lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Comet ISON is not a Comet rather A MotherShip circumventing the Earth Unfolding the Event a Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, November 26, 2013
Greetings! This is Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin. We are in the last nanoseconds before changes on Earth. There have been so many positive changes that nothing can slow down the activations occurring as we speak. The job of the StarShip ISON is to activate the New Earth Energy Grid preparing it for Zero Point as well as amp up our DNA to carry Liquid Light. The name ISON refers to the Light Matter Universe we came from called ON. We now are in the dark matter Universe of Nebadon. It is also a Command from On High “It Is On”! NASA and the media cannot call it a StarShip without causing a lot of problems right before Disclosure. It is a StarShip nonetheless! StarShip ISON is one from Soltec’s Fleet of Ships. Soltec’s Flagship is the Phoenix. Soltec is in charge of all Communications between Ships in the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds. When Earth Ascends it becomes the 33rd Member of the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds. Earth will be a voting Member in our Galactic Community. Soltec works hand in hand with Ashtar and the Galactic Federation as well as interfacing with those in other Sectors of Space.
StarShip ISON was released by Soltec from its docking station inside the Sun to bring in the Illumination from Helios and Vesta. Helios and Vesta are the Twin Flames who during the initial creation of this Solar System directed the Light Rays of Absolute Consciousness through the Ethers. They are responsible for directing each Planet to hold its place in orbit and direct all life living upon it. These are the crystalline light grids which hold each Planet in place and direct it in its evolution. Helios and Vesta are the Etheric Sun behind the Sun. Their Cosmic Fire is the Energy we speak of which descends from Source Energy to the Central Sun at Alcyone and through that portal, through Helios and Vesta on the Causal Etheric Realm and down to our Sun Sol and to each Planet in this Solar System. This Illumination of Divine Love from Helios and Vesta united in non dual Consciousness makes it possible for the changes of the Event to come to pass. Only in the Higher Realms can it take place.
Mother Sekhmet and Alcyone created us in the 12th Dimension in Anti Matter or in light matter in the Aurora Sun System, a 23 Sun System where we spent aeons, trillions and trillions of years in linear time, in perfect bliss. We came from the Pleiades and a 12th Dimensional matrix of ourselves. As we co-created and moved through the 7 Super Universes overseen by Lord Lincor, Lord Metatron had to rebuild us a couple of times from the Divine Blueprint which He holds. We had access to all the powers and had to learn how to use them as we fell from the 100th Dimension to the 12th Dimension, to the 5th Dimension and down to the 3rd Dimension. There is nothing lower than the 3rd Dimension where One may have a physical body. Below that is gravel, sand.
We have now returned from the 9th Ring of the Western Milky Way Galaxy to the 3rd ring which is adjacent to Alcyone in the Pleiades Constellation. We have entered fully into the Photon Belt which is has been upshifting our DNA at a rapid and accelerating rate. As our DNA upshifts we are able to comprehend the Universal Law of the One. This changes our dualistic perspective to a Unitary Source-Connection as Divine expressions of All That Is. That shifts our understanding of motive and intention as we come to appreciate that all move forward together through mutual assistance and reverence for the Divine in all. The Astrological Planetary, Solar and Galactic grand cycles came into full alignment with Galactic Center on December 21, 2012. In the last 11 months direct awakening pulses have been stimulating the embedded and precoded DNA Blueprints to bring all through this cleansing of 3D into the 5D Antimatter awakened state. The 13 crystal skulls are linking in Consciousness as they hold the Akasha or Etheric Memories for Earth. This brings our heart-mind crystalline structures to a heightened State of Awareness. Now All are able to Handle the Truth. This prepares All to move forward in Unity Consciousness with Divine Love.
In a few short decades after the Event, Earth will be prepared to move through the three-rings portal of the Central Sun at Alcyone. The Photon Belt is pulling this Solar System across the Milky Way Galaxy to that final flight back to the Anti Matter Universe of On.
One of the Missions of ISON is to align the Planetary Grids. From the Solar Grid of One Unity Consciousness, into the Planetary Unity Grid of Divine Love. This further assists our I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light in the focus of the creation of Heaven on Earth, and our ability to maintain and increase our ability to hold light within our upgraded bodies to affect and create change within our realities. This has always been the Master Plan. The StarShip ISON orbits Earth and returns to the Sun in a very short period of time. The technologies equipped on this Vessel are far advanced to any science we now know. Soltec monitors and guides the Ship’s Path while connecting it to the Etheric Ships in Higher Realms as it carries out its Mission. ISON is scheduled to rendezvous with the Sun on America’s Thanksgiving Day. This coincides with a very early Chanukah. Chanukah celebrates the re-dedication of the Dome of the Rock StarGate in Jerusalem. The Jews believe that the Ezekiel Temple which will be built on the Temple Mount will happen in the future. The future is now. The Book of Ezekiel clearly describes this StarGate and also the StarShips in which Ezekiel made his journeys with the Galactics. The Muslims have been awaiting the return of the Mahdi. The Jews await the return of the Messiah. The Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs and Hindus await the return of the Maitreya. The Mahdi, Kalki Maitreya and Messiah return together now through that StarGate at the Dome of the Rock in the Holy Land in Jerusalem. StarShip ISON facilitates All the Forces of Light returning to Earth during this period where we usher in Peace on Earth and Good Will Toward Men.
November 30th the Planetary Astrological alignments have us entering the constellation Ophiuchus up until just before Christmas. Ophiuchus is attributed to St. Germain. He is the Serpant Holder and the 13th constellation in the Zodiac. At the end of the Yuga, the end of the 26,000 year cycle Ophiuchus represents Christ Consciousness as well as Galactic Consciousness fully awakened in the human body. ISON works on our DNA birthing this realization for all on Earth. A year ago on December Solstice conjuncted Galactic Center on the same day when Galactic Center was Conjunct Cosmic Center. We entered the Golden Age of Light on January 1, 2013 unveiling Humanity’s Cosmic Ascension throughout the Milky Way. The Stars in the Milky Way light our Path back to the Anti Matter or Light Matter Universe of On. We have set a Course through the Sun back to our Home, the Universe of Light. We are constantly moving toward that Ultimate. In the Constellation Ophiuchus One sees he stands right on Scorpio’s tail at 26 degrees Scorpio, at the Scorpi Black Hole. This is Galactic Center. This is Mother Sekhmet’s yoni through which we were born out of when we came from the Universe On. StarShip ISON raises the magnetic energies which are the vibration of love. Venus is the only Planet in our Solar System which spins counterclockwise. That is because it is a magnetic Planet. It represents Love. We are reversing the spiral as we move up in Dimension.
StarShip ISON uses this magnetic liquid light energy, Etheric energy of Helios and Vesta for the triple alignment between the Giza Plateau, the Sedonian plateau on Mars, and the three stars in the Belt of Orion [El – An – Ra ]. The energies of Saturn, Uranus and Venus correlate with the alignments on Giza, Sedona, Mars and the Belt of Orion. StarShip ISON moves Earth and Mars back to their alignments before the Orion War when the Earth wobble was created in the Flood when the Waters of the Surface of Mars were thrust onto Earth. The pyramidal grid areas of the pyramids on Mars are 10x bigger than the pyramidal grid areas at Giza and 5x bigger than the pyramidal grid areas in China's pyramid area. This action will heal the karma between Mars and Earth as well as the Planet Marduk and the Asteroid Belt. This heals the War between the Gods and the Hybrid Children of the daughters of Man and Gods. We finally, ecstatically and orgasmically RETURN TO LOVE AS ONE. The 12 Rays of Cosmic Light and the 12 strands of DNA are returned to Wholeness. This was accomplished by the Kumaras agreeing to incarnate into each one of the 12 Tribes. In this way our DNA has been returned to Oneness. StarShip ISON circling the Sun prepares Earth to come sweetly into Zero Point by the end of 2013. The elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air merging with Liquid Light - the Ether and finally Higher Consciousness which is the 6th element end all suffering on Earth. We reestablish Heaven on Earth. As above, so below. Rejoice! The Goddess returns. This happened before when First Cause was born in the Hindu story of the Peaceful Deities and the Wrathful Deities churning the Milky Way Galaxy during a passage through Ophiuchus at Galactic Center. These are the Elohi Angels who never fell and the Elohim Fallen Angels. They simply forgot how much they were loved. Wars were waged. We return to Wholeness. Together as One in Unity Consciousness.
Billions wanted to be here and you were chosen. You chose as an Ascended Master to come back and have an Earth experience in Duality and face all the challenges necessary for as long as needed to walk Earth back to Love. This is why Ashtar always said No Dates, No Nukes, No Flukes. No one knew in Earth days how long it would take. Ashtar needed to keep egos in check so the Angel within would have the space needed to come forward and be healed for the sake of Earth. In the way-back-when millions of years ago before we descended into physical bodies we were plasma light Beings. StarShip ISON is facilitating our return to our origin as we become more liquid light plasmic we travel in our body through the love of our open heart into the Multidimensional Realms of existence. We become our Body of Light fully and Physically Immortal. You are connecting back to Galactic Center, the Black Hole which is a Portal back to the Universe of On. You are connecting through the Suns for unifying, healing and activating.
As we continue to watch the Path of ISON into December we will see the StarShip just before the break of dawn in the north each day until the Full Moon which occurs on the last day we travel through Ophiuchus and 72 hours before the December Solstice. This Solstice marks the shortest day that year and each day after becomes brighter and brighter leading right into Spring. Between December 21 and New Year’s Eve ISON will be visible all night long. Between January 1st and the 10th of January ISON will pull away from the Earth and the Sun and become too dim for us to see. The Event will be ripe for the timing. With Full Galactic Disclosure Peace on Earth brings Landings and New Earth. At the same time, the BIG arrests will finally take place. Before that happens and during December these energetic changes may hold some challenges for you. At times you may feel like you are going crazy. Emotions can be very low one minute and very high the next. One may experience those close to us having the same swing of emotions on opposite days. Know that this is a great time of flux. Allow the others in your life the space they need as the OLD is cast out of their very cells. The light from StarShip ISON emanating Helios and Vesta into the cellular memory in the DNA lifts body, mind and heart onto New Earth.
Watch to see chaos rein before all is complete with changeover. The dark cabal cut their DNA strands and now that this healing is taking place they are finding those connections are impossible to repair. When they cut their 11th Strand of DNA it is connected with Emotions. The 12th Strand of DNA is connected to LOVE. Some within the dragon families will find that they cannot access these healings and they will become rebellious as the end nears. You will continue to see acting out. This may be in the form of false flags, shootings, weather manipulation or worse. Blaze the Violet Flame as we enter this challenging time through middle December. It is very important at this time to become absolutely detached from all things in your life. If you resist, pain and suffering will follow. Decidedly. Know that the flux period is in Divine Order and this is the only way to carry out the changes for Billions of Souls. Be Peace Within. Forgive yourself swiftly if you make a mistake. Forget it. Keep walking. Lean into the wind. StarShip ISON is working together with the wormhole created by the Archangels between Jupiter and Earth creating unprecedented swift changes in the Cosmos. We are almost there! Call on Me for Guidance. I am always beside you. You are never alone. Namaste! This is Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, November 26, 2013. ©
Dear Glo,
Here so much contrversy is there...
The truth will come out ....
Thanks for your post and showing some interest..
Great Post! I've stayed away from any news to remain neautral and clear. As you said SohiniBen the truth will surface-so much has already. Looking forward to the big event as well. Love the graphic you used Abdul. Totally thinking the same as you.
Love and Blessings to you all!
Yes-my family and I are ready as well-we share the same beliefs/feelings! It is exciting! Soul Family connections all over Light Grid!Beautiful!
Love and Light,
Dear Abdul,
You are welcome...
Thanks for showing your interest...
Dear Angela,
Now the many changes are on this planet as well as in the Universe....
We can not able to know all of them as we can have limited resources...
New Golden Age is coming soon...
Dear Glo,
yes, You are very right....
Ison Came again with more Brightness....
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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