lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

There is a new light dawning for humanity, a light of hope, inspiration, and spiritual vision. This light offers many opportunities and expansions of consciousness for you who are reaching upward and listening within.

You can open to this new light and the opportunity it brings for transformation at every level. You can embrace this light and accelerate your spiritual awakening. You can grow through joy rather than struggle, be in the right place at the right time, and experience having all you need in every moment.

New opportunities await you right now The new quality of light dawning on humanity makes it easier to experience the consciousness of your soul and spirit, (also called the Divine Self), in ordinary states of awareness. It reveals the Divine Self within you-a strong, capable, abundant, and resourceful Self. This light offers you great opportunity to unfold more of the potential for your life.

Your consciousness creates your reality
Your consciousness determines how you think and feel, and your thoughts and feelings determine the condition of your finances, relationships, and the activities you choose. Each time you contact your soul and Divine Self your consciousness expands. You draw to you more harmonious and abundant circumstances.

You can release whatever is holding you back
If something is leaving your life, no matter how valuable or important it may seem, it is because in some way it held you back. If something leaves, know that something better is coming. As this new light reveals more of the divine within all life and forms, it becomes easier to see what things are real and important, and what things are unnecessary and unneeded. It is then easier to let go of whatever is holding you back.

Set your intention
Now more than ever you will be supported by the Universe in following your higher path, in discovering new directions, and in becoming a light for others. If you want to open to the new opportunities that await you, set your intention right now to deepen your contact with your soul and Divine Self, raise your consciousness, listen within, and take action on your inner guidance.

Listen to your inner guidance
Contact with your soul and Divine Self allows you to view your life through a new lens and have transformative insights about your activities, friendships, path, and work. New directions or needed refinements to the path you are on may come into your consciousness.

Listen to and act upon these insights. As you do, numerous positive changes will occur in your life as it comes into greater alignment with your soul and Divine Self. What you create will bring you deep satisfaction and result in more favorable circumstances. You will experience more of the power, light, wisdom, and understanding that is within you. The changes you make, guided from within, will continually bring about more of the divine perfection, plan, and purpose of your life that is waiting to unfold.

Move forward into a new chapter in your life
You who are aligned with your soul and Divine Self can experience this as a time of going forward, opening to greater abundance, supply, peace, and harmony that the consciousness of this Self brings. You can reject doubt and negative thinking and become a source of light to everyone around you. You can find the new forms that are waiting to unfold and then bring them into your life.

Embrace the New
There is an abundant, joyful, and harmonious world that awaits you as you open to this new light and expand your contact with your soul and Divine Self. The opportunities are unlimited!
Imagine yourself becoming very relaxed, shifting your posture ever so slightly to feel more comfortable, so that your energy can flow and so that you can breathe deeply, smoothly, and in a more relaxed way. Follow your breath for a few moments, letting it take you into a deeper state of relaxation, of peace and harmony within.

Bring your attention inward to the center of your being which you might imagine as a core or a pillar of light within you. And as you pay attention to this light it begins to expand. This, your Divine Self, the innermost core of your being, is now revealing more of itself to you, for this is consciousness itself, aware of your attention upon it. Just by thinking of this, your Divine Self, something within you is awakening. You are accessing some inner strength, a sense of peace and calm reassurance.

And allow a quietness to come over you, the mental activity of your mind slowing down, as if you are turning down the volume of your thoughts. And as you do this, as you gain more inner stillness, the light within is becoming even more visible, becoming a radiant pillar or pole of light.

Every moment you focus upon this light, the Divine Self within you, you are awakening new consciousness; the consciousness of joy, abundance, harmony, the consciousness of stillness, of vision.

Open to this, your innermost Self, the life and the light within you. Welcome it, and set your intention to allow more of its energy into your life as you focus upon this inner light right now, and allow even more to be revealed to you of this radiant light within you.

Letting this light permeate your being, the cells of your body, your emotions and your thoughts, lifting every aspect of your being into a higher vibration. Give this permission right now, this light, to permeate your being, and to allow your personality to become more transparent to this inner light that shines forth from the center of your being.

And this light is becoming so radiant, so beautiful, the light of truth and realization, is beginning to clear the energy around you of all the thoughts, images, pictures, and anything else that has kept you bound to a lesser vibration. These are impersonal energies. They exist and they can be seen as wisps of fog that disappear in this light.
So let this light, allow it, give it permission to grow so bright, this light from the center of your being, that it begins to clear the energies around you so that you can reach upward more easily. Let this happen now.

And it may feel at some point as if you are up in the light and the clouds are below you. And things are feeling better and better, like flying above the clouds with the sun all around and the blue sky. You are lifting up out of the denser energies into the pure light, the divine light. All burdens are falling away. All concerns are being left behind.
This is your home. This is the place of light that regenerates and revitalizes every level of your being. Bask in this light right now.

And as you begin to look around in this light, there is a new light dawning upon humanity; a light that you have been feeling, sensing in some way. It is now becoming more visible, a new quality of light, a new revelation that lies ahead for humanity that is already here, making an appearance.

This light reveals more of the Divine Self so that it is easier to be in these spaces and to sustain that connection. This light should be growing more and more visible right now to you, as many beings of light are here holding the focus so that you may harmonize with this light, come into resonance with it.

And it is as if something in the core and the center of your being is lighting up in a new way. Drinking in, absorbing this new light, coming into resonance with it, letting that quality of light be revealed in your central pillar of light. That light is awakening within you. A new quality of illumination is being offered to you. Accept it if you choose. Give this light permission to be born within you, to illuminate for you that which it is here to do.

Let this light illuminate your thoughts. You do not need to change your thoughts or work upon them. Just allowing this light to radiate through your thoughts will change them in some way, make them a vehicle of expression for your Divine Self in some new way, perhaps bringing you thoughts that will support you, that are loving to yourself, thoughts that will be greater reflection of the truth that you are in infinite, eternal being.

And give permission for this light to radiate through your beliefs and any illusions that have separated you from this inner light. And watch the light radiate out, out and out, freeing you from any energies that have held you captive, that have bound you to a lesser level of light. This is the light that releases. This is the light of freedom.

Sense that inner light within you, radiant, shimmering, powerful. Let go of the image of a physical body. Become this light, infinite, eternal, without limit. Let this light expand, and expand, and expand, knowing that as you do so your consciousness is expanding, opening up other levels of your being. Let this light illuminate, shine forth, creating new light all about you as it does, the birth of new consciousness within you.

Seeds of inspiration are being drawn to you, are coming to you. Letting the seeds that carry with them new ideas, new vision, that have within them all that is needed to bring forth the vision, to manifest it, that carry within them, these seeds of inspiration— enthusiasm, the relationships, the circumstances, the energy, the motivation, and all that is needed for them to emerge as the new thoughts, the new personality, and the new forms in your life. You might even imagine them falling all about you in the field of your consciousness, like little seeds that you are opening to.

This is the incoming consciousness that you are calling into your life. They are aligned with Divine Will. They radiate light, both for you and for others. For as you open these seeds, as you develop them through your attunement to the light within, they will bring you abundant good, a good that will benefit all life as well.

You can ask for these seeds anytime you wish, and they will be there right now in the moment. They will be there in the moment you ask for them.

If you would like an inspiration for some area of your life, ask for a living seed of inspiration right now for this area. Receive it into your hands or your heart, or into the fertile soil of your consciousness. However you picture it is fine.

As you feel this radiant light, the Divine within you that is revealing Itself to you right now, something is different, some new consciousness is emerging, something that will make your life better, more flowing, and more in tune with all the energies about you. Working at this level can have profound effects, both on the inner and on the outer.

Every moment you spend attuned to the light within, to the Divine within you and all life, you are awakening new consciousness. It will appear in your life as new ideas, perceptions, thoughts, directions, goals, and relationships.

When these ideas first emerge, love them, nurture them. They may not fit in with everything you know in the beginning, for they are just a seed, not yet identified as what they will become. When you have the first glimmerings of a new idea, a new thought, a new direction, see yourself recognizing and welcoming that idea. Picture this now.

And now as a service and a way to increase that inner light and to assist all who are in resonance, imagine that all the light that you are, and all the light that everyone around you is generating, and all the thousands who are joining in this meditation, are forming one radiant light, a group light that is so powerful, so beautiful, so clear, that it can clear the energy for many more.

So join in and picture this group light clearing an enormous amount of energy, so that those who are one step behind can look up and see the light and move into it on their own. Hold this vision for a moment now of the radiant light that all of you are creating.
And this light, this group light, whether you are listening many years in the future or whatever time, you are a part of this light. It is holding the new energies that are here; the energies that clear all that stands in the way of the Divine pattern.

And the light is beginning to go out from this group that you are a part of. A new light is dawning upon humanity. You are receiving it, you are holding it, and all who are in resonance are picking it up, coming into alignment. Let this happen now.

All of us from the higher realms thank you for all you are doing, for the light you are bringing into your own life and to those around. And with that, I bid you good day for now.

Copyright © 2011 LuminEssence

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Replies to This Discussion

Thank you so much for this hope inspiring message, dear AyAnna :-)



If you would like an inspiration for some area of your life, ask for a living seed of inspiration right now for this area. Receive it into your hands or your heart, or into the fertile soil of your consciousness. However you picture it is fine.

As you feel this radiant light, the Divine within you that is revealing Itself to you right now, something is different, some new consciousness is emerging, something that will make your life better, more flowing, and more in tune with all the energies about you. Working at this level can have profound effects, both on the inner and on the outer.

 Thank you AyAnna for a beautiful reminder of All possibilities of the Power of the Light from within

Abundant Love


Beautiful meditation in Light and Love...many thanks for this wonderful post AyAnna, meditation is the way the way forward :))

The Good Force be with you...nice posts, ayaNNa, thanks for sharing & keep it forever & prosper! Alleluia! Amen! <3 O:) * (Y)



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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