Hello Beautiful!
I'm so happy to connect with you today. Thank you for taking the time to listen and receive. Here are some of the themes in play as we continue to unfold our new experiences of conscious presence, in the material.
Being at a loss for words.
We're in an expansive, void-state lately. But it's different from before.
I've realized, that as my consciousness expands, encompassing more and more of all that I am, that I am increasingly experiencing awareness beyond concepts. Thus, being at a loss for stories, or making meaning out of what's taking place. Perhaps you've noticed this too?
Interestingly, despite this, in any given moment, it's quite easy to participate when another person or situation presents, which is a wonderful confirmation that we do indeed have access to everything that we need. A reminder that all we need is what we need, now.
Reorganization of the mind-body hierarchy.
First of all, emotions are being seen more accurately by many of us; as triggered pathways of thought. Loops. Neural nets. The distinction between emotions and feelings or sensations is arising to be perceived. Have you sensed or noticed this?
As you live without the filters of beliefs and stories, more and more, you can see the difference between emotions and the more direct experiences of feelings or sensations.
In addition to emotions losing their lustre and their power, the hierarchy of the mind-body has been reorganized.
The mind-body, a sentient, all-knowing field of local and non-local energies is increasingly now functioning as an integration of spirit and material. The mind, as awareness, is increasingly grounded in the body.
Ground by coming fully in, here.
For a long while, we were guided to ground and connect to the Earth. More useful now, is to ground yourself by filling up your physical form with the conscious awareness that is YOU. Inviting your essence into your human form.
Realize that your awareness, IS YOU. So as you bring attention fully into the body, not just down the spinal pathway, not just in your chakras, but filling up your whole physical body and then emanating from you as your auric field, you ground yourself on Earth.
What was missing before for so many Lightworkers, was a willingness to come fully in! There was hesitancy. There was resistance. This is natural given the emotional triggers and the past life experiences that may have also informed and been re-experienced in new ways in this life to provide a pathway to expanded wholeness. Yet, now it is more than obvious, that manifesting and ascending, are part and parcel. That the material IS the vehicle for ascension. It is the context for this collective shift into finer, lighter, awareness.
Moving beyond duality.
In the past, spiritual development involved going inward, with a focus to reach upward. The filter of duality saw the lower chakras and reflections of this in the world (money, for example,) as non-spiritual. There was a hope that one could escape all this, and ascend.
For anyone living this way, there was a lot of activity in the upper chakras and not much in the lower chakras. If you've found it hard to manifest, try grounding by coming fully into your body with your conscious awareness, using your attention and intend. It will make a huge difference in your creative powers.
As we expand beyond duality, and transactional relationship to life, we embrace the material as local and non-local energy; inherently love and beautiful, expressed in form and specificity. Innately harmonious and a variation on the endless themes of love.
We begin to realize; it's about being here, and being the Creator-God's we innately are.
So then, we encounter, the most challenging of situations: the realization that we must go all in, and start and build and create and imagine and hope anew, to receive the harvest of it all. To fulfill our divine intentions in being here.
Learning to invest again.
Personally, I find learning to invest again, annoying. Beyond annoying, really. Isn't annoying a way of couching our disappointment? Being somewhat cynical, reticent, jaded? Yes.
Recently I realized this in a very pointed way as I moved into a new home. It's beautiful! Light-filled, spacious. Room to work, write, channel, paint, grow things and relax. It's in a wonderful area and close to all the things I love about where I live.
Here I sit 20 days in, in rooms still largely filled with boxes. Why? Well, I'm tired for one. And my air conditioner broke when I first moved in, so I couldn't live here during our 100 + degree heat wave. But those are just stories.
The reason I haven't yet unpacked more is that I've hit that sticky resistance, that says, "Why bother? OMG, I've done this so many times before...and I'm tired!"
It's the Atlantis-paradigm. The deep memory of being thwarted right in the midst of arriving in a life that you worked for, a long time and perhaps even, through many lifetimes. Or it's the Lemurian-paradigm. Pick your disappointment, we've all got them.
Part of being a Lightworker is volunteering, with enthusiasm, countless times, to enter the material and bring forth our light. Our light is our consciousness. As we embody it more and more fully, we increase the spin of our field, ascending.
Now we're in a state of being that is truly new. The material itself is uplifted. Then why, you may wonder, as did I, are we still so tired and hesitant to jump right in and create?
Because we're learning to live beyond that old way of creating.
Beyond transactions: learning to receive.
The impulse to create as in our past, isn't coming forth. I realized this once I put my compassion hat on and stopped beating myself up for not zipping around in zest-filled zeal that at last I am in my new home.
I realized; it's about learning to let the support in, let the higher levels of my being, my entourage, the "Golden Dawn Squad," as I like to call them, my essence, all of my Family of Light in the non-physical, collaborate with me and present to me.
It's about opening more fully and learning to receive.
For a long time, as we awoke, we were learning to be, rather than doing all the time. Now I see that we're opening up to even more ease, we're opening more fully, to receive. This invitation to open more, to receive more, is the Divine Feminine quality that is talked about so much in regards to Earth's Magical shift taking place.
The key now is to discover our own ways to open more and become a living channel of all that we are. The Epitome of Me. Of You. Of each of us.
Open to the fullness of our being, open to the world. Flowing. Receiving. Expressing. Emanating. Present. Alive and creative.
Holding Back the Floodgates.
Each of us has spent lots of time letting go of everything that wasn't in alignment with all that we are. Realize that doing this has simply created a more and more abundant flow!
As we have not yet learned to open more fully to receive all that we've created and intended, we're in essence, holding back the floodgates. No wonder we're so tired.
The key to having more energy is not just to sleep more. It's to open more and let more in.
In effect, we've gotten into big-time alignment with a rushing river of more-everything that we've wanted.
So it's time to learn to open to the door wider and wider and let more and more of it in.
How, then, now do we open to receive?
What I've noticed is there are several things that seem to support this opening up more. Each of us is different, and we'll each have to find what works best and where we tend to be more closed.
Hint: the areas of greatest disappointment are where we're used to holding back the flow.
We can invite our own Family of Light, our non-physical friends, to expand our perspective. To reignite our confidence and hope. They can also steer us and guide us and show us and assist as we move through our day, helping us to connect with more and more of the life we've created and not yet experienced.
Give permission and invite support.
Remember -- the Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and all of the Star Families and our Cosmic Families still need our permission to step forth more fully and assist in the Earth realm.
Invite them in. Ask them to be with you. Give them permission each morning and each evening to help you remember how to live open and free. To reclaim your hope, and the natural, carefree prowess of expressing and receiving that are your true nature.
That's the frontier for us now and this month, and through the September Equinox, there'll be lots of people being presented with invitations to reawakening to a renewed optimism.
How does one get this invitation? By inviting assistance and support from all that we are. By learning to ask for what we want and learning to expect and receive support.
What is your relationship with support?
This simple act of asking for support, is part of learning to receive. It's an act of openness. It can demonstrate the knowing of our Oneness. If we know we are One and believe we are supported, wouldn't it be natural, in this time when our bodies are so weary and our hearts so tired, to invite, open and welcome support?
It's up to us to realize that what we're not receiving, we don't yet know how to let in. It's not that we cannot create. It's that we're not used to receiving abundantly, with ease and grace. Learning that this is the truth of life, will take some practice.
Opportunities to play.
I'll be offering three programs this summer for us to play with all these themes. The first two are pay-what-you-want, including scholarships, the third, tba once I've finished creating it.
> The More-fest, Soar Fest: Launches June 3. Learn to open more, learn to receive more.
> The Legion of Light: Ongoing Membership Community working with the Angelic & Archangel Michael and qualities of the New Human are supported each month.
> Becoming the Epitome of You: Move into the Current of Your Passions and Express Yourself (Workshop starts mid-July, details to be announced.)
Please feel free to join us, for any or all of these experiences. You're meant to have everything you are capable of enjoying. This is my way of providing a demonstration of that in our world.
May this renew your sense of hope as you reclaim your original intentions for this modern paradise we're generating.
Love and light,
* Beautiful quote/image from Christine Schaefer, Intuitive Coaching.