lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Ceremony at the Throne of YHWH

My Children of Light, I Am your Divine Mother,


I will take you on a meditational journey to the Throne of YHWH.(Note by Sonja Myriel Aouine; YHWE is another name for Lord Metatron!!!!) You will witness Christ Maitreya and Quan Yin installed as the Residing Deities at the Throne. Before we do, you need to understand the significance of returning to your Divine Right. This can only be done when you demand it.


Demanding and Commanding


Demanding that your Divine Right be given to you is not out of arrogance. In the Origin of Time, when Humankind; God-Man-Kind, chose to roam the Earth and enter into lower levels of Light, it was they who decided – who demanded – to be left alone to roam the 3rd Dimensional frequency of Earth. It is therefore up to you now, to demand to return to your Divine Right. Please understand this. It is sometimes overbearing for those who read in the books that the Masters say, “Demand and Command the Masters and ask your Divine Right,” without knowing the significance of the concept of “demanding and commanding your Divine Right.”

People say, “I will never demand, I will never command.” First of all, demanding and commanding shows that you have the power to Will yourself to return to your Divinity. For as long as you have not empowered yourself, to Will yourself, to your Divinity, no Master, no Great Being, no Angel, no Divine Mother, no nothing can do anything for you. This power is a power of Free Will.

I can ask and intercede on your behalf but if you don’t accept it, if you don’t command it, if you don’t demand it, it will be wafting in the air waiting for you to reach that point of empowerment to know the significance. I can intercede for you; I am interceding for you, because you have earned it, because you have requested your Divine Right. Demanding and commanding your Divine Right does not come from arrogance – it is actually of utmost humility.

Demanding and commanding your Divine Right comes from a place of humility because, originally, when the separation happened, those who commanded and demanded to be left alone to roam the 3rd Dimensional Realms removed themselves from their own Divinity as Light Beings. In order for all to return to Oneness, every Soul has to reach that point of humility where they come back and say, “Now the lessons are learned and I demand and command to return to my Divinity, which is my Divine Right. I want to experience that Divine Spark again. I don’t want to be separate.” That to me, in my book, in Divine Mother’s book, is humility, nor arrogance.

You came to rescue those who came to roam the Earth. You are all Melchizedeks, you are all Kumaras. I would even say you are all Great Beings of Light. That is why in order to protect you, we need to demand and command Great Cosmic Beings of Light, such as Thoth and Veyga, such as Melchizedek and Malak, such as Goddesses Victory and Liberty, Glory, Venus and Veyga to bring their protection. To be re-connected from soul to soul; from their Soul to your Soul, from their Spirit to your Spirit, from their Body to your Bodies, from their energy bodies to your energy Bodies.


The Destiny of these Cosmic Beings is Tied to Yours


These Great Cosmic Beings have made a sacrifice of their own vastness to encapsulate some of that vastness to envelope you. The destiny of these Cosmic Beings is tied to yours. They couldn’t come for unawakened Souls because the Universal Law says they can’t come for someone who knows nothing of their existence. There is no way for them to ever connect to the unawakened Souls or newly awakened Souls. I want you to understand the value of who you are and what you do.

They have done it out of Selfless Service. Better that they tie their destiny to yours than they tie their destiny to the unawakened Souls. It is not for the unawakened Souls that they have come – it is for you that they have come. Do you know why they have come for you? Because you are making the ultimate sacrifice. A Great Cosmic Being, sending a fragment, an iota, of his or her energy to envelope you, still has the totality of the vastness to bathe in the Cosmic Realms. What do you have? You have the limitations of the aches and pains of this body. You have the limitations of disconnectedness from your Mental Body, to your true Mental Body which is also vast and you have all the agony of emotionally dealing with people who do not understand the value of what you offer them.

This includes, I am saddened to say, some of your loving partners, your children, siblings, and parents. In many cases, those children, parents, siblings, and partners actually feel that you are the ones to blame. Because you are the one who has left them, you are the one who was doing ceremony when they needed you, you are the one who was meditating when they needed you, you are the one who couldn’t go to the movies with them because the energy gets to you, you are the one who is abnormal and weird.

No one says, “Look at how much Light you earned this year, here’s a bonus for you,” because – How many of you have given up your cooperate jobs to turn into healers and have worked for years and years for next to nothing. Where’s the criteria, the yardstick that measures the Quotient of Light that you have and says, “Ounce per ounce, pound for pound, this amount of Light is worth its weight in gold.”

What Being has ever done that for you, or anyone else for that matter? With all due respect, what Master has done it for you? That’s why I say to you,

 “I demand and command of these Masters, I demand and command of these Cosmic Beings, to empower you, to bring money, comfort, luxury, health, wholeness, prosperity, love, joy, partnership, respect, reverence.”

I want to see the world revere you. I want to see that and I will. I will stand by your side and watch it while I hold your hands.


Let go of Limitation


I ask you, let go of limitation, of limiting yourself. There is no place in my Reality for you to suffer and fear where the next mortgage payment, rent payment, food bill, utility bill, car payment is going to come from. It helps no one; it serves nothing. Those days are gone.

Light is going to be around you, enveloping you, and the Great Cosmic Beings are going to illuminate your path. Let go of your fears, let go of your limitations. Ask for comfort and luxury, ask for power and position. Alongside of Power and Position, comfort and luxury, remember to ask that you constantly walk the Path of Light and not veer from it; constantly walk the path of Selfless Service. Even that has already been provided to you. All these Great Beings who are here to assist you to gain momentum, to raise the Light, to touch the multitudes and masses, will watch over you to see that you walk the path of straight and narrow. I have no concern about any one of you using your powers for personal gain or for harming others. You need to trust yourself and if you can’t do that right now, trust me. Know that I will not allow it.

Let go of your fears. Demand and command that the Highest and Brightest Light shine upon you. If you become the leaders of this world, terror will end, pain will end, hunger will end, violence will end. Because in your heart, God-Unity is illuminated, the Flame of Ascension, the Flame of God-Unity, the Eternal Flame, is forever illumined in your heart and you are constantly working with those Flames. You are consciously working with those Flames; you are consciously breathing the Life Force into that Flame and through the Flame, into the world.

This is why people are attracted to you. This is why peace comes wherever you go. Or if chaos is bubbling to the surface, it is going to unfold wherever you go. Don’t blame yourself if you walk into a situation and everything goes haywire. That’s like a boil that needs to come to a puss to heal. If your presence will accelerate the process, that’s not bad, it is good.


Journey to the Throne of YHWH

Visualize yourself standing in a Grid of Light with Divine Mother. Visualize a Pillar of White Light descending around you and me. We ask the Archangels of the Four Directions to take their positions around us. Archangel Uriel and his Legions stand in the north, Archangel Raphael and his Legions stand in the east, Archangel Michael and his Legions stand in the south and Archangel Gabriel and his Legions stand in the west.

Bring your consciousness to your Crown Chakra and visualize your Antahkarana Cord extending up from the Lotus of the Crown. We spin and spiral together up to the Throne of I Am That I Am. See your own Perfected Presence and see Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos, and Lady Venus standing at the Throne of I Am That I Am. Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus are the residing deities at the Throne of I Am.

Inside the Pillar of Light, we will go up from the Throne of I Am to the 22nd Dimension, to the Throne of YHWH. When we reach the Throne of YHWH, notice that the Throne is illuminated at the center of the stage with Golden White Light.  Notice that above the Throne in a circle, like an umbrella, there are 24 seats where the 24 Elders of the Throne are seated. They are providing an Overlighting Presence above the Throne.  Our very own Christ Maitreya and Quan Yin have taken their seats upon the Throne of YHWH as the Residing Deities. We have come to bear witness to their presence upon this throne, to be blessed by them and to congratulate them in their post as the Residing Deities of this Throne.

Receiving a blessing the Throne of YHWH

I usher you to stand directly in front of Christ Maitreya and Lady Quan yin at the Throne of YHWH. You will be facing Christ Maitreya and Lady Quan Yin.

On your behalf, I ask the two of them for the complete healing and perfection of your Physical Body. I ask for complete regeneration and rejuvenation of the Physical Body to the perfection of the Original Intent, to the Perfection of the Divine Plan. This Physical Body is completely capable of rejuvenating itself. Some of the avatars, the living Masters that you visit, show no signs of aging. That same principle can apply to you. If your own Light is not profuse enough as yet, then I request that it be done because Christ Maitreya’s Light is profuse enough and because he has made the sacrifice to take a physical embodiment and is walking on Earth.

I furthermore request, that if it is in your destiny to be in his physical Presence, that he would accelerate you and pull you to himself, clearing the deck on your behalf, so that in this lifetime, you have the good fortune of standing in his physical presence. It is granted, that the moment you stand his physical presence, your entire Physical Body circuitry will be rewired and brought to the Perfection of the Original Intent, the Perfection of the Divine Plan. I therefore, request, that if it is in your destiny to someday meet Christ Maitreya in person, that he would accelerate you to that end.

I now let you state your own intentions.

Calling the Melchizedeks

I now call upon the Universal Logos, Lord Melchizedek, and his Consort, Lady Malak, to come forth. I ask them to bring a healing and clearing to your Emotional body through my intersession in the presence of Christ Maitreya and Lady Quan Yin at the Throne of YHWH.

Melchizedek now sends you an illumination of Light, whereby Platinum is mixed with Melchizedek Blue Light. The Deep Dark Purple Blue is Platinum leafed to create a cocoon around you. The Light is emanating from their Heart Core. Lady Malak sends the Feminine Polarity, the Magnetic Force Field, and Melchizedek sends the Masculine, Electric Force Field. These two Electromagnetic substances mix together to become one beam of Light that shines upon your body and envelopes every single layer of your 5 Body System; the Physical Body, Etheric Body or Auric Field, Emotional Body, Mental Body and Spiritual Body. Feel the Light, the sense of weightlessness and the energy of Bliss and Ecstasy.

What is beyond love? Bliss. What is beyond Bliss? Ecstasy. To you these are only words but they are energies. Right now the effulgence of the energy of ecstasy is pouring on to you and I will ask Melchizedek and Malak to continue pouring these energies on to you. Breathe and bathe as your emotional body is cleansed with the energies of the Purple Blue Light of Melchizedek mixed with Platinum Light of the Feminine Principle. Visualize your Emotional Body. See how clear and clean it has been made by Melchizedek and Malak. Your Sacred Geometries that hold your 5 Body System together have been restored to the Perfection of the Original Intent.

I invite Melchizedek and Malak to, very specifically, bestow the Highest Aspect of the Ascension Flame into each of your individual Heart Chakras and to fill your Heart with the Light from this Flame, clearing all forgetfulness and all feelings of separation.

I also ask on your behalf that they bestow upon you the ability to receive and transmit Light, without the pain and intolerance of the Physical Body or any other of the Energy Bodies; that your Physical Body will be able to run such heightened energies through it without detrimental impact on your Physical Body or any of your Bodies. In fact, I ask that you receive a sense of euphoria and bliss and an extra layer of feeling energized.

I ask Melchizedek and Malak  to bestow the ability to receive from these altered states of consciousness, fully charged and energized, as if you have taken a bath in the purest vibration of Love and Light and fully energized by the experience of Union.

I ask Melchizedek and Malak to continue to cocoon you, and provide you with a layer of protection to allow you to then perform mundane level exercises. I specifically ask Lady Veyga and Master Thoth to sharpen your Mental Bodies. To help precipitate, manifest from thin air, all the resources that you might need, even before you need them, and all the comfort and luxury that your Heart desires.

I remind you, in the course of your days, if you feel overwhelmed, go back to this now moment and ask, through the intercession of Divine Mother, that Melchizedek and Malak up the ante and raise the vibration of their own protection, in the form of the Platinum Melchizedek Blue Light cocoon of protection around each layer of your 5 Body System. Renew this energy and add it to your morning and evening exercise.

Call upon and ask, through the intercession of Divine Mother, for that Platinum and Blue Cocoon of Protection from Melchizedek and Malak, which allows you to stay in the energies of ecstasy; which blankets you inside the energies of Melchizedek and Malak’s own ecstasy. I ask him to continue pouring down these energies on you for as long as you live.

Calling the Great Divine Directors

I now call upon the Great Divine Directors to come forth to stand with us before Christ Maitreya and Lady Quan Yin at the Throne of YHWH.

They are Master Thoth and Lady Veyga. Their domain is the Mental Body. They emanate from the palms of their hands and all Chakras of the Body, Golden Green Light. This Light will restore to you Health and Wholeness, Abundance, Truth, Hope and Healing.

Thoth is the Guardian of Earth’s records. He is the Logos for Mercury. Veyga is a Great Cosmic Being. Her consciousness stretches across an entire constellation. Constellation Veyga is its own Galaxy. You could say Lady Veyga is a Galactic Logos, holding billions and billions of Star Systems within her consciousness.

The fact that she has agreed to co-chair the seat of the Great Divine Director is testament to her deep level of sacrifice and Selfless Service. This is why I have set up these amazingly powerful Great Beings in their Feminine Countenance, to be in charge of protecting you from now on. Lady Veyga is one such Great Cosmic Being.

Stand before Thoth and Veyga, stand in prayer pose, bow down your head and say, “I demand and command through the intercession of Divine Mother, that you bestow upon me the ability to connect from my Mental Body to your Mental Body and I take a vow that the Wisdom, held in Sacred Magic and Alchemy, will be used for the benefit of all humankind for the return of all the multitudes and masses, who have forgotten, back to their Divinity. I take a vow that I will help the multitudes and masses awaken to their Divinity and I ask you to accelerate me, I ask you to Glorify me, I ask you to bring me Victory, I ask you to bring me Joy, I ask you to bring me Abundance, I ask you to empower me, I ask you to bestow leadership positions on me so that, in me, you can lead, you can be Victorious, you can be Glorified.”

In the Presence of Lady Veyga and Thoth, I ask that they sanction a healing of your Mental Body and connect your Mental Body to their own. Thereby, from this moment on, downloading to you the Highest Seed Thought Forms, of ideas, designs and concepts, which will empower you to be in leadership positions. I ask that Thoth and Veyga teach you at their retreats in dream time and to bring back to your consciousness their teachings.

I want you to make your connection with Thoth and Veyga. They have made a true sacrifice of accepting to be confined as the co-chairs of the Office of Great Divine Director. They can open the flood gates of Sacred Magic in ways that you cannot even imagine in your wildest dreams. They can and will. In a year or two from now, you’d be working with the Elements, alchemically, to precipitate, to manifest from thin air – if all goes well. See that the Golden Green Light is intensified and is pouring on you.

Make your personal intentions before Master Thoth and Lady Veyga. I hold each of you responsible to remember Thoth and Veyga and to demand of them, for this downloading to continue. It is your job to go before them and ask for recalibration.

Divine Mother’s personal gift

My intention on your behalf is to heal, rejuvenate and regenerate your 5- Body System. On your behalf, I will ask for a fully illuminated Nervous System, one that is capable of running high intensities of Light, one that is capable of taking positions of responsibility and leadership, one that is capable of being empowered to guide the multitudes and masses; a fully illuminated Nervous System which will constantly and continuously raise your vibration to the frequencies of the 5th Dimensional Octave.

On your behalf, I ask for a Light Body that weaves its Light Nodes into the nodes of your Nervous System; a Brain System that will function 5th Dimensionally. A Brain System that is able to decipher 5th Dimensional Energies and then translate them into your Physical brain function, so that your Physical Brain can understand these alchemical processes and translate them to be used for the purpose of elevating yourselves, teaching the multitudes and masses to elevate themselves and for the anchoring of these energies upon Earth. Set your personal intentions here.

I want you to stand and listen to celestial music. Set your intentions and allow this to be etched in your Beingness, for through you, this Reality is now spread out. You have Co-created this Reality. It has now, as we speak, become part of the structure and the psyche of Earth’s Thrones; Earth’s Dimensional Realms in this 22nd Dimension of Reality, the 24 Elders around the Throne of YHWH, 24 Ancient of Days. Christ Maitreya and Quan Yin, have taken their position as the Residing Deities of the Throne. Notice that the essence and the energy of YHWH and Yahoweh EL is permeating in the Golden White Light that is fully illumined everywhere. The sound of celestial hymns and celestial music is wafting in the air.

Set out your intentions.

Now turn back to face Christ Maitreya and Quan Yin in the east. I want you to go and stand in front of them and ask them to touch you and bless you.

Let us all together, set our intention that, from this moment on, the anchoring of all these energies are fully accomplished, above and beyond expectation and above and beyond limitation, to the highest potential in all Dimensions, in all Realities, activating the full potential of the 5th Dimensional Octave and connecting the 5th Dimensional Octave to the Throne of YHWH which is now the God-Source, the God- Self, the Higher Self for this Octave; continuing the shower of Light from the Throne of Divine Mother, at the 122nd Dimension, to Overlight the Throne of YHWH, the 24 Elders, the Residing Deities and to connect the Throne of YHWH to the Temple in the 5th Dimension.

I bless each of you with the Light of the Highest and Brightest vibration. May the Light of YHWH, the blessings of the 24 Elders and the Protection of the Great Cosmic Beings continue to unfold to protect, to nourish, to nurture and to empower you.

I am well pleased with what you have done. I am well pleased with all that you do. I hold each of you I n my own heart. You are the Light that illuminates this world. You are the Light that warms up my heart. I walk with you at every step that you take. I thank you.

Blessings to all of you. I am you Mother,

So it is.

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Replies to This Discussion

Why am I crying???? with both joy and relief?? Finally it will all have been worth it? 2003 i took my reiki 2 Melchisadec first appeared to me and gave me messages then quan yin then my relationship with other ascended masters grew as did my angelic connections thought i was going crazy til i found the light grid and realised there were more of us I gave up my job my life of hedonistic partying suffered ridicule from so many sources!!! it was all part of the plan? the concealed part that was always blurred by the harshness of reality that i found myself in. And K/Now This!!! I Am all that I Am and I Command and Demand my Return to Divinity.
Blessed Be
Thank YOU Dear Sonja, for posting this very wonderful and critical message to Lightworkers and ALL Light Beings on Our Beloved Mother Earth. I learned to do "Proclamations" in 1995 and they changed my own feeling state of my Being on Earth. "Others" will rarely find us "valuable" - we don't fit their paradigm of productivity. Dear QiKiPagan, YOU Are NOT Alone. My journey began as a child - I was "different" - my parents did not know how to love or honor me. I withdrew into another world of light while maintaining the drudgery of Life on Earth. Then my journey to the Light began in earnest in 1981 - a long haul for a single mother with NO support or family. I taught elementary school and gave my love & light to the high risk children and watched them with great joy as they began to excel and grow as I protected them and their environments. Again, It was not enough - even though my students did very well, my "methods" were NOT appreciated. I tried to fit in and lost my joy, my health and nearly my life. I belong to SPIRIT of ALL That IS and cannot be "Other." Spirit has rearranged my Life so I can BE as I was Intended to BE. We are ALL so Blessed by this NEWS!! Thank YOU, Beloved Divine Mother! With Infinite Love & Living Light, CrystaLin Joy
Thank You CrystaLin Joy for your comments I too had a tough childhood suffered abuse etche I was saved from death by AA Michael when I was 4 years old and te angels never left me even when i was out there finding myself. I survived the care system of britain and went on to work with some of the most socially disadvantaged young people so we have always walked a similar path it would seem.

Thank You for your honesty and encoraging words
Love laugh and you will always have light
Blessed Be
Thank you so much for your comments, CrystaLin Joy and Qiki!

QiKi, if you click on the headline of this discussion you come to the site of Nasrin - the source of this message. I'm sure you will find other very important and interesting hints there which may help you to put together the bigger picture of it all!
Yesterday I was starting to explore that site and I posted several discussions in our Angel group and the 1st Ray Group. AMAZINGly POWERFUL tools are to be found on that site!

I am so happy that I followed the nudging of my soul and started lightgrid when the idea occured to me - although in the beginning I didn't have the slightest idea of how to run such a social network - LOL!

My true spiritual path began with this site - and calling on the Beings of the Violet Ray and Fire on a daily basis is probably the most important factor for my rapid spiritual growth :-)

I'm sending you both an ANGEL HUG, dear sisters,

You and your families are BLESSED with infinite LOVE,

Sonja Myriel

My Personal Experience 3/11/2010 went to bed around 1.30a.m was having trouble settling after reading this discussion and the profound effect it had on me. Anyway i lay down to sleep called on my angels as i do gave thanks for my blessings etc. suddenly i heard a loud buzzing noise and had a feeling of being pulled out ofmy body through my crown chakra, I saw flashes of events from my life, I thought i was falling asleep but each time i tried to settle on an image the buzzing got louder and i continued to ascend out of my body. I went through 2 intertwined circles 1 gold 1 silver as i was passing through the centre point they came together and i was surounded by gold/silver light I heard a voice it was Melchisadec he told me to take 3 deep breaths and to focus on my breathing while i was properly prepared. I was conscious but in an altered state deffinately not asleep this was not a dream. Different colours were being addded to the gold silver light The Violet ray was particularly strong sweeping all over and around me it was this that was makin the buzzing sound. Next i was in a 3d macrocosm or 6 pointed star different beings some i recognised as ascended masters some angels beamed different rays at me, i saw all the colours of the rainbow covering me and making a web from my body to the macrocosm ( I think its called a merkabah?) I felt totally connected to everything and yet seperate and whole at the same time. I felt totally healthy totally happy joyfull even i know i was given gifts/rewards but have not had time to process all this yet i just needed to share so bear with me.
I floated towards 2 pillars which i passed through still in my 3d star ahead of me i saw a throne which had 2 figures sitting on it side by side 1 male 1 female I felt like i wanted to drop to my knees but was told by the female whose accent was oriental sounding not to bow before them as we are 1 we are equal. I heard Singing angels chanting it sounded like they were saying "You are Godlight" or God Like am not sure its very surreal right now. I stood before the 2 figures who also now stood before me they also had these 3d stars surrounding them Hers was Silver His was Gold mine was still multi coloured we all merged my physical body was vibrating i coild feel it but kept breathing as earlier advised. It went black and cold then white and hot I heard messages I had returned I had arrived nothing wold be the same its all a bit weird because the moment seemed eternal then a gong sounded we seperated there was so much love i travelled backwards and suddenly became conscious of my physical body which i was back in, my bed was below me my room around me 2 hours had passed it was 4 am. I was told i could go back anytime that the kingdom was within me and i had returned?? Changes are coming and my life is blessed. OK so would someone please tell me what is going on? lol I was not expecting that thought this kind of thing happened to other people on lightgrid?? Blessed Be Much LOve and Light to all xxx
Ps I have spent the day having been awake since 4am first with my children then on public transport sending love and light to all on their journeys. I went to see my neurosurgeon who 3 weeks ago was talking of surgery on my spine he is now saying there has been a huge change and at the present time surgery will not be needed. I have re membered my life mission which no longer feels like an unacheivable dream but am up for it again and no longer seeing fear of failing but only the love that i have for my self and all of my brethren and sisters in whatever form they come in animals are being weird with me like they cant get close enough everything seems new and alive Peace and love to all al keep you posted blessed be xxxx
Dear QiKi,

What a wonderful gift you received! And this exactly at the beginning of the 7th DAY!!!

Sounds as if you received an initiation of the most uplifting kind at a most important time :-)

All I can recommend is connect to these energies and the Beings who were with you consciously and continuously from now on - for at about 40 days - to bring in all the Blessings into your daily life.

After this period of time the download of energy will be complete and you are prepared to face whatever you are confronted with as an absolutely new being :-)

Be prepared to really let go of all old patterns of the past. Re-member that the past can be changed just as the future by our conscious decision. All we have to do is ACCEPT the change and do not call back all the frustrating past experiences we have been working on for long enough!

Melchizedek, Lady Kwan Yina and AA Metatron - YHWH - are with you and will help you under any circumstances. Do not hesitate to call on them when you feel that you are in need of their energy and advice - it will help you to immediately FEEL their presence again and you will learn to hear their voice whenever you or they need contact.




I call on AA Michael to especially protect you during the coming 40 days,

Sonja Myriel

Its a beautiful world again sonja thanks for support and advice am definately aware that there are new supportive beings surrounding me and their purpose is my new life and keeping me focused on the present?
al post regularly as i can, it can only help myself and others I feel it would be useful during the coming 6 weeks.
Blessed be
Sure, I'm looking forward to it :-)

Maybe you would like to post them in our group on personal meditation and connection experiences? Or as a letter to your Higher Self?

You will know where it belongs - lol!

BLESSINGS of Love and Light, dear sister,

Sonja Myriel



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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