

Let us speak today of your approaching solstice.  We would wish for as many of you as possible to prepare yourselves for that event.


It is true that you have a solstice twice a year, every year.  And it is true that for many, if not most, this will seem no different than it ever has been.  We would point out, however, that you are in a portion of the universe that is totally unique to this time.  You are immersed in a field of energy that you have never experienced before.  And you are approaching an even more intense experience of that than you can possibly be aware of.


Even those of you whose perceptions allow them to anticipate what is coming, have nothing to help them understand the impact this will have upon them and upon your entire world.  Many who do feel it, having nothing to compare it to, interpret it as something fearful.  Nothing could possibly be further from the truth.


It will seem for many of you that you have received an immense gift which you could not possibly deserve.  This also is not true.  Understand that you are the ones making that judgment.  The universe does not operate on judgment.  The universe operates on cause and effect.  <humorously> You are somewhat limited in being able to remember all of the causes you have made.  You are also somewhat limited in understanding the truth of who you truly are.  We see your understanding of those things as being a bit expanded in the near future.


What we would wish for you to consider doing is to set aside some time on the day of solstice to spend time in meditation, in groups if possible, alone if necessary.  And receive in gratitude the light which will be flooding your world at that time.  If you are alone when you do this, understand that your intent to be included in the collective will be enough.  This one day will shift your world more quickly onto the path you desire.


This is true always, but we, and you, look for times to best implement these things.  If you are able to join a group, intend that all of the groups be as one also.  In this way, great change will be made.  We will, of course, celebrate this with you.


This is a time of joy, of a feeling of peace, of celebration.  We extend our loving embrace to you in this season.  Good day.


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