lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Dear Lightgrid Family and Gridwork Team,

The Solstice is nearing, Full Moon energies still being on. Are you ready to take the next step?

As Amoran suggested, we will follow Lord Gandhi's request and focus our LOVE and PRAYERS on bringing UNITY, PEACE, BALANCE and thus ABUNDANCE to AFRICA - and we will aid the process of BALANCING the Feminine and the Masculine Energies on Earth, just as Ishema asked us to do in her post on June 21st. The following are insights I gained which will help us to COMBINE both intentions as we begin to see the bigger picture behind the scenes ...

At about a month ago I realised that the SPRING EQUINOX of 2015 will be a very special one: A TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE will mark the RETURN of the SUN on the North Pole on March 20th! On this day we will be asked to work in UNISON with the Fairy, the Angel and the Ascended Master Kingdom. We will need as many lightworkers AWAKE and ready to SERVE as possible to tip the balance in favour of PEACE, LOVE, LIGHT and a GENTLE transition into the New World. The Plants, the Minerals and the Animals will stand side by side with the Crystalline Human Race and TOGETHER we will fully shift into the New Age, receiving the Blessings of RENEVAL.

The preparation for this shift begins as soon as NOW.

We have 2 solstices and 1 Equinox to position ourSELF and re-establish full communication with the elements.

The following draft shall illustrate what is going to happen at the June Solstice now - and a very similar process, with reversed  polarities and magnetics, will take place in December:

You see GAIA and the HEART of Mother Earth. The HEART is pumping energy - not only for GAIA, but the entire UNIVERSE. Europe received the jump start of the Divine Feminine HEART Energy on June 7th- and the WAVE of awakening LOVE and renewed Feminine WISDOM is reverberating all around the globe now. On Tuedsay 10th the Heart of the Scorpion was called back to full pulsating LIFE - the PROTECTOR of the Divine Feminine Energy has resumed work and is now fully intact again.

You see the DIVINE FEMININE CUP of LOVE in the Southern Hemisphere of the World and the 8 pointed Star, the Divine Masculine Source of LIGHT, in the Northern Hemisphere.


For those in the Southern Hemisphere...

This is the darkest time of the annual cycle. It is the time of going deep within to confront your deepest truth which may catalyze a death of some past pattern or situation which you've now outgrown. The ego may run from this by offering you distractions so if dark thoughts & emotions surface allow yourself to acknowledge & feel them as it is only through expressing our feelings that we confront the truth & make the shift. This is the most deeply yin (sacred feminine) time when we meet with the deep wisdom & sacred knowledge of our inner wise woman. Regardless of our physical gender. She may come in the form of the hag, as we don't have the energy to put on appearances or the inclination. Embrace her, for she holds the understanding that will gift you immortal beauty & grace. So if you feel like going to ground, gestating & conserving what energy you have, do not judge yourself for feeling this way. It is natural. We are cyclic just as all of life is. Our annual descent into the shadowlands of our psyche is what matures us.

For those in the Northern Hemisphere...

This is the lightest time of the annual cycle. it is the time of daring to share all your creative thoughts, gifts & manifestations with the greater good. You may feel timid if your Divine inner spark has not been affirmed enough in the past by those you looked to as authority figures. It takes courage to share our light, especially when those who have not seen their own Divine essence will judge you for daring to expose yours. This is not a reason to hide under a bushel, merely a reminder to surround yourself with dream-holders, those who see & affirm your greatest potential & cheer you on for daring to pursue it. Be discerning about who you unveil your gifts too, trusting that when you have seen enough of your light no criticisms will cast a shadow across it. This is the time of the Solar Logos, the sacred masculine who saves the world, expressed through each of us by sharing his strengths to uplift all of humanity

At the time of the Equinox the Earthern Masculine Energies will RISE up in the Northern hemisphere to be met and healed by the DIVINE Masculine LIGHT from ABOVE.

And the Earthern Feminine Energies will likewise RISE to the surface in the Southern hemisphere of the world to be met and healed by the DIVINE Feminine LOVE from SOURCE.

Thus, I ask all who live NORTH from the equator to focus on the healing of MASCULINITY - whether you are a man or a woman - and thus on establishing contact with the elements of WIND (AFRICA) and FIRE (Europe - electromagnetic energy). May the Rainbow Light touch our hearts and souls and re-UNITE Europe and Africa as well as North-, Central- and Southamerica!

Envision a Lingham of LIGHT planted in the Cup of LOVE.

And all who live SOUTH from the equator: Please let your Feminine LOVE, COMPASSION ans WISDOM surface to be met by the Divine Feminine Inspiration of the MOTHER Earth Goddess as the LIGHT returns to your lands, no matter what gender you belong to! EARTH and WATER are HER elements. May the Cup of LOVE be filled to the BRIM!

And see the Pillar of LIGHT from the Northern Hemisphere slowly touch ground in CUP of LOVE, Empowering the SACRED Goddess HEART!

May all the names of the Goddess be WASHED CLEAN from ancient and recent abuse!

May all the names of God become known again for what they are: names of the ONE!






Sonja Myriel RAouine

PS: SHARING this message in its entirety is highly appreciated. May we JOIN together as ONE!

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My gratitude to you, Frank!

What a fantastic picture you have found. The EAGLe ... the WIND!


Sonja Myriel

May we ARISE together as ONE!

Thank you so much for adding your love and light, your power, faith, intention and wisdom to the whole! 




Sonja MYriel

Liebe Sonja, ich habe die Invokation zur Heilung und Reinigung der Finanzsysteme für die Sonnenwende übersetzt und stelle dir den Text zur Weitergabe zur Verfügung.

Anrufung für göttliche Intervention


Während der Übertragung üben wir das Gesetz der Anrufung aus. Dieses besondere Gesetz existiert für jene, die im Dienst an anderen vereint in der heiligen Absicht arbeiten. Es erlaubt den Ebenen der Aufgestiegenen aus den Grenzen des Gesetzes der Nichteinmischung herauszutreten und in unserem Auftrag zu handeln.

Für zusätzliche Kraft und Wirkung sprich sie laut und mit vollem Gefühl vor oder während der Sonnenwende-Übertragung für dich selbst oder in deiner Gruppe aus.


Anrufung zur Aktivierung des Codes für den Wohlstand der Menschheit


Geliebte Heilige Wesen!

Mit und durch die erlösende Kraft des Bewusstseins der Ein(s)heit rufen wir mit sofortiger Wirkung die Göttliche Intervention hervor, um die Finanzsysteme neu zu gestalten, so dass Gerechtigkeit und wirtschaftliches Gleichgewicht auf diesem Planeten verwirklich werden.

Bitte unterstützt uns dabei eine Ära des „richtigen Gebrauchs von Geld“ in Übereinstimmung mit dem Göttlichen Plan der Erde einzuleiten.

Aus dem unermesslichen Reservoir des universellen Lichts rufen wir die stärkste Durchdringung des Heiligen Sonnenfeuers hervor und es gehe


hinein in die finstersten finanziellen Korruptionen die in unserer Welt stattfinden.

Sendet die göttlichen Kräfte der Intervention herein um eine massive und dauerhafte Reinigung von ALLEN wirtschaftlichen Verfehlungen durchzuführen, durch alle Zeitrahmen und Dimensionen, bekannte und unbekannte.

Dies schließt mit ein eine unerbittliche und gründliche Reinigung des Unterbewusstseins jedes Mannes, jeder Frau und jeden Kindes auf diesem Planeten. Durch das Gesetz der Gnade reinigt und erlöst die gesamte Menschheit von der Selbsteinkerkerung durch die Laster und alles damit verbundene Karma in vollkommener Übereinstimmung mit dem Göttlichen Willen.

VERSIEGELT dauerhaft die Pforte wo die Korruption weilt. Befreit die Menschheit vom Würgegriff all derer, die an den wirtschaftlichen Schalthebeln sitzen und finanzielle Vermögenswerte einsetzen um zu kontrollieren, manipulieren, täuschen und zerstören.

Segnet die Missetäter mit dem unfehlbaren Licht der Vergebung, Gnade und Mitgefühl. Möge die Wahrheit enthüllt werden!

Lodert das Kosmische Licht in, durch und um alle mit finanziellen Angelegenheiten verbundenen Gebäude und kontrollierenden Parteien und Instanzen, deren gesamte räumlich materielle Ausdehnung, alle Personen und damit verbundenen Aktivitäten.

Möge sich der großartige Akt der Reinigung  wellenförmig ausbreiten und alle anderen mit dem Finanzsystem verbundenen Gruppen und Individuen erfassen und dadurch einen massiven Dominoeffekt bei diesem globalen Hausputz erschaffen.


Gesegnete Legionen des Lichts! Befreit das planetare morphogenetische Feld vom Massenbewusstsein um eine neue geistige Blaupause für unsere sich entwickelnde Spezies einzurichten. Unterstützt diese Nacheichung mit einem beständigen Strom lebendigen und intelligenten Lichts solange bis die Aufgabe vollendet ist.

Wir rufen die Universellen Gesetze in Aktion, welche die Unterstützung durch Technik der Sternenvölker erlauben und das kosmische Licht der Morphogenese zur vollen Entfaltung bringen. Geliebte intergalaktische Familie des Lichts, kommt und leistet Hilfe bei unserem vollen Übergang zu globalem Frieden und Wohlstand!

Helft uns beim Säen, Verankern und Aktivieren der neuen Muster im Finanz- und Bildungssektor, die vom Göttlichen Prinzip und vom Universellen Gesetz gestaltet wurden. Durch die Verwirklichung von globaler Gleichberechtigung werden sich alle heilsamen Systeme durchsetzen.

Wir gebieten die Ausstrahlung universeller Liebe durch die höheren geistigen Körper jeder Seele zu fegen und dabei eine dauerhafte Umschaltung in allen Illusionen von Angst und Mangel zu bewirken und diese uralten Muster in die globale Erkenntnis von endloser Fülle und Teilung von Gelegenheiten umzuwandeln.

Erweckt und inspiriert alle Menschen mit der göttlichen Erinnerung an unsere wahre unbegrenzte Natur als Wesen von immanenter Liebe und Fülle jenseits allen Maßes.

AKTIVIERT die Codes der Neuen Erde von Wohlstand und Mit-Schöpfertum HIER UND JETZT zum größtmöglichen Wohl von allen.

Bitte haltet dieses heilige Feuer und die Aktivität der Invokation aufrecht bis all dies vollständig manifestiert ist in eurem heiligen Namen

Durch und mit dem Universellen Gesetz

Dein Wille geschehe!

Dies ist der Text, der gesprochen werden soll. Möge es zum höchsten Wohle aller geschehen!

In Liebe



Ich DANKE dir von ganzem Herzen, liebe Luzia!!!

The link for all to the discussion in English:


Negativity is losing ground :)

May the financial system be RENEWED from bottom to top!


Sonja Myriel

Dearest Light Warrior Sonja,

Thank you for beautiful work :) I am inspired by your dedication to HEALING beautiful Mother Earth. Your Soul is GLOWING! I can see and feel you all the way in Sedona! Just LOVELY! You're DIVINE!

Wind and Fire Elements are engaged in HEALING Masculinity. Sedona has been protected during this time of BALANCE here in the Northern Hemisphere. There is currently a forest fire in the canyon, high winds have guided the fire North through the the BEAUTIFUL canyon, away from Sedona. This fire is apx. 8km outside of Sedona. There was a fire burning for three weeks in that same canyon that was contained only just last week. I have surely been connected to these Elements since the fire is burning so close. The smoke in the air has been quite thick in the past few weeks which has served as a reminder of these Elements. Large gusts of WIND has cleared the AIR! 

I have had a pretty constant connection that is better understood after reading the LIGHT you generated in this post :) Thank you for your clarity in communication. Instead of  wondering what is happening around me, and wondering why the FIRE is ripping through the canyon, why the WIND storm is happening at this time, I can see that it is ALL Necessary! Necessary for BALANCE. Necessary for death, Necessary for RE BIRTH. I NOW see the Beauty in ALL of this. I am grateful that Sedona has been protected. I am grateful to have been connected to FIRE and WIND and HEALING MASCULINITY! I am Grateful to Be connected to The DRAGONS :) I am Grateful for YOU Sonja, Grateful for ALL DIVINE CONNECTIONS!

Sending many many LOVE and PRAYERS on bringing UNITY, PEACE, BALANCE and thus ABUNDANCE to AFRICA!



Dearest Lindsay,

DIVINTIY is descending as we are reaching UPWARDS and on the SOLSTICE.

HUMANITY will meet DIVINITY and an uncomparable process of CLEANSING and HEALING will take place, just as described above, resulting in EMPOWERMENT!

Your message brings even greater awareness to my Being - FIRE and WIND, FIRE and WIND, FIRE and WIND ... you are BELOVED! And the WATERS of LOVE and the BODY of EARTH support your task! Together the four elements bring comfort and HEALING through their cleansing qualities!

And the Cleansing results in EMPOWERMENT!

As Humanity melts into the DIVINE,


No longer are we condemned to stand apart and watch, listless and without the clue of how to invoke the PRESENCE of SOURCE

of how to assume responsibility and become ONE with Divine Will and Intention

and work together with the FOUR ELEMENTS and the Seven Kingdoms of Earth!

Bavado is from Sedona, dearest Lindsay, and he told me about the draughts ... May the coming two Solstice Ceremonies - this one now and the next one in December - bring the needed BALANCE to the world of Creation, so that draughts like the ones now so well known and feared and floodings in other parts of the world become remembrances of the PAST!

Infinite DRAGON LOVE BLESSINGS, dear Lindsay, DANCING with the elements on Angel Wings and Dragon Power,

Sonja MYriel

PS: ALL of CREATION is DANCING with us :-)

Thank you dearest Sonja. This is a powerful time to create.

Joining with you all, as One.


So it IS, dearest Onura!

THANK YOU for joining in :-)





Sonja Myriel





Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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