lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
The threefold flame, or divine spark, is the seed of the divine within us. It is the seed of the Inner Christ and the Inner Buddha.
The threefold flame within the heart embodies the same qualities of love, wisdom, and power that manifest in the heart of the Almighty, in the heart of your I AM Presence, and in the heart of your Higher Self. This divine spark is your passport to immortality.
The threefold flame resides in the secret chamber of the heart. It is the Eighth Ray and the eight-petaled chakra. It is like the antechamber to the twelve-petaled heart chakra.
The heart is the soul’s link to divinity. This is because the I AM Presence placed a spiritual flame—the essence of itself—in each one’s heart. This flame is also the essence of God, because the I AM Presence is an emanation of God.
Right within your own body temple are three fiery plumes of the Holy Spirit—pink, yellow, and blue pulsations of living flame. Thus the heavenly Trinity gains expression in the world of material form. And the energies of Father (blue), Son (yellow), and Holy Spirit (pink) are resplendent in the heart of man.
Also corresponding with the trinity of body, mind, and soul, the threefold flame supplies man’s needs for
- Power to run the body (the faith and goodwill of the divine intent);
- Wisdom to nourish the mind (illumination and the right use of the knowledge of the Law); and
- Love to fulfill the destiny of the soul in conscious outer manifestation (a just and merciful compassion that is always rewarded by individual creative fulfillment).
The flame within the heart is your personal focus of the sacred fire. It is your opportunity to become one with your Higher Self, whether you call it the Christ, the Buddha, the Tao or the Atman. It is the potential of your Divinity waiting to burst into being within your humanity.
Long ago, during the first three golden ages before man’s departure from innocence, the crystal cord was nine feet in diameter and the threefold flame enveloped his form. Man’s source of energy was literally unlimited and his higher consciousness was all enfolding. After the Fall, man’s opportunity to exercise his free will was curtailed. By cosmic edict the threefold flame was reduced to one-sixteenth of an inch in height.
As the flame of illumination expands from within your consciousness, it gradually enfolds your being until God, as holy wisdom, is enthroned upon the altar of your heart. But with each increase of wisdom, the power and love plumes must also rise by the fiat of your devotion; else the wisdom will not be retained. Likewise, with each getting of power there must come the attainment of wisdom and love in perfect balance. So, too, love is actualized only through an equivalent manifestation of power and wisdom.
On the average, the threefold flame is one-sixteenth of an inch in height, but its plumes are usually not the same size. Only when the three plumes are in balance can the threefold flame expand as a whole. And when your threefold flame expands, your spiritual light and power will increase exponentially.
with the threefold flame (c)www.TSL.org
How can you balance the three plumes so that they are equal in size and intensity? Through devotion to God and service to life.
Saint Germain advises us to meditate on the qualities of each plume to determine, through our soul sensitivity, which of the three is the weakest and which is the strongest. Then, he says, we can use the power of the strongest plume to strengthen the two weaker plumes.
You can tell when your plumes are not balanced by how strongly you feel God’s power, God’s wisdom or God’s love in your heart. If you do not feel the first, second or third plume of the Trinity pulsating in your heart, then you know that you must exercise the neglected attribute or attributes.
For instance, if your blue plume is your strongest plume, then it is in command of the yellow plume as well as the pink plume. Maintain your strength in the blue plume and use it to shore up the yellow and the pink plumes. Then take action to increase the pink plume and the yellow plume, thereby attempting to establish equilibrium between the three even while you fan the fires of the heart.
If you have a tendency to withhold love from your adult self, from your inner child or from others, go out and find those who need your love and give cup upon cup of Love’s elixir to all who will receive your love. Stay with this assignment until you feel the strength of God’s love in your heart and you know of a certainty that you have brought the pink plume to the level of the blue plume.
Now, if you sense that you are not exercising the wisdom God gave you—by teaching the illiterate to read and write, for instance—then bring the sunbeams of God’s wisdom to those who need them most. Serve others selflessly and you will know the freedom of giving away the gifts of the Trinity.
Your goal in this process is to balance the threefold flame so that the love of your heart may also be equal to the intelligence of your mind and to the determination of the will of God that he sealed within you in the Beginning.
Give this fiat with determination with Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Balance the Threefold Flame in Me
Balance the threefold flame in me! (give 3 times)
Beloved I AM!
Balance the threefold flame in me! (3x)
Take thy command!
Balance the threefold flame in me! (3x)
Magnify it each hour!
Balance the threefold flame in me! (3x)
Love, wisdom, and power!
The Keepers of the Flame Fraternity is a non-denominational spiritual fraternity for men and women in the tradition of ancient spiritual orders.
Saint Germain, whose name means Holy Brother, founded the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity in Washington, D.C. in 1961 through the Messenger, Mark L. Prophet. It is composed of warriors of light who pledge to see this earth through to a golden age of freedom, peace and enlightenment by uniting to keep the flame of life.
What is the flame and why should you keep it?
The flame is the spiritual fire within your heart—a divine spark that is your own portion of Spirit. Nurturing and developing this flame is key to your soul’s eternal union with your Higher Self.
Keepers of the Flame tend this fire by preserving and upholding the principles of freedom and the sacredness of life and by extending the flame to others who do not know that they have a divine spark.
You can be a member of another organization or church or a follower of another teacher or group and still be a Keeper of the Flame. It is simply a universal spiritual order.
It is an outer branch of the Great White Brotherhood composed of ascended masters along with souls on earth who desire to see our planet through to a golden age of freedom, peace and enlightenment. “White” refers to the aura of white light that surrounds these masters (not race). You can establish and strengthen connections with the masters and like minded brothers and sisters worldwide by joining this group.
As the founder of this spiritual order, Saint Germain is known as the Knight Commander. Saint Germain is our immortal friend who is determined to lead the earth into the golden age of Aquarius. He has been called the Master Alchemist, and he teaches us techniques whereby we can become the divine alchemist, transforming our lives and gaining self-mastery by tending the threefold flame of life upon the altar in the secret chamber of our hearts.
In his embodiments as Christopher Columbus, Francis Bacon and le Comte de Saint Germain, he paved the way for the technological revolution and the greater awareness of personal freedom that occurred in the twentieth century. His soul ascended to God at the end of his embodiment as Francis Bacon in the seventeenth century.
If you feel the inner fire of the heart for this calling, please consider joining the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity.
See Brochure (PDF) in English and Español
Pledge To the Knight Commander Saint Germain (PDF) English
Al Caballero Camendador Saint Germain (PDF) Español
You can also contact Customer Service for more information.
Did you know that God lives in your heart as an actual energy field of extraordinary love, wisdom and power for good?
Scientists at the Institute of Heartmath discovered that the heart has its own intelligence, separate from the brain, which can be tapped into for answers to some of life's most challenging questions. This intelligence is actually a vortex of divine energy that pulses, glows and spins in a magnificent three-quarter time rhythm.
The threefold flame is anchored at the level of our etheric body, so it is not visible to the naked eye, as in open-heart surgeries. It can be felt, however, if you close your eyes and place your attention deeply on your heart. It can also be seen at spiritual levels.
When I was searching for God many years ago, I had a dream one night, and then I realized I wasn't actually sleeping. In the experience I was drawn into the heart and witnessed this magnificent and extraordinary forcefield of light, rotating and radiating the most beautiful energy of love, holiness and all-knowingness. It was like the most beautiful gemstone, but it was also alive, shooting forth sparks of colored light. As I entered into it, the energy enveloped me, in a cosmic interval. Nothing in our physical world could quite match it.
We find references to this flame in all of the major spiritual traditions, especially when we examine the writings of the mystics. A lot of teachings about this flame were also given through the I AM and ascended master teachings.
Understanding our threefold flame is essential to our lives because it is our point of contact with our higher self.
Our threefold flame is made of three energies, with their corresponding color frequency. The sapphire blue plume of divine power, faith and good will, focuses the Alpha energies of Father within us. The golden yellow plume of divine wisdom and illumination focuses the Christic energies of the Son. The soft pink plume of divine love and creativity focuses the Holy Spirit. These three plumes spring from a concentrated focus of white light, the “pearl of great price,” that anchors the light of the Divine Mother.
The vibrancy of our pink plume influences our emotional well being. The vibrancy of our yellow plume influences our mental abilities. And the vibrancy of our blue plume influences our physical vitality. In most people, the threefold flame is one sixteenth of an inch in height and can be increased. For our threefold flame to grow, the three plumes must first come into balance.
In a teaching by Sirius Consulting, we read that negative karmic patterns and psychological weaknesses lead to people have a plume that is shorter, as well as a plume that is taller, than the others. The taller plume relates to our area of competency and pride. The shorter plume corresponds to our area of fragmentation. Every time we express negative thoughts, feelings and actions, we end up suppressing one or more of our plumes and we “dumb down” our divine potential to be whole.
As we learn to balance these divine energies and expand them in our daily interactions and affairs, we walk the path of adeptship in the footsteps of Jesus, Gautama Buddha and all Eastern and Western saints.
To help you, this website is divided into three areas, like the flame in your heart:
On the love page,, you will find contemplative teachings to help you balance and expand your threefold flame.
On the wisdom page, read more about your specific threefold flame pattern, and your psychology and well-being.
On the power page, harness the divine energies of your threefold flame to create positive spiritual change in the world.
We also invite you to read The Legend of the Ancient of Days about the story of Sanat Kumara and the threefold flame at Shamballa.
The Legend of the Ancient of Days
Thank you for taking this time to discover the most amazing thing about yourself—that God lives inside you, waiting to envelop your entire consciousness, being and world.
The Cosmic Beings of Faith, Hope and Charity
The three cosmic beings who bear these names work with the Archeia Faith, Hope and Charity to release their virtues to the people of earth. Their spiritual support contributes to every
advance in science, art and civilization. These three divine beings
each anchor a ray of their momentum into the heart chalice and threefold
flame of every soul evolving on earth.
Hope, anchored through the yellow plume springs forth as a fount of eternal illumination. Faith, anchored through the blue plume, is the divine power that saves those who dare to believe. Charity
is the boundlessness of divine love, anchored in the finite chalice
of our being. Through this action of light, these three cosmic beings
assist us in balancing and expanding our threefold flame, until our
heart and auric field attain the frequency of the resurrection flame,
whereby we earn our immortal freedom and ascend home to God.
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Good to have you love - LOL!
Sending you a sister's hug,
Sonja Myriel
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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