The gift of astral travel is a gift of life that we have completely forgotten. Even the ancient Egyptians knew about it and spoke of it passionately.
The soul is designed to be a star traveller… during a person’s life here on Earth.
But it is a gift only for those who seek it. The soul seems to have been designed to visit other star systems and the Creation to learn great knowledge. There are two key reasons why we may have lost this crucial knowledge. Either
the hierarchies of ages gone by have held onto it keeping it for themselves, or
we have inadvertently lost this secret thanks to an existence of hardship over
the millennia.
The secret of inducing the soul out of the body -
Star Gates, Stone Temples and Pyramids
In essence all the ancient dolmen, mounds, pyramids and temples were designed to facilitate a connection with The Creation. Perhaps people in the past have devoted a lifetime to developing their spiritual strength in these places,
probably would be able to induce their soul out of their physical body as an
astral body at will.
A year of near seclusion spending vast tracts of time at his home alongside a river and below a rocky hillside, allowed the author to revive his passion for exploring this possibility, an experience he had previously in a motor cycle
But astral travel was something he could not achieve. Instead It was during this time that he believes he was able to experience that which comes before the ability to astral travel.
Experiencing visions.
It is a scenario with mind awake body asleep and like peering through a lifting mist and seeing 'video clips' with no sound of the lost mysteries of humanity’s history. It was in this time that he compiled the bulk of what was to
become the subject of his book and his websites, always a work in progress.
The Star Gate
There are ways for the soul to be induced out of the body. Sacred places near what appear to be natural earth energy fields found in mountains and running rivers are ideal, alternatively artificial manmade renditions thereof. Perhaps
the perfect place is inside the ultimate manmade geometrically sound mountains…
the pyramids: An enclosed room of granite, an open granite sarcophagus to lie
in… and a ‘star gate’ star aligned shaft to guide the human soul heavenwards.
In ancient Egyptian times, the author believes it is likely when a sarcophagus was not in use for the initiate, a living human being, it would probably have granite jars of water stored in it with its lid closed to create
‘Holy water’. (see secrets of meditation). It is hardly surprising that
historians interpret these empty vessels as coffins. They do not really match
the design of the coffins in the valley of kings since there are no inscriptions
on the pyramid variety. One or two of the some fifty pyramids of Lower Egypt
were found to have a few scattered bones in them and this inspired with the
sarcophagus the idea of pyramids as tombs. When it was first explored, the Great
Pyramid was found to be completely empty and untouched since it was sealed
protecting it from what seems to be the last great flood of 535 AD
The Great Pyramid is probably the ultimate sacred place to induce the soul out of the body. It is the largest and no doubt strongest ‘energy’ for a geometrically sound mountain of stone, built alongside the River Nile and along
Africa’s Great Rift Valley fault line, and last but not least, built with
granite chambers inside it.
The ancient Egyptians called granite ‘spirit stone’… probably not just by coincidence.
Granite is probably a stone that acts like a capacitor in electrical circuits and allows the earth energy to build up and resonate. Consider the design of the ‘Kings’ chamber roof in the Great Pyramid below. It seems intentionally designed
to increase its ‘energy’ tenfold, having many air gaps between many layers of
Granite is probably a stone that acts like a capacitor in electrical circuits and allows the earth energy to build up and resonate. Consider the design of the ‘Kings’ chamber roof in the Great Pyramid below. It seems intentionally designed
to increase its ‘energy’ tenfold, having many air gaps between many layers of
The sarcophagus was no doubt designed for the living and not for the dead!
It is understandable that the occasional tyrannical leader would have wanted to be buried in a pyramid within a sarcophagus, believing that only he was worthy of its ‘magic’. This has been the case in the pyramids of the Maya.
If one studies the great pyramid ‘of initiation’ - the Great Pyramid of Egypt’s Giza plateau - the obvious becomes apparent. It has four very narrow ‘shafts’ to the exterior all positioned in alignment with the stars in what the
author believes can only be ‘star gates’ for the soul.
These are most likely used to target pre-calculated star addresses to be visited!
Every day and every night different star systems align with the star shafts. The stars that align with the shafts most frequently are the stars near the Pleiades.
Once the initiate’s soul becomes ‘loose’, and the constellations patterns and Sun-like stars are learnt, the soul will be able to astral travel using much smaller pyramids, and without having to rely on the guidance of star shafts.
Over time, a pyramid will not even be needed. The initiate will be able to
achieve the same with only a small granite enclosure. The initiate at this point
in time is no longer an initiate, but a fully illuminated and enlightened ‘star walker"
See below: A soul induced out of the living initiates body once the engineered door system with counter weights in the ante-chamber closes.
See below: A soul induced out of the living initiates body once the engineered door system with counter weights in the ante-chamber closes.

The pyramids also appear to allow the plasma energy of The Creation to interact with an Earth energy bathed in exotic elementary atomic particles. The author believes these vibrate at around 10 cycles per second. They literally
resonate the soul out of the body.
The main chamber in the Great Pyramid, the so-called ‘Kings’ Chamber is the perfect chamber for the initiate to learn to astral travel.
The second chamber, the Queen’s Chamber seems to have a dual function. First of all it appears to be the chamber used to verify ones ability of travelling outside his body, by being required to identify and prove what is hidden behind
the blocked ends of the shafts (these are the shafts that archaeologists have
been trying to examine more recently with remote controlled cameras). Secondly,
this chamber is used as an alignment target to other stars for the more advanced
The third subterranean chamber was once used for the storage of ‘holy’ water. This chamber has no star shafts. Because it is completely sealed it is highly effective in saturating water with the exotic elementary atomic particle-based
plasma energy of The Creation (see ‘God particle theory’) . It is this energy that is
probably used to help induce the soul out of the body.
With extensive preparation and years of practice the initiate will no doubt have very little trouble leaving the body.
All the initiate needs to focus on is entering the star gate, the appropriate pre-planned star shaft, and like a bullet his astral body shoots towards the star system it has targeted.
Whilst in the form of an astral body the initiate has only to think, to be able to propel and navigate. To return one has only to think of one’s body.

Three people, among them one very famous person, are known to have spent a night alone in The Great Pyramid on separate occasions. It is worth mentioning that they are all documented as having experienced some highly strange phenomena
during this time. The author believes these experiences can only be explained
plausibly as each person having been outside their physical bodies.
One of these three people was Napoleon.
What the author would like to draw attention to is the destructive ‘phantoms’ aggressively tormenting and ‘challenging’ them that all three apparently experienced. The author is of the opinion that these could have been ‘lost’
souls, trying to avoid judgement, attempting to enter another’s body, to seek
refuge there in their state of vulnerability.
NEVER try to enter the realm of the spirit world
unless you have constructive life habits
and strong faith in The Creation
It takes absolute faith
to be safe in the spirit realm
It is quite possible for a destructive spirit to succeed in entering the body if one loses faith that you are safe in the hands of The Creation while travelling as an astral body. A strong faith creates a strong body veil. Lose
confidence and panic and your body veil probably loses its protective strength.
Schizophrenia is most likely a disorder resulting from another soul gaining
entry into the body.
The ancient Egyptians knew that if they
mummified a dead person’s body to slow its decay
the soul would have time
to learn constructive habits before judgement
As a free being of light, one will be perceptive to a magnetic flow. This magnetic flow can be compared to the movement of wind. The Creation will attract the freed soul into its field of flow, a spiritual field within a magnetic field
of the cosmos. The soul will begin its journey home to the Tree of Life.
The first sensation will be of travelling down a tunnel - a plasma worm hole - and then the appearance of a bright light, perhaps the first encounter of passing right through a star.
The being of light passes through the first gate on the way to The Creation… our Sun. The soul is indestructible. In reality all matter is hollow. Even the centre of the Sun is mostly a vacuum of space.

In the images here, the Sun in our star system - is the place of departure and the soul journeys from star to star along magnetic fields where wormholes seem to flow.
Wormholes are not only for souls. It is highly likely that these paths are also the paths for celestial ships of the angels of our holy books to traverse space and time.

Click here for video footage of a wormhole as seen above. The footage shows various video clips by witnesses of what appear to be unidentified flying objects exiting various plasma wormholes. In all the examples, the trail
glowed afterwards like typical plasma. It may simply be space debris re-entering
the atmosphere as scientists suggest, but if wormholes do exist as scientists
say, then this is exactly what they would look like.
Observers in the video clips believe the objects reduce speed as they exit the plasma trail. In one video example a second vapour trail more like that of an aircraft begins as the object sets off again. Another object exits the plasma
trail creating no trail at all and a third goes into a spin.

The Arrival of the Soul at Birth
Before birth the foetus carries a small part of its new life force makeup, like a layer so to speak carrying a little of both parents’ traits. In its beginning phases the foetus most likely has some residual memory of its parents’
voices, life habits and personalities.
Once The Creation ‘delivers’ the soul with its ‘soul shell’ to its place of birth, the soul with its individual consciousness probably enters the babies body once it is outside the mother’s protective shell, the body veil and most
likely on the infant’s first breath.
From here forward the soul and body shell remain together in the physical body until death.
More on this valuable study will become available in time, as more and more statistics are compiled from the testimonies of people whose residual memories surface in regression hypnosis.
The role of pyramids, mountain caves and stone temples
in connecting the soul
with The Creation…
and in inducing the soul out of the body
Our ancestors made their pyramids and stone temple sanctuaries available only to the elite. Their sacred teachings became hidden and the audacity of their greed has left a huge gap, with humankind having been deprived of illumination.
Early civilisation across the globe was completely on track guided by the visitors who came from the skies, showing people the value of developing the secrets of the soul in caves in mountains in seclusion. Think of ‘Dream Time’ at
Uluru in Australia, think of the Eastern empires of Angkor, think of virtually
all temples ever built and the earliest churches with their imposing steeples
entirely of stone. None of this is purely coincidence. It is time to revive the
hidden records.
Who are we and where do we come from... physically ?

Our physical origins: Option 1 - The Hidden Records
Option 2 - The Key of Solomon
"Our death is not an end
if we can live on in our children
and the younger generation.
For they are us;
Our bodies are only wilted leaves
on The Tree of Life"
Albert Einstein