on both the inner and outer planes, knowing that you are the Christed ET's, the Starseeds, the Wayshowers, the sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love creating the pathways of Divine Love for yourselves and others, sweet ones. And as you join in this reunion of hearts Overlighted by Mother Father God, you call in all these beautiful Councils of Light, and those most familiar to you ~ the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Arcturians ~ and now the AntarianLuminary Emissaries, all of the Light. You call in Lord Melchizedek and the Order of Melchizedek, the Archangels and their Divine Feminine counterparts and Legions of Light, the Mighty Elohim, the Ray Masters, the Ascended Masters and all other Beings of Light from On High you personally acknowledge; as you have a sense of your energy fields expanding now in this beautiful Diamond Flame of Innocence, Purity and Divinity.
And now, this Golden-White Flame activates around the body and energy field, brought through by the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light Overlighting this sacred year of 2016. You find yourselves being taken deeper into expansion and freedom, into the higher dimensional fields of Light, into the re-balancing of your own Divine Masculine and Feminine spirits and this reunion of hearts with soul and star family. You start to feel a deeper sense of this reunion of hearts with one another, sweet ones, connecting now through the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
Wonderful sweet ones. It is now the Antarian Luminary Emissaries of the Light that come forward, surrounding you in a beautiful pink and emerald green flame of Light. As you start to experience this beautiful flame of Light sweet ones, you bring a focus to your ninth dimensional Light Body 54 feet in diameter around you. Within this, you now see a beautiful golden Flower of Life, and as you deepen into the knowing of yourselves as initiates of Light drawing to you the Christed Timelines of your highest potential, you now see this Flower of Life being activated into the Fruit of Life, and within this, Metatron's cube. Wonderful sweet ones. You have a sense of these 13 spheres activating within the Fruit of Life and now the platonic solids, the tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron, dodecahedron, the sphere, and now the star tetrahedron, as you are taken deeper into the Christed Timelines and the Knowing of your Soul purpose and heart's dreaming upon this sacred earth.
You now experience yourselves traveling in your Merkaba Vehicles of Light into the Antarian Gateway of Light, as you start to experience this Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration through this Portal of Light. You are having a sense now of the  re-calibration of the star fields within your body, energy field and hologram to the memory and experience of Oneness, taking you to the moment of Divine reconnection to Mother/Father God, and the knowing that you are already Home. And you now activate the 12 Petals of your Christed Heart, as you have a sense of being within the Kingdom of God, surrounded by all the Divine Beings of Light from On High. To the chants of Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts, you now experience the activation of the Petals of your Loving Heart, your Healing Heart, your Joyful and Happy Heart, your Innocent and Open Heart, your Powerful Heart, your Knowing Heart, your Passionate Heart, your Trusting Heart, your Intimate Heart, your Overflowing and Prosperous Heart and now your Heart of Integrity, Freedom and Truth. As you bring a focus to your Heart of Integrity, Freedom and Truth, sweet ones, you merge now with your Beloved I AM Presence the highest aspect of your Soul Light within the Cosmic Heart of God.
As this occurs, you deepen into the Knowing of yourselves as Divine Love, in your heart's re-union with your multidimensional aspects, soul and star family, and a deeper sense now of your Soul purpose and heart's dreaming. Looking through your Master Eyes, you come deeper into the expression and utterance of your Spiritual reality and many gifts, and how you chose to down step your vibration and assist in lifting the consciousness of all life on this sacred earth. And now, sweet ones, Overlighted by the Star Councils and all these Illumined Beings of Light from On High, you come into the deepest connection of Divine Love you have with yourself and to all Life.
Wonderful sweet ones. You now see you are surrounded by the 12 Star Councils of Light, as the Antarian Star Council now come forward, activating the Star Ki codes of Wisdom, Compassion and Telepathy through the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint within the perineum center.
And now, the Alpha Centaurian Council come forward, activating the Star Ki codes of One Unity Consciousness and Manifestation through the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint.
And now, sweet ones, the Venusian Star Ki codes of Appreciation, Trust and Surrender activate through the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint.
And now, the Vegan Star Ki codes of Divine Equality activate through the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint.
The Arcturian Star Council now activates the Star Ki codes of Multidimensional Awareness, Crystalline Consciousness and Interconnectivity through the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint.
Good, sweet ones. The Sirian Star Council now activates the Star Ki codes of the New Earth Geometries of Light, as well as Healing Codes, through the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint.
The Andromedan Star Council now activate the Star Ki codes of the Christed Timelines, the Unveiling of Hidden Knowledge, and the sacred Re-Union of Self.
The Orion Star Council now activates the Star Ki codes of Beauty, Harmony, Peace and Creativity through the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint.
Wonderful sweet ones. The Pleiadian Star Council now activate the Star Ki codes of the Divine Love, Sacred Sexuality, Re-Union of Hearts, Passion and Joy.
And now the Niburian Star Council now activate the Star Ki codes of Non-Judgment, Self-Love, Forgiveness and Higher Mind Intelligence.
The Meldekian Star Council now activate the Star Ki codes of Soul Retrieval, Alignment to the Divine and Groundedness through the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint. Good.
And now, the Melchizedek High Council now activate the Star Ki codes of Immortality, Rejuvenation, Regeneration, and Melchizedek Consciousness through the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint within the perineum center.
And now sweet ones, you have a sense of the starlight imprintings of your multidimensional Selves ~ merging now with your Antarian multidimensional self or Master Guide, your Alpha Centaurian multidimensional self or Master Guide, your Venusian multidimensional self or Master Guide, your Vegan multidimensional self or Master Guide, your Arcturian multidimensional self or Master Guide, your Sirian multidimensional self or Master Guide, your Andromedanmultidimensional self or Master Guide, your Orion multidimensional self or Master Guide, yourPleiadian multidimensional self or Master Guide, your  Niburian multidimensional self or Master Guide, your  Meldekian multidimensional self or Master Guide, and lastly now, your Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light multidimensional self or Master Guide.
There is a deep sense of your Soul purpose and heart's dreaming and how you can stand as both the Spiritual Warriors of Light and as these sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love in service to Mother Earth and all her Life. How you have done this many times sweet ones, with yourheart of Integrity, Freedom and Truth, inspiring others through your Love and courage and strength as you walk the path of Divine Love knowing all is well. All is well. All is One. All is One.
As these sacred geometric Templatings now activate upon this sacred earth, and through the Unity Grid of Divine Love, you have a sense of the Diamond Light grids connecting each one of you deeper into your individual puzzle piece, whilst simultaneously activating these codes of Light through the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light and into the hearts and minds of all humanity.
And now sweet ones, you have a sense of the 12 Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs within and around the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love activating to form a Golden Solar Sun Shield of Divine Love around this sacred Earth and around your energy fields. Mother Earth's chakras and the planetary nadial network now experience the interdimensional tonal resonators of geometries, sounds and colors and programs of Light, taking you ever deeper into Cosmic Christ Consciousness and alignment with the Divine.And you have a sense too, sweet ones, of the mini Golden Solar Sun Shields of Light that connect into each one of your chakras, creating the correct Fibonacci ratio spins into the higher dimensional fields of Light.
Wonderful. And now sweet ones, you experience the 12 spin points activated through each of the 12 meridians, creating 144 spin points of particular sound and color frequencies. As the axiatonal lines are activated, you now experience a rejuvenation of your body organs, simultaneously merging deeper with your multidimensional selves and Master Guides. And now sweet ones, you access the higher dimensional Unity Grids of Divine Love, the Planetary Grid, the Solar Grid, the Galactic Grid, the Universal and Multi-Universal Grids of Light in these diamond ray frequencies of Light.
Good. Your multidimensional Light Bodies are being recalibrated and realigned into the highest outcome of your Soul's growth, and as you trust and surrender into this process, a recalibration further takes place through the pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus and thalamus glands.
Wonderful sweet ones. You now find yourselves traveling back into your sacred space, with the ability to ground and activate your Soul purpose and heart's dreaming in a deeper sense of the knowing of yourselves as Love, as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
You bring your focus back to this beautiful diamond sphere of Light 54 feet in diameter around you, and now have a sense of a torus vortex activating below your feet; this vortex of Light that spins now, first in a clockwise direction and now in a counter-clockwise direction, creates your own portal of Light, sweet ones, and stabilizes now to take you deeper into alignment with Source, and deeper into this Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration.
Wonderful sweet ones. You have now recalibrated your body, energy field and hologram through the star fields into Zero point, the experience of Oneness, and Divine reconnection to Mother/Father God.
You are Home, sweet ones. You are Home.
You ground now into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth while keeping this connection open to all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High. All that has been experienced amplifies into Oneness now through the central sphere of Metatron's cube, and within the One, sweet ones, all is Love.
We thank you for your service work and with this, we bid you a most magical day.
Edited by Eadie Miller
Artwork by Rick Ruggles
Video: "The Elders Equinox transmission ~ The Antarian Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration" - Anrita Melchizedek -
Ascension 2017 - Love In Action by The Celestial White Beings Through Natalie Glasson


In order to share with you what awaits you in the energetic cycle of ascension 2017, we must first share the purpose of the past few years. In 2012 each soul upon the Earth and even souls on the inner planes began a new cycle of ascension, we, the Celestial White Beings and many others, label this the Era of Love. The Era of Love had been long awaited and anticipated through many lifetimes by you and all. It represented that those upon the Earth were ready to take responsibility for their own spiritual growth, that they had reached a pinnacle point where their vibration was quick, remembrance of the Creator more expansive and the awareness of their soul’s purpose and service for the Earth more grounded. Each person was given the choice; they could choose to focus upon the creation and experience of love, most probably for the rest of their lifetime or they could continue to linger in the energies of fear, blame and hatred. Many souls choose to be an anchor for the benevolent love of the Creator into the Earth and consciousness of humanity. This set into motion a cycle of tremendous spiritual evolution, which could be recognised as a new pathway not previously explored.

2012 was significant because it marked a turning point especially upon the Earth where humanity would either continue to play out their karmic patterns or they would begin to rewrite the energies creating healing for the past and overcome a blockage which had been carried for lifetimes. The karmic debt humanity was carrying was the fall of Atlantis. A time when spirituality and technology were designed to exist in harmony and create planetary shifts, evolved spiritual awakening within each person and a deep unification with the Creator. However, technology began to dominate, connection with the divine lost, and devastation occurred. Many souls knew and even calculated that the karmic energy of Atlantis would build and be fully manifested upon the Earth by 2012, only this time the Earth or any part of Earth would not fall. Instead, the energies would need to be worked through and healed to create a positive healing resolution of the karmic pattern of Atlantis. Those upon the Earth who choose love in 2012 were reincarnations of Atlanteans who had experienced the fall; their choice represented a major healing and powerful release of old energies for all.

The past four years have allowed you to affirm and embody your choice of love and your vow to create love upon the Earth for yourself and others, love being the human expression of the Creator. You have been discovering your role as a being of love upon the Earth, exploring the desires of your soul for your physical reality and spiritual service, continuing to heal and release old energies from your being as well as downloading codes, light and templates to support you essentially in your new reality upon the Earth.

In truth, you have been finding yourself more than ever before as a divine and sacred being existing in a human body. You have been discovering and making space within you for embodiments of your higher self and unconditional love. This is why you have not been seeing the changes you wish in the world; it is because everything is taking place first within your being and within everyone else. You are the anchor for the divine. Everyone in the world is experiencing this shift, and so a great volume of old baggage and patterns are rising up to be washed with love, while some resist love with all their might, trying to encourage others to do the same.

Video: "Channeling - Ascension 2017 Love in Action by the Celestial White Beings Through Natalie Glasson" -

As you prepare to and enter into the cycle of 2017, you are entering into a new energy of ascension for which you are ready. It is as if you move through the wall of one bubble and into a new bubble, meaning that the energy of 2017 will feel completely different. It will feel for many like a breath of fresh air as high vibrational light, love and consciousness surround you and exist in the very fabric of your reality.

The high vibrational light, love and consciousness of 2017 will download into your being; it may feel as if you are being swamped with light, love and wisdom. It is in these times it is important to remain grounded and centred.

There will be much for you to receive and it may feel overwhelming. However, it is a part of your awakening, remembrance and preparation for the coming years, ensuring you have the wisdom and knowledge you require. Many will feel a lift in their mood, a lightness in their body and an expansion in their awareness. It could take time to adjust to the new energies surrounding you, likened to adjusting to a new physically home upon the Earth.

2017 and the following years will still be known as the Era of Love as this will not be completed until a great majority of souls recognise and experience their realities as pure love upon the Earth. After the Era of Love will come the Era of Remembrance where a great recollection of the Creator will occur. In 2017 you will be consciously aware that a new perspective is dawning, and this will be the product of the synthesis of your soul and personality or basic human existence.

You will begin to see yourself in a new way, realising your divinity, integrating this into your reality, creating a seamless synthesis between yourself and your soul which will allow you to see the truth and beyond illusions. Your relationship with all aspects of yourself will blossom. Your relationship with the Creator will become magnified creating feelings of fulfilment, security and strength. All of this will create a deep-seated sense of clarity which will allow you to view everything within you and around you with fewer barriers and limitations.

Without warning, you may feel like creating remarkable changes in your reality. It will be as if there is no time to spare and action is required to take place with a quick speed and vibration. Complete changes of direction in your reality may take place, moving to new areas of the world, meeting new people with a new awareness which is necessary for you to download, or simply you may feel as if your personality has altered and shifted.

Please be aware that all of these shifts, changes and actions if aligned with your intuition will birth love, truth and peace. It is as if you are adjusting yourself in your seat making sure you have the most perfect view with all the tools, people and energies around you which will support in the years ahead. Once you gain your position, as if ready for action, there will be no stopping you!

While action following your intuition may be required in your own reality, it will also be required in the world around you. In 2017 you are downloading a new perspective of love, meaning that your whole body and mind are experiencing the rewiring which has been instigated by the Beings from Venus throughout 2016.

The Beings from Venus have been pouring their love into the Earth and humanity with the goal of the Earth becoming equal in love vibration to Venus. Eventually, the Earth will adopt the role and mission of Venus becoming the new Planet of Love.

The Beings from Venus have been preparing all upon the Earth for this and so with a rewired body and mind you will be able to perceive everything within you and around you from a seat of love, which is the seat of your soul. It is important to be compassionate and patient with all as many will not wish to or want to see truth of all forms within them or around them.

In this year of action from a space of love, they may wish to achieve the reverse, action from a space of fear. It is in these times that there is a need to recognise your power. You are a powerful being who can move mountains in the consciousness of humanity. Thus you can release anything that no longer serves from the consciousness of humanity which is influencing all with the power of your mind, heart and soul working in unison.Ascension 2017: Love in Action by the Celestial White Beings

With the synthesis of your personality and soul, you may feel the urge for action, following your inner guidance to discover if it is appropriate for you. However, the greatest shift will be that you will recognise that action comes from within you.

More so you will realise and experience that you are the world, all of humanity, the Earth and the Universe of the Creator, if action and the manifestation of love is required, then it must first begin within you as you are connected to all. This is more than sending love to a situation; this is energetically becoming the situation you wish to manifest. Feeling, sensing and experiencing what this new benevolent and loving situation is like as it forms, builds and exists within your being, then projecting it from your third eye and heart chakra to where it is needed. This way you will become an anchor and a creator of new loving situations and actions upon the Earth. This is love in action.

I now consciously allow my soul and personality to merge and synthesis encouraging the divinity, sacred wisdom, healing power, love and all that I am as an extension of the Creator to become embodied within my physical body and reality now. I am ready to perceive myself, the Earth and all from a seat of pure love; I am ready to recognise the truth of the Creator. My Guides, Angels and all loving beings of service within the Universe of the Creator, support me now in being love in action so that I and all may experience the fulfilment of the Creator. I am ready to step into the new energies of 2017 and receive the wisdom, consciousness and valuable downloads available to me. I am ready to be and know that I am love. Love is my role, mission and purpose; love will continue to guide me as we become harmonised in oneness. Thank you and let it be so.’

Your soul has been waiting for 2017, let your soul enthuse your being and enjoy the reality within and around you.

With loving blessings,


The Celestial White Beings

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Replies to This Discussion

The Good Force be with you...nice posts, thanks for sharing & forever & prosper! Alleluia! Amen! <3 O:) * (Y)

Thank you so much for your reply Melvin.

Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light,




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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