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Mayan Messages: Twelve Step Healing Process
As Received by Theresa Crabtree
Day  45  Chicchan  6
I am Chicchan, the serpent. Together with today's Tun of 6, we would like to focus on your second chakra, the energy field within your body that houses creativity and sensuality. Chakra fields are unique in the human experience. Each allows remembrances and sensations on a variety of experiences. 
The second chakra allows for the creation of those things you would like to manifest in your life. It is sometimes called the passion center. When this area is blocked, your ability to create is stunted. In worst-case scenarios, they are blocked to the point where you experience dis-ease. These diseases are manifested in areas such as the lower digestive system: the intestines, the colon, the stomach, as well as the reproductive organs and lower back. 
How do these areas get blocked? By your thoughts, emotions and belief codes. Starting at birth and beyond, through experiences, whether real or imagined, you begin to build your belief structures. The more intense the emotions surrounding the events in your life, the more these thoughts are anchored in your chakras. Let's use an example of sexual experiences, which seems to be one of the most taboo subjects in the human experience. As a baby, you have just gone through the traumatic birthing process. As an infant, you still recall where you came from and perhaps you are experiencing concern about your sanity, wondering why you chose to return to this dense Realm. These emotions are stored in your body. 
As you grow, you have many more experiences, some de-light-full and some not so light. On several occasions, you were caught "playing with yourself" and was seriously reprimanded. You still enjoy the sensations of masturbation, but now you have to sneak and do it or not do it at all. Either way, you are likely to have experienced embarrassment, guilt and shame. These emotions are stored in your second chakra. 
When you are reprimanded or stunted while you practice your creativity, these emotions are also stored in your second chakra. For example, coloring on the walls and being abused or ridiculed for it, being told to stay in the lines while coloring in a book, being forced to write letters in a certain way and only on certain parts of the paper, being told that boys play with trucks and girls play with dolls, etc.. 
Each time you are shut down while being sensual or creative (or creatively sensual), the associated emotions start glopping together. We have talked before how positive thoughts and emotions are always flowing and light. The dark energies of guilt, shame, loss of power, etc. glop to each other and start forming a many-layered mass of density. With Kirlian photography, these negative thoughtforms can be viewed. As they continue to grow and cling to each other, eventually they create a physical malady in the body. This is how your chakras get blocked. They are no longer swirling and healthy; they become dark and dense. The stronger the emotions that are attached to this area, the more blocked and the more diseased they become. 
It is not unusual for children who were sexually abused to have diseases in their sexual organs. It is not unusual for people who hold back their creativity out of fear of resentment and ridicule to have difficulty in their abdominal cavities. It is not unusual for people who have been overly controlled to have lower back issues. Again, we will refer you to Louise Hay, her works can help you find the underlying cause of the aches, pains and dis-eases within your body and those you love. 
On this day of Chicchan 6, we would like to help you clear energies in the second chakra and open up the pathway for you to create and release negative thoughtforms that hold you back from being able to manifest your desires. 
You can do this any day, at anytime. If you are blocked, we recommend doing it often so you can get on with the mission and purpose of your life: to be able to love all unconditionally and manifest a life of Heaven on Earth. Most of you have already had more than your share of hell on Earth. Dream big and reach for the skies! 
The process is simple; the difficulty is directly related to your ability to observe your past with clear and open eyes. No one needs to know what you are doing. No one is recording your past behaviors as you look back on your life. No one is judging you. We are here to help you clear up the oil spill so your ocean of emotion is pure and teeming with life again. 
All inner work starts at the same place, finding a quiet spot in Nature and becoming still. Focus on your breathing as you relax your body and release the thoughts of the day. At this time, you can ask for Chicchan 6 or any of your Spirit Helpers to assist you. If you are familiar with the White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program, then call in your specialized MAP team. These are a group of Spiritual Beings that are always available to help you with mental, physical and emotional problems. 
Choose an area of your body that is causing you discomfort or has been diagnosed as diseased or one that you just don't like. Gently tap on this area over and over. The purpose for the tapping is to keep you focused, for it is easy for your thoughts to wander. However, if the tapping causes a distraction or too much pain, then you need not do it. 
If you have access to Louise Hay's book, Heal Your Body, you can also look up the area of your discomfort. Many times reading her words will help you recall the moment you had the first negative thought associated with this area. What you are trying to do is find the reasons why you have an energetic blockage in this area. 
If you are intuitively clear, you will have greater success. For many, the events associated with the dis-ease were so traumatic that the memories have been deeply buried. You will only have success if you are able to objectively go back and review these events. One way to do this is to tell your Guides that you want to return as an observer and that you do not want to feel the initial pain or emotions. Your goal is to unravel the layers of emotions that have blocked you. 
This could take a long time; it may require professional assistance. We would highly recommend that you find a trusted and experienced spiritual healer to help uncover the deep, dark wounds, especially those associated with incest, severe emotional and physical abuse or other extreme experiences. 
Most of you can do this on your own. However, it is important that when you return to these past events that you forgive yourself and any others involved. It is unforgiveness that has caused most of the problems. You may wish to choose smaller issues first. As you gain experience, you will also gain confidence in your ability to heal yourself. 
Keep in mind that each of you is unique and each of the experiences you have are unique. Below is a simple healing process; there are many variations available to you. The more skilled you are at accepting Spiritual Guidance and the more skilled you are at facing your fears, the easier this process will be for you. By inviting the assistance of your Spirit Guides, you will be shown ways that are unique to assist you in the healing process. The basic steps are as follows.
 1.  Find a quiet location where you will not be disturbed, preferably for at least an hour. A peaceful place in Nature is ideal. 
 2.  Quiet your inner and outer mind by focusing on your breath and relaxing your muscles. There are a myriad of techniques to help you with this process, choose one that feels comfortable to you. 
 3.  Call in your Spirit Helpers, your Higher Self and your MAP team. Ask for protection from any outside forces of interference. State your intention by naming the past wound and current malady you wish to heal. 
 4.  Choose the physical site on your body to work on. State your intention (My liver is healthy and fully functioning.) Begin to gently tap on that area of your body. Pay attention to the thoughts and physical sensations you feel. 
 5.  Many things can happen at this point. You may remember a traumatic event from this life or a past life. You may see or hear the name of a healthy food or vitamin supplement. You may see yourself in a practitioner's office. A person may come to your mind. 
 6.  Pay attention to any emotions that arise. Let them bubble to the surface. If you feel like crying, then cry. If you feel like dancing, then dance. If you feel like drawing in the soil, then do so. These are ways to release the emotions that have become squelched and stagnated. 
 7.  If an event or person comes to your mind, allow the remembrance of it, as you initially experienced it. If it is too painful, ask your Guides to let you view this objectively, as though you were watching a movie. Sometimes you may need to release your emotions by punching something or screaming at a past abuser. Perhaps you will release guilt associated with the event if you had believed you were bad when the incident occurred. The general idea is to forgive yourself and the other players for whatever happened. Forgiveness, in its simplistic form, is knowing that you and the other person were doing the best you could at the time. Even if a person knows they are being unkind or disrespectful, they are responding and acting as a result of their life experiences. You do not know their full history and they do not know your life story. Just as you do not want to be judged by others, it is fair for you not to judge others. Forgiveness is a fundamental step towards unconditional love. 
 8.  As best you can, bring up feelings of forgiveness and love for yourself and all other persons involved in whatever memory comes to you. This may take several sessions for some issues. Be patient and "fake it 'til you make it." 
 9.  Visualize yourself as fully healed. Gently and lovingly stroke the area involved. Thank your body for its assistance with the healing process. 
 10. Thank the Spirit Helpers that are assisting, even if you don't quite believe they exist. Once you have experienced a few miracles and heard enough miraculous stories, you will eventually know that something bigger than you is happening! 
 11.  Close the session by thanking all that were present. 
 12.  As best as you can, do not speak words or have feelings that will re-create the dis-ease. For example, when you stub your toe, every time you focus on the sore toe or bring attention to it by talking about it to others, you will continue to add energy to it. This will keep the pain persistent. How many times have you had an ache and totally forgot the pain when your thoughts were engrossed in something else? Keep your thoughts focused on your total body as being healed and healthy.
When you have a thought you don't like or want to foster, think again!
Call on us anytime to help with problems and issues you wish to release. We are always here and look forward to assisting you. That is our soul/sole mission, to help each other.
Selamet!  Be in joy! Chicchan 6
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*  * This site also has a vast array of information related to health and well-being.
Many blessings,
Theresa Crabtree

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Replies to This Discussion

Thank you for this great message!:)
thank you:)))
Wonderful ! Thank you so much !
THank you SOnja. This message has many suggestions that, from personal experience, offer transformational experiences, once absorbed into being. May each of our healing journeys gift us with, unique, tools with which to transform our world.

Namaste dear SIster


So BE it - And so it IS ...!




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


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