lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
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By Mickey Fortune Cox
Presented at the Ascended Master Teaching Foundation Summer Conference, 2002
Greetings ascending brothers and sisters. It is good to be here with you this afternoon. As we grow in the Teachings, we find ourselves drawn to one of two of the virtues of God and some particular activity of the Masters. This morning I would like you to consider the virtue of Mercy. Although we could trace any of God's virtues as themes throughout the teachings, this morning I would like you to look at the Teachings through the eyes of Mercy.
Beloved I AM Presence, let the Violet Fire blaze up, through and around our physical body, our etheric, mental and emotional bodies, especially through our brain structure and feeling worlds, commanding it to transmute the hard and unforgiving feelings which are the causes and cores of most of our distresses. Replace them by grateful, joyous, receptive feelings which open our world to the goodness of God and make us a mighty magnet to draw to us all the good that God wants us to have. And let that flame expand and fill this sanctuary, Mount Shasta, California, the United States of America, and the entire planet Earth (pause to visualize the Violet Flame).
We call upon Beloved Saint Germain, God of Freedom, Beloved Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy and Love to assist us to open our hearts to receive the feeling of Mercy. We give gratitude to the Cosmic beings, Ascended Host and Angelic Host who have blessed and are blessing now all of us and our dear Earth with Mercy.
Song to Kwan Yin
Take away these books from me; and I have nothing to say. I stand here with deepest gratitude and love for these translations. Without the tireless work of Annette and Werner, Jorge and the dedicated chelas in Panama, and all of the translators we would have nothing to talk about today. Let's acknowledge our appreciation. Thank God! These words are alive; these books are alive.
A little over a year ago, I found, like a treasure of great price, a definition of Mercy that made my heart sing, that resonated throughout every fiber of my being. Thus began a study of this God- quality Mercy. I used Werner's index of the Teachings to do this. I read everything I could. When I was asked to speak at the conference, I knew that my talk would somehow be about Mercy, in order to give back what I had learned.
What is Mercy? Here is Kwan Yin's definition of mercy. She says, "Do you know what mercy is? It is kindness. It is more kindness than justice requires. It is more kindness than can be claimed by merit or service - and forgiveness. There is not one blessed lifestream who has not received of those three immortal gifts, mercy, forgiveness, and love from the heart of God and his messengers many times throughout the ages. So you are not strangers to these gifts which pulsate through the flaming lotus of cosmic mercy, whose purple petals of living flame shall encompass the Earth. There is not one unascended being who even this hour could accomplish the full freedom that lies within the ascension, if these qualities were removed from the Earth" [BTFJ5: 9]
Kwan Yin is the feminine aspect of the Violet Flame. She represents mercy, forgiveness, and love; Saint Germain represents Freedom and Ordered Service. Kwan Yin lived in the golden age of China. She and her court traveled to the far corners of the land bringing the spark of the Mercy Flame to bless homes and children. Once a year she and the ladies of her court went to the large cities and gave audience to members of every household. People came from all over the known world to bathe in the virtue of Mercy. She also had schools for the children whose parents could not protect and instruct them properly.
El Morya: "Many there are who think that singing beautiful songs and violently decreeing in demand of mercy is enough. It is not. Rather it is better to understand why and how mercy should be obtained. .Mercy does not fall from heaven into your lap just for the askingÖMercy should be sought because it annuls the penalty of your fault, and the way to obtain it is by being merciful to your offender - real or imaginary."
Beloved Jesus: »Blessed are the Merciful, for they shall obtain mercy; be ye, therefore, merciful as your Father in heaven is merciful.»
The process of mercy is threefold: Mercy, Forgiveness, Love - by mercy, through forgiveness and in love, all life ascends into its true state. Let us look at this deceptively simple equation. Mercy first - means kindness, the compassion toward another individual or situation comes before forgiveness. Haven't you often heard someone say: "of course I've forgiven my brother (sister, friend, relative, enemy), but I'll never forget what he did!" When we offer another the cup of kindness, we erase the memory of the offense. Mercy carries no grudges; mercy is not selective; mercy purifies the memory; mercy re-establishes the emotional body. To practice Mercy we must call upon an Ascended Master so that we don't tie into the discordant energy of distress that holds together imprisoned life.
All the examples of mercy could never be listed, but let's consider some quite significant ones in the history of our planet and in the history of our individual evolutions.
1. Divine Order is the first law of heaven, the first indication of mercy, the guarantee of structure and purpose in all realms. In 1957, Lord Principa, Lord of Divine Order, who had gone into the Great Silence after the laggards came, returned to the atmosphere to provide assistance in manifesting Divine Order in all areas of our lives [BTFB 2: 107-8].
2. The coming of Sanat Kumara and the Enlightened Ones from Venus in Earth's darkest hour. He was the first Chohan of the Violet Fire.
3. Mercy to the laggards - they were allowed to use of the Earth as a school room and are given the opportunity still to redeem their Karma and ascend.
4. Formation of our hearts. In the Sacred Heart Temple, Mother Mary and Kwan Yin have fashioned our hearts and physical bodies from the purest elementals we have brought forward from our many life times.
5. Only one out of three, applying for birth, is approved by the Karmic Board. When we were given the nod for birth, two others were rejected in order to maintain the balance of the Earth's axis.
6. The veil of forgetfulness -El Morya says, "the veil which is so despised by the chela was provided in mercy by God to kindly shade the past in the velvet folds of forgetfulness so that the soul might not suffer from the memories of that which has bee; and why, before the evolving spirit, the white veil of the unknown tomorrow is star-sprinkled with hope and promise, veiling the 'things to be'" [The first Ray: p. 33]
7. The Resurrection Flame - The first Krishna saw the great need for this Flame after the laggards came to earth. This Flame was then secured for Jesus to use in His ministry after he received it from the Great Divine Director in India; this Flames is used each Spring for the rebirth of all elemental life.
8. The Violet Fire: at the end of each year the Cauldron of Violet Fire at the Teton Retreat is provided for the unintentional mistakes of mankind
9. The Ring-pass-not -this ring of intelligent life seals Earth's misqualified energy so that it will not be released into the atmosphere. How prevalent today are the stories and films about alien invasions, monsters from other planets. The truth is that Earth is quarantined, and we are the ones who are creating monsters with our own misqualifed energy.
10. The elementals' service - Beloved Aries tells us in the book Dictations that if the sylphs (air elementals) and their guardians removed their service from the Earth, there would be no need for nuclear warheads, war or germ warfare because we would asphyxiate ourselves and destroy all life with our exhaled breath! On the drive here from Sacramento, I noticed that the water level of one of the mountain lakes was very low. I realized that because the water element mirrors the emotional bodies of mankind, the humans in this area as well as the undines in the lake must be in need of Mercy.
El Morya, a great promoter of action, tells us to prove what we affirm [BTFJ 5: 322] when He says: "It is time that you understand and through that understanding act constructively, manifesting that which you affirm! You can affirm for an age that you are God-in-action. PROVE IT!" You make the call, the Masters answer, and then what? What do you manifest?
"To honor any quality in another individual -human or divine- is good. To become, in the feelings, a generating and radiating center of that same quality of qualified energy - is Mastery. Let those who honor mercy, become mercy. Let the admiration of virtue now be replaced by the "activation of virtue" [BTFJ 4: 19]
Kwan Yin also urges us to be merciful "on a daily basis. I speak to you from the heart of the Karmic Board and say in the name of God, while you have life and faculties, while you have opportunity and the substance of this world, while you have a knowledge of this Law, in the name of God, fulfill your vow now! Make the call that death, disease, disintegration and decay be removed from the planet. Call that impurity be wiped from the Earth - cause, effect, record, and memory, and leave this planet freer because you have had being" (Dictations: 162).
I am a college instructor and teach grammar and writing. Each semester a large group of students, not at college level, enter the college and must take developmental classes in reading, writing, and grammar. It is through these students that I have learned Mercy and have been given the opportunities to practice it. Many of them work full time, are not married but have children, face extraordinary hardships of poverty, inferior education, deplorable neighborhoods where drugs are sold to children and gangs inflict terror. The worst error that they experience is the lie of prejudice. They come to me, somewhat scarred, but deeply spiritual, enthusiastic, respectful, some of them never having had a white teacher before. I do not teach them about the beloved Chohans or the Violet Flame; we do not speak of Karma and how we create our own obstacles in life; they have never heard of Kwan Yin. But we do speak of Mercy in my classes -I insist on Its Presence every day! My students daily teach me lessons in Mercy, both the receiving and giving of this virtue.
Master El Morya says this about His own experience with Mercy:
"Some sprits do not like restrictions and I am one of them. How I ever got God-free was only through the mercy of Kwan Yin and the kindness of God, himself! So I feel for you who have rebellious spirits, you who do not like change, I can feel for you. I walked that way. I had to learn the law of love and balance and submission until one day, mind, I received the honor of becoming the representative of the will of God - the greatest SURRENDER in the world, you know, the greatest surrender, for I was, I think the greatest trial to the beloved Maha Chohan and the host of heaven. Lovely friends, when your path is hard, when your associations are tryingÖknow that every experience brings gold to the soul who is wise" (BTFJ 5:279).
In conclusion, I will share one of the greatest examples of Mercy. At the private Catholic school I attended, the nuns rewarded us with movies, and the favorite was a black and white film about the life of Christ. For me, the most compelling part was the woman caught in adultery and brought before Jesus in the Temple. The punishment for adultery, according to the law at that time, was stoning, and her accusers all had stones in their hands as they tested beloved Jesus. I remember that he said not a word but bent down and began writing in the sand. With each word he wrote, he asked "He that is without sin among you, let him cast a stone at her." He continued to write words - idolatry, stealing, lying, bearing false witness, disobedience, murder; and they left him, one by one beginning with the eldest until Jesus was left alone. "Woman, where are your accusers? Hath no man condemned thee?" She answered, "No man, Lord," and Jesus told her, "Neither do I condemn thee, go, and sin no more."
Let us put down our stones against churches, our governments, unfair bosses and co-workers, irritating neighbors, family members who disown us, who criticize us; our enemies "real or imagined."
Consider the Mercy bestowed upon us by the Ascended Host and Angelic Host, and let us return that Mercy to them by becoming merciful without exception to everyone who enters our sphere of influence. Consider the Mercy we were given that we did not merit, that the human laws of justice would have denied, that our impersonal service could never have balanced. Mercy is kindness. "By mercy, through forgiveness, and in love, all life ascends into its true state." Let us offer a cup of kindness instead of criticism. Let us go forth and be Merciful!
(BTFJ 1: 329)
May the peace of God be upon this household!
May the love of God be in your hearts.
May the light of God be in your souls!
May the wisdom of God be in your minds!
May the virtue and purity of God be in your feelings!
May the strength and vitality of God be among the members of your household!
May the health and well-being of God be manifest through the bodies, the garments which you wear!
May the grace of God be in your worship!
May the talents and genius of God be manifest through your senses!
May the fullness of the victory of your own God plan be manifest through your souls at the close of your earth life!
Call Unto Me and I Will Answer Thee!
Modificado el ( sábado, 21 de julio de 2007 ) |
Dictating through Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Kuan Yin explained: “Mercy is the strongest power in the universe. It is the power of the will of God. The power of mercy is the intensity of love that will dissolve all fear, all doubt, all recalcitrance and rebellion....The mercy of the Law is sometimes very stern, but it is always patient, always tolerant, and it sees the flame within the heart rising, rising, rising to meet the Christ.”
Elizabeth gives an important clarification about forgiveness. “There is a difference between the forgiveness of sins and their transmutation,” she says. “Someone may steal your purse and later tell you that he is sorry he took it. You may forgive him, but the matter is not closed, karmically speaking, until he returns that purse to you with every penny intact or makes whatever restitution is necessary. Forgiveness is not the balancing of karma; it is the setting aside of karma whereby you are given the freedom to make things right without the heavy burden of sin.”
Kuan Yin inspires us to forgive others, like Jesus taught, so that our heavenly father can also forgive us our trespasses with merciful love. She explains, “For many of you, I have pleaded before the Lords of Karma for the opportunity to embody, to be whole, to not have dealt to you in the physical the great karma of being.
“ When you don't know what to do about a problem, just calm
down, center in the presence of God within you and call to Kuan Yin
in the name of your Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self for
her sword of mercy. Visualize your heart blazing with mercy's pink-violet
fire. Then place your right hand upon your heart and draw forth the
sword of mercy. Take this sword and point it directly into the core
of any problem. Feel the action of mercy's power rushing in to balance
minds and feelings, to transmute and make everyone whole. Meditate
upon the sword and visualize its penetrating, all-consuming action.
And let the flame do its perfect work.”
Another AMAZING bit of information in connection with the Year of the Dragon: Lady Quan Yin or Kuan Yin is often depicted riding a DRAGON!!! The following was posted as a comment by Arleem
Quan Yin is known as the Goddess of Compassion and is often depicted riding on a dragon. She is the eastern counterpart of Mother Mary and she works to balance the feminine energy. She is one of the Lords of Karma representing the sixth ray. [I, for my part always associated her with the 7th - Violet Fire Cauldron - NEW YEAR DISPENSATION - but I know her to work with SEVERAL Rays ...] Isis carried the same 'mother energy' in Egyptian and Hinduism, Shakti (Vishnu's wife), Pavarti (Shiva's wife) and Sita (Rama's wife). Her proper name is Kuanshih Yin and means "She who harkens to the cries of the world".
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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