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The Perfection of the Creator

by Archangel Michael

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Channeled through Natalie Glasson- 3rd June 2016 - Sacred School of OmNa

It is with love and angelic blessings that I, Archangel Michael, come forth to greet you. In the depths of my heart, I hold the vibration of the Perfection of the Creator which I radiate abundantly over and through your being. The vibration of the Perfection of the Creator exists within all beings; it is a natural aspect of your essence, soul and truth, and yet it is something which at this time is being activated more fully and drawn to your attention. The beings of Venus who continue to share their energy of sacred love with you and the Earth throughout 2016 are encouraging love to flow through numerous levels of your being. At this time, their love is anchoring into the levels and vibrations of your soul or divine essence triggering the activation of the Perfection of the Creator within you. When the Perfection Vibration of the Creator activates, it can create a series of new embod iments of light and self as well as the dawning of new perspectives.

The Perfection of the Creator is present within all aspects of the universe of the Creator at varying degrees of energy. The Perfection of the Creator we can recognise as the essence, the true vibration and consciousness of the Creator. Within its vibration is oneness, peace, love, knowingness and in truth all that is the Creator. It is a combination of what we imagine the supreme Creator or Source of All That Is, to be. In order to connect with and experience the Perfection of the Creator, there is a need to focus upon, surrender to and accept the Divine Flow of the Creator. The Divine Flow we can imagine as a continuous current of life force energy flowing through us, guiding us forth, energising and awakening us further. The Divine Flow can feel as if it is an abstract energy which is separate to us as expressions and beings of the Creator and yet the Divine Flow of the Creator ext ends from every being upon the Earth and the inner planes.

It is your acceptance of the Divine Flow which leads you to recognition and experience of the Perfection of the Creator. Both are the same energy and yet by recognising different aspects of this natural essence of your being you will move into a state of harmony with the Perfection of the Creator. Thus, you will be able to recognise the Perfection of the Creator within yourself and others continuously.

‘I surrender to the Divine Flow of the Creator.’ The meaning of this is that you let go of your attachment to controlling your being, reality and others. You also let go of your attachment to being right, feeling superior to others, judging, arguing, feelings of need, fear, pain and so forth. Surrendering your attachment allows you to recognise that there is a guiding light within you, a knowingness and a sacred goal which is continuously supporting you in every moment. It is not that you let go of all responsibility for your life, actions, thoughts and feelings. More so you take responsibility realising that all of your experiences, situations, actions, habits, perspectives, past, present and future are born from you. With this realisation, you seek within you and connect to your pure essence placing your attention on the Divine Flow thus you realise when your entire bein g is in harmony with the essence within you so you simply flow through life with ease and perfection.

The process of ascension at this time is to harmonise with the divine essence, vibration and frequency within in order to exist in the Divine Flow of the Creator. Ways to recognise when harmonisation is taking place is life flows easily, there is a deeper presence of love; synchronicities manifest, and greater self-awareness unfolds. Then you will know that you are bonding, connecting with or experiencing the Perfection of the Creator.

I, Archangel Michael recognise the Perfection of the Creator as a seat of light within my soul which I can connect with or retreat to in order to fully experience the Perfection of the Creator. It is an awe-inspiring experience and simply miraculous, akin to observing all the beauty and truth of the Creator as well as recognising the unity of all. In order to more fully recognise and experience the Perfection of the Creator, there is a need to let go of your current perspectives and beliefs concerning Perfection.

Take a moment to imagine yourself as perfection. You may imagine yourself with certain abilities, looks, material objects, enlightenment and so forth. Observe the beliefs you have about what perfection is for you and how you project your beliefs of what perfection is onto other people in your life causing you to either place them on a pedestal or judge them for their lack of achievements. Consider that other people’s beliefs and perspectives of perfection may be completely different to yours. This indicates that perfection recognised by the mind and mental body is not perfection at all, simply perspectives born from past experiences and judgments. With acknowledgement of your own beliefs concerning perfection you will recognise the need to surrender to the Divine Flow of the Creator thus let go of your attachments to your beliefs concerning perfection. This can be achieved throu gh simply recognising and holding the intention of letting go or releasing the energy, perspective or belief. Another perspective connected to perfection that some may hold is an inability to even contemplate perfection. If this is born from fear, then there is a need to send healing to the fear especially if perfection seems unobtainable.

Perfection is a natural aspect of your being; it could be described as a state of enlightenment. It cannot truly be explained in words or by the mind; it can be experienced and felt. Perfection is not a way of acting upon the Earth nor is it having everything you want, it is a state of connection and harmony with the Creator where truth is revealed to you. ‘I am the Perfection of the Creator.’ This symbolises that you are as one in unity, harmony and connection with the Creator. This will impact the way you exist upon the Earth however it may not be aligned with your beliefs of perfection. In truth, your beliefs of what perfection is and can be are limitations, your connection to the perfection of the Creator is limitless and so you will embody and experience a perfection which is beyond your imagination. A statement which you may hear others saying when they are in alignm ent with the Perfection of the Creator could be, ‘It just feels right.’ This means that there is a feeling of inner knowingness within which is empowering them. The words right and correct indicate that there is only one true way and yet the Perfection of the Creator manifests in numerous continuously expansive ways. Again there is a need to detach from the words right and correct. In doing so you will realise that everything you experience and perceive is right/ correct/ appropriate for you alone. You cannot imprint your ideas onto another, therefore, that which you and everyone experiences within is appropriate for the individual. Saying this everyone accesses the Perfection of the Creator and has the right to express this fully and creatively from within the core of their being.

With the energy flowing from Venus into your being activating the Perfection of the Creator within you this is a wonderful opportunity to take time to focus upon, explore and become familiar with this sacred state. You will find it to be a state of great inspiration and healing. Focusing upon embodying the Perfection of the Creator will also serve you well, encouraging you to ascend at a quicker speed, embodying greater supreme light and consciousness. There is a purpose for activating and acknowledging your inner perfection energy born from the Creator; each time you focus upon expressing love from your being the vibration of perfection will flow. This when received by others will be extremely healing as it will allow for illusion and ego to step aside not only allowing the individual to experience love, to feel or sense their true self. The perfection energy of the Creator, when exp ressed with love will allow many to acknowledge, sense and accept their true self. It may manifest as a vision, sound, vibration or feeling. This will allow them to make powerful shifts which move them into a space of conscious awareness and memory of the Creator. Imagine each person on the Earth receiving love and then witnessing their true / higher / soul self, maybe for the first time in this lifetime. It is truly magical, and you have the ability to facilitate these shifts and healings. Through your own exploration of the energy of Creator Perfection within you your awareness of your true/ higher / soul self will expand dramatically. Thus, you will feel you are being carried forth by the Divine Flow of the Creator experiencing truth in every moment.

Call forth my energies, Archangel Michael, as well as the beings of Venus. Allow yourself to first focus upon receiving our love and presence with each breath you inhale.

Connect into the love within your being until you feel or sense it fully.

Affirm until you sense the affirmation is true in your experience, ‘I surrender to the Divine Flow of the Creator.’

Affirm until you sense the affirmation is true or feel it within your being, ‘I am the Perfection of the Creator.’ Let the affirmation guide you into the vibration and energy of the Creator’s Perfection within you.

Enjoy the experience of exploring the Perfection of the Creator within you for as long as you wish.

Then acknowledge that every time you emanate love you are emanating the Perfection of the Creator. Experience this for a few moments.

This exercise can be practiced as often as you wish and will intensify with experience.

With blessings of Creator Perfection,

Archangel Michael

More Channeled Messages from Archangel Michael

New Webinar Series for May/ June 2016

Advanced Soul Embodiment and Completion

Supported by the Higher Rays of Light

Develop Your Relationship with Your Soul and Instigate the Synthesis of Your Soul with All Aspects of Your Being

Understand How to Fulfil Your Soul’s Quest for This Lifetime

With Lady Nada, Lady Mary, Lady Vessa Andromeda, Lady Quan Yin and Lady Pallas Athena

Online Webinar Course
Channelled through Natalie Glasson

Part 1- Catch Up Now!

Part 2 - Catch Up Now!

Part 3 - Catch Up Now!

Part 4 - 9th June 2016

Part 5 - 16th June 2016

The Higher Rays of Light which include Rays 8,9,10,11 and 12 express pure qualities and consciousness of the Creator focused upon soul integration, soul embodiment, soul synthesis and the completion of soul’s journey at a planetary level. If you wish to develop your communication with your soul, understand the qualities, consciousness and abilities of your soul as well experience complete integration with your soul the Chohans or overseers of the Higher Rays are waiting to guide you. This is a unique opportunity to explore and commune with your soul, experiencing the richness of the Creator flowing from your soul into your entire being at a physical level.


The Higher Rays of Light represent a pathway of discovery and synthesis with your soul; your essence and truth. The 8th Ray creates purification for the soul as well as erasing all that hinders soul embodiment at a physical level. The 9th Ray of Light encourages you to explore all aspects of your soul gaining great understanding of what your truth really is. The 10th Ray of Light is where complete acceptance and integration with your soul takes place. The 11th Ray furthers the soul merging encouraging embodiment of the soul within the physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual aspects of your being. The 12th Ray of Light allow the completion of the planetary level initiations, preparation for conscious connection with the Solar Level, embodiment of the Christ consciousness and enhanced soul synthesis.


Allow yourself to be guided by the Chohans who are masters at supporting your conscious awareness, relationship, acceptance and expression of your soul.


 Book Your Place Now!

Ascension Tidbits

We are in yet another unprecedented energetic gateway. Each of us is asked to live in our highest potential; to actualize our many gifts. Yes; many gifts. We do not have just one gift or one purpose; we have many gifts and more than one purpose. Creating our New Life is certainly a purpose. Purpose isn’t limited to being a Lightworker or being any certain label or title. Purpose isn’t a label; it is expressing ourselves authentically in everything we do and are…wherever we are and in whatever we do. We limit ourselves by claiming we are this or that. We are limitless.

Be who you are and in this way, you are fulfilling one of your purposes. You are not just one thing; you are multidimensional. You express yourself in many different ways. You express yourself one way in sharing your gifts; in another way within each relationship you have. In the old, you limited yourself by assigning yourself a role. In the New, you do not have a role to play, for you share who you are in any given moment as you are guided. Now is the time to share the essence of who you are and from that essence; your Divinity; you express yourself in many different ways. You are free to choose your experience in each moment. Follow Gaia’s lead; She does not have just one label to be described as. There is great diversity in Her being; as there is in you.

Flowing allows you to shift in whatever direction you choose. Being free means to let go of self-imposed rules…what is appropriate or not appropriate according to your culture and upbringing; what is right or what is wrong…you are here to express your Divinity; your Soul. You can change your direction in any moment. You can free yourself from imposed-upon beliefs. You can try on many expressions and discard them at will if they don’t align with you.

Wholeness is embracing and being all of who we are; not just this aspect or that aspect. We are shape-shifters. We are not bound by others’ judgments or rules. We can choose to be freely ourselves or stay locked up in old beliefs and limitations. We don’t have to stick to one thing; we can flow in and out of anything. This definitely may go against your old rules of staying in a loveless marriage because you’re supposed to (or do anything you’re supposed to) or stay in a miserable job so you can collect retirement or continue with certain behaviors because others expect that of you. There are many examples of how we have held ourselves back from being free and authentic.

When we clear ourselves of old rules, expectations and assumptions, we open up to new gifts. Expectations are based on old beliefs and are focused on the future and often in the illusory “hopeful wishing.” Assumptions are also based on old beliefs and each being’s history and does not allow for anything New. To be New, we must drop our history and our old stories. It requires us to be innocent and see things through new eyes with no preconceived ideas of how things should be. Is this easy? No, because up to this point, everything we have perceived has been based on past experiences when separate ego ruled the way we were; separate ego only knows the past. Soul is in the present moment only. It has no use for the past. The New has no use for the past. The past is the past and is based on limited information; this is both on a personal and global level. The next time you are with someone you have known for a while, pretend you just met them. Gone is your history with them; gone are the preconceived ideas you have about them; and you open to meeting them in the truth of the Moment and in Innocence and Love.

The purpose of Ascension is to evolve spiritually and to have everyday life be One with and as our spiritual life; in other words, to live in our spiritual Integrity. To do this, each must express themselves in their highest and truest way; in complete Authenticity. When you do this and you drop old labels and past history and are in the Moment, you are in complete Integrity. Integrity is not based in old ways of being; it is being in your Soul’s Truth in that Moment…and this shifts. Everything in the New shifts; it is not meant to be static and stuck in one expression. When you keep things simple and remain in the Moment, you will authentically express your Integrity; the Truth of who you are…in that Moment, based on how you feel and when you are aligned with your Heart. In this way, you express your gifts, your Love and your Light with all. You become the Lighthouse, guiding lost ships to the safe shores of their own Heart. You do this by being you; not through a job or an intention or a “supposed-to.”

You teach through example; by being authentically you. You don’t teach to get results; you simply shine and others then have a choice as to how they choose to be. When you share with no expectations and no attachment to outcome, you are on your Path. When you follow your inner guidance in each Moment, you are on your Path. When you only do what resonates with you, you are on your Path. You are fully supported and the way is clear for you to be more. When you disengage from the illusions of the old world, you are on your Path. When you stay positive in each Moment regardless of what your dualistic mind might tell you, you are on your Path…your Path of Ascension; your main purpose.

When in doubt or confusion, surrender to the essence of Simplicity. In the New, things are simple and clear. There is no pandering to the intellect. Simplicity is of the Heart. When you are not sure what to believe or what direction to go in, become still and silent. Go with your feeling. Sometimes this means to not do anything, so trust in Divine Order and Divine Time. When you let go and let be, you will be guided…when it is the perfect time for you. The letting go is letting go of pushing things to happen. This creates stress and there is no stress in the New, for stress is resistance. Surrender to what is and trust that when all is aligned, you will be guided to your next step.

Realize that you are perfectly where it is best for you to be for your highest learning and evolving. When in Acceptance, you release the resistance or doubt or confusion. This then leads to Movement and Awareness. The lower energies of doubt and confusion are contrary to Soul’s knowing. Never doubt that you are guided by Soul. Are you listening? It may take slowing down and a release of intellectually questioning everything. It is perfectly fine to rest in Stillness. Have Faith; be strong in your knowing and trusting.

Watch where you believe you are separate. Religion separates; politics separate; judgment separates; using the term “us and them” separates; labels and titles separate. We are not separate. We mirror each other so that we may evolve more. When you feel separate or better or worse than anyone, ask what you are learning about yourself. Where within do you manifest separation? Do you feel you are better than others; more intelligent; better off; worse off; prettier or uglier; jealous…all of these separate. Do you, in the deeper recesses of you, believe you are not Divine or are separate from Source?

Be also aware when you are thinking linearly (Step A leads to Step B leads to Step C). For instance, we do not necessarily evolve from the 3rd Dimension to the 4th and then to the 5th Dimension. Each being carries their Home Dimension within them. A being can experience life in the 3rd Dimension and yet carry within them the 11th Dimension. We are multidimensional and may experience many dimensions at the same time. Do not have set ideas about how things are, as they may not be that at all. There is much we do not know or can currently comprehend; and that is fine, for our place is to keep things simple and flowing. Everything shifts so what one may experience in one Moment can totally shift in the next Moment. Nothing remains the same. What may upset you in this Moment, you may see the blessing in the next Moment.

In each Moment, ask how you may serve and then take a step in that direction. This, of course, shifts; so flow with your guidance. It will lead you to the experiences that enhance you and further you along your Path. It can be so much fun if you just flow lightly along. It can be difficult if you think you have to stick to one thing to prove…to prove what? Trust what you receive always.

While we continue to be urged forward in our Ascension on Earth, most are in a phase of integrating the New Truths. We still experience Ascension “Symptoms,” and yet we are not as resistant to them as we once were. We still are releasing old patterns and beliefs and slowly are embracing a new way of being. We are shifting from our heads to your Hearts; from thinking to feeling and as we do, we are guided, for this is the Path of the Soul.

Copyright: Feel free to share any portion of the Ascension Notes. I would appreciate being credited.

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Thanks Steve !

The Good Force be with you...excellent posts, thanks for sharing & forever & prosper! Alleluia! Amen! <3 O:) * (Y)

Sohini & Melvin Thank you both so much for your replies.

Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light to all,




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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