lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Mount Shasta ~ Crucible & Multidimensional Portal
Northern California is the perfect road trip, and this one began for me on a bright sunny day.
I love to drive. Always have. I can really relax behind the wheel, enjoying scenery, far away from the office grind. Time to think, and that's why I came.
The road from Sacramento to Mount Shasta passes miles and miles of fertile farm fields and fruit groves. I had rented the kind of car that was perfect for cruising flat stretches of highway and rolling past convoys of groaning harvest trucks. I eased the windows down and breathed the fresh cool air. A light rain had fallen earlier and made the air pungent with the distinctive musty aroma of wet soil.
Time flowed by seamlessly as I tuned the radio to classic rock ... the Almond Brothers; "Eat A Peach" blasted the speakers. Peaches sounded like a good idea. I pulled over to a roadside fruit stand and bought a small basket full. The fruit was so juicy you needed to eat them outdoors. I didn't. Soon my pants and car were stained with fragrant juice. The sweet bouquet of peaches and plums filled the car as I continued north across the winding blue Sacramento River, a crossing I would make five times before finally leaving the river behind at the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. Life was good.
Past the river the terrain rolled into succinct golden domes of yellow-grassed hills, back-dropped by a jagged spine of steel gray mountains. Finally the first indication I was getting near my destination. I felt the energy shift as I drove over Lake Shasta's long arched bridge. Then the amazing Castle Crags ... and suddenly, voilà ... Mount Shasta! Amazing Mount Shasta.
Mount Shasta exudes an energy quite unlike any other 'sacred site' I have visited, and I didn't expect that, not really, not at first. I have come to describe the sense of it as 'zipped space,' a sort of dimensional shrinking of space into condensed
pockets of concentric overlay. That would explain the higher dimensional ET occurrences there, as well as the etheric cities neatly pocketed within the zip.
In fact, the entire Shasta area is embellished with 'mini' sacred sites that seem to circulate around the massif crown of the volcano. Castle Crags, , Glass (obsidian) Mountain, Medicine Lake, Klamath Falls, Dunsmuir's Hedge Falls, Shasta Springs, Crystal Cave, Black Butte, Mossbrae Falls, McCloud Falls and, of course, Stewart Mineral (Red & White) Springs are just some of them. Each has a unique energy that contributes to and balances Shasta. No wonder people are drawn to this land of myth and legend.
The myths and legends are fascinating. And perhaps, where there's smoke, there's fire ... or at least magma!
Certainly volcanoes have been revered as places of spirit for millennia. Beyond the indigenous peoples, certain sects of Buddhism and Hinduism also consider volcanoes as living deities. The Medoc and Shasta Indians consider Shasta to be the home of Creator-God and White Eagle.
Over one hundred spiritual sects and groups have been attracted to the Shasta area in the past two centuries. The legends of deities and presence on and within Mount Shasta include the Ascended Masters, the Lemurian Telos City, the Hopi
Lizard People, an extraterrestrial base from Sirius B, Saint Germaine and White Eagle. Groups based in, and people drawn to, the area include the Radiant School of Light, the California Zen Buddhist Abbey, the Essenes, the Saint Germaine Foundation ("I AM"), and the White Eagle Lodge. Many well-known authors, artists, channels and metaphysicians are drawn to Shasta.
Northern California's Mount Shasta has long been a magnet for pilgrims, seekers, sages and spiritual souls from all over the world. It is a mecca of mystery and dimensional openings. Unexplained enigmas abound, yet this magnificent mount is deeply loved by all who come. Many visitors are so endeared that they move to the area. Those who live in Mount Shasta City, the small town of some 7000 permanent residents located on the base of the mountain, often recount stories of encounters with Saint Germaine, LeMurians, Ascended Masters and benevolent extra terrestrials, including the Pleiadeans, Sirians and Arcturians.
The ancient ancestors, the campestral and indigenous societies recognized what was term 'Holy Ground'. As such they recognized vortexial portals and areas where the dimensional veil was thin. It was designated as a place for vision and quest.
The Crucible Effect
Shasta opens the aura. It is an energy that bubbles up all that does not serve, as a pre-requisite of spiritual clarity. The energy somehow enables one to overcome the fear of the unknown in order to move into higher resonance. Shasta has a way of opening the heart and causing one to face the self, to review what you want in your life, to re-calibrate what is working and what no longer serves ones highest good. It is a crucible of self review.
The Geology of Mount Shasta
Shasta is a majestic volcano, and while often said to be part of the Cascades, it is actually geologically independent of the Cascade Range. Shasta is not part of any mountain range. Shasta is a masculine energy, but fully balanced. Shasta is the second highest peak in the Cascade Mountain range. Shasta's massif rises 9750 feet above the surrounding base landscape.
Mount Shasta is actually a dormant volcano in the southern extremity of the northwestern Cascade Mountain range, or the northern reaches of the Sierra Nevada Mountains (depending on geological sources), in northern California. It rises majestically to over 14,400 feet, and as such is the largest volcanic peak in the lower 48 states.
Mount Shasta is a strata-volcano and has the largest base (over 500 cubic kilometers) of any volcano in the continental USA. It last erupted 200 years ago and still produces, on average, five small earthquakes per year over the past 25 years.
Revered by Native Americans as a deity in itself, Shasta is unquestionably a very mystical and powerful place of spirit. According to Kryon, Mount Shasta, not Sedona, is the most potent vortex in the United States. I have spent considerable time in the energy of both, and while I am deeply drawn to the magnificent ancient energy of Sedona, Shasta is a more powerfully centered energy and exudes an extremely robust, sovereign magnetic field.
The magical inclines of Panther Meadows on the upper slopes of Mount Shasta are said to be the vortexial gateway in which many have reported encounters and experiences with the Ascended Master, Saint Germaine-Keeper of the Violet Flame. I had such an experience there. But it did not occur automatically. I fasted for five days and nights and the experiences I recount only opened to me after two days of a five day fast.
Up to Panther Meadows
The first time I drove up the winding road to the holy mountain's Panther Meadows was five years earlier (with a dear sister, Lesa Michel) in route to a Lightworker Gathering. It was September of 2001, four days after the infamous 9-11.
Shasta's magnificent energy increased tangibly as we drove higher. The energy felt like home and was expressed in the resplendent countenance of nature. The towering Spruce and Pine that lined the serpentine road were exquisite
projections of everything a tree can be, fully pulsating in symmetrical allure, embellished with iridescent lime green moss on the trunks. As I drank in the energy, I was moved to tears. To say the experience of being with 70+ Lightworkers on the mountain was magical is an understatement.
The area of Panther Meadows is a concentric overlay of all twelve dimensions, a subjacent earth-drawn stasis of the Crystalline grid into a perfect inward portal. It is exquisitely and uniquely balanced, utterly and wholly woven into an eclectic tapestry of time-space sequence, a pristine dimensional plicature. Its complexion evolves into a majestic rock garden as the tree line is ascended. Magnificent monolithic boulders of granite and quartz are strewn about in igneous forests of towering
vibrant stone of every shape. The living stones sing in the voice of the mountain, emitting a symphonic chorus of metamorphic rapture.
Is it any wonder to the adept seeker that author Guy W. Ballard entered a dimensional fold along these very slopes and encountered the "Ascended Master" Saint Germaine. Ballard paused one day at a mountain spring in 1930 along Shasta's slopes, and felt a mesmerizing 'electrical' current pass through his body ... and was suddenly in the presence of Saint Germaine. This experience, of course led to his founding of the I AM movement and the Saint Germaine Foundation, still headquartered in Shasta City.
Saint Germaine, as I was to discover, is among the guardian energies of Shasta.
The year 2005 was a major transitional journey for me. My 26-year marriage had ended, and because of it I had dedicated months to deep soul searching and life review. I lost weight and felt great despair, and I searched vigorously, purposefully. I had released a lot of pain and regret, as I sought to redefine my life and my direction. Having been in metaphysics
for almost 30 years I understood the change in my life had not been ambiguous, but despite being a great catalyst it hurt. I had been blessed with many soul-friends and helpers throughout the shift, but ultimately, the path of understanding is
solitary. That was a big part of why I was here in Shasta.
Lucid Dreaming
It has taken me almost a year to write of this experience, and as I do so now, I feel both the relevance and highly personal nature of it. It is an example of the dichotomy of spiritual revelation that perhaps other seekers experience, while living in two worlds and trying to balance them.
I remain somewhat reluctant to share the entirety of this experience, and I do so with the caveat that this vision was, on one level, a dream horizon played out in a very real setting. It was a waking, symbolic dream. But I can no longer acquiesce
to the pragmatic side of my nature that dismissed the fantastic experience as only a dream, because I was able to consciously navigate within it and learn from it, and on that level it is personally valid. These dimensions exist, but they cannot be fully realized without experiencing them oneself.
It was the disciplines of the Native American traditions, practiced for seven consecutive years in vision quests, prayer, fasting and Earth-Dance that had formed a prerequisite springboard enabling this experience.
Tyb's Journal: July 2005
It is almost sunset, and although it is early July, the air is cold. Beds of alabaster snow still block the road to upper Panther Meadows. I am with Israel, master soul and my spiritual mother of many lives. We park the car at Bunny Flats and
fumble through the backpacks in the trunk to find parkas and ponchos.
We pause to feel the energy and watch the crimson magenta of the sunset morph into burning orange and peach. It's too beautiful to watch on foot. We find a smooth boulder and sit in silent reverence as the sun dips below the western
Once white clouds are now sky borne silhouettes, deep blue, etched in silver. Venus, the evening star, emerges brightly above the fading montage of the spectacular sunset. Other stars are beginning to wake, slightly pulsing, sprinkled across the dark velvet canopy above.
We stir simultaneously from the hypnotic spell of the twilight. It is now dark, and the energy has shifted. Crickets and tree frogs twir and croak in modulated percussion, starlings sing from a distance, a snow owl coos from the trees. In the music of night, we silently rise and walk by starlight up the rocky path into the meadow above.
Shasta at night is teeming with devics. I saw flashing peripheral movements from the corner of my vision, as I focused on walking the rising footpath. It was really dark now, moonlessly dark! The wind shifted to the east and had an icy edge, as it flowed down in waves from Shasta's still snow covered peak.
We carefully chose our footing as laterite pebbles crunched beneath our hiking shoes. After a brisk 30-minute walk, we parted from the trail and walked into an opening in the meadows of Bunny Flats. The stars above were now fully exposed and afforded a subtle silver light on the valley floor as we treaded over rises and falls. We found a dry crevice and walked through it until we came to a long felled tree trunk. We laid our backpacks down and sat a few feet apart in silence to begin our mediations and shamanic journey. We offered prayer songs and offerings in the Native American modality, honoring the directions, the earth, sky and creator. We honored the energy of Shasta, of all beings, and asked permissions to be here in grace and humility. Israel and I spoke for a few moments then silently, began our journey.
I lay flat on the still warm earth, and stared in amazement at the incredible starry universe above for what seemed a timeless eternity. Meteorites occasionally streaked across the sky.
My Vision on Shasta
The night was getting colder, as I lay on the ground and stared upward at the amazing starscape. After a time, I closed my eyes, and to my delight, I could still see the stars. I felt like I was flying among them, my telltale signal of being in lucid state. Timelessness pervaded, and minutes seemed like hours within that sensation.
Suddenly I sensed a powerful presence. I was overwhelmed with emotion as a cloud of beautiful energy, purple and gold, enveloped me. It was beautiful beyond words, and I felt I was in the presence of an Angelic being. I wept in deep yearning, as the energy embraced me. The tears were cleansing, and trapped emotions leapt for expression and release. I felt so at home, so at one with the energy. This loving presence and embrace, and its resulting emotional purge, lasted about 45 minutes (as close as I could interpret time from that state). As it ebbed, I slowly sat up and came back into my body, in revelry and amazement, still emotional.
I glanced about in the darkness in silence. I soon heard a distinct voice instructing me to visualize my light-body , and to see it spin, and to tell Israel to do the same. I did, and we began the visualization. Almost immediately, the purple energy
reformed and then materialized as Saint Germaine.
He smiled, and instantly both Israel and I were transported inside a massive Hall inside the mountain. We were surrounded by the Ascended Masters. Some were like giants, some were reptilian in appearance, some were Indigenous shaman, all exuded an incredible love. Tyberonn was one of them. I was told to step onto a small platform, and when I did, a sphere of spinning light was placed onto my head.
When this was done, I was given an immediate understanding of the changes in my life, and I knew their purpose. This portion of the higher dimensional journey was experienced conjointly by Israel and I. Israel was helping me to interpret
what we were shown. Her ability to navigate and communicate in that realm were simply amazing and far greater than my own. For the next few minutes we sat in our 3-D bodies side by side and with eyes closed, and we verbally communicated
what we saw in the dream state, in the Hall of Ascended Masters, inside the dimensional folds of the holy mountain.
The remainder of the night was very long and very personal. The visions were varied and complex, and dealt primarily with me being taken into pieces of my life for review, understanding, confronting and releasing energetic blocks. Much of this was to enable and learn the intricate aspects of self-love. Love of self, I was told, is essential in order to become 'crystalline.' It is more than just a feeling; it is also a frequency, a key code vibration necessary to achieve the higher levels
of mastery.
Love of self enables passion, to love others. I was shown that it has always been easier for me to give love than to receive it. That point stayed with me and seeded much deeper contemplation. On the second night in the high meadows, my
journeys were into a realm of geometric grids. Saint Germaine was again present as my guide, and we entered into a realm that was like a mosaic of pentagonal tiles, superimposed over everything. This was a living field, and occasionally the tiles would seem to open, and we passed though the aperture into another realm of octagonal geometry, and then a third of 12-sided tiles.
Each progression had a higher frequency. I was told that sacred geometry is the language of the higher dimensions, and that each dimension, each grid, had a unique expression based on a geometric matrix. I asked about my theories of grids around the Earth with 12 dimensions, and this was confirmed. Saint Germaine laughed and said that this was only the
tip of the iceberg. The grids do not spin, but they do breathe. They are aware, but not conscious, as entities. Their geometry is generally as described, dodecahedron, icosahedron and double penta dodecahedron, but it is not fixed; the geometry
can alter, depending on the dimension from which it is viewed. The grids do shift within their dimensional access. I was shown parallel realities where different aspects of my oversoul worked with these energy systems. I interfaced with three
of these aspects.
I was given another sphere of spinning light to absorb, and told that there were greater grids that encompassed our Universe, and that our universe had 356 dimensions. That the geometry of the Universal grid was the geometry of light, a
formless geometry, not understood by humanity at this point in evolution. I was told that many of the power points and grids on our planet were activated in a variety of complex manners. That the geometry of high dimensional portals like Mount Shasta and Hawaii are faceted, in dodecahedral and icosahedral geometries, and perform a multitude of functions depending upon the faceted activation, according to solar, lunar, stellar and planetary angles in synergy with the unique
mineralogy (electromagnetic field) and terraqueous nature of each.
The angle in which light is received influences the effect and genre of energy function at grid points, power points and portals. Geometric shapes have consciousness and are capable of holding and organizing thought in a similar manner as crystals. Incredible synergy occurs when crystal fields and specific angles intersect.
I was shown that Shasta is about alignment of life, while Hawaii, for example, is about rebirth, creation. The Living Earth does have 12 chakras, but these shift and do not correspond on a one to one basis with the 12 major facets of the geodesic
grids. Each of the planetary grids open and effect all of the human chakras, and while we often assign a planetary sacred site as a heart or root chakra, in truth, this is not really the case. They each effect all human chakras but may, in specific
timings or angles of activation, have a greater effect on one human chakra than another.
The third and last night in the high meadows of Shasta was equally amazing. The lucid dreaming came faster and more fluent. Two past life personalities of mine presented themselves, one a Native American Shaman, and another my Atlantean self as Tyberonn.
Tyberonn, I was told, is my root oversoul, and he appeared massive, 60 feet or so in height. He was/is an Ascended Master and is of the Pleiades.
The Shaman seemed a bridge aspect between my current self and Tyberonn. I melded more easily within the Native
American Shaman and felt I was inside, sharing his body, as I walked through the meadows in the darkness. I felt unworthy and was told to release that emotion. The Shaman spoke of the importance of impeccability and of applying knowledge
to one's life. Walking the talk, alignment of the higher mind to the daily aspects of personality, as a frequency aspect of the crystalline vibration that facilitates integrity of self, and thus higher reality understanding.
At about 3 a.m., the visions were complete, and we knew it was time to leave. Leaving the meadows at night was an interesting journey in itself. Tired and spent, it was difficult at first to become fully in control of our bodies. It was now cloudy and very dark, and quite cold. We felt stiff and numb. We could not see clearly to walk. Winding our way through the
shrubbery, rocks and trees was cumbersome, and the direction out was eluding us. It was so dark that I could not see my hand in front of my face. After stumbling and nearly falling, I stopped. And then, to my delight, I suddenly became the
Native American Shaman, Medicine Bear. The change was immediate. I became energized. He exuded a vibration of serene will and safeness, of well being. My vision transformed, and the dark moonless valley was illuminated in a strange
violet light.
The violet light enabled me to walk fluidly, confidently, with Israel in tow, through the dark rocky valley and onto the marked entry trail. In short time, we were on the trailhead. I felt happy and grateful as I transformed back into my own body, and the violet glow dissipated. We paused at the entrance trailhead of Bunny Flats, and gazed over the valley, somehow reluctant to
leave. We were deeply grateful for the magic of this experience and for the gifts Shasta had facilitated over the past three nights. Much had been shown, and I had much to consider. We gave thanks, walked to the car and drove slowly down
the mountain.
The Shasta Template
Mount Shasta lingers in defiance of society's carefully nurtured notions of what constitutes 'reality' and what is 'fantasy.' My experience mirrors both. Having worked as a field geologist for most of my career, I am naturally attracted to Gaia's elements and mountainous expressions, especially volcanoes. And while my 'day job' keeps me quite grounded (and pressured), in many ways, it has expedited my expansion through metaphysical journeys and allowed me to circum-navigate the globe and visit many, many sacred sites.
One pragmatic researcher writes: "Proponents of alternative realities are not scientists and shouldn't try to be - they are artists and mythmakers for a constantly changing culture, and should be respected for their abilities as poets, shamans, and mythmakers. Scientists tell us what the universe is like, and teach us about nature. Mythmakers tell us how we react to the
world, and thus teach us about ourselves. For example, a discovery that the brains biochemistry might cause a certain mental state satisfies no basic emotional need in the average person. But proposing that humans can psychically 'see'
people and places across long distances inspires many of us on the deepest level. Practically all alternative reality theories and beliefs - psychic powers, reincarnation, visitors from other worlds or dimensions, Masters who monitor historical
event - appeal to basic urges most of us have, frighten us deliciously, or inspire us deeply. Most have precedents in archaic myth and folk belief. But most times, a cup of coffee is just a cup of coffee."
Maybe, as the Buddhists teach, the middle road is best. Allow for all realities, but live in balance. Grounding is essential in metaphysics. Keeping one's feet on solid ground while reaching for the sky seems to fit the bill.
Perhaps Shasta is a portal to higher dimensions. Perhaps it is defined by the spiritual sense of a presence when nothing in 3-D is seen, a gust of wind ruffling one's hair when there is no wind.
What I've concluded is that Shasta (like many sacred sites and power points) provided the template for a valid experience of multi dimensionality, held juxtaposed in spatial timelessness. An undeniable sense of well being and enhanced imagination were more easily accessed within its field.
Spirituality requires understanding and developing, not simply acquiring the academic knowledge of metaphysical theories of spirituality, but also the experiential process. My key has been enacting the discipline and ceremonial rituals of the indigenous traditions, including fasting, vision quests, shamanic journey and Earth-Dance ceremonial rituals. These filled
my understanding with experiential content ... living it. And allowed me to truly know that such experience is real and is valid.
In theory, there should be no difference between meditating in your living room or on a mountaintop ... yet for this writer, on Shasta there was a catalytic movement, an undeniable facility, which made it a whole lot easier to expand consciousness.
Is it the altitude, the minerals, the granite, the basalt (which is 50% silica), the rarified air, the tectonic stresses, the expectation or the magnetics?
Or is it all and none of the above?
It would be dismissive to say that what happens at Shasta is the result of industrial slabs of anticipation served on the experiential plates of all too eager mystics. But whatever the message, for this writer the engaging paradox didn't run out of
allegory, just logic and time.
One philosopher writes: "Shoot for the moon with the effectual arrows of desire, for a man's reach must exceed his grasp,or what's a heaven for ?"
Perhaps we are as small as the cages we construct for ourselves or as infinite as the cosmos, depending on the parameter of our belief. But for those seekers that have opened and been to Shasta and other like sites, I am preaching to the choir.
It is real, but then again, it's only a dream ... a navigable dream.
James Tyberonn 2007
Update 2012
I returned to Shasta on the June Solstice of 2010. I spent three days in solitude on the sacred mountain. Much had occurred since my powerful vision seven years ago. Between 2005 and 2010, I had retired from my geology work, and gone full time into my passion of metaphysics. I made three trips to Bolivia and Peru for shamanic visionary quests. I wrote 4 channeled books and recorded a music cd. I reconciled with my wife of 30 years in 2010, and we are living happily together doing the Earth-Keeper mission.
On the solstice of June 2010, I had perhaps the most powerful visionary experience of my sojourn. It is with humility that I share that I was inducted into the Crystalline Council of Light, inside the Hall of Records within the mountain, and given 3 days of vision.
I saw myself in all my realities. I understood these are multiple existences, simultaneous and open-ended. I saw that the conscious mind is ever growing toward a realization of the part it has to play in each ongoing multidimensional drama and reality. I understood that to fully comprehend that when we form what we think of as any current reality, all else will fall into place, shifting accordingly. I understood the Metatronic Keys. I understood that we are in duality, on a journey, and that journey requires recalibration and that ego must remain in check, that requisite humility is a key that must coincide with belief in the self.
Shasta opened the doors.
The Shasta Matrix of Ascended Masters
Mount Shasta is undoubtedly one of the most powerful
vortexial-portals on the planet.
Shasta has long been a magnet for pilgrims, seekers, sages and spiritual souls from all over the world. It is a mecca of mystery and multi-dimensional openings. Unexplained enigmas abound, yet this magnificent mount is benevolent. and deeply loved by all who come.
Many visitors are so endeared that they move to the area. Those who live in Mount Shasta City, the small town of some 7000 permanent residents located on the base of the mountain, often recount stories of encounters with Saint Germaine, LeMurians, Ascended Masters and benevolent extra terrestrials, including the Pleiadeans, Sirians and Arcturians. Most that visit there for pilgrimage and quest, return. The ancient ancestors, the campestral and indigenous societies recognized what was termed 'Holy Ground'. As such they recognized vortexial portals and areas where the dimensional veil was thin. It was designated as a place for vision and quest.
Shasta was considered the home of 'White Eagle' by the Native Americans. I had my first 'extra-terrestrial experiences at Shasta, and several years later had incredible, humbling and enlightening encounters with Sainte Germiane and entered into the Temple Hall of the Ascended Masters at Shasta.. These experiences were at first so lucid, that I somewhat doubted their 'physical' veracity. Yet in higher self I knew the experiences, the visuals, were deeply important and profoundly valid for my growth and comprehension.
The Crucible Effect Shasta opens the aura. It is an energy that bubbles up all that does not serve, as a pre-requisite of spiritual clarity. The energy somehow enables one to overcome the fear of the unknown in order to move into higher resonance. Shasta has a way of opening the heart and causing one to face the self, to review what you want in your life, to re-calibrate what is working and what no longer serves ones highest good. It is a crucible of self review, a place of both release and download.
Shasta expanded me , and did so beyond my expectations. There is absolutely something there that makes vision lucid. Something there that opens ones deepest truths. |
The Shasta Template
Mount Shasta lingers in defiance of society's carefully nurtured notions of what constitutes 'reality' and what is 'fantasy.' My experience mirrors both. Having worked as a field geologist & engineer for most of my career, I am naturally attracted to Gaia's elements and mountainous expressions, especially volcanoes. And while my 'day job' kept me quite grounded (and pressured), in many ways, it has expedited my expansion through metaphysical journeys and allowed me to circum-navigate the globe and visit many, many sacred sites.
One pragmatic researcher writes: "Proponents of alternative realities are not scientists and shouldn't try to be - they are artists and mythmakers for a constantly changing culture, and should be respected for their abilities as poets, shamans, and mythmakers. Scientists tell us what the universe is like, and teach us about nature. Mythmakers tell us how we react to the world, and thus teach us about ourselves. For example, a discovery that the brains biochemistry might cause a certain mental state satisfies no basic emotional need in the average person. But proposing that humans can psychically 'see' people and places across long distances inspires many of us on the deepest level. Practically all alternative reality theories and beliefs - psychic powers, reincarnation, visitors from other worlds or dimensions, Masters who monitor historical event - appeal to basic urges most of us have, frighten us deliciously, or inspire us deeply. Most have precedents in archaic myth and folk belief. But most times, a cup of coffee is just a cup of coffee."
Maybe, as the Buddhists teach, the middle road is best. Allow for all realities, but live in balance. Grounding is essential in metaphysics. Keeping one's feet on solid ground while reaching for the sky seems to fit the bill.
Perhaps Shasta is a portal to higher dimensions. Perhaps it is defined by the spiritual sense of a presence when nothing in 3-D is seen, a gust of wind ruffling one's hair when there is no wind.
What I've concluded is that Shasta (like many sacred sites and power points) provided the template for a valid experience of multi dimensionality, held juxtaposed in spatial timelessness. An undeniable sense of well being and enhanced imagination were more easily accessed within its field.
Spirituality requires understanding and developing, not simply acquiring the academic knowledge of metaphysical theories of spirituality, but also the experiential process. My key has been enacting the discipline and ceremonial rituals of the indigenous traditions, including fasting, vision quests, shamanic journey and Earth-Dance ceremonial rituals. These filled my understanding with experiential content ... living it. And allowed me to truly know that such experience is real and is valid.
In theory, there should be no difference between meditating in your living room or on a mountaintop ... yet for this writer, on Shasta there was a catalytic movement, an undeniable facility, which made it a whole lot easier to expand consciousness. Is it the altitude, the minerals, the granite, the basalt (which is 50% silica), the rarified air, the tectonic stresses, the expectation or the magnetics?
Or is it all and none of the above?
It would be dismissive to say that what happens at Shasta is the result of industrial slabs of anticipation served on the experiential plates of all too eager mystics. But whatever the message, for this writer the engaging paradox didn't run out of allegory, just logic and time.
One philosopher writes: "Shoot for the moon with the effectual arrows of desire, for a man's reach must exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for ?"
Perhaps we are as small as the cages we construct for ourselves or as infinite as the cosmos, depending on the parameter of our belief. But for those seekers that have opened and been to Shasta and other like sites, I am preaching to the choir.
It is real, but then again, it's only a dream ... a navigable dream.
James Tyberonn
Thank YOU, Beloved Sonja! YES!! Shasta is a Wonderous Journey In Itself!
Mount Shasta and its many "pocket satellites" of Sacred Energetic Sites draw me each year on a Pilgrimage to Renew & ReEnergize ALL That I AM.
It is interesting to note that Mt. Shasta has TWO peaks: Shastina Peak which is shorter with a large crater; and Shasta Itself. The pictures below are all my own, taken during various visits. Enjoy!
Mt. Shasta from Castle Craigs through the Mist - easy to see Shasta's two Peaks
Castle Craigs near Mt. Shasta
This is Panther Meadow below Shasta's Imposing Ridge. It was taken in Summer 2008 when visitors were still allowed in the the Meadow. A most Fascinating Element of the Meadow, is its Babbling Brook ~ an entire Symphony of Meditative Frequencies as one traverses its path. It has since been closed to ALL. The Fragile Alpine Meadow only blooms after the snow melts in a tiny window of about 3 weeks. Many Visitors did NOT Respect it's Sacredness and the Meadow has Suffered Serious Setbacks. In 2010 it was Patrolled by Native American Sentries to Protect the Wildflowers. The paths have been altered for minimal, guarded access to Allow Rejuvenation of the Beautiful Wildflowers. In 2011, the Meadow Remained Shrouded in Snow All Summer. The Mountain Road was Closed to ALL Traffic at Bunny Flats.
Wildflowers in Panther Meadow 2008
Panther Meadow Dragon Tree Sentry at Dusk
She-Who-Weeps-Many Tears, Sacred Site near Mt. Shasta ~ picture taken 5-2011
With Infinite LoveLight & Appreciation for ALL,
CrystaLin Joy
All my GRATITUDE to SohinBen for posting this!!!
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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Posted by Steve Hutchinson on October 25, 2024 at 10:00am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on October 24, 2024 at 11:45am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on October 3, 2024 at 7:17pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on July 28, 2024 at 1:30pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on July 26, 2024 at 5:30am 0 Comments 2 Likes
July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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