lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

The Elders December Solstice Transmission ~ The Pyramid over New York City
Darkness emerged from the void
moving into the pyramids of consciousness,
ending as souls cross over the bridges of time, space and illusion.
The sacred spirals of geometry guide their journey home.

The end of my story takes me to the Pyramid over New York City.

The soul who oversees this pyramid goes by the frequency Isis
for She is the feminine aspect in all that moves through the matrix.
It is She who expresses herself in the form of the Earth Mother.
She, who is Creator of Life and Evolution. She who sends energy to
the matrix that perpetuates the reality in which souls may manifest.
She, who has no permanent form, but that of Light.
It is She that you knew as Sekhmet and Hathor,
among other Creational Forces.
It is She who creates from her pyramid,
weaving her creation into the Fabric of Time.
Her energies move through the matrix touching all that is in creation,
all that flows through consciousness, all and everything that is
both old and new, for they are one and the same.
From her Pyramid she brings the matrix full circle,
Creator and Destroyer All in One.

Travel with me now to the Pyramid of the Feminine,
She who now returns to planet Earth to express
herself in the light harmonics of creation.
Thoth the Atlantean
Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now, in this magical month of December as you move deeper into alignment with the Divine and the knowing of your preciousness and magnificence as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. Sweet ones, you have recently experienced the 12:12 Gateway of Light. In that precious Now moment, in that Portal activation, you experienced the Christed Heart, which activated within the heart and thymus chakras of every man, woman and child on this sacred earth, within the Cosmic Law of Free Will.
Embraced within the Golden Flame of Christ Consciousness, the 12 Golden Petals of the Christed Heart activated from Shamballa, into the 12 Pyramids of Creation experienced in this sacred year of 2015, and from here, entered into your Golden Hearts.
As you continue to expand the energy of your Golden Hearts from December 12th   thru to December 21st/ 22nd you open into the Solstice energy and the integration of the Planetary Goddess archetype of Light as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, connecting to the Sisterhood of the Rose, and in particular, Lady Isis.
For through the embrace of the Sisterhood of the Rose, the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on this sacred Earth is assisting in transmuting the wounds of the emotional body back into the Light through the beautiful Pink Flame of the Sisterhood of the Rose and the Silver-Gold Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Lady Isis.
Sweet ones, the Sisterhood of the Rose was created in the time of Lemuria, and later as priestesses in Atlantis they gathered together in circles of twelve to activate the Flame of Divine Love, of harmony, of abundance, of joy, and peace, through the hearts of all humanity. There were twelve groups of twelve women who formed the Sisterhood of the Rose. The goddess symbol is the rose, but it is through Self Love that this beautiful Pink flame of Divine Love activates within your hearts.
The Sisterhood of the Rose took this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love out in the four directions of the earth to assist Mother Earth and all her Life, also working directly with the energy of Sirius, the Pleiades and the Galactic Center. For it is Sirius and the Pleiades that draw into alignment the influx of energy that activates through the Galactic Center, and the Sun and Central Sun, to a greater knowing of your multi-dimensionality as these Master Beings of Light. And what you are called upon, sweet ones, to assist as these physical vessels of Light in this sacred month of December, is the actualization of this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love within your hearts and the hearts of all humanity~ and the healing too, of the wounds of the emotional body ~ so you may embrace your pain; and so that old cellular memories, judgments, false beliefs, and human miscreations are purged and transmuted back into the Cosmic Heart of God as you experience the next level of your Soul's Forward Evolution in the Love and appreciation of yourself and your numerous gifts.
You will travel initially to the Pyramid over New York City where you will experience the beautiful Silver-Gold Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Lady Isis as you heal the wounds of the emotional body through the embrace of the full range of your emotions.  From here, you enter into the Healing Temple of Isis within the etheric of Sirius and from here, into the Galactic Center. Isis, known as the Goddess of Great Healing, the Lady of the Words of Power, the Divine Queen, the Great Goddess and Mother of Creation, brings forth the healing codes that ignites the Flame of Divine Love, and bring about the re-emergence of the Planetary Goddess of Light.
So let us now set our sacred space, as you experience the next level of the Divine Feminine aspects of Creation sweet ones.
To start with now, simply breath deep into the body, expanding the lower abdomen as you breath in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breath out. Now, bring in a Pillar of Light around yourselves and connect through this Pillar of Light and a fluorescent tube of Light, your antakarana, to your Higher Self of the Light, and now your Beloved I AM Presence.   As you breathe through this fluorescent tube of Light that comes in through all dimensions of Light, you are bringing in the energy of the magnificence and preciousness of yourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love through your I AM Presence and Higher Self of the Light and the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High. And ground this energy now through the body as it comes into the crown chakra, down the spine, out the perineum center and into the earth chakra center.  And now sweet ones, connect into the Inner Earth Sun, to the Golden Sun within your heart, and now the Solar Core and the Sun and now to the Central Sun and the Great Central Sun.  From this center of Love and alignment to the Divine, bring yourselves into the heart, as you activate this beautiful Pink Rose of Divine Love within your heart. Wonderful, sweet ones. You now ground into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth as you experience the Unity Field of Christ Consciousness through the Unity Grid of Divine Love within you and around you. And now feel yourselves connecting at a Higher Light level with all the Light workers and star seeded ones assisting in their own way through the Solstice energies in the co-creation of Heaven on Earth.
You now call in the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light, the Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light ~ Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek, the Chohans of the Rays ~ El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Sananda, St. Germain, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin and Pallas Athena, the Mighty Elohim, the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light, Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, Helios and Vesta and Lord Melchior, the Mahatma the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis, and all other Beings of Light you personally acknowledge, and that wish to join you in this sacred space.
And now, sweet ones, you bring a focus to the Christed Heart, as you activate and actualize a deeper level of these twelve Golden Petals of the Christed Heart. Breathing deep into the Light of the Christed energy within you and around you, you now activate the heart and thymus chakra through the Peaceful Heart, the Loving Heart, the Healing Heart, the Joyful and Happy Heart, the Innocent and Open Heart, the Powerful Heart, the Knowing Heart, the Passionate Heart, the Overflowing and Prosperous Heart, the Trusting Heart, the Heart of Integrity and Truth and the Intimate Heart. These beautiful Golden Petals of the Christed Heart take you deeper, sweet ones, into self-mastery, into the knowing of yourselves as these Christ Conscious Beings of Light, as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love, and Master Beings of Light. And you just simply hold this Flame of Cosmic Christ Consciousness now, within the heart and thymus chakras, allowing all aspects of these sacred hearts to be experienced within every corner of your heart.
Good. You now find yourselves traveling through the grids of Divine Love in Soul consciousness in your external merkabas and entering now into the Feminine Pyramid over New York City.  
Isis now appears before you, and surrounds you in her beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light. She is dressed in a beautiful white flowing robe with gold embroidered symbols across this robe ~ she has magnificent white wings, and wears a vulture headdress combined with cow-horns encased in a solar disc. As she welcomes you, you find yourself moving deeper into your hearts and deeper into the knowing of yourselves as initiates of Light. Isis lets you know that the Divine Feminine way is through acceptance and forgiveness; through letting go of blame and judgment and also in experiencing a deepening sense of compassion for yourselves and others.  
In this beautiful Feminine Pyramid of Light, you are asked now to accept, appreciate and celebrate the full range of your emotions. Just love yourselves and accept where you are, sweet ones, knowing that you are immeasurable in your magnificence and Light. That you are greatly celebrated, appreciated and deeply loved. Looking through your Master Eyes as you activate now this beautiful Christed Heart, this beautiful Golden Flame within your heart and thymus chakra, and with this now, this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love, and now Isis' Silver-Gold Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light. You invite into your Christed Heart those aspects of yourselves still needing your Love, needing to be heard, and appreciated and loved, letting these aspects of yourselves know "I Love you, I Love you, I Love you".
Wonderful sweet ones. Lady Isis now invites you into a Cosmic Re-integration of the Divine Feminine Archetype Chamber of Light. This Chamber of Light takes all the Soul consciousness aspects of your Selves that have experienced the suppression of the Divine Feminine archetype through all timelines and dimensions. This allows you to experience the aspects of yourselves that have experienced abuse in this timeline or any other, clearing for not only yourselves, but for all Life on this sacred Earth, and following this, activates the Pink Flame of Divine Love within the heart chakra. And now, sweet ones, you just experience this Cosmic Re-integration of the Divine Feminine Archetype Chamber of Light embracing your Divine Feminine Spirit, coming deeper into the Love within your heart, embracing and celebrating your wounds, as they have taken you to the next level of your blossoming, your magnificence and your Light. 
And now you experience this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love actualize within the heart chakra. Good. You are feeling yourselves in this loving and gentle and healing space, being open to loving and receiving, sweet ones. You are already here in service, and all that you need in frequency and energy is being offered to you right now, simply open yourselves to receive, open yourselves to the knowing of your magnificence and Light as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, as these Master Beings of Light.
It is now time to enter into the Healing Temple of Isis within the etheric of Sirius. Overlighted by Isis, you now find  yourselves traveling in Soul consciousness in your external Merkaba Vehicles of Light through the grids of Divine Love, and entering now into this Healing Temple of Light, which looks like so many of the beautiful Temples of Light from ancient Egypt. Lotus flowers adorn this Pyramid, as a Golden Flower of Life now activates within this healing Temple of Light. Your DNA is activating too at this time sweet ones, and it brings in many of the memories related to yourselves as initiates of Light.
You now find yourselves connecting to Soul Family, your Soul Cluster, and now moving into groups of 12. Sweet ones, you are going to be working more deeply with the emotional body at this time, and in doing this work, you will be doing it for yourselves as well as your Soul group, so all Life on this sacred earth may know themselves as Love. You just have a sense now sweet ones of your Soul brothers and sisters, Soul Mates and Twin Flame. Wonderful.
Within this Golden Flower of Life, you are now surrounded now by many of the Priests and Priestess to the Order of Isis, also called the Order of Melchizedek, as well as the Sisterhood of the Rose, who come forward now to surround you in this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love. And now, sweet ones, Isis comes forward and activates her beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light within the vibrant Red Flame of the base chakra.
Isis now places within your base chakra, the healing symbol of the Rattle. She lets you know that this symbol serves as a gateway to bring in all Soul fragments that have left in pain, or shame or just for the experience of it. She also lets you know that this sacred rattle further assists in the clearing of implants and entities and non-human parasitic intelligence and that you are going to start with this clearing work as the lower bodies and base chakra start to activate into the healing frequencies of this Healing Temple of Light. 
Have a sense of the Soul fragments coming back sweet ones, have a sense of the clearing, the energetic clearing of implants or lower astral entities, anything around the energy field that needs to be cleared at this time. 
And now Lady Isis activates her beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light within the sacral chakra, merging into this beautiful Orange Flame of Light. She now places within your sacral chakra the healing symbol of the Healing Rod. This symbol sweet ones, assists in releasing the planetary false beliefs between men and women and the healing of your relationships in all timelines, past, present and probably future realities, in the knowing of yourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
And what is also being released sweet ones, is all karmic vows and contracts that you no longer need to experience and that have taken you into the victim and persecutor consciousness to know yourselves as Love. In the healing of these relationships, as these timelines merge and integrate into a new balance, you are simply accepting, loving, forgiving, and seated in Love, sweet one.
Wonderful sweet ones. Isis now activates her beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light within the solar plexus and now, as this merges into the Yellow Flame of the solar plexus she places the healing symbol of a Sparrow Hawk Feather within the solar plexus chakra. This healing symbol assists in clearing the lower bodies of old false beliefs and judgments, and moves too, sweet ones, into the healing of body parts and organs and the clearing at a deeper level of any disease or discomfort within the physical etheric bodies.
Good. Isis now activates her beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light within the heart chakra, merging it into this beautiful Emerald Green Flame of Light. Isis now places within your heart chakra the sacred healing symbol of the Ankh, as you come into the knowing of the Re-union of Hearts, and a deeper understanding of the knowing of your sacred sexual energy.

Sweet ones, through the karmic mates and karmic contracts, many of you have experienced these old partnerships to know yourselves as Divine Love, playing out your old issues, false beliefs and judgments. What you are coming into is a greater level of knowing of the Soul contracts that you have made, with Soul family and friends, with Soul mates and Twin Flames in this Golden Age of Light, and the knowing too that these contracts will come to pass. When you open your heart to Love, when you truly become the open hearts in this Golden Age of Light, these contracts come into being.
Isis's Flame of Healing now washes over your own pain body, or your grief, or your heartache, or your betrayal or your pain. Isis understands your grief, she understands your pain, for she has experienced her own grief. And you are simply accepting of all the experiences, and feelings, and thoughts that are yours, sweet ones ~ even if you are not enjoying an experience, or enjoying the feeling, you are simply accepting, embracing and appreciating as much as you can, what you are learning in this particular emotion, feeling or experience. You are understanding how these karmic mates, at a Higher Light level are indeed Soul Mates, and as you experience a release through the emotional body of these old hurts and wounds being washed away in this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love and in Isis's Silver-Gold Pink and Purple Healing Flame and through your Christed Hearts, the kundalini and tantric channels gently activate within the bodies, sweet ones. You have a sense of the kundalini energy activating from the base chakra, into the sacral, the solar plexus, to the heart and the throat, the third eye and crown chakra. Good.
And now, sweet ones, Isis activates her beautiful Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Flame through the throat chakra, and she places now within your throat chakra the sacred symbol of the Throne. As this merges into the Blue Flame of the throat chakra, you now experience the merging of parallel realities, and in particular, a deeper sense of yourselves as initiates of Light, as High Priests and Priestesses in ancient Egypt, Atlantis, the Mayan and Aztec cultures.
Wonderful sweet ones. You now say:
"Isis, Queen of Light,
your Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light
shines through the veil
between what is, was and will be.
Life of the Nile, Weaver of Fate,
Guide my wanderings through past, present
and future,
as I travel the hidden All, through all timelines of Light.
May my vision be true, and my path
guided by your wisdom
in the knowing of my Self as an Initiate of Light."
Wonderful sweet ones. Isis lets you know that many of the ancient mystery school teachings came through from Sirius. This Healing Pyramid of Light in the etheric of Sirius takes you deeper into the memories and the knowing of your service work in this and other lifetimes and further activates a deeper sense of your Soul purpose. So, you just allow yourselves now to bring in the timelines of your highest potential through the utterance and the expression of your Spiritual reality, as you see beyond the Veils of Illusion, in the knowing of your Heart's Passion and your Heart's Joy. Good.
Isis now activates her Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Healing Flame through the third eye, and places within the third eye, the sacred symbol of a Solar Disc.This Solar Disc, sweet ones,  creates a merging with all your higher dimensional selves and with this, the ability to experience the crystalline matrix of the New Earth Templates, and a deeper sense of the patterns of perfection, as the Veils of Illusion lift. As the Timelines activate through into this Golden Path of Light, you experience a deeper sense of communion and unity and creative expressions of self, of abundance and joy, of peace and harmony and Love, knowing that you are indeed so greatly appreciated and celebrated. As the sub-atomic particles spin in these increased Light frequencies, you experience, too, the geometries of Light as they activate from within the third eye, and into all the sub-atomic particles within the body, imprinting the higher dimensional frequency fields of Light, and in particular, the sixth dimensional creational field of Galactic Christ Consciousness.
As you experience now, sweet ones, a deeper sense of merging with all 12 Soul rays of which you are one, your Soul family, the recalibration of these Light frequencies lifts you further now into merging at a deeper level with your Beloved I AM Presence and all 144 Soul Rays, of which you are one.

Isis now activates her Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light through the crown chakra. And now, Isis places within the crown chakra a thousand-petalled Lotus, and as this merges into the Violet-White Light of the crown chakra, you align into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation and the knowing sweet ones, of your Self in Self-Mastery in this Now through Divine Love.
Wonderful sweet ones. The Shekinah energy now activates through the kundalini channels, taking you into the Divine Feminine aspects of Creation and Binah, loving kindness and compassion, in the Tree of Life.
As you feel your heart matrix connecting now with the Legions of Light from On High and the many Light workers and star seeded ones connecting at this time of the Solstice and the activation of the Planetary Goddess archetype of Light, you now find yourselves traveling into the Galactic center and into the Seat of Isis.
The Seat of Isis is a beautiful Golden Temple of Divine Love existing within a vorticular shaped galactic formation that looks like a pinwheel. Around the Seat of Isis, a vortex of stars continuously emerges from and spins around the Galactic center, so immense in size, that it is one million times larger than your Sun.
In alchemical language the Center of the Galaxy, also called the Black Sun, the Hidden Sun, or the Invisible Sun, is the Secret Sun of the Eternal Feminine, and now sweet ones, as you enter into the Seat of Isis, you find yourselves in Isis's Golden Temple of Light. Inscribed on this Temple of Light are the words: "I, Isis am all that has been, that is or shall be. The fruit that I bring forth is the Sun."
Isis welcomes you to her Golden Temple of Light in the Galactic Center. She says to you: "All Light workers who embody the principles of the Divine Feminine and the emergence of the goddess in all forms, are invited into this sacred Temple of Divine Love. For there is only Love, and this is amplified within this Temple of Divine Love. And you are here, as you have chosen to re-experience yourselves in your full magnificence and Light as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. My Temples of Light are many, but the greatest Temple of Divine Love is within your hearts."
And now, with Isis and the Sisterhood of the Rose, you surround Mother Earth and all her Life in this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love and now this Silver-Gold, Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Lady Isis. The Sisterhood of the Rose now place their beautiful Pink Rose within the hearts of all humanity, as Isis now places her beautiful healing Flame of Light around each Soul on this sacred Earth.
Wonderful sweet ones. You now assist in transmuting the wounds of the emotional body back into the Light at the height of the Solstice, as you take yourselves now into your Temple of Divine Love within your hearts through the knowing of yourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

You now thank Isis and the Sisterhood of the Rose, as you find yourselves coming back now, fully into your bodies and into your sacred space. Ground once more into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth while keeping this connection open to your Beloved I Am Presence and all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High.

Wonderful sweet ones. We thank you for your service work and with this, we bid you a most magical day.
Transcribed by Eadie Miller

Brought to you by
The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network

Views: 271

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks Steven, veeeeeeeery long, but veeeeeeeery interesting!

Love, Patrizia

Beautiful transmission.  Thank you.

That was very intense ....I actually lost time a bit ..I will repeat at the solstice I much lighter .....Thanks Steve <3

Patrizia, Pamila, & Natasha, Thank you all so much for your replies.

Blessings of Love & Light to all,




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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