lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Comet ISON seen coming around the sun and continuing on its journey. Photo NASA.
By Stephen Cook, the Golden Age of Gaia,
Comet ISON is certainly capturing our imaginations and our eyes right now. It’s as if a distant clarion call within our souls has been heard and ignited. Which it has.
Which must also be why I keep getting ‘nudged’ to write more about this captivating celestial joy-rider. Besides which, I am spellbound. It’s also why I’ve nicknamed it Comet Eyes On – for all our eyes are indeed upon it – especially our third eyes (and quite possibly others…).
Just as we, as lightworkers, lightholders, loveholders, starseeds, awakened beings – whatever we choose to call ourselves, if anything – have survived and thrived through our own journeying throughout the Universe; and just as we continue to bring in the light at this special time here on Earth; so, too, has and is Comet ISON.
As we now know, it has taken its own light-filled sojourn around the brightest of lights in our solar system – the sun – and is continuing the star trek it was destined to make: heading back to us here on Earth and spreading its special energy throughout the Universe as it speeds along.
ISON will be playing a very large role in all our lives for several weeks to come – at Christmas and on into January 2014 – so I expect it will be all “Eyes On” ISON for some time.
The Universal Mother Mary – who has has her eyes all over the Universe and Multi-verses – has something wonderful to tell us all about my new fave celestial traveller when Suzanne Maresca chats with her on Heavenly Blessings on InLight Radio this Tuesday.
Suzanne asks the Universal Mother Mary, channeled by Linda Dillon, about this intriguing comet that is lovingly grabbing our attention. (The Universal Mother Mary is also known as and is called the Divine Mother.)
Universal Mother Mary: “ah, the Blue Star Comet…”,
Suzanne: What does this comet mean to humanity? It’s come around the sun; it’s not been destroyed; it’s on its way back to earth… Is it going to pass by us again?
Universal Mother Mary: ” Yes it is. That is LOVE continuity…
“So what it brings to you is a shower of new energy – an intergalactic shower of potential.
“It is a catalyst for greater unity because it is ‘present’, equally to all upon my beloved Gaia.
“So yes, it shows you in a very concrete – might we say, ‘pure’ 3rd dimensional way – that that circle of life …. that you can go off, circle the sun and come back, FULL of energy.”
Here’s video footage showing the comet making its circle around the sun and continuing on its journey. Looks pretty FULL of energy to me.
Meanwhile, upon hearing that Suzanne, like others of us, has been connecting to the comet during meditation, the Universal Mother Mary adds:
“And that is what you have done.
“You have said: ‘ I will be part of this energy and I will be part of the blessings for the people of Earth and the far beyond’.”
With Comet ISON closest to Earth on December 25/26/27 (depending where we each live), this Christmas will be a very auspicious season for the return of what many are saying is the Christ Consciousness.
Yet the influence of this comet, which was appropriately found on the September 21, 2012 Equinox by two amateur Russian astronomers, won’t end there.
Earth will move into Comet ISON’s orbit around the 14 and 15th of January 2014.
As Simone M. Matthews, Founder of Universal Life Tools explains:
“With Comet ISON making it’s closest approach to Earth on Christmas Day… possibly the wisdom that this Comet is opening within us is to awaken to our own ‘Christ’ within.
“It is an opportunity to open our hearts to the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ within us, which is the ancient Lemurian Crystalline Wisdom star symbol for peace.”
This echoes the Universal Mother Mary’s description of Comet ISON as the Blue Star Comet. The ancient symbol for the Star of Bethlehem, the Blue Star (pictured at right), means:
‘I honour the Divine Love that exists within you, within me and within all Creation. We are all ONE.’
Simone adds that Comet ISON will bring forth the Creator within each of us … in other words, the Christ Consciousness
“Comet ISON’s “frequency will provide a potential of illuminating the power of the creator from within.
“Its energy will ripple through our Hearts, reflecting the Light that exists within each and everyone of us, the power of Creation itself…
“The Light will help to transmute the pain of the shadow self and bring hope, faith and renewed strength. It is a reminder that ‘we are the ones that we have been waiting for’, and that each and every one of us has the power from within to make an impact within the world, and BE the change.
“Some of us maybe facing very deep ‘shadows’ within ourselves at this time. We each have free will and Divine Choice on how we work with these aspects of self.
“Comet ISON provides the opportunity for each of us to free ourselves from our self-imposed chains, the constrictions that our belief systems and societal memes place upon us… and awakens our consciousness through the activation of our Pineal Glands (through our Golden Crown Diamond).”
Simone suggests we choose to awaken to the field of LOVE “through our hearts”, by now a familiar activity for most of us.
“Walk in nature, bath in fresh water, swim in the ocean and lie upon the Earth… allow the Crystalline field of Gaia… which is illuminated through the light of Comet ISON to transmute belief systems/imprinting based on a foundation of fear.
“It is time to surrender and fully embrace the power and light of your Soul… we are Quantum Leaping into the field of conscious heart resonance… humanity is awakening to ‘we are the ones we have been waiting for’.
As many suggest, Comet ISON is THE comet we’ve been waiting for!
I know my eyes – all three (or is that more) of them – will remain firmly focussed on Comet “Eyes On” for the rest of its sacred galactic trip of our lifetime.
(1) Simone M. Matthews, “Comet ISON – Metaphysical / Spiritual Heart Awakening” –
Heavenly Blessings: Universal Mother Mary – Completion and Continuity airs Tuesday December 3 on InLight Radio:
I could not get the video to post on this article........
I could not get the video that was posted with this article to post-If anyone can please post it. It is a 6 second video from NASA.
Thank You!:)
You do realize that comet ISON burned up, right?
I don't understand why you feel like you have to approach people in the manner in which you do. This is an article that can be found on The Galactic Free Press and Wes Anacs site. NASA has released footage in which I stated in the article I couldn't get to post and asked for someome to post it.I don't read main stream media. Sonja and other's have posted about ISON -not once did you needle them as you for some reason do to me. Like I said-if I see an article I don't like or agree with then I go on knowing it's for someone else. I do not judge people or correct them as if they are not your equal-we all have a responsibility here and that is to be one. Doing things in this manner isn't nice and doesn't solve anything and slows down the process of unity.I've said this to you before and I know you do not want to see it that way and for that I am sorry. I do not have a problem with you.
We've all had very rough roads-some worse than others-We've agreed on this before-but using your energy to post this is not very productive. You could put your energy into finding something to post. I feel your energy off your responses and I hope you can be at peace one day. But-following me around Light Grid and trying to do whatever you're doing does not work.
There are 2 people above who enjoyed the info. That is all that matters. I do not force my beliefs on anyone or try to belittle them in any way-like I said it's not productive and a waste of energy. So, instad of putting your energy on trying to prove something with me...why don't you post info you would like. This would be a good thing for you.
Peace Be With You,
Here's the comment-sorry I somehow deleted it.....
Luminakisharblaze replied to your discussion "All Eyes on ISON....Including Universal Mother Mary’s (aka The Divine Mother)" in Cosmology & Consciousness on LIGHTGRID - Lichtnetz - REDDELUZ
This is the only post I saw. I was only letting everyone know it burned up. Sorry didn't realize that info was bad or negative.
I LOVE this comet having his own life, lol! And what a comparison, Sarah, YES!!! RESURRECTION right through the SUN!!!
I LOVE it :-)
Blessings LOVE and Light,
Sonja Myriel
Yes....Sister...I agree-truly amazing how ISON is doing everything on it's own. We cannot predict what is going to happen. We simply don't know. The image that went with this post showed ISON go right through the sun(son). It was very interesting to watch. It is a 6 second video -for some reason I couldn't get it to post(may be my daughters computer issues). If anyone else can find the clip and post it that would be great. I do know NASA went back on saying it burned up/out w/this video.
Love and Light,
AHHH-I somehow deleted what you posted Luminakisharblaze-I did not mean to-I'm asking Sonja for help. I do not know what just happened and how to get it back. My daughter's computer from school has had issues. Sorry-I will ask Sonja.
Love and Light,
I posted what came into my inbox...hope this is OK!
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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