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It was here in the area of Tibet that a Pyramid was placed in frequency.
Those who followed named it the Place of Shambhala.
The soul who oversees this pyramid goes by the frequency signature, Tsu Li.
This is the creational pyramid which connects
us with our spiritual wisdom and knowledge.
It is within this pyramid that spiritual teachings are created,
based on the needs of each culture as it evolves.
And it was my job, as scribe, to see to it that these teachings
were recorded through oral traditions, in sacred texts and scrolls,
within the energies of crystalline bodies, in stone formations,
in hieroglyphs and pictographs,
in channeled manuscripts and other art forms.
It is in this pyramid that the entities known as spiritual masters and teachers,
angels, gods and goddesses, and spiritual guides, originated.
Many souls will have memories of 'arriving' on planet Earth,
through this pyramid, then taking the form of Tibetan monks.
It is written that these teachers have secret
scrolls hidden away since the dawn of mankind.
These teaching can be found within the matrix of
this pyramid given in keys at the end of this cycle.
Enter now this pyramid where these scrolls await you.
Join with the energies of the three creators of this matrix.
Read their words. Heed their messages. Then you will know.
Welcome, sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this month of June, and particularly as you experience the amplified celestial energies over the time of the Solstice on June 20/21st, as you come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart. What this Solstice energy brings, sweet ones, Overlighted by the Masters from Shambhala and many of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High, is a deeper sense of the wisdom that you hold within, in your ability to communicate and in your ability to simply observe many of the lessons that you have experienced and learnt in this playschool on this sacred Earth; and being able to integrate this into the higher dimensional frequencies of Light, the New Earth templates of Light, as we invite you into this beautiful Pyramid of Shambhala to experience the Twelve Ray Ashrams. The Twelve Rays spiral forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and each one of you, sweet ones, travels on one or more of these Soul Rays as you experience many of your lessons on this sacred earth. It is also the amplification of the Three-fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom that activates at this time in addition to a re-emergence of the Divine Masculine and Feminine frequencies, led in this instance, sweet ones, through the energy of the Divine Masculine archetype.
So let us set our sacred space, as we journey together into this beautiful Pyramid of Shambhala, into these Ray Ashrams and into a renewed re-balancing through this incredible celestial activity of Light and the amplification of the Solstice energies.
You start simply by breathing deep into the body, expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in and contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out. Finding this sense of balance, and deeper connection into the heart chakra simply through the awareness of your own energy in this Now, sweet ones; through your breath, through the energy of your feet on the earth, through the sense of the knowing of yourselves as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light. Overlighted now by Mother/Father God, and the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, and the Arcturians, all of the Light, you experience these beautiful ray frequencies of the Christed ET's and in particular this beautiful silver-gold Flame of the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light as they Overlight you in this sacred year of 2015. As they take you deeper into the heart, in the ability to heal the wounds of old relationships and activate the sacred sexual energy of tantra, of Unity Consciousness, lifting you into the dimensional frequencies of the New Earth templates, sweet ones.
You call in now the Archangels and their Divine Feminine counterparts, the Mighty Elohim, the Order of Melchizedek and Lord Melchizedek, Melchior the Galactic Logos, Helios and Vesta the Solar Logii, Sanat Kumara the Bridge to Solar Christ Consciousness, and Lord Buddha the Planetary Logos. Starting to connect deeper now into Shambhala, experiencing and sensing the energies of the Ray Masters, Master El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, St Germaine and Lady Portia, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin, and Pallas Athena, and merging now with your Beloved I AM Presence, the Highest Light of who you are in the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. Calling in your Master Guides and your Guardian Angel, and all other Beings of Light from On High you personally acknowledge and wish to join you now in this sacred space.
And you have a sense now as the energies of the Solstice approach, of connecting into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, this grid of Light within you and around you, linking you now into the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light. Connecting you to the Light workers and the star seeded ones, to your soul and star family and friends of the Light, and coming deeper and deeper into your own hearts, sweet ones, into the integration of the ray frequencies, into the integration of your Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits, and into the ability to hold and activate at a deeper level within your heart the Three-fold Flame of Empowerment, of Love, and of Wisdom.
And now Tsu Li Overlights you, inviting you to travel into the Ray Ashrams of Shambhala, to integrate any of the lower ray frequencies, in particular of the First Seven Rays, that you may still be working with, sweet ones, in the healing of your wounds ~ of power issues, of control issues, or lack of abundance issues. Whatever these issues are for you, sweet ones, there is a focus in this Now through the Solstice energies and the activation of the Three-fold Flame and the embrace of your Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits in experiencing a greater sense of balance. And you have a sense now of connecting to Shambhala, visualizing this beautiful external Merkaba Vehicle of Light activating around your body and energy field in the highest Light ray frequencies of your Beloved I AM Presence, and connecting now to all the Illumined Beings of Light, and Light workers, as you travel through the grids of Divine Love into the Pyramid of Shambhala within the etheric of Tibet and the Gobi Desert.
As you enter into this Pyramid of Shambhala you are welcomed and greeted by Tsu Li. And you have a sense too of many of the Ascended Masters and Ray Masters that may come forward at this time as Master Guides to you, sweet ones. For in your travels on the inner planes many of you have worked with the Masters from Shambhala as the students, the Chelas on the Thread. You have been imbued with the energy of the particular Master or Masters that are part of the Soul Ray frequencies that you are integrating in this lifetime, sweet ones, and these familiar energies are presented to you either through the Ray Masters, or through colors, or symbols, or sounds; taking you deeper into the knowing that you are indeed activating for yourself and others the New Earth Templates of Light ~ of creating these Pathways of Divine Love ~ in the recognition of your own challenges as initiations of Light.
And now it is Master El Morya who comes forward and welcomes you into the First Ray Ashram of Will and Power. As you enter into this ray ashram you are wrapped now in this beautiful red flame of Light. The energy of this ray ashram, sweet ones, as with all the First Seven Ray ashrams, brings through both the higher and lower qualities to the rays, much as you walk the karmic pathways and the Christed Timelines. But it is in the knowing that you are experiencing the Christed Timelines, as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love, and your ability to surrender to every single aspect of your journey and what it presents to you, sweet ones, that will allow you to merge the karmic and the Christed Timelines. And as you are wrapped once more in this beautiful red flame of Light you have a sense of aligning your will deeper into the Will of God, of being the spiritual warrior on the journey, ensuring that justice shall be served, and doing so with compassion, with understanding of the pain and suffering of others, with discernment, with clear boundaries, and with your ability, sweet ones, to simply Love all those around you ~ no longer in this dance of separation, no longer in this sense of "them and us", simply loving or observing, or choosing discernment, as is appropriate to each situation, and no longer acting or re-acting in a way that perpetuates the victim or persecutor consciousness. And you see if there are any power or control issues that you are still working with. Allow yourselves to simply observe what comes to mind, to bless, to forgive, to love, to let go, to integrate, to appreciate, to celebrate all that you are experiencing, sweet ones, in finding your balance, in experiencing a greater sense of the wisdom that you hold, of the power that you have, and the Love that you are.
And now you find yourselves Overlighted by Master Kuthumi and being led into the Second Ray Ashram of Love and Wisdom, wrapped now in a beautiful blue-pink Flame of Divine Love. The energy of this ray, sweet ones, is very much about finding the nurturing and the love and the appreciation of Self, as well as a greater sense of your Heart's Dreaming and your Heart's Joy. And you have a sense too of what it is that may be coming up for you in terms of the self-saboteur or addiction or blockages that prevent you from truly experiencing your full magnificence and Light. And as you embrace these sub-personality aspects within your heart, and within your Love you find, sweet ones that you are simply accepting of what you are and where you are, loving and appreciating yourself without judgment. Nurturing and being kind to yourselves, complimenting yourselves, and finding balance in your ability to give to others and to give to yourselves by putting yourselves first, sweet ones.
And now, sweet ones, you are Overlighted by Master Serapis Bey, as you find yourselves now within this Third Ray Ashram within Shambhala wrapped in this beautiful yellow-golden flame of Wisdom, of Divine Intelligence. This ray in particular, sweet ones, amplifies the perceived separation that is experienced through lesser-than and better-than consciousness; and spiritual arrogance, or lack of self-esteem and self-worth. You let go of these comparative measures, sweet ones, for you understand that all is divinely perfect; your unique gifts and the knowing that you are immeasurable in your magnificence and Light and what you add to the collective as your individual puzzle piece. There is a greater sense of unity that starts to emerge as you experience the merging too of the Christed Timelines and the karmic timelines, and of your Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits. You are being led with wisdom, with insight, understanding, knowledge, Love, empowerment and the Overlighting of your Beloved I AM Presence as you walk the Pathway of Divine Love, and right now, sweet ones, the illumination of the Mind of God activates through the pituitary, the pineal, the hypothalamus and the thalamus glands.
And now sweet ones, you experience the Overlighting of Master Paul the Venetian, as you are invited into the Fourth Ray Ashram of Harmony through Conflict. As you enter into this ashram you are wrapped in this beautiful emerald-green flame of Light. The energy of this ray ashram, sweet ones, is very much about the experience of Harmony through Conflict. It is also about a deeper sense of your creative gifts and your ability to simply find appreciation in the moment, no matter what is going on around you, knowing that all is divinely perfect, all is well ~ to release the fear, the stress, the tension, and the worry. You see this beautiful flame dissolving energetically into each sub-atomic particle of your Beingness taking you deeper and deeper into your Heart's Dreaming and your creative gifts, and the experience of peace and serenity, harmony and balance within your own lives, sweet ones.
And now, sweet ones, Master Hilarion Overlights you, inviting you into the Fifth Ray Ashram of Concrete Knowledge, and as you find yourselves now entering into this beautiful ashram of Light, you are wrapped in this orange flame. The essence of this ray, sweet ones, is taking you into the integration of the spiritual scientific principles through the rebalancing of the left and right hemispheres of the brain, the mental and the emotional bodies, the physical and the spiritual bodies; of finding in essence the ability to express your truth in such a way that the foundational understandings activate in a deeper level of knowing of the higher mind teachings of Light. And you allow these observations and understandings through the various timelines that activate in this Now and the amplification of the solstice energies, to bring to you right now, sweet ones, what you are needing for the perfect balance between your emotional and mental bodies, between your physical and spiritual bodies.
And now sweet ones, Sananda Overlights you, inviting you into the Sixth Ray Ashram of Devotion and Idealism. As you enter now into this ray ashram, sweet ones, you are wrapped in this beautiful indigo flame of Light. The essence of this ray frequency activates a greater soul signature of your devotion, sweet ones, in assisting in the creation of your Heaven on Earth, and these New Earth templates of Light. Giving you the strength and the wisdom and the understanding to commit to the Pathway of Divine Love and all the responsibilities that may come from it and with it; the understanding as we have previously expressed, of your challenges as Initiations of Light, and your unwavering commitment to the Light regardless of what is going on around you or within this world. Knowing sweet ones, that Love will always prevail and if there is an aspect of your consciousness that is still needing to experience a deeper sense of trust and surrender to the Divine you allow these beautiful indigo flames of Light and the frequency of the sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism to activate at a cellular level to take you more deeply into this Pathway of Divine Love.
And now sweet ones, you are Overlighted by Master Saint Germaine who invites you into the Seventh Ray Ashram of Ceremonial Magic. As you enter into this ashram you are wrapped in this beautiful violet flame of God's Infinite Perfection. It is the energy of this ray that imbues this earth plane in this Now, sweet ones ~ why so many of you activate and accelerate your own ascension process ~ has been through the rays of infinite perfection that stream in consciousness through this seventh ray ashram, to which many of the rays themselves activate into greater streams of Light, and in particular taking you into the bridge that allows you to access the Five Higher Earthly Rays, and an additional Six Cosmic Rays. As you experience this beautiful violet flame of Transformation, of God's Infinite Perfection, you have a sense of the abundance of every area of your life. Of your ability to not only let go of old issues, beliefs and judgments, but to know that you are doing this too collectively, sweet ones, in shifting the energy of this sacred earth, and creating a level of abundance, including financial abundance, for all life on this sacred earth.
And now it is Lady Nada that comes forward and Overlights you, inviting you into the Eighth Ray Ashram of Transmutation, and as you enter into this ashram of Light wrapped in this beautiful sea-foam green and violet colored ray, you have a deeper sense now of simply walking the pathway of Divine Love and the Christed Timelines; of merging the timelines of your highest potentials, coming deeper and deeper into your Heart's Dreaming and the rebalancing of your Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits. This ray, sweet ones, also starts to activate a deeper sense of your extra-sensory perception gifts, and brings through in particular the ability to transfigure energetic and physical changes, particularly of health issues or disease and discomfort within the physical body. It is a ray upon which you walk that brings a greater sense of your heart's passion, and a greater sense of nurturing to Self, and a greater sense of connecting in community.
Wonderful, sweet ones. You now find yourself Overlighted by Mother Mary, as you are invited into the Ninth Ray Ashram of Highest Potentials. As you enter into this ray ashram you are wrapped now in this beautiful blue-green flame of Light. This ray, as it expresses in its full magnificence, sweet ones, takes you into a deeper sense of your potentiality; and merges the timelines from this dimension and all dimensions of Light to take you deeper into the Abyss, into the multi-dimensional aspects of yourselves in which you experience your many gifts as the teachers, the healers, the poets, the writers, the channelers, the transmitters, the artists, the dancers ~ it matters not. It brings a greater sense of connecting in joy to your soul purpose, through the activation of the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint within the perineum center and a deeper alignment into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, and you just allow this joy to activate at a cellular level within your bodies and energy fields in this Now, sweet ones.
And now you find yourselves Overlighted by Allah Gobi, Chohan to the Tenth Ray of Divinity, who invites you now into this Tenth Ray Ashram of Light. As you enter into this Tenth Ray Ashram of Divinity you are wrapped in this beautiful pearlescent flame of Light. It is within this beautiful ashram that you merge with your multi-dimensional aspects, and experience sweet ones, this essence of Divinity through the perfect balance of the Three-fold Flame of Empowerment, of Love, of Wisdom ~ of letting go of any level of victim or persecutor consciousness ~ and your ability to know that you have already been walking the Pathways of Divine Love, and creating these pathways for yourselves and for others for some time now. And you honor this journey, for it is taking you into a greater level of the blossoming of your magnificence and your Light. We know that this has not been an easy journey for most of you, not only imbued by the lower dimensional frequencies, but also in your ability to remain completely aligned into the higher dimensional templates with all that is going on from an external perspective on this sacred earth.
And now this stability comes, sweet ones, for yourselves and for others, as you come together at the time of the Solstice and you experience now this great sense of activating this perfect balance for yourselves as this beautiful lotus activates within the heart chakra ~ this balance of Empowerment, of Love, and of Wisdom.
And now you experience the Overlighting of Lady Quan Yin, inviting you into the Eleventh Ray Ashram of Divine Love and Illumined Truth. As you enter into this ashram of Light, as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light, you are wrapped in this beautiful pink-orange flame, bringing with it a greater sense of insight and understanding and wisdom ~ heart-centered in the knowing of the choices that you make, sweet ones, that align you deeper into your journey, of the knowing of your ability to experience Love, no matter what is being experienced around you. At this level there is no need for further reflections, only the experience of Love and Unity, that connect you as One Cosmic Heart of Divine Love; amplified in this Now into a greater level of the communication, utterance and expression of your spiritual reality, as you embrace yourselves in a deeper level of nurturing, of Love, and understanding, insight and wisdom.
And lastly now, sweet ones, you are invited into the Twelfth Ray Ashram, the Twelfth Ray of One Unity Consciousness, Overlighted by Lady Pallas Athena. Lady Pallas Athena now wraps you in this beautiful golden flame of Christ Consciousness, of Unity Consciousness, connecting you deeper into the energy of the Divine Masculine archetype. Your Divine Masculine Spirit appears to the front of you now, and your Divine Feminine Spirit to the back of you. Both place their hands upon your heart chakra, and as you experience this dance into the perfect balance, sweet ones, of your Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits, the kundalini and tantric channels activate to the maximum Cosmic Law can allow. Wonderful sweet ones. And now, you activate your Golden Hearts in empowerment, and Love, wisdom, illumination, joy, abundance and harmony.
Good. Tzu Li comes forward now, and embracing you in the energies in particular of the First Three Rays, of Power, Love and Wisdom, invites you now into the Office of the Christed One through the Second Ray Ashram of Love and Wisdom. And as you travel through and within the Second Ray Ashram in this Pyramid of Shambhala you enter now into the Office of the Christed One, wrapped once more in the beautiful golden flame of Unity Consciousness and now the silver-gold flame of Sacred Sexuality, Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light. You are lifting yourselves more and more into the Christed Mind, sweet ones, and you are further Overlighted now by the energy of Helios and Vesta the Solar Logii; as you link into the Sun and into the Solar Crystalline Codes of Creation and the New Earth Templates of Light, through the Sun within your hearts, within your Golden Hearts. And now from here into the Central Sun, and now the Great Central Sun.
As you align fully through all dimensions into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God you become aware that you are surrounded now in a circle of twelve men, and twelve women. These Divine deities representing the Divine Feminine deities and the Divine Masculine deities invite you to merge into this circle of unity, and as you step forward, it is with the male deities that you merge first, sweet ones, as you experience the amplification of the Solstice energies.
This brings strength and courage and the healing of the wounds of your relationships that you may have with the Divine Masculine energy to all of you, sweet ones; and you just experience a greater level of the kundalini and tantric channels activating, and the healing of the wounds of your relationships in this beautiful Office of the Christed One.
And now, sweet ones, you merge with the Divine Feminine deities feeling and experiencing the Love of the Divine Mother, healing the wounds of relationships, experiencing this Love and this nurturing within yourselves and knowing sweet ones, you no longer need to experience old karmic relationships or patterns unless you have the firm belief that this is how you learn best; for you have completely merged the timelines now, and you are experiencing the full magnificence of your Light through the integration of your Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits.
Good. This is a time, sweet ones, of new beginnings once more. And as you come back now into your sacred spaces, traveling in your external Merkaba Vehicles of Light energetically, coming back into your sacred spaces, fully grounded and centered, you experience the amplification of the Three-fold Flame of Empowerment, Love and Wisdom. And we say to you, sweet ones, that when you are ready the Scrolls of Light that exist within Shambhala carrying the hieroglyphics of the Higher Mind Teachings of Light that many of you would know as the Right Eye of Horus, will activate through the third eye, initially, in the form of sacred geometries, or hieroglyphics or key codes of Light that will bring a greater remembrance of your work with Shambhala and how you can more deeply assist in your service work for this sacred Earth.
Wonderful sweet ones. You ground now into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, and into the Inner Earth Sun, visualizing this grounding cord coming from the sacral chakra and taking it deep into the energy of Earth. Mother Earth sends you her Love back up your grounding cord and into your body and energy field, and you are wrapped in these beautiful flames of Divine Love and these Rays of Creation. And see if there are particular rays that come to mind, sweet ones, that you may still be working with and integrating, as you accelerate into a greater level of the knowing of your magnificence and Light.
We thank you, sweet ones, for your service work, and we bless you, and with this we bid you a most magical day.
Transcribed by Eadie Miller
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Shefali Burns' Season 7 Awaken To Happiness Now Global Summit
Precious hearts,
I have been invited to be part of Shefali Burns' Season 7 Awaken To Happiness Now Global Summit with 40+ other Transformational Leaders.
This incredible interactive event begins June 9th.
You will be offered an opportunity to experience powerful energy processes, activations, healing techniques, and tools & strategies, assisting us in our collective ascension process as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
If you may like to register, click here:
When you register, you will receive access to all of the calls and the Happiness Kit plus wonderful BONUS gifts to assist you on your journey as you walk the pathway of Divine Love.
Shefali is truly committed to helping you transform your life to a new level of consciousness and I'm honored to be a part of her extraordinary interactive event.
Welcome onboard. I look forward to having you join us on this amazing journey of joy and happiness.
Blessings and much Love
Anrita Melchizedek
Thanks Myriel, for sharing high dose enlightening, but very important, information. I must go through this again after studying lot of related stuff.
I seek blessings from ascended Spiritual fathers and mothers in higher dimensions for all of us to understand this crucial information to ascension.
Love, Light and Harmony with and for All
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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