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Messages from the Masters

The Golden Age of Freedom

February 2010

You cannot master a world without being present within it.
This is the way heaven can be experienced on Earth
and a new Golden Age can become your reality.
It is truly within humanity's Divine Blueprint to move into Oneness, yet this is not to imply that you are to identify with the maze of unconsciousness that has continued to support fear and separation within your world. If you move into Oneness with the collective consciousness of humanity before knowing who you truly are as the Eternal Self, you will be merging your own subconscious streams of thought and feeling with that of humanity.
The ego would like to have you believe that the past and the future are where you should focus your attention. It would like to continue its job of keeping you safe from your own pain and the collective pain of the world. To survive, it has to keep drudging up stories from the past or an imagined future that live solely in your mind. Your Presence, however, only abides in the present. For the ego to ascend and move into its freedom, it must trust that you are truly handing over your life to your God Presence. What a play you have all created for remembering and living as your true Self.

If you can lovingly transform the content of your stories back into their pure original energy, then your ego will see that there is really nothing to protect. This shift in authority from the ego to the Presence is taking place within a great number of souls associated with the ascension of your planet and galaxy. Thousands of you are now taking responsibility for your part in the creation of a new planetary consciousness.
As you transfer your loyalty from the ego to your Presence, you are beginning to create new ways of living and being in your world. The foundation for a new Golden Age of Freedom is already being built by those of you who are willing to transform the erroneous perceptions, judgments or beliefs that may have been held within your minds and bodies.
Part of being an emissary of the highest involves your willingness to be humanly and divinely present with whatever is arising. Mastery is staying awake and aware of your human expression while simultaneously remembering that your Eternal Self is free and already One with Source ~ "in the world and yet not of it." Although your physical bodies are temporary abodes, they are instruments for the Presence that is pulsing through all of life.
To become one with all that is, you have to embody the unconditional love, wisdom and power of your Presence, for only from this level of Self can you lift all the beliefs that have supported your separate ego back into the Light of your original encoding from Source.
When you know your true Self, you have the courage to look compassionately into the face of your false self. This gives you the potential to express love not only from the intimate depths of your humanness but also from the ultimate heights of your Presence, for every part of you is now being called into Union with the Divine.
You, beloved, are being asked to live and love authentically for the first time since the last Golden Age. This shift is calling you to recognize and surrender all of your ego's separate agendas as well as its ultimately false protection of your magnificent heart.

Mastery often unfolds in digestible increments
so you can enjoy your awakening
without being overwhelmed by it.

We are assisting you in staying as present a possible within your everyday lives so you can actually get into your bodies versus being almost entirely in your minds and, therefore, absent and living in separation. Pure consciousness is in your body as surely as it is in the Heart of Source.
Lady Nada:

You must be willing to embrace all that has come through your human DNA in order to reestablish the crystalline DNA of your stellar inheritance. Those extended levels of your DNA were active in the last Golden Age of Atlantis. When your dedication and discipline are centered on being present, you are in loving service to all of your ancestors and all of life everywhere.
You cannot create heaven with your relative mind and its endless content. Beyond form and content is the I Am as pure consciousness arising in every moment. Your true capacity to love unconditionally is just now being remembered in your world by those of you who are awakening to your original encoding.
I am here, beloveds, to share with you that the real you is your Presence ~ your unique expression of the God I Am and freedom comes when the consciousness of your Presence is directing your life. There is no great dividing line between anything or anyone. The fear of pain and death are mental constructs created by the mind. Living as the Presence means training your personality and your ego to live in the silence of your essential, eternal nature until you can hear the Presence versus the thoughts of your separate mind.

What comes forth from the heart of your Presence
will always be in support
of whatever is arising in the moment.

When you truly know who you are outside of the framework of the beliefs and ideas that have been holding you hostage within your separate self, you can start building the foundation for the new Golden Age of Freedom within your own life.
Lady Portia:
I come forth as the Goddess of Justice and the overseer of Harmonious Resolution between your mind, body and feeling nature of your human expression.

As you keep focused on the mind and heart of your Presence, which lives within the undefined and unlimited Light of Source, you will be assisting in the awakening of the Crystalline DNA that is lying dormant within the nucleus of every cell in your body. The moment you define yourself, you limit your Presence and its capacity to bring you into the newness of each unfolding moment. Your Presence is as indefinable as Source it Self.

Free yourself daily
by observing any tendency to define yourself
according to old paradigms, beliefs and patterns.



For the Crystalline Strands to be activated, the thoughts and feelings that have created your planetary amnesia must be filled with so much Source Consciousness that it can be aligned with the Presence of all of life everywhere. There are exercises for opening up your dormant Spiritual Centers and the dormant strands of your DNA in the Courses we have created to Walk the Earth as a Living Master, thus initiating your capacities to embody more of the Love, Wisdom and Power of your Presence.
Are you courageous enough to see where you may still be creating separation and if so, are you willing to love your creations back home into the light of Truth? Although these creations are not truly who you are, only your love can set them free.
You can lift yourself out of the mire (mirror) of the unconscious collective mind and feeling nature of humanity. We are with you always in your focused endeavors to extricate yourself from your own unconsciousness, and yet we implore you to do this transformation with the depths of compassion that is the natural state of your Presence.
As you prepare yourself for the new Golden Age of Freedom, you are expanding your internal capacities to use your extended senses. Enjoy them, yet be not so fascinated by them or by the opening up of your dormant DNA that you lose sight of your ascension. For that is what happened in Atlantis and it is why these openings have not been available until now. You have free will, so it is still your choice as to how all of this is going to turn out.
Everything within and around you is coming back into harmony and balance. Every sound, color and geometry that is holding you within your form body is readjusting itself to a new dimension of being. In Unity Consciousness there are no divisions or any boundaries between all levels of life, whether it be plant, animal, human, angelic or extraterrestrial.

We ask that you stay alert
in a deep listening/feeling mode as much as possible
so you can enjoy the process of your own ascension.

Lady Quan Yin:

Please listen, beloveds, to when you are being asked to rest, meditate, eat or extend your compassion to another, to a particular situation, or to your precious Earth. Every gesture of love comes simultaneously back into your heart, mind and body.
This is the kind of compassion that erases the need for extending even the kind act of what you term forgiveness, for who is there to forgive if you are truly loving?
We understand that it often feels freeing to your soul to forgive yourself or another, yet I tell you that rather than placate the ego's guilt through asking for forgiveness, it is ultimately more important to take on the greater responsibility of loving more unconditionally.
The Courses at have been designed by the Ascended Masters to assist you in reclaiming your Spiritual Heart and living in freedom.
The Courses to Walk the Earth as a Living Master are offered by the Unveiled Mystery School of the Ascended Masters, created by the Masters to assist humanity in living their mastery. The physical expression of the School has been created by Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose. Kamala is the author of "Heart Initiation: Preparing for Conscious Ascension" and has been receiving transmissions from the Masters for over 35 years. Sharon has been in communication with the Masters for over 30 years and has written more than a dozen spiritual books.
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Thank you so much dear Sonja !
Light and Blessings to YOU !!!!!!!



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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