lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
I was doing a channeling for someone recently and she asked me a question about being a keeper of the 4th gate and what it meant. I went to her guides to ask and this is the answer that I have received:
From the third parallel of the third kind, there lays a doorway into the unknown territory of the human psyche, the human psyche that carries the secrets to the ether world. Therein lay the secrets of the human kind.
And so to access the doorway into another parallel of the human psyche and the existence of the truth therein, lays a key, the key which belongs to the one that is gaiting the fourth parallel of the human psyche.
The 4th parallel of the human psyche is not what you consider it to be, but rather a brain wave, and an activity and octave, an octave which exists in the fourth parallel of the human psyche.
And so where you to look at the GigaHertz (HZ) of your known world, you would then discover that the HZ and psyche are linked, and interchangeable, what we are trying to say is that the wavelength upon which the human brain operates separates into 4 equal parts, and yet unilaterally distant parts, akin to the fabionachi sequence and yet different, whereby the second part is then duplicated and enlarged by its first part, and so forth and so on.
Albeit the seeming difference in length, of the these parallels the octaves and the gigahertz arise evenly, and so we must say that from point zero to point four hundred and thirty two (432) lays the first door of the human consciousness. From four hundred thirty to (432) to sixteen hundred and thirty six (1636) lays another, from 1636hz to 3216hz yet another and so on until infinity, yet the infinity is where the souls true conciseness dwells.
The fourth corridor is where the magic happens, the fourth corridor is where the true soul and identity arises. And so the on in question is a keeper of the fourth gate of the human conciseness, the human GigaHertz wavelength if you will.
Through her voice, she brings forth the magic, through the establishment of her voice she sends out the waves of the fourth dimensional parallel decree, whereby the gigahertz are expanded into the fourth gate, and the gate thereby opens up. They then proceeded to tell her that she can do so with her own voice and can bring it up high enough to have access to people’s 4th gates of consciousness and by speaking with them, or signing to them she would be able to open up that gateway and awaken each and everyone who hears that pitch. Just like dolphins activate our subconsciousness so too can she do the same but in a different way.
After I have received the channeling I went looking online for any further information I could find on this topic and found this very interesting article that I thought I’d share with all of you…
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –
The 4 Levels of Consciousness
To establish a better understanding of consciousness, we need to have a clearer concept of the levels of man’s mind. It is easy to observe man’s waking conscious mind. The mind is always conscious on some level, though man is not always consciously aware of it. He usually is only aware of the waking conscious portion – but this is a shallow concept of consciousness.
The study of the mind’s levels — the waking conscious, the subconscious, the superconscious and the Wisdom Mind — will require careful consideration. It will be of benefit to separate the information into segments so that the eye can more easily “see” what the conscious mind is attempting to comprehend.
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1. The waking conscious mind is the mind we use in our daily living. It perceives the incidents of passing time as marked by our everyday lives. 2. The subconscious mind is a portion of the 3. The Superconscious mind holds life’s entire library 4. The Wisdom Mind sometimes called Adi-budha, |
The Waking Conscious Mind
The seat of the waking conscious mind is the pineal gland which houses the mental seed atom. The pineal is also the terminal point of the consciousness cord which extends between the brain and the causal superconscious force field above the head.
The nadis, or etheric nerve threads which project into the mental field, flow into cells located in the posterior and central part of the cerebral cortex where we discover all the sense centers — the sight center in the occipital lobe, the hearing center in the temporal lobe, the speech center, the sleep center, etc,
The waking conscious mind operates through the cerebrospinal nervous system. This mind, experiencing some incident affecting the senses — those of seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling and smelling — registers a mental impulse which strikes a cell of the brain and travels into the superconscious force field via the nadis. There it is relegated to its proper file –the causal force field, the subconscious or the waking conscious force field, according to its emotional vibration.
To bring the memory of the incident again into the waking conscious mind from the memory storehouse in the superconscious, a mental impulse, triggered by sense sensations, strikes the mind substance in the superconscious force field setting up a responding vibration. The impulse travels down the etheric cord of the nadis to strike a specific brain cell or center to which the etheric cord is attached. The vibration in the superconscious sets up the same vibration in the brain center. The brain center responds to the vibration in the mental substance — and man remembers.
It is like tones on the musical scale – A tone is sounded in the mind substance which sends its vibratory impulse down through the etheric thread, connecting it to the brain center. The responsive neuron in turn vibrates to and echoes the tone.
The brain has no power in or of itself to think or to remember. Memories are not stored in the brain cells but these cells react to impulses reaching them from both the upper reaches of the superconscious mind and from the world around you. The brain is only a way station through which memories or impulses flow.
Karma – - Past and Present
The Subconscious mind substance flows out of the superconscious field into the frontal lobe to converge into the pituitary. The pituitary controls the subconscious operations but only as directed by the heart seed atom releasing picture images of past karma and the solar plexus atom releasing karmic images being presently created. |
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The Mind and Karma
The question now arises: from where do the dark phobias of the mind come from? — The unexplained complexes?
The answer itself is complex. It can be explain better by using an example: Some neurotics suffer, let us say, from an unexplainable and constantly returning fear, which reaction builds a brain center in a particular brain cell or neuron. These obsessions rise out of the subconscious force field and flow into the brain cells of the frontal lobe, but only as the heart seed atom sends impulses into the brain cells to activate the flow of these memories. Remember, the subconscious actually is a part of the superconscious force field — that portion where all the fears and phobias are stored.
The picture images flow out of the heart seed atom and, carried by the blood, strike the brain cells which contain the etheric thread upon which is recorded this particular fear. The impact stimulates this brain center to discharge electrical impulses, activating a flow of mental ether out of the subconscious where the fear is recorded as a memory. The “fear” image flows downward from the subconscious field to strike the brain center and the personality “remembers” the “fear” episode. If the fear is recalled often enough to create a permanent brain center, a phobia or an obsession results. It would seem that man is caught in a self- created mental hell.
The Subconscious Mind
The subconscious is divided in its operations:
1. That which operates through the sympathetic nervous system, automatically controlling the
functions of the physical form — the heartbeat, breathing, etc -
2. That which operates through the cerebrospinal, bringing the memories of fears and phobias
into the waking conscious mind.
Superconscious mind substance flows through the subconscious force field into the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex of the brain to converge in the pituitary gland. The pituitary, possessing two lobes, is also divided in its operation:
a. The frontal or anterior lobe is connected with the sympathetic nervous system. This anterior
pituitary, operating through the sympathetic, automatically controls the functions of the
physical form — but only as directed by the heart seed atom, releasing picture images of
past karma.
b- The rear lobe, called the post-lobe, is connected with the cerebrospinal and the waking
conscious mind, and also with the solar plexus atom which constantly releases karmic
images being presently created through man’s carnal desires.
Thus man’s subconscious activities are definitely controlled by his past karma and by the karma he creates daily.
Let us consider first that portion of the subconscious which causes the functions of the physical form to operate automatically without any conscious thought – respiration, circulation, digestion, etc. This aspect of the subconscious is completely under the dominion of the life cord which extends from the Monad to the heart.
Prom the anterior lobe of pituitary, the subconscious mind substance travels downward through the sympathetic system which converges in the solar plexus brain, and again in the root brain.
Both lobes of pituitary and the root brain in the reproductive center are, at man’s present stage of evolution, subject to influence by the subconscious mind operating through the sympathetic nervous system. The pituitary releases the flow of chemical substances which cause the entire glandular system to release the proper hormones throughout the physical form.
Let us now consider the second aspect of the subconscious. We have already said that the subconscious mind substance flows out of the superconscious force field of which it is a part, into the frontal lobe of the brain to converge in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland – We have said, too, that the subconscious is that portion of the superconscious which is the “filing cabinet” of all man’s fears and phobias.
Let us say that the heart seed atom releases picture images of a fear episode. The impulse travels to the frontal lobe of the brain. There the impulse strikes a brain cell through which passes a thread of mental reflecting ether upon which is “recorded” this same fear episode. The stimulated brain cell projects the picture of the episode into the force field of the subconscious via the nadis thread of ether and the memory of the episode pours into the consciousness,
It would seem, then, that man has two “files” of memories; that which is stored in the superconscious force field and that which is recorded in the heart seed atom. It is well to explain that they are duplicate records. That which is recorded in the heart seed atom simply reflects that which is recorded in the akashic record of the superconscious.
It is out of this heart atom that the picture images of karma move into the blood stream to be carried through man’s physical form. Thus it is through the seed atom that recorded karma is dissipated. “Erasing” the karmic record from the heart atom also erases it from the cells in the frontal, lobe of the cerebral cortex of the brain, seat of the subconscious — or rather, from the nadis which contain a record of the memory and which is “coiled” in the cells of the frontal lobe.
It is well to remember that as man’s fears and phobias are gradually removed from these cells, more and more superconscious mind power can strike them until this frontal lobe, aligning with the Third Eye, ultimately becomes the seat of the superconscious.
Also, with the dissolution of the etheric web which now divides the post-lobe of pituitary from the anterior lobe, superconscious impulses and impressions can flow into the frontal lobe of the brain.
With the dissolution of this web, the force of the superconscious will pour more of its power directly into the entire pituitary. Future man then will experience little influence from this aspect of the subconscious — the fears and the phobias — they being dissolved with the purification of the heart seed atom.
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The Superconscious is the seat of the Akashic records, which means it is the memory storehouse. In this capactiy it holds a record of both good and evil. Only the pure essences enter the causal force field to build man’s eternal causal form. The undesirable sifts into the subconscious to become man’s fears, phobias, complexes. The frontal lobe presently is victim of the subconscious flow but once the subconscious is cleared of its undesirable karma, this lobe will unite with the Third Eye to become a brain center fo the superconscious.
The superconscious mind finds its seat of contact through the entire Third Eye area, including the optic thalamus, the third ventricle, the post-lobe of pituitary, and the pineal gland. Although the superconscious embraces the subconscious and waking conscious mental fields, it also extends above and beyond these levels. This higher aspect of the superconscious contains the causal field. Over and above this superconscious field lies the mind we call the Wisdom Mind. It extends upward to embrace the Monad, man’s individual “share of God.” |
The superconscious holds life’s entire library, of experiences in its imperishable substance. In it is recorded every desire and every act of man. It is indeed his book of life and book of judgment in one, for it has recorded everything that he has ever thought or done, said or heard.
This record is reflected in the physical seed atom of the heart and it is out of this heart atom that the picture images of karma move into the blood stream.
The superconscious is divided into three principal aspects:
1. The causal force field is that aspect which lies in the heart of the superconscious.This causal
field absorbs into its substance only the pure and altruistic experiences of the individual soul.
2. The subconscious mind is that portion of the superconscious which absorbs into its
substance the phobias, fears, anxieties, depressions, obsessions , compulsions,
neuroses, schizophrenic tendencies and all the mysterious enigmatical emotions which
become mental blockages, stagnant pools of darksome forebodings .
3. The Waking conscious mind is the mind we use in our daily living – the surface mind
operating through the cerebrospinal nervous system which sees, hears, tastes, feels and
smells the incidents of passing time.
As daily events are experienced they are noted by the waking conscious mind and pass from it into the superconscious. There events are filed as memories according to their vibrations. The memory of undesirable events is filed in the subconscious force field, the pure are absorbed into the causal, while the general events are filed in the waking conscious sensory area,
Some may be confused that the superconscious as the seat of memories, which would cause it also to house man’s evils as well as his nobility and wisdom. But it must be clearly understood that if a superconscious field is to contain the complete akashic record, it must file away a record of all of man’s actions and reactions, both good and evil. Since the superconscious does contain the akashic record, then every thought, action, emotion and experience becomes a memory filed in its proper category according to the nature of the experience — whether it is pure evil or general. Thus we have three different “memory files,” in the superconscious mind:
1 . The Causal Force Field into which pass thoughts which are pure, untinged with carnality,
selfishness, hate, greed, there to become the “bricks” with which you build your “house
not made with hands, eternal in the heavens” – your causal body. Only altruistic thoughts
tinged with divine Love will enter this field. Once you have completely built this celestial
form by your own spiritual efforts, you need not again incarnate in the world of matter.
2. The subconscious force field into which carnal thoughts are absorbed to become your fears,
phobias, obsessions, and to create your kama rupa the lower desire body.
3. The Waking Conscious force field into which flow thoughts neither pure nor evil – only those
which are the fruit of “common knowledge.” This field contains your general store” of
information, and accumulated knowledge as experienced “’through every day” living, thus
becoming” your immediate finite memory reference.
Your Third Eye – Superconscious Contact
It should be noted that the pineal gland is not only the seat of the conscious mind but also a part of the superconscious point of contact since it is a part of the Third Eye, and since the Third Eye in its entirety is the seat of the superconscious in the physical brain.
The superconscious also embraces the post-lobe of pituitary which, when spiritualized to any degree, exerts its influence upon the anterior lobe – the seat of the subconscious mind. The superconscious does not “extend downward into the physical form. However, it can be reached through the vagus nerve and the spinal cord by the fires of kundalini so that, once man’s desires become tinged with aspirations, there is a constant upreaching toward the superconscious state.
This, then, clarifies how both the conscious mind and the subconscious mind have a connection with the superconscious mind, although at man’s present level of consciousness the waking conscious connection is almost imperceptible.
With his future spiritual development, the anterior lobe of pituitary will be influenced by pituitrin, the “love” hormone released by the post-lobe – and man will automatically begin to express good will in general through the subconscious.
The pineal gland, under future stimulation, will allow more definite and controlled contact between the conscious and superconscious minds. The tiny pineal antenna makes the pineal gland not only a receiving set for the superconscious, but a sending set as well, as It attempts to relay to the brain inspiration received from the Oversoul.
The wisdom mind, called the Adi-budha, extends above the superconscious and embraces the Monad. It is the field of supreme consciousness. It is the center of bliss; the realm of the Word; the region of the Divine Life stream of the Holy Nahd; the home of the Christ Substance overshadowng each individual.
The Wisdom Mind is a heritage of every individual: the mind which is the God-mind of the individual – his own portion of the Universal Divine Mind of God. The Wisdom Mind of each man, called the Adi-budha, extends above his superconscious and embraces his divine Monad; it is that mind which becomes the seat of wisdom permeating his mental aura. It is the field of the supreme consciousness of man – an estate of rare quality of which he is almost completely ignorant. It is the seat of supreme bliss, the realm of the Word, the field of the Christ Substance, the region of Divinity overshadowing each individual. Adi means supreme, budha interprets to mean wisdom. Adi-budha is in possession of pure truth while all other aspects of the mind are hampered by their imprisonment of the obscurity of life in the physical form. Even the superconscious, an intermediate force operating between the waking conscious and the Wisdom Mind, is tinged with the ignorance, the maya, the illusion of physical life. |
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Since there exists what mystics call the universal Mind of God, or the Divine Mind, how then did the consciousness of man become separated from it?
Throughout the ethers of space we know that, pervading every atom, is a mental substance — a substance of the Mind of God, a quality of the Divine Mind. We know that pervading the aura of man is also a quality of mental substance- We know that the atomic particles of this substance permeate the cells of man’s brain, yet its quality does not seem to bear the stamp of divinity which is contained in the Divine Substance. We know that the mental aura of the individual contains some portion of the Divine Mind and some quality of the Divine Spirit,
Yet there seems to be a gulf between that innate Divinity and the manifesting consciousness of the individual. Man seems only dimly aware of the presence of the Higher Quality. Even so, he perpetually gropes to unite with it. His life seems to be a constant chasing after shadows, which could equally be described as a search for light.
Man’s consciousness seems to be limited to a certain octave of sounds and colors. He is unable to distinguish that which is above that scale or that which is below it. The range of sound above and below it is inaudible to him and the colors above and below his range of perception are invisible to him.
So is his mind also tuned to a certain octave of awareness, and he seems unable to soar above his personal range of perception. His only means of communicating with the animal kingdom is through vocal tone and the quality of his emotions. The animal thus feels his love or his hatred, not through words but through intuitive feeling. The same is true at the other end of the scale. Man can only communicate with God through intuitive feeling.
Man can no more deny the presence of the Higher Mind than he could deny the presence of animal devotion, even though the animal cannot say the words, “I love you.” The qualities of the Higher Mind are there, but must be perceived by the normal consciousness through Intuitive perceptions. Man must know the love of God just as he must know the love of the animal.
This knowing we call intuition. The rare flashes of communication between the normal mind and the Adi-budha result in our inspiration, our visions, our intuitive discernments, our moments of genius.,. more, rarely yet, the spiritual ecstasies the mystics experi-ence when the veils of consciousness are momentarily parted.
Every mystic, every genius, every scientist, every inventor is aware of temporary penetrations of his consciousness by the Wisdom Mind, He is aware of the action of intuition which darts like a lightning flash piercing his ignorance with knowledge, with understanding and with mental power.
The light of this superior consciousness must act within narrow limits; must subdue and adapt its force to the normal mind substance of the individual; must modify or diminish its dynamo until the original divine luminosity becomes the quality of inspiration rather than pure wisdom. Still the receiver, the mystic, is quite aware of the source of his revelatory vision or his intuitive perception.
One road to attainment of this superior estate lies through the practice of meditation, the inward movement of the mind in constant and ceaseless effort to pierce the web between his external and his super-Self. Breaking this consciousness barrier causes a double action of the cosmic forces of consciousness an upward sweeping of the normal mind into the immutable status beyond and embracing the universal and, at the same time, a descent of light and bliss which, pouring into the lower consciousness, illumines its mental energies.
Only the mystic who has experienced this union of consciousness can be truly aware of the existing gulf between his potential wisdom and his everyday mental level. And yet, the disciple also becomes aware that his higher mind seems to be a reservoir of truth, and that he need not go from his present environment to find the whole of it. He need only unite consciously with his Oversoul in order to find the hidden secrets of the universe.
Receiving the downpour of Wisdom, he is aware of an automatic and spontaneous knowledge flowing in from the higher mind. He is aware of a difference in the process of thinking. There is no need for speculation or for attempting to find answers — the answers are simply there, for the Wisdom Mind is in possession of full truth, remitting vast degrees of knowledge in a single moment. The mystic is aware of the stream of knowledge – energy pouring in like a ray of sunshine, bringing with it true vision, true thinking and true feeling which, for want of a better word, we call intuition,
In this expanded state of awareness the mystic is conscious of the presence of the Adi-budha lying above his normal consciousness like great outspread wings of light. He is aware that the veil of the superconscious, which usually hides the Wisdom from him, has parted.
The mystic is aware, then, of the presence of not only the superconscious but the Wisdom consciousness that lies above it — the seat of the supreme cosmic power of which the superconscious is only an ambassador. The mystic realizes that the superconscious is only an intermediate force between the waking conscious mind and the seat of the wisdom Mind, acting as a protective screen to shield the waking conscious from an unbearable light; for indeed, the conscious mind is engulfed in a darkness which could not receive the direct
impact of the supreme light, except as it pours down through the shield of the superconscious.
.The Difference between the Wisdom Mind and the superconsciousness is that in the field of the Wisdom there is supreme all-knowing truth existing without any method of thought or action. The superconscious, being subject to the world of Maya, or illusion, is aware of the essential truth of things but must attempt to make this truth operable in the world of matter; must find some method of production, some means of taking the absolute truth and making it amenable to the narrow concepts of the conscious mind.
It must find some process of transforming the dynamic power of the Wisdom light so that it will illumine and not destroy the limited field of the conscious mind. It must, in other words, convert the Wisdom into the ignorance, the light into the darkness, releasing only that portion of Wisdom that the conscious mind can contain.
In our separative normal consciousness, for example, all religions, all philosophies, all political theories exist as opposites. Each of these opposites claims to possess that which is right, to be superior in all ways. Each blames the other with falsehood. Each feels a destiny to destroy the other so that its own truth might survive. Each claims to be in exclusive possession of the true path.
The light of the superconscious, if permitted to pierce the ignorance, would refute this claim to exclusiveness. Reflecting the light of the Wisdom Mind, it would permeate the conscious mind with the knowledge that all are necessary to the whole, and it would assign each to its field of endeavor in order to fulfill its rightful place and attain its own realization.
The superconscious, being in some possession of truth, would destroy the concept that all is false except one’s own affirmations. But the superconscious, being only a delegate of the Wisdom, cannot cause a change in the concepts of the conscious mind. Only a down pouring of the bliss from the Wisdom Mind, only an attunement with the stream of the divine Word pouring down from Adi-budha, can bring an immediate dissolution of the ignorance and darkness, and a complete surrender to truth and right understanding.
Thus we can say that the conscious mind is the mind of ignorance, of illusion. The super conscious is the possessor of partial truth, harmony and knowledge, the “Home” of the waking conscious, the subconscious, and the causal force field. The Wisdom Mind is the possessor of pure wisdom, bliss and delight…the Word not yet made manifest in the world of form, the place of the hidden Mysteries where the divinity of the individual resides, reposing in splendid patience awaiting the Becoming of the transient soul.
It is “the Father which art in heaven” of which the soul — groping its way through the depths of Maya, the world of form and matter — is so completely unaware. When he attains the ultimate awareness, man will no longer be “a god in ruins.” He will no longer beg alms from a universe of which he is master and king.
From what I know, our body is a computer, our mind is the hard drive, but its our Heart that hold the bytes of information, without the heart, there is no mind. Intelligence does not come from the mind, it comes from the Heart.
Very good way of looking at things from a different perspective. Thank You for sharing!
Love and Light,
The Good Force be with you!
Very nice infos, Admin Angel~a! Thanks for sharing!
In my thoughts, the 4 Gates of Consciousness are Love, Wisdom, Holiness & Goodness (Righteousness).
1. Love comes from the Heart
2. Wisdom comes from the Mind
3. Holiness comes from the Spirit
4. Goodness or Righteousness comes from the Physical Well-being
You will experience eternal bliss when you have these!
Live forever & prosper! Alleluia! Amen! <3 O:) *
Another good take of the post above. Thank You for sharing!
Love and Light,
Dear Angela,
Fantastic ....
God Bless you....
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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