lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Dear Lightgrid Family and Gridwork Team,

This is the 3rd time that I write this broadcast message as every time before the Web Browser simply closed down when I was about to finish writing. Every time the message looked a bit different - now the final version is HERE, ready for you to take it in, and the very first thing I need to confirm is:


She is among us, she has returned, she listens to our PRAYERS, and she is ready, willing and prepared to ANSWER them as she did in the beginning. The CREATRESS, the GODDESS has taken her Seat beside GOD and the Sacred Marriage is going to be prepared.

On March 20th 2015, the Return of the Sun on the North Pole will be accompanied by a SOLAR ECLIPSE, which means that Sun and Moon will meet. 

And July 3rd 2014 carries the same energetic signature as  that significant day.

According to the Mayan Calendar of the indigenous people of Yucatán, this day will be CAUAC 4, a STORM DAY on the number 4, which has to do with the BODY and the CREATION of the elements. STORM brings clearance - it is the glyph I most associate with the VIOLET RAY.

According to the Mayan Calendar proposed by José Argüelles, this day is CIMI 12, the White Crystal World-Bridger, in its original meaning DEATH on the Crystal (CHRIST) Tone of 12. This day glyph brings in the energy of the CRYSTALLINE CREATRIX.

Interestingly enough BOTH, day glyphs carry the connotations of MANIFESTATION - either on the primary level of the number 4 or the crystalline level of the number 12 - and TRANSMUTATION - death and storm.

The old will give way to the new. 

Lord SHIVA comes to mind, in his power to destroy and re-surrect.

The day AFTER, that is July 4th as well as March 21st, carries the energies of HEALING (Manik 13 - Yucatán Day count) and RESURRECTION through the SUN Sign ( AHAU 5 - calendar according to José Argüelles)

The SUN brings in an important new element: The GOLDEN RAY ESSENCE of UNITY and CHRIST Consciousness - which will result in the HEALING of Humanity's wounds and blindness, which brought disaster and chaos to the world as our creative abilities were undermined by hatred, anger and most of all FEAR.

These wounds are now to HEAL.

This blindness is now to be cured by growing awareness and consciousness!

And the 260 days + 1 from July 3rd 2014 to March 21st will serve to anchor this GOLDEN LIGHT of CHRIST LOVE and Consciousness deep into the HEARTS of Humanity, which is the HEART of GAIA.

Thus, July 4th, celebrated in the US as the INDEPENDENCE DAY, and accompanied this year by a Grand Cross which points directly to Washingtron D.C., announces to us as AHAU 13 this HEALING Potential, MANIK 5, of the GOLDEN SUN LIGHT which we are called to SPREAD throughout the world from that day onwards through our daily lightgrid connexions AND through our growing awareness in everyday life which shall become a DANCE! A DANCE to anchor CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS, LOVE and PEACE with EVERY STEP WE TAKE!

Every step we take a PRAYER.



A PRAYER of LIFE for LIFE to EVOLVE to the next level, the level of CHRIST LOVE on EARTH!

It is not coincidence that the HYADES via their messenger Eileen Coleman came through and contacted us shortly ago.

It is not coincidence that a year ago those who attended the first lightgrid meeting which took place in Austria received an initiation into the GOLDEN LIGHT FREQUENCY.

It is not coincidence that we were 4 people, the number of CREATION, and that we were told to ANCHOR the Golden Light with EVERY STEP WE TAKE from that point onwards.

It is not coincidence that dearRainbow Thunderheart spoke to us about this very same thing: The anchoring of LIGHT with every step we take as we move forward on our path, raising our EVERYDAY CONSCIOUSNESS to that of PRAYER and CONNEXION.

It is not coincidence that Ishema has shared with us the US CAPITOL MEDITATION which will continue on until the elections of November 2014 and the pictures of the recent crop circles and all the information about the Grand Cross and July 4th in her group called Meditations to Empower Humanity - and

it is not coincidence that the picture of the crop circle coincides with the picture of the Sacred Marriage which I posted onto Paul's discussion.

EVERYTHING is connected!

And no matter where you stand, no matter where you begin - you are part of the ALL that IS and thus DIVINELY GUIDED - and you are able to gain insights into this fabric of life and BEINGNESS now yourself as you begin to take synchronicities for what they are: wayshowers and confirmations :-)

And NOW:

RECEIVE the GOLDEN LIGHT INITIATION any time you feel READY for it from July 4th onwards!

Connexion Times - 12 am/pm and 6 am/pm CET - will be like broadcast times. And INSTINCT CRYSTAL GRIDS serve like antennae - to receive and transmit.

Observe closely, please, ALL that happens around you on July 3rd. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings AND to your experiences on that day. They will serve as clues which will help you to prepare in the best way possible for March 20th, EQUINOX and Solar Eclipse.

Some will receive guidance for their personal growth, some for the healing of their peoples, and some of us will be given tools which can be helpful for all the members of lightgrid and thus humanity. Whatever it is, your SHARINGS can help others! Your visions and insights, your experiences will help us to develop what is necessary for March 20th / 21st, so PLEASE SHARE what you receive on the inner levels or through the outer circumstances of your life if you feel this inner urge to DO so.

From now on we will work with 3 main tools:



The GOLDEN LIGHT SEEDS of Unity and Christ Consciousness.

These Seeds are growing a Universal Network now.

The Grandmothers have shared with us quite some time ago the basics of this Golden Net of Light. NOW is the time for this Net of Light to grow STRONG!

And so I share with you now the call of the Grandmothers to participate in the weaving of this Golden Net of LIGHT:

Please join with us each night at 9 p.m. (in any time zone) as we meditate and connect with one another through the Net of Light. The Grandmothers ask that we do this to strengthen the matrix we are forming within the Net. This will provide a firm foundation for the work we are presently doing to support the earth and will enable us to do more in the future.

And I ask you to transmit the Golden Light in our daily connexions, too, from July 4th onwards, as you send the Violet Ray to wherever it is most needed.

The Crystalline Creatrix beneath your feet will provide the knowing and the energy, as it is connected to all the Sacred Sites around the world.

The Violet Light will transmute all darkness back into light and free all life that comes into contact with it. 

And the Golden Light will CONNECT US AS ONE.

Thus, I am very much looking forward to receiving GUIDANCE tomorrow, July 3rd, about how to meet and greet March 20th. And on July 4th I ask Tej, Vee and Ralph and ALL the novices of the Golden Light to help transmit the CHRIST LIGHT FREQUENCY into the Golden Heart of GAIA which is ONE with all the hearts of HUMANITY!

The CUP of LOVE is filled to the BRIM!

The Cup of LOVE will be passed around.


Receive the LOVE of CHRIST


with every step you take

with every touch

with every smile

with every look,



In joy!

Sonja Myriel MarYam RAouine

Views: 1884

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Dear Sonja,

I started my Experiences from 2nd of July 2014.....

So many powerful Light from Shiv - Shakti....I have experienced and was very sick but all problems were solved within seconds....!!on July at 4-10 feeling of well being and energetic for my public work also....!!

To hear this makes me so happy, dear SohiniBen :-)


Sonja Myriel

Dear Sonja,

I have connected with the Source and that Divine Energies helped me to get rid of any problems for my Physical, Mental or emotional have been washed out  by the Source Energy.....Others can see this change ......

I am very Happy to work for the Divine in The Divine Plan as a Co Creator.....and a Spiritual warrior...!!

Oh, my dear siSTAR, grandmother SohiniBen! Golden SOURCE LOVE LIGHT comes to you - and I see it emanate from your being, too :-)

ONE Love

ONE Light

ONE Family


Health, LOVE and abundance,

Sonja Myriel


My Dear Si Star Sonja,

You have captured my heart a Loooong Ago.....

We are One and for the same Mission here as co Light Warriors or Light Raisers or Workers !!

We are Actually One from our Inner aspect in thinking and life is also going parallel....

Our Divine forces are with us all the Time and not leaving us for a fraction of a second even.....

We are Blessed individuals and our loving friends here....on the same platform with One Mind 7 One Heart !!!!

Sending you Lots of Spiritual & Divine Love and Light to make our Light grid more & More shine in our Divine Life.....!!

Your words are touching me deeply, dearest siSTAR and grandmother SohiniBen. May our LOVE LIGHT shine out into the WORLD as ONE power to UNITE the star people who live among the earth people - that ALL humans may follow suite in Divine Perfect Timing, joining in UNITY!




ASCENSION through INTEGRATION of the LOVE LIGHT on the Earth Plane NOW!

SOURCE Love Light BLESSINGS to all who ASK,

Sonja Myriel

Dear Sonja,

Our Good dreams which are beneficial for the Universe will come True...and there is no doubt about it....













Dearest Myriel,

Once again I say thank you for being the instrument of change in this phase of humanity on Earth.  I am almost overwhelmed by the barrage of life changing information that I am receiving, yet I realize that I am ready to be right here. The meaning of all this dawned on me recently, that as I am enlightened and lifted so is everyone connected to me.  I am indeed dancing in joy. I have received the golden liquid light of Unity, and the Love of Christ and passing it on with every move I make and every step I take.  I feel this instant power and knowing surging forward from within and I am blessed.  I am deeply connected to the Christ Light Frequency, and I take my place among my family here on LightGrid to move forward into freedom and liberty from all limitations.  Although I felt that I came in to this meditation right at the end, I believe that everything is in divine order and my time for connecting is now.  

Recently I find myself humming the tune to this song and pondering on the words.   

"I danced in the morning when the world was begun,
and I danced with the moon and the stars and the sun,
I danced in the heavens and I danced on the Earth,
at Bethlehem I had my birth.  
Dance then wherever you may be,
I am the Lord of the Dance, said he,
and I'll lead you all wherever you may be,
and I'll lead you all in the dance said he."

Now I  see the connection. :-)

Sometimes when I read your messages, I feel like so much of it is above my head because I am not quite familiar with the language. Yet I understand and connect with deeper meaning of the message.  I feel a surge of inspiration as I realize that I have been preparing for the culmination of this meditation.  I have been planning a fast from March 2 through 21st, and this I now see as means of purification so that I can join with you and the group to help  transmit the CHRIST LIGHT FREQUENCY into the Golden Heart of GAIA which is ONE with all the hearts of HUMANITY! I end this comment with joy, purpose and fulfillment.

May Great Spirit continue to bless and guide you that you may continue to provide instruction and guidance to the group.

Sending you Peace, Love, Light, Joy and Happiness.

Your SiStar and friend Kaya

Oh Kaya, BLESSED Be :-)

All in perfect Divine Timing! 

Whenever you need clarification on anything I write - you are always WELCOME to ask, whatever it m may be. 

Love JOY and Happiness,

Sonja Myriel



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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